Assignment Sample on 7BUS2002 Business Research Method

Chapter 1: Introduction


Search engine optimisation is known as the method of improving the perceptibility of a site when people quest for the products or services associated with the business in Google or any other search engine platform. The better perceptibility of the products is likely to gain attention along with gaining prospective and existing customers towards the business (Krstić, 2019). SEO uses bots to crawl pages on the web, going from site to site regarding assembling information about the pages and putting them in the index. SEO is being categorised into six main categories that being including content quality, keyword search, optimisation of the content, crawlability and speed (Lakshmi, et al., 2018). SEO plays a vital part within the marketing functions of the business that is including providing better search results and information to the customers. SEO for the marketing department of the organisation also helps them in measuring the customer footfall along with increasing the greater visibility and ranking in search results (Agarwal, et al., 2019). The introductory chapter of the study explains the research aim and objectives helping the researcher in resonant out the study in a cohesive and coordinated manner.

Research rationale

The research rationale of the study will be examining the role of SEO in growing the user experience by optimising the website. Besides, the rationale of the study will also examine how organisations use SEO in terms of measuring the performance of the organisation contributing towards their growth (Heinze, 2020). SEO is being used by the organisation to generate more quality leads, enabling them in measuring the SEO results along with staying ahead of the competition.

Research aim

The research aims to identify the impact of search engine optimisation in increasing the online presence of international organisations

Research objectives

  • To describe the significance of search engine optimisation within an organisation
  • To identify how search engine optimisation help in improving the customers purchasing behaviour online
  • To identify the impact of search engine optimisation in increasing the online presence of international organisations

Research questions

  • What is the significance of search engine optimisation within the organisation?
  • How does search engine optimisation helps in improving the customers purchasing behaviour online?
  • What is the impact of search engine optimisation in increasing the online presence of international organisations?

Chapter 2: A literature review


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The online advertising market is becoming a popular area for businesses. Among other types of advertisement, search engine advertisement is leading to growth for the companies in terms of revenue. In general and broader classification there are two types of search engine advertisement one is paid placement and the other is Search Engine Optimisation. This chapter will focus on the analytical model and deep inside for generating ideas about the use of Search Engine Optimisation by businesses and international companies to have an impact on online advertisement and decision making.

Significance of search engine optimisation within organisation

Search Engine Optimisation is the process of writing, designing, and coding a website in a way that helps in improving the quality, volume, and visibility of the website for any organisation by people who are using the search engine via unpaid or natural search results (Hidayanto et al., 2012). While other forms of search engine marketing also include a paid listing that also enables the website of the company to enhance its online presence. Nowadays in the present era of online and digital marketing companies are trying hard to attend higher ranking for the website as the suicide appears in the beginning of the search result while the customer search on the different online platform (Krrabaj et al., 2017). The visit of the user to the website henceforth also increases. Therefore it can be stated that for achieving a higher ranking Search Engine Optimisation provides the organisation with a variety of techniques that include increasing the link for the organisation from other website web pages recognising the organisation of the company website structure and coding changes (Chen et al., 2013). In different search engines such as Yahoo Google Bing and other popular search engines when the customer searches for online display advertising the hyperlink images that are shared on the websites of the organisation are reflected in search engines. Currently, Google is a widely used search engine that takes the visitor to the desired landing page of the advertiser and enhances the interaction between the seller and the buyer (Shih et al., 2013).

Ways in which search engine optimisation helps in improving the customers purchasing behaviour

The online advertisement is usually followed by the behaviour of the web user where the advertiser wants to advertise the products and services to the potential consumer resulting in the growth of the available online advertising options using interactive and rich Technology such as in the case of social networking (Berman and Katona, 2013). Currently, Search Engine Optimisation is widespread across the global level in terms of online advertisement as in 2010 where a survey was conducted among 1500 Agencies and advertisers revealed that 90% of the companies are engaged with Search Engine Optimisation while 81% of the advertisers and Agencies purchased the sponsored link (Hidayanto et al., 2012). From this percentage and interface, it can be identified and said that the increasing importance for the attributed advancement of a Search Engine Optimisation directly impacts the online advertisement and hence the sales of the organisation. In order to develop a successful and efficient Search Engine Optimisation technique, one needs to consider the way in which the search engine work and what you should look out for to make it more efficient. There are mainly two types of search engines that collect the information in different forms: the first is the crawler-based search engine and the second is human-powered directories. Although the functioning of the search engine and its optimization is associated with the complex application of software, automation and the use of artificial intelligence on the internet enables the website to be reflected for the potential consumer (Khraim, 2015).

Impact of search engine optimisation in increasing the online presence of international organisation

A search engine crawler is nowadays also referred to as a bot or robot that browsers or searches the web page automatically and logically. In this way, the potential consumer has up-to-date information that uses the robot or the crawler engine (Ledford, 2015). The crawlers are mostly used for creating a copy of the web link for the visitors to identify the page. When these pages or web process links are associated with the search engine the index downloaded pages are made available to the consumer. In order to ensure that all the users on the online platform and internet find the website of the organisation, different marketing techniques are used by the companies. In addition to that, the Search Engine Optimisation technique is also used that navigates the user by following simple steps in order to ensure that the Optimisation is easy-to-use and is automated. The Search Engine Optimisation component includes page title description, user-friendly page address, and file presence in TXT form (Khraim, 2015). Various research has been conducted across the globe on identifying the efficiency of Search Engine Optimisation in order to enhance the online presence of the company.

Theoretical analysis

By researching the link generated in the Search Engine Optimisation with the online advertisement for the organisations popular techniques are used by the companies through which simultaneous ranking in the webpage are highlighted (Xing and Lin, 2006). These pages create a part of the Search Engine Optimisation competition in the online platform that focuses on the techniques that are used by the other companies to rank the highest in the webpage compared to the competitors. Apart from that, different investigations have also been done in terms of identifying the impact of the Search Engine Optimisation on the advertisement in the information technology organisation where not only the products are highlighted but the services of the company are also advertised with the help of Search Engine Optimisation in different search engines.


As discussed earlier some of the most prominent and common search engines that are currently being used by the consumer, the availability of the product and services tend to be changing with the consumer behaviour and preferences. For example, consumers tend to select the product from the first few pages that are available only and then select the product or services by comparing the first few advertised products. Therefore the companies that use the Search Engine Optimisation technique for advertising and online presence have the tendency to get a new set of customers compared to the companies that use the only traditional method of advertisement.

Chapter 3: Research methodology

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Research methodology is referred to as the process that explains the methods used within the research to carry out the study successfully. The researcher during the study also explains the application of methods followed by laying down their justifications for their selection (Ørngreen & Levinsen, 2017). The gathering of data and analysing them will also be examined followed by explaining the reliability and validity that is associated with the study. The purpose of the research is to examine how SEO within the organisation contributes to their development. Besides, the research purpose will also aim towards achieving the objectives that have been set out by the investigator during the preliminary stage of the research (Packard, 2017). The researcher during the study will be undertaking interpretivism philosophy that will be undertaken by the researcher to interpret the basics of the study. Considering interpretivism philosophy will be benefiting the investigator in providing a precise picture along with gauging what the investigator is set out to measure. Interpretivism philosophy for the researcher will aid in examining the research topic of identifying the impact of SEO towards increasing the online presence of international organisations (Kumar, 2019). Interpretivism philosophy for the researcher will also aid them in interpreting the elements of the study thus contributing towards making the study successful.

Inductive research selected within the study will focus on forming a relationship among the variables of study that being including of significance of SEO and the growth of the international business. Moreover, inductive research for the researcher will be aiming towards providing detailed observations that will be benefiting the researcher in executing the research systematically (Zangirolami-Raimundo, et al., 2018). An inductive approach within the study will offer opportunities for the researcher in providing accurate observations used to make the study successful. The inductive approach offers probabilities to work with for the investigator that benefit the researcher in developing assumptions contributing towards the growth of the study. Exploratory research will be considered within the study as it will be offering flexibility to the investigator to comply with the changes in terms of contributing towards the growth of the study (Snyder, 2019). Exploratory research within the study will also be benefiting the researcher in providing the groundwork framework for carrying out the study in near future. The presence of exploratory design within the study will be benefiting the researcher in providing the flexibility that can be adapted to changes as the research progresses.

Data collection is considered as one of the most significant aspects within the methodology chapter as it benefits the researcher in interpreting results contributing towards their overall development. There are two types of data collection as primary data and secondary data, secondary data has been undertaken within the research where information will be accumulated from different books, journal articles and reliable internet sources (Bell, et al., 2018). Secondary data collected for the research will be helping the researcher in analysing the study in terms of making the study successful. Thematic analysis will be considered within the study, where the researcher will be gathering information from the LR section of the study. Themes and codes will be gathered from the LR section that will be making the easier for the researcher in completing the study (Clarke, et al., 2015). Reliability and validity will also be maintained by the researcher by complying with ISBN and DOI not used within the study. During the methodology, section limitations will also be laid down that being including of lack of primary research making it challenging for the researcher in comparing and contrast the data in terms of making the study successful and comprehensive.


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