7051CRB Critical Analysis of a Case Study Assignment Sample

Here’s the best sample of 7051CRB Critical Analysis of a Case Study Assignment, written by the expert. 

Executive summary 

In this report the discussion has shed light upon the task 1, where effective leadership models has been discussed that will help the company to attain the targeted goals in an effective and efficient manner. Here, Rebecca has also explained his experience as a truck driver and the entire experience of working in logistic management where he has been delivering frozen food all over the country. The Burke & Litwin model argues over all the essential factors that are deeply integrated with higher and lower degrees. According to the scenario, transparent leads have survived the different outcomes received from the transformational and transactional leadership concepts as per the logistic context.


In this section, the discussion has shed light upon the case study where the interview has been taken for the candidate, Rebecca who works in logistics management. The two-person in between the interview is being conducted is Michael and Rebecca. Here, Rebecca has also explained his experience as a truck driver and the entire experience of working in logistic management where he has been delivering frozen food all over the country. The Burke & Litwin model argues over all the essential factors that are deeply integrated with higher and lower degrees. 

Using the appropriate tools and critically evaluating the operating environment 

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In this section, the appropriate tool has been discussed that will help in analysing the operating environment of the chosen case study.

7051CRB Critical Analysis of a Case Study Assignment

The appropriate tool that has been used here is, Burke & Litwin, which has been effectively used as a driver for change. Moreover, the Burke & Litwin, mechanism of the organisational changes has been based on the assessment of the organisational and the environmental factors that will help the institution or the organisation to adapt to potential success (Board, 2018). The Burke Litwin Model has focused on twelve core elements. External environment, leadership, mission and the business strategies, structure, organisational culture, management practice, system etc are the elemts of the business model. 

Strategic analysis 

Here, the strategic analysis has helped in focusing on the research strategies that will help the business and the organisations attain the targeted goals in an effective and efficient manner (Grover et al. 2018). After conducting the interview, the interviewer also guided Rebecca about the strategic tool that has been used here so that huge focus can be laid on the business environment and the changes associated with it. As per the view of Olokundun et al. (2017), these strategic tools may have positive and negative impacts, which need to be recognized and then gets implemented. Apart from the above working climate, task and skills, individual needs and values, motivational level and lastly the general performance of the individual are the core elements that have been deeply focused on in this context. 

Here, Rebecca has also explained the sales experience that she gained while working in a logistics company until the candidate reached the senior position and became the MD of the logistics company (King, 2018).  Rebecca is here to give an interview and the interviewer is analysing his core knowledge of Rebecca in the corporate fields. He has also been asked about the teamwork and the leadership tools that will be effectively used in the organisation to boost working efficiency. The factor which is highly dominant has caused the changes in the external environment (Betz, 2018). Therefore, it has been also analysed that this exchange has eventually affected all the critical factors and will also act as a driver of change for the analysis. Hence, the most dependent factors can also be traced back with the help of the drivers of change. 

Proposing  a strategic change management plan 

The strategic management plan that has been used here has helped in identifying the core goals of the organisation so that the employees can dedicatedly attain the targeted goals in an effective and efficient manner. Here, the Fred David strategic model has been used to attain the strategic analysis of the business.  As per Rebecca from the business perspective, strategic thinking has helped in solving the various problems that are associated with the team so that the most important aspect of leadership can be enhanced (Olokundun et al. 2017).  According to this strategic model formulation of the strategy takes place that helps in planning future business operations in an effective and efficient manner (Rascão, 2020). Later on, the strategies that have been formulated are implemented in the business plan and the evaluated strategy is considered the base plan for future business planning and analysis. 

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Moreover, through these strategies, the business is also able to set goals and analyse them for the future formation of the strategy. Hence, these strategies are later implemented and used for monitoring the business plan. As per the case study, it has been also brought to notice that Rebecca was highly dedicated to the attainment of better performance in the business. The case study has also focused on the stakeholders, shareholders and directors that have also played a great role in the attainment of a potential strategic plan that has helped the firm to attain the targeted goals in an effective and efficient manner. Within CML, all the employees were encouraged so they can come up with new and innovative business ideas that will help them to prepare their future business plans.

On the other hand, it has been evaluated that the strategic business plan has also helped in conducting the online planning through analysis and correct monitoring. However, this plan is considered the crucial plan that helps in the assessment of the necessity in the organisation. The key drivers for change in the business organisation also focus on the basic requirements for the attainment of departmental goals. The strategic management plan is constructed by a comprehensive assessment of the data and forecasting of future trends. 

Hence, this process is very crucial as it also helps in setting the current business organisational goal by creating strategic objectives for the company.  Through this, the strategic objectives of the company have been created that help in the alignment of the management plan. Strategic mapping and strategic initiatives are also essential factors that help in the development of the effective strategies required for boosting the overall performance of the company. A good strategic plan is considered as the road map that helps in achieving the long-term plan so that the actional steps and the objectives of the company can be achieved. These factors also help in fostering innovative thinking and ideas that will help in mitigating and anticipating the potential pitfalls.  Lastly, it can also be stated that these factors also deeply focus on the attainment of individual objectives. 

Identification of leadership styles and significance for applying leadership style for the team leading 

The leadership style has a vital role to incorporate an organizational culture to instruct the employees in a particular direction to support the business growth. Based on the case scenario of Core Management Logistics (CML), the interviewee Rebecca Jenkins has worked as a freight director to serve knowledge regarding the business plan supporting business expansion. Apart from that, her main intention is to measure the leadership factor and adoption of leadership theories that increase the business professionally and dynamic progression level. According to the author Liu et al. (2021), employee management is an integral factor for deploying the presence of logistic companies and increasing the strength of the warehouses and inventory management factors getting customer’s cooperation. 

The necessity of the leadership model to sustain the retention of the employee’s collaborative approaches insists on thinking critically about solving the logistic or business complexity. Moreover, potential leaders can handle the difficulties of the firm through their leading experiences and skills.  According to the statement of Rebecca Jenkins, anyone can lead a team to incorporate the principles of the leadership model simultaneously. Based on the scenario, the theoretical concepts of transformational leadership have the principle to encourage the employees (Minh-Duc and Huu-Lam, 2019). As a result, it  receives convenient cooperation and incredible performance that influence them to achieve the firm’s goals and satisfy the customer’s expectations. 

According to the scenario, transparent leads have survived the different outcomes received from the transformational and transactional leadership concepts as per the logistic context. The model transformation is better and influences the employees, and insists on developing potential interactional skills supporting the firm’s growth as compared to transactional leadership. As a result, team development and cultural development factors are satisfied and superior for team leading also. Besides, focusing on the real-life experience of Rebecca Jenkins has passed from remarkable experience that relates to the leadership style. During the yearly period of the 1980s, she worked with the Body shop company as distributors accomplished the logistic strategies influenced by transformational leadership. Meanwhile, the application of the core essence of the leadership style, the team of the company was incredible and performed efficiently in overcoming the epic challenges of transportation complications of Body shop Company. The main foundation of the brand was to deliver products and enriched the supply chain management factors potentially so the transportation contract was one of the biggest deals. In that case, the team collaboration performed amazingly as a result, the entire team of the company can launch the first “natural gas vehicle” on the road to deal with the challenges smartly. 

7051CRB Critical Analysis of a Case Study Assignment Sample

The goddess of the specific transformational leadership model has insisted on increasing the inspirational level of the employees for transforming the service quality, providing efforts to grow the firm’s potentiality also declining the firm’s threats increasing the new opportunities focusing on employees performances (Mediating, 2019). All of the valuable goodness has been applied in the organisation that enhances the leader’s potential performing feature to determine the successive and sustainable fortune for the company eventually.


Betz, F., 2018. Strategic business models: Idealism and realism in strategy. Emerald Group Publishing.

Board, Y.J., 2018. Strategic Plan 2018-2021. London: Youth Justice Board.

Grover, V., Chiang, R.H., Liang, T.P. and Zhang, D., 2018. Creating strategic business value from big data analytics: A research framework. Journal of management information systems, 35(2), pp.388-423.

King, W.R., 2018. Developing strategic business advantage from information technology. In Management Information Systems (pp. 233-249). Routledge.

Liu, W., Zhang, J., Wei, S. and Wang, D., 2021. Factors influencing organizational efficiency in a smart-logistics ecological chain under e-commerce platform leadership. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, 24(4), pp.364-391.

Mediating, E.J.P., 2019. The effect of transformational leadership on employee job performance through mediating the role of organizational commitment in the logistic sector of Pakistan. Int. J Sup. Chain. Mgt Vol, 8(4), p.162.

Minh-Duc, L. and Huu-Lam, N., 2019. Transformational leadership, customer citizenship behaviour, employee intrinsic motivation, and employee creativity. Journal of Asian Business and Economic Studies.

Olokundun, M.A., Ibidunni, A.S., Peter, F., Amaihian, A.B. and Ogbari, M., 2017. ENTREPRENEURSHIP EDUCATOR’S COMPETENCE IN UNIVERSITY STUDENTS’COMMITMENT TO LEARNING AND BUSINESS PLAN WRITING. Academy of Strategic Management Journal, 16(2), pp.1-10.

Rascão, J.P., 2020. Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship. International Journal of Strategic Decision Sciences (IJSDS), 11(1), pp.35-55.


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