7025MHR Resource Management Module Assignment Sample

7025MHR Resource Management Module Assignment Sample

SWOT Analysis

The NHS is the largest and most publicly funded healthcare system in the world. It provides a universal and comprehensive type of healthcare to the citizens of the UK.


Strengths Weaknesses
●      NHS provides free healthcare to UK residents

●      They have skilled types of the workforce of doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals (Bhaduri, 2021)

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●      NHS has a strong reputation for research and innovation

●      NHS is facing significant pressure of funding, increasing demand and limited resources

●      NHS is criticized for long waiting times in non-emergency services

●      They have complex multiple systems of stakeholders

Opportunities Threats
●      They have potential leverage to new technologies

●      Take benefit from increasing of collaboration

●      Facing significant financial pressure in particularly population ages

●      Vulnerable to workforce shortages


Table: SWOT Analysis (Source: Self-developed)

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In terms of strength, the NHS is made sure to access healthcare regardless of income and social status. The healthcare professional is dedicated to providing a high amount of quality care. NHS has strong types of innovation and research with new treatments and therapies has been developed within a system. They have a significant amount of funding pressure due to the increasing demand for services and limited types of resources.

The NHS has been struggling to adapt to new types of technologies and improve efficiency and patient results. The NHS could be an advantage for increasing collaboration with the private sector, particularly in medical devices and pharmaceuticals. They focused on preventative care and taking initiatives to decrease the burden and improve the healthy population. The NHS is facing increased competition from a private type of healthcare and new entrants. Healthcare is impacted on social factors such as a transformation to a government policy and a public systems perception.

PESTLE Analysis


PESTLE Factors Effect
Political ●      Monetary policy is to meet a 2% Bankofengland.co.uk, (2023)

●      The latest value of political stability is 0.54% (Theglobaleconomy.com, 2023)


Economical ●      GDP growth is increased by 0.1% (Ons.gov.uk, 2023)

●      The unemployment rate increased by 3.8% (ons.gov.uk, 2023)

Social ●      Population growth i9s increased

●      The inflation rate is between the 5.3% to a 5.7%  (ons.gov.uk, 2023)

Technological ●      2.5 times faster technology is been introduced

●      Technology awareness is increased

Legal ●      The copyright law is provided to common people

●      Health and safety laws are updated

Environmental ●      Temperature is increasing due to a greenhouse effect

●      The environment is getting more polluted

Table: PESTLE Analysis (Source: Self-created)

The changes in government policies and regulations are an effect of the operations, funding and complete direction of the NHS. The political instability is for the NHS’s ability to implement long-term strategies. The NHS budget has been influenced by economic factors and the economic climate and public priorities on spending. The budget has been influenced by rising healthcare inflation and the costs of resources and finances. Medical technology advancing is improving quality care and increasing NHS efficiency. This is subject to different regulations and laws that impact its governance and operations. Climate transformation has significant public health impacts that include infectious diseases and air pollution.

NHS multimorbidity plan

The NHS long-term plan for the comprehensive types of strategy is well documented for the NHS in England. A plan outlines the healthcare future in the UK and sets an initiative range to improve patient care and results. There is one important priority to an NHS long-term planning for improving care in multiple conditions of long-term.

Multimorbidity is a growing issue in healthcare in around 30% of people in the UK with conditions in the long term. A plan recognizes people with the multimorbidity types often receive fragmented results that are leading to poorer health results and higher costs of healthcare (Parkinson, Smith & Sidhu, 2021). A personalized plan of care is taking into account the individual requirements and medical history and recent status of health.

Further developing coordination between various medical services suppliers and administrations, including essential consideration, expert consideration, and social consideration. Moreover, Empowering the utilization of computerized innovation to help self-administration of long-haul conditions, like remote checking and online interviews. Along with that, putting resources into examination to work on how we might interpret multimorbidity and foster new ways to deal with care. By focusing on the necessities of individuals with multimorbidity, the NHS Long Haul Plan intends to further develop well-being results, diminish medical services expenses, and upgrade the general nature of care given by the NHS.

Ethics framework

The Beauchamp and Childress ethical types of principles are called a “four ethical principles approach”. These types of principles have been applied for other fields and that includes a workforce.

Autonomy refers to the respect of an individual in making the right decisions for themselves. In the workplace, respecting the staff and autonomy matters such as the choice of work assignments and the right to privacy. The employer is also to be respecting their staff and the autonomy is providing the information that they require to make the conformable decisions to their work. It is allowed them to participate in a process of decision-making that is affecting their jobs. The budget has been influenced by rising healthcare inflation and the costs of resources and finances.

The non-maleficence is that they have a principle for avoiding harm and taking steps to prevent physical and psychological injury to staff. The employer has the duty of providing in a working environment to prevent workplace harassment. Beneficence is in principle good and taking actions to promote employees’ well-being. The development of offering benefits is such as healthcare and retirement plans. It should be made sure the staff receive fair types of compensation for their work and are treated with dignity and respect.

The employers make sure that policies and practices are free from discrimination for all of the staff and provide an equal amount of opportunities for advancement. They should also make sure that it’s compensation and taking advantage policies to a living wage. The ethical principle is to find a useful framework for decision-making in the workforce.


Bankofengland.co.uk, (2023). Monetary policy. Online Available at: https://www.bankofengland.co.uk/monetary-policy-summary-and-minutes/2023/march-2023#:~:text=The%20Bank%20of%20England’s%20Monetary,percentage%20points%2C%20to%204.25%25. Accessed on: 30.04.2023.

Theglobaleconomy.com, (2023). Political stability. Online Available at: https://www.theglobaleconomy.com/United-Kingdom/wb_political_stability. Accessed on: 30.04.2023.

Ons.gov.uk, (2023). GDP growth. Online Available at: https://www.ons.gov.uk/economy/grossdomesticproductgdp. Accessed on: 30.04.2023.

Bhaduri, S. D. (2021). United Kingdom (England): Health Care System Overview and SWOT Analysis. The Indian Practitioner74(2), 32-35.https://doi.org/10.1166/jnn.2019.16931

Parkinson, S., Smith, J., & Sidhu, M. (2021). Early development of primary care networks in the NHS in England: a qualitative mixed-methods evaluation. BMJ open11(12), e055199.http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2021-055199

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