7HURM022W Behaviour, Culture and Change

7HURM022W Behaviour, Culture and Change


A-List Hair Products’ administrative team is about to undergo a considerable transition. The planned transformation program, begun by the owner, calls for a significant decrease in administrative personnel, a shift to company focus, and a concentration on adjusting to new positions. This extensive research investigates the possible consequences for employees, emphasizing issues such as job insecurity, increasing workload, and skill shortages. This study discusses the strategic suggestions for the HR consultant to efficiently convey the changes, and mitigate negative outcomes. The evaluated strategies that foster a smooth transition including open discussion sessions, comprehensive training courses, flexible work arrangements, and assistance for workers.

1) Assessing the impact of the proposed change programme on current staff members in the administrative team and their potential response

The provided case study demonstrates that A-List Hair Products was offered by the company’s owner and is expected to have a substantial influence on the current administrative team members. The change entails reducing thirty per cent of the administrative/digital workforce and discontinuing international presence throughout the Internet business operations. The transition program at A-List Hair Products causes job instability, career changes, higher workload and possible skill gaps for staff (Bartlett et al. 2021). A one-third drop in the workforce causes job uncertainty and worry among present employees. Fear of job loss can raise stress, lower morale and reduce overall job satisfaction. Employees who have seen colleagues leave due to natural waste may feel vulnerable, especially if they believe the transition is a cost-cutting strategy.

Furthermore, the discontinuation of foreign internet company activities adds another element of uncertainty. Staff participating in international business can experience job changes, reassignment, or even redundancy. Employees can need to swiftly adjust to changing market conditions and client preferences when their focus shifts from global to local. The assumption that surviving staff can take on new duties and adopt an open-minded attitude presents further obstacles. A minor compensation rise has previously been provided for taking over the tasks of departing colleagues, but this cannot be adequate to make up for the increased effort (Didit and Nikmah, 2020). Employees can feel intimidated by the necessity to execute duties they have never done before, resulting in stress and lower job satisfaction. The unexpected cessation of foreign activities at A-List Hair Products creates a wave of anxiety, especially for personnel involved in global business. This abrupt transition necessitates a quick adjustment to local market conditions and client preferences. The idea that existing employees can easily accept new duties and adopt an agile mentality offers significant hurdles (Rigby et al. 2020). Despite a slight increase in remuneration for taking on new activities, questions are raised about its ability to compensate for increased workloads and possible skill shortages. The influence on staff happiness and job satisfaction highlights the need of deliberate efforts to guarantee a seamless transition and reduce worker disruption (Haque, 2023). The emphasis on expanding and increasing the UK’s online as well as high street sales businesses puts further strain on the existing employees. The increasing effort and demands to contribute to corporate success can lead to burnout and tiredness. A-List Hair Products’ increased emphasis on boosting UK sales puts a strain on existing personnel, increasing the danger of burnout and tiredness (Drayton, 2021). The lack of frequent team meetings, along with decreasing excitement, impedes efficient communication and cooperation, preventing collaborative problem-solving and the transfer of creative ideas for development.

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The total impact on staff member’s possible responses to the change program is likely to be resistance, anxiety, and decreased involvement. Employees’ resistance to change can be motivated by worries of job loss, uncertainties about future duties, or discontent with the general work environment. Employees can seek more stable and less stressful possibilities elsewhere, resulting in diminished productivity, lack of excitement and greater attrition (Racherla, 2020). In the process to counteract these possible negative effects, the HR professional ought to emphasise good communication, open information exchange, and offering support channels for impacted workers. Establishing open avenues of communication, such as frequent town hall conversations or Q&A sessions, can help to alleviate worries and clarify the reasons for the change (Cates, 2021). Offering developmental and training initiatives to help workers acquire the skills needed for their new responsibilities can improve confidence and close the skills gap. Furthermore, it prioritises efficient communication, guarantees honest information sharing, creates support systems, and focusing training programs (Hamilton          et al. 2023). The process of improving employee steps to improve employee well-being including flexible scheduling, employee support programs and recognition campaigns, can help to keep employees motivated and engaged during the change. Collaboration among the HR consultant, Team Leader, and firm owner ensures that the change program meets the needs of the administrative team, establishing a good and collaborative work environment.

2) Advising best ways to communicate with the administrative team on the change process to minimise negative business outcomes as the change programme is enacted

In the process of successfully communicating the alterations to the program with A-List Hair Products’ administrative staff, the HR consultant can use a strategic and sympathetic approach, to minimise negative business effects and foster a seamless transition. Clear and clear communication is critical for addressing employee resistance, fear, and disengagement.

Open Communication Sessions:

First, the HR consultant can plan frequent town hall conversations or Q&A sessions to foster open communication. These discussions can provide an opportunity for workers to express doubts, seek clarification, and acquire a thorough knowledge of the change. Transparent information exchange throughout these conversations will assist in creating trust and reduce uncertainty, lowering the possibility of resistance. The HR expert can adapt the message to highlight the benefits of the change. Highlighting prospects for growth, enhancement of skills and the possibility of a more focused and successful UK internet and high street sales company can change the narrative from fear to enthusiasm (Dwivedi et al. 2021). Employees are more likely to embrace the transition if it is presented as a strategic move by market conditions and company goals. The communication strategy can address the individual consequences on each employee, recognising their achievement and thanking them for their adaptability and adaption (Gelles et al. 2020). Recognising potential issues and assuring them that their worries are valued can boost morale and minimise the worry.

Comprehensive Training Programs:

Training activities are critical to preparing the administrative personnel for their new tasks. The HR consultant can provide extensive training courses to provide employees with the skills needed for their expanding responsibilities (Mukhutyet al.2022). This not only solves possible skill gaps but also improves confidence and allows for a smoother transition.

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Flexible Work Arrangements:

In the process of further helping the employees, the HR consultant ought to establish flexible work arrangements. This recognises the additional effort and problems that employees may experience throughout the transition (Rangachari and Woods, 2020). Scheduling flexibility can assist reduce stress, enhance work-life balance, and promote employee well-being, lowering the likelihood of burnout and tiredness.

Employee Assistance Programs:

Employee assistance programs ought to also be promoted, providing resources and support to individuals who are suffering increased stress or personal difficulties throughout the transition. These programs can include counselling services, managing stress training, and access to mental health services. Prioritising the health of staff members not only reduces negative consequences but also boosts morale and productivity (Iqbal et al.2023). Finally, a holistic communication plan that includes openness, positive framing, individualized acknowledgement, extensive training, flexible scheduling, and assistance for employees will help A-List Hair Products implement a successful transformation program.

In maintaining communication within the team, it is needed to be clear that helps to maintain the overall change process within this saloon business accurately. Along with providing proper understanding about the present situation of business can help to manage employees feelings and their flexibility for change that help to manage overall change programme development (Obrenovic et al. 2020). Merging processes within a task is also possible with handling better communication processes that are needed to be considered by the administrative team in maintaining change programmes within a list salon. Inclusion of proper care and collaboration are also required in managing employees wellness programmes that help to maintain overall change process within organisation in maintaining business competitiveness as per trends. As per views of Malik et al. (2021), customer requirement based activities are also possible to manage along with developing communication which ensures better service. In this context, employees’ motivation are important in handling change in the workplace that is possible to manage with inclusion of technological support.

Employees feel reassured and are quicker to get on board when you paint a clear picture of exactly what’s going to happen that are needed to handle. This process use a step-by-step list, do it that manage employees respond with making sure expectations by explaining the process so people can clearly see the road ahead.Inclusion of advanced technology can provide better quality service related to saloons that manage overall growth opportunity and profit range for business. Administrative team needed to manage proper job allocation for each staff of the organisation in maintaining their performance development process as per customer requirement.

3) HR strategies to support change process including staff reductions balanced with the need for retention and flexibility

Human resources play a major role in coordinating allocating and managing human capital for employees within an organisation that help to manage overall organisational goals. This HRM process focuses on investing in employees ensuring their safety and managing all aspects from staffing to compensation and development that are needed to include in the context of A-List Hair Products business. As per views of Larson and DeChurch (2020), the present business has faced issues for market trend changing as well as customer demand that contains issues in managing the overall business process and service maintenance process for consumers. This factor provides concern in managing business situations, and managing employee retention that are needed to mitigate along with inclusion of accurate nature strategy. For managing the present situation of this hair product business, it is needed to evaluate proper employee requirements and performance management of workers to maintain overall workflow (Muneeb et al. 2023). HRM uses information in tracking worker performance that ensures they are training and capable of maintaining an overall working approach. This data compilation within the business of hair products can manage strap engagement and their motivation analysis process to cut down employees. HRM also needed to consider the Last six month working approach as well as performance of employees in managing their decision making process that help to maintain overall performance review and informal technique analysis to manage their business activities.

Inclusion of appropriate evolution also manages necessary staff reduction balance as well as managing retention of other employees to change our digital registry culture and generate overall business features with HRM. Development of employees retention strategy include hiring and attracting the right people and developing their onboarding process in managing their working motivation (Rodríguez-Sánchez et al. 2020). On the other hand, offering flexible working arrangements are also required to manage employees’ performance that generate better opportunities for A-list hair salon business to manage their service range in the operating market and get better customer satisfaction. During the situation of Covid-19 pandemic, this business has faced major loss however this time businesses are needed to include accurate quality service to meet customer needs. Offering flexible working arrangement and prioritising employees wellbeing also managed their activity and performance, which can ensure overall HRM process as well as maintain performance of business accurately with mitigating issues.

In terms of HRM strategy development, compensation is also an important factor that is needed to manage along with standard salary range benefits and commission provided for employees. HR professionals also needed to manage conflict resolution with identifying employees’ strengths that play a critical role in change management (Sekhar and Patwardhan, 2023). HR professionals can manage overall changes of this hair salon business along with managing their goals and meeting all customer demand. This process facilitates change management with making sure the goal for changesets top members needed to involve with contributing the knowledge for employees that help to meet concern during transition. A List salon also faced issues related to lower overall sales where employees needed to cut down that are needed to maintain in a strategic way. In this context, some compensation can be provided by this organisation for employees that help to maintain overall business reputation as well as balancing their staff members as per business requirement (Werner and Balkin, 2021). This salon business has a reputation in the market for their top hair stylists and colourists. The reputation is possible to manage along with providing proper training and development opportunities within the team with changing of market trends that provide a major impact in maintaining the overall business situation.

HRM leaders in business needed to provide learning opportunities with on job training option conversion and communication process development with employees. Updates of technology, shifting with innovation in the salon, and new policies are also needed to be considered by the HRM manager in handling balance between customers and their retention rate to maintain performance (Venkat et al. 2023). The HR manager also can include an appraisal programme based on employees’ performance that manages employees’ motivation to manage bitter working process handling and balancing overall business activities for the hair salon. Apart from this, leaders are needed to manage communication with employees to specify their feedback, and needs which ensure better business opportunities. Employees safety and welding also needed to consider in handling this business situation and customer retention to maintain the overall organisational activity and reputation in the market. This business has a reputation for their service range, and quality of service that are also possible to manage with building team motivations within the organisation that is possible with maintaining the HRM process of business (Stuart et al. 2021). Inclusion of technology and adjusting employees responsibility also helps to manage actual change on the business and managing customer requirement based service development. This outcome within saloon can manage better hr management and role of employees as per customer need. Along with inclusion of this strategy, HRM managers can maintain overall business activity and employee retention to maintain further business process and activity within A list salon.


This present study has focused on business process management for A-List Hair Products That contains impact in managing change programmes and staff member motivation development. In the context of operational processes and administration, team responsibility handling the change programme with technological inclusion are needed to consider within present business. On the other hand, employee flexibility is also needed to manage administrative team activity handling which helps to manage this saloon business operational process maintenance as per requirement. This study also highlights HRM role, and strategy to manage HR leader activity and employees engagement within organisations that help to maintain customer service accurately. It can be said that along with managing change programmes within business it is possible to handle the overall business process of A list hair products that ensure overall business growth and sustainability.


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