Assignment Sample on 7BUS2042 Analytics for Operations and Logistics Management


  • This study is based on the analysis of operation and logistics management
  • The company that is chosen for this study is Hertfordshire Catering Ltd (Rajaratnam and Sunmola, 2020, p.96)
  • The way business analytic processes and visualization models along with big data helps an company with its goal will be discussed (Herden, 2019, .56)

This project work will contain all the information about logistic management and operations of business. A brief discussion on the company will also be presented in the background area. The recent position of this company will be discussed along with the strategies that this company has implemented or will implement. The recent issues that this company has faced will also be included with information from reliable sources. A fish diagram will be developed that will definitely help in understanding this topic in a visual way as well. Factors related to raising those issues will be identified and some additional strategies will be included in this study that will definitely help this company to mitigate those issues.


  • Hertfordshire Catering Ltd is a special food service industry for UK
  • It was established in 2013 and operates its business within 671 companies along with 1799 employees (, 2022)
  • The USD of this company is 35.96 million dollars and the revenue of this company is 24.8 billion pounds (Donchenko, 2020, p.69)
  • The CEO of this company is Ian Hamilton (Hamilton and Dickinson, 2021, p.90)

Hertfordshire Catering Ltd is an organization that is completely driven by customers This Company works with Hertfordshire County Council and delivers meals to 430 schools. Hertfordshire Catering Ltd provides quality service in educational sectors; this company delivers local fresh seasonal fruits to schools. The aim of this company is to provide healthier foods to the student that also helps in enhancing the launch time to the students. In the menu this company only includes the items which are rich in nutrition and also liked by the students. HCL works on partnership and fulfills all the requirements of each client.


  • Issues regarding the online sales system implemented by HCL
  • Shortage of drivers causes various issued (Özemre and Kabadurmus, 2020, p.59)
  • Disruption in the supply chain management of Hertfordshire Catering Ltd (Beeston et al., 2020, p.73)

Hertfordshire Catering Ltd has planned to implement advanced and new technological supports for better opportunities and growth. However the decision of including the online sale system within their organization. It is observed that the departmental individuals are not capable enough to deal with the newly implemented systems. After a time, this company has also felt the shortage of drivers and this lack of certified drivers prevents them from managing the supply chain management systematically. Due to the mismanagement of the supply chain this company has faced various issues such as dissatisfaction of stakeholders, furthermore time management issues have also arisen. However this company is looking forward to dealing with these issues in a systematic way.


  • Issues in the telesales operation
  • Decrease rate of sales (Dominová, 2018, p.97)
  • Increase rate of customer dissatisfaction
  • Mismanagement in the food delivery department (Cuzzocrea et al., 2019, p.90)

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It can be seen that Hertfordshire Catering Ltd has implemented a telesales operation with the hope of getting desirable outcomes. However, this operation does not help this company with its requirements, it is also observed that after launching this idea various issues related to this have been raised that affected the overall business of this company. It is observed that in recent times dissatisfaction of the customers has increased. Some of the menus provided by this company are allergic to some of the clients therefore they are asked to maintain the basic requirements due to the menu discussion process. Avoidance of such supplements is being requested. However the prime motive of this company is to provide healthier and safer products to their customers and meet all the needs and requirements.

Fish diagram

Fish diagram aids in analysing the problems related to a business, the root problems are mentioned in the top and the backbone allows in connecting other things together, and a spine is also connected to the backbone. In this study the problematic areas are being identified and then are being presented in this diagram. This diagram helps in understanding the problem areas in a visualized way. With the help of the proper identification of the core areas that disrupted over all business of HCL is being mitigated in the time of implementing additional strategies.

Evaluation of visualization model

  • Fish diagram is a graphical technique that allows to show the various impact related to an event
  • It is used to analyse the cause and effect (Amara et al., 2020, p.98)
  • In this diagram issues related to HCL Company have been presented (Subedi, 2018, p.39).

It can be seen that increase in competition prevents HCl from operating their business; therefore various strategies for reaching their business plans have been included. However the plan of implanting an online system within their organization is a failed attempt. In recent times, implementation of online systems has become a trend that each organization wants to follow; hence proper strategies must be included in the time of operating these online systems. Effective employees are needed to be included to handle all the services efficiently. In this diagram the issues along with the core areas are being mentioned that helps in better understanding of the issues related to HCL.


  • Issues such as supply chain disruption, online system and dissatisfaction of customers are being included (Coccia, 2018, p.75)
  • The way the people, place and process are interlinked with evidence, services and performances is being presented
  • Issues in the supply chain are affecting the services provided by HCL (Dhamija and Bag, 2020, p.49).

People are being recognized as the physical evidence who is implementing the innovative ideas on the behalf of HCL. People include the employees, customers and stakeholders who are liable to this company and also help this company with its better growth and development. Increasing competition and issues regarding the supply chain management has linked with the bone as both of them take place in the same organization that disrupted the business services of HCL. Implementation of the online services is being disrupted due to the plan that this company has taken.  Due to these issues this company becomes unable to satisfy their customers.


  • This diagram indicates the way the factors related to HCL affecting its business
  • The interrelation between decreasing sales causes increasing the dissatisfaction (Ding et al., 2021, p.85)
  • Due to the supply chain disruption the performance of HCL is being decreased (McCaffery, 2018, p.40)

It can be seen that this fish diagram directly indicated the way the business performance of this company has been affected by the supply chain management issue. The issues are being linked with the present outcomes of this company. Fail attempts of the online system, lack of drivers that causes issues in the management department has been included. The way the customers showed their dissatisfaction over the menu provided by this company has also linked with this diagram. The root causes regarding the issues in HCL Company have been presented that helps in proceeding with the mitigation strategies as well.

Factors enhancing severity of issues

  • Revolution foods, pabulum, Orian solution are some of the strongest competitor of Hertfordshire Catering Ltd (Jamro et al., 2021, p.45)
  • Lack of technological implementation (Hofmann and Rutschmann, 2018, p.39)

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Each company includes various strategies in their business plan to sustain in a competitive market place, various strategies including implementation of technological advanced is one of the most significant factors that might affect business. Reports suggest that the competition on the same business platform of HCL is high, which has affected the overall business development of this company. It can be seen that this company cannot overcome the failure to implement an online system in their organization.


  • Hertfordshire Catering Ltd confirms job losses due to Covid-19 pandemic situation (Ibrahim et al., 2020, p.49)
  • Loss of rupees 70.94 crore is being seen due to covid 19
  • Lack of effective and efficient management team

In recent times, each of the industries has been brutally affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, various losses taking place due to this situation. HCL has also faced issues related to the economic department that made them cut down a good number of jobs. It is also observed that due to the lack of effective employees the business practices have been affect.

Strategies to mitigate issues

  • The company has been provided by the restaurant industry that has overly prospered its business all across the region.
  • However, in this context, it has been observed to be struggling with some of its issues that have been discussed earlier. Thus, on this contribution, certain strategic measures can be taken in this account that can allow the given company to mitigate the concerned issues.

Improved R&D

  • In order to escalate their sales position and to include better transformation, the company can indulge into more database research.
  • In this aspect, it will be required to process their sales by researching on to the market ground and its current demand (Yaqiong, 2018, p.1). In order to be more precise, their R&D needs to be more rectified and improved in order to project data and information with compact knowledge and understanding.
  • Hence, their foods and sales will be more alluring as per the customer’s choice and demands. Thus, they can facilitate their sales with procured research and data in the matter of market requirements and expectations.
  • The company has been required to provide better and more reflective logistics. In this context, it can reflect the same with a graph-based structure that will allow them to estimate their sales growth and reduction (Kirch, 2017, p.1).

With this annotation, the logistics management can be able to have a clear vision to their next implementation of the strategic body.

Inclusion of RFID

  • In addition to that, having a concrete insight to the logistics in order to increase their sales growth is essential.
  • Thus, introducing RFID into the maintenance of its management system. With Radio Frequency Identification, a proper contactless communication can be transmitted into the information system that can be able to identify the items, products, as well as the delivery progress (Zhong, 2016, p.1).
  • In this context, this technology can be provided with the RFID tag system that can be implanted into every product along with its navigating systems at the entry and exit point of their restaurant in order to assess the pass-by products and get its precise data by restoring them into the given computing system (Lanko, 2018, p.12).

 Hence, their products will be assessed and identified properly in order to get their precise data regarding sales estimation.

Digital mode of IoT

  • In this context, including IoT can be extremely helpful to promote their sales and logistics into a more rectified composition.
  • With this digital mode, the company can actually get the real time location and information of the products with its authentic code that can be assessed through the systemic gadget (Hopkins, 2018, p.1).
  • In addition to that, it will be able to transfer all the whereabouts and data of the given product to the estimated assets as per the transportation (Augusto, 2019, p.1). In the current situation of pandemic impact, this can be used as well in order to trade the items and products remotely without any physical contact.

Thus, all these methods and strategies can be utilized by the company to get their estimated business growth and sales increment.


  • This presentation includes the aim of Hertfordshire Catering Ltd
  • Issues related to Hertfordshire Catering Ltd has also been presented along with fish diagram
  • Mitigation strategies regarding the issues has also been highlighted

This presentation contains all the information regarding HCL Company; its present condition along with the issues raised in the business of this company has been discussed. All the information regarding this study has been collected from reliable and authentic sources. It is concluded that with the help of this study the HCl Company will be benefited.

Reference list


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