7118SOH – Evidence-based Practice and Research Principles Assignment Sample 2023

Project summary

The research question suggests the impact of smoking on the development of cancer among the world population. In this case, the main focus will be given to the objectives of this research study so that all the requirements of this research can be met. A qualitative research design, positivism philosophy, and thematic analysis will be used for this research. PRISMA method will be used in this research to select data for this research through inclusion and exclusion methods. The UK data protection act 2018 legislation will be followed for this research to avoid legal issues of data protection.

Purpose of the project

The project has been developed to discuss the impact of smoking on the development of cancer among patients. Research reveals that 375000 new cancer patients are identified in the UK every year (Sung et al. 2020). It suggests that the increased number of cancers has become a global threat to the health and safety of the human population in the world. In this aspect, smoking has been considered to be one of the major reasons for the increased number of cancer patients in the UK. According to the view of Strzelak et al. (2018), smoking tobacco weakens the immune system of an individual that eventually leads to increased cancer cells in patients. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to identify the core impacts of smoking in the case of developing cancer cells among patients.

Planned or desired outcomes of the project

Objectives of this research study are as follows:

  • To identify the impact of smoking among the UK population in terms of poor health conditions along with an increased number of deaths due to cancer for those who used to smoke.
  • To determine the reactions of smoking among the UK population that influences the development of cancer among them.
  • To evaluate different ways to reduce the development of cancer in the UK due to smoking by recommending effective ways to inspire people to quit smoking and controlling the increased rate of cancer development.

Explanation of research design

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The study aims to observe the harmful impact of smoking among the UK population in which it is supposed to be identified whether smoking directly causes cancer or it enhances the chance of cancer development. As stated by Maalem et al. (2019), smoking tobacco increases the percentage of poison in the human body and smoking regularly increases the chance of lower immunity. Reduced immunity fails to prevent an attack of cancer cells and further damages to cell’s DNA. In this aspect, the body’s immune system fails to prevent cancer cells from growing more in the human body. Although, it has not been proven that smoking directly causes cancer development in human cells but it influences the growth rate by failing the body’s immune system.

Usually, smoking increases the chance of lung cancer in an individual but it has not been proven that it is the major reason. Research reveals that 70% of people are likely to be affected by cancer anytime but people who smoke are 15 to 20 times more likely to be affected by cancer diseases (Cdc.gov, 2021). Smoking not only weakens the immune system of the human body but also prevents the effectiveness of cancer treatment. For example, in case a patient is suffering from any type of cancer disease and needs to take radiotherapy, the patient will not be able to get completely benefited if he or she smokes. In case a cancer patient needs chemotherapy and it smokes, the effectiveness of the chemotherapy will reduce due to the existing chemical effects in it (Ncbi.nlm.nih.gov, 2021). As a result, the treatment process will become less effective due to smoking tobacco by a cancer patient.

A constructive research approach is going to be used in this research as it will help to develop this research study as a subject matter rather than a scientific manner. However, this question has no specific solution that can be mentioned in this study and it suggests that many hypotheses can be generated to develop effective strategies to identify possible solutions for this issue (Ncbi.nlm.nih.gov, 2021). A positivism research philosophy can be used in this aspect because it will help to generate many research hypotheses and those will be beneficial to develop this research study. In this pandemic situation, the collection of samples from cancer research hospitals for cancer patients will not be possible. In this aspect, secondary data will be collected for this research using various journals and articles.

Based on the collected secondary data through different databases such as Google Scholar and ProQuest, a qualitative design is going to be applied for this research. Besides that, a mixed-method can also be beneficial in case this research requires any other research design or approaches to be applied in the future (Dindaret al. 2017). As a result, the exact research design that is going to be used is a qualitative research approach from the collected research data samples.

Principal methods for this research

Inclusion and exclusion criteria

In this study, secondary data will be used so that this research work can be developed by using a PRISMA model. This model will be beneficial to choose a research sample based on inclusion and exclusion criteria (Tricco et al. 2018).

Inclusion criteria:

  • Journals and articles that are developed in English
  • Data that have been published in last 4 years
  • Data that include research about cancer development and smoking
  • Journals that are relevant to some existing surveys conducted in various cancer research centres to gain more knowledge on research topic

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Exclusion criteria:

  • Journals that are irrelevant for this research topic
  • Data that are older than last 4 years
  • Data that are not published in English
  • Duplicate data or doctoral dissertations

Sample size

Total 50 journals have been collected for this research initially but after applying the PRISMA model based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria of this research 12 journals and articles have been chosen for this research. Based on those inclusion and exclusion criteria, this research has been developed that has helped to make this research more informative.

Consent for this research

Appointments with the authors of the collected journals will be taken to discuss further steps for this research study. After meeting each author, the aim and objectives of this study will be shared with them. Permissions will be taken from them so that any copyright issues are not faced in the future while or after developing this research study (Hong et al. 2020). Authenticity of the data and information in the journals and articles will be asked to the authors and their suggestive points will be noted for further references in this study. In this aspect, a consent form will be provided to each author mentioning that they have no objection if this research study is developed.

Study procedures

After the authors sign a consent form for this research, this study will be presented to professional facilitators such as the professor of Coventry University in England. As soon as the University facilitator accepts the request to start this study, the selected data will be analysed and evaluated. Evaluation and analysis of the collected data will help to generate more information for this study and make this research study even more informative.

Data collection

A secondary data collection process will be used for this research in which various databases such as Google Scholar and ProQuest will be applied for data collection. A purposive data sampling technique will be used to develop this research by analysing some selective journals and articles (Serra et al. 2018). In this case, the entire research will be self-funded, and for this reason, non-paid research journals and purposive research sampling techniques will be followed so that this research work can be accomplished within a limited time and budget.

Data management

Collected data for this research will be stored in a cloud-based memory so that in case of any system issue, the collected data remains protected until this research is accomplished. It is included in the research consent form that the identity of the authors will not be disclosed. In this aspect, a proper data management process will be used to protect the collected data from getting misused (Haoxiang and Smys, 2020). Besides that, using autonomous technology in this cloud-based data management software will be ensured that the collected data will automatically get deleted after 2 years so that the unnecessary memory consumption issue can be minimized.


A thematic analysis will be obtained for this research as the collected data are secondary where inclusion and exclusion criteria have been used for this research. The research topic refers to the impact of smoking on the development of cancer in the UK in which a thematic analysis will be appropriate (Hermanset al. 2021). In this case, multiple themes will be formulated based on the research topic in which different aspects regarding the research topic will be discussed in this study.

Risks and countermeasures

This research study will be developed with many considerations but there can still be some risks generated. For example, while collecting secondary research journals and articles some useful journals can be paid or subscription-based. In this case, the researcher will be more careful while collecting data for this research. As this research is self-funded, only non-paid journals and articles will be considered for this research. Another risk suggests the failure of deadlines due to poor time management and poor research planning. In this aspect, proper time management skills and research planning skills are supposed to be developed to accomplish this research within the given deadline. Another risk suggests non-compliance to the UK data protection act 2018 legislation that can create major legal risks for this research study (Team, 2020). As a result, compliance with the data protection act is supposed to be maintained by the researcher for trouble-free research work.

Withdrawal from the study

In case any data is found to be ineffective at any point of this research work, the specific data will be removed before submitting this research work to the University. Accurate rate of cancer patients that have suffered from smoking is not available in the data sources (Hermans et al. 2021). In this aspect, in case any author does not want their research work to be used for this study, he or she can withdraw their consent form within 1 week of signing the consent form for this study.

Potential distress

The opinion of the authors may differ from each other on the research topic in which some authors might mention that smoking causes cancer and others can oppose that. In this aspect, this research work might make them distressed and they may withdraw their interest from this research.

Ethical issues

Ethical consideration is a major factor to accomplish a research study and to avoid any ethical issue consent from the authors will be taken. Identity of the authors will not be disclosed to keep this research any ethical issues free. Besides that, collected data will be stored in a cloud-based memory so that the scope of misusing this data by third parties becomes null (Haoxiang and Smys, 2020). Moreover, authentic citations will be obtained in this study so that copyright claims cannot prevent this research work from being developed.




Cdc.gov, 2021, About Us, Available at: https://www.cdc.gov/cancer/lung/basic_info/risk_factors.htm [Accessed on: 30th November 2021]

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