BSBADM506 Assessment In 2020

BSBADM506 Assessment

Task 1: Document Standards

This section address the organised document format as per the standards and guidelines so that HR department of MACVILLE report right document format related to Disciplinary Dismissal policy (Lang & Altman, 2013). This practice will help to avoid the confusion and misunderstanding in the future work activity.

Here are the standard and guideline for Documentation:-

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  • The first and foremost thing is to mention the analysis records. However, the reporter needs to mention accurate descriptive records of the analysis process.
  • There is required to deliver the hard or soft copy of data tables and it could be also delivered as an electronic format.
  • Inferences and comparison are also recommended statement as this give clear picture of subject matter.
  • Summary/ conclusion tend to be important for explaining the reader about the aim of documents and its result.

These standards could be used in any type of report. In context to report the policy documents, HR department needs to follows this format guideline.

Introduction: In this, there is need to give the brief about the type of policy. There are two types of policy briefs exist such as advocacy brief and objective brief etc.

Define the policy through including background, objective and evidence etc.

Policy Implications: It means what policy impacts on the company (Glancy & Yadav, 2011).

In addition, policy brief may contain the following:

  • Boxes and sidebars
  • Cases
  • Tables
  • Graphics
  • Photographs

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Other than that, Here are the additional information needs to include:-

  • The masthead (the series title)
  • Authors
  • Acknowledgements
  • Publications details
  • References

Thus, this is a format that HR manager of MACVILLE needs to use while document the policy whether it is in paper or electronic form i.e. E-Mail.

Policy format according to the style guide

MacVille Disciplinary/ Dismissal Policy:-

Contract of employment could be terminated by either employer or employee through giving notice as per the act of Industrial Relations Act 1990 (Smart, 2015). It is raised with the following reasons:-

  • Employee is found guilty of misconduct
  • Employee capacity of performances is unsatisfactory
  • Employee is nit fitting as per the company policy

These stated causes will create the situation of termination.

As per this policy, the manager needs to send the report to the top management by mentioning the valid reason with relevant evidences (Gibson et al., 2008).

Therefore, through this manner, HR manager report the dismissal policy at the MACVILLE.

Task 2: Document Templates

This section indicates the three forms of policy with their proper format. It is mention below:-

Employment Policy: – Employment policy includes the employee code of conduct (Sacchi & Vesan, 2015). This policy includes the contents including dress code, cyber security and digital devices, cell phone, use of personal social media at work.

Payroll Policy: – This policy stated the procedure for the processing payments to staff. This policy is undertakes by the HR department. It includes content payment of salaries, overtime, sickness etc.

Employee Termination Policy: This policy stated that termination occur under the various conditions. It may include resignation, retirement, and failure to show for a specified number of days without notice etc.

Templates of the three forms

Employee code of conduct template:

Sample Employee Code of Conduct Policy Template

Policy Brief & Purpose


Policy Elements

·       Compliances with law

·       Respect in the workplace

·       Protection of company property

·       Professionalism

Ø  Personal appearances

Ø  Corruption

Ø  Job duties and authority

Ø  Absenteeism

Ø  Conflict of Interest (Berer, 2013)

Ø  Collaboration

Ø  Communication

·       Disciplinary Actions


Payroll Policy Template
Purpose of Policy



Introduction about the Policy: Outline the procedure for the processing payments to staff via university payroll section.

·       Adjustments to contractual pays e.g. part month changes

·       Input of temporary payments e.g. guaranteed hours, overtime and fees.

·       Pension changes to assignment records

·       Processing of termination payments

·       Reimbursement of taxable expenses (Cruces et al., 2010)

·       Reimbursement of Tier 2 visa expenses

·       Payment of certain expenses on behalf of external bodies e.g. Health Trusts

·       Tax code changes and student loan deductions

Other than that, payroll policy is also responsible for the services. It includes the following:-

·       Payment of salaries

·       Overtime

·       Sickness

·       Termination of employment

·       Payment payroll

Authorisation of payroll payments

Statutory requirements


Termination of Employment Policy Template
Policy Brief & Purpose


Policy Elements: Dismissal may include the following:-

·       Resignation

·       Retirement

·       Failure to perform as per the company policy

·       Expiration or completion of contract

·       Breaches their contact of employment

·       In the case of guilty through fraud, embezzlement or other kinds of illegal actions against the company.


Feedback for each form

After the implementation of three forms in the organization, it is found that the three forms applied effectively and successfully. From the employment code of conduct policy, it is stated that MACVILLE has properly implement the professional working environment. This policy helps the employee to understand that how they need to work or carry themselves at workplace.

Moreover, payroll policy also helped the employees to get the right compensation but most of the employees were found unsatisfied as many elements still uncovered in the payroll policy (Erwin, 2011). Additionally, termination policy is proved to be quite worthy as this policy clearly mentioned the area within which employee are getting terminated.

So in such case, the chances of confusion get quite less between the employer and employee. In short, all three forms contributed efficiency towards the organization but its significances is still not capture well because of less technology system support. So, it is required to bring improvement in such activity.

Monitoring, Evaluation and Continuous Improvements

In order to monitor or evaluate the three forms, there is need to set the targets in order to examine on that basis.

  • To create proper flow of communication with the existing staff at MacVille
  • To report the policy documents in the proper format
  • To increase the employee satisfaction level

In regards to these targets, the improvements will be takes place. Likewise, it is recommended that MacVille should adopt the right IS system in order to properly flow of communication. For this, it needs to focus on the advanced technology such as LAN, WAN or intranet/ internet (Borras & Franco, 2010). Other than that, E-mail is also considered as a professional way to inform the employee about the changes or regarding policy.

Thus, such technology adaptation helps the HR manager to communicate the format of documents to different team members. This way company can improve the problem of communication flow and improper document format problem.

Electronic Documents Forms

These above mention format policies can be communication through use of e-mail, word file format under the electronic device. This is the most common or effective way to inform large number of people.

Task: 3 Demonstrations

This Section presents the training program which is organised by MacVille Company for its employees so that they learn about the document formats (Winston et al., 2014). In context to training session, company invites two specialized people who have an expertise in developing the report format and having a proper IT knowledge.

Template for the Training Session

Activities Cost Duration Person responsible Feedback
Arrange the resources such as internet, PC $ 50000 2 months Operational manager Positive
Install the system $ 20000 4 months IT department Positive
Develop the communication skills through use of LED or videos $ 5000 1 month Trainer Positive
Provide understanding about the documents format $ 10000 1 month Trainer Positive
Implement the changes $ 2000 3 months Top management Positive

Thus, this training session provide positive response as the issue related to poor communication and improper document format get reduced at the MacVille (Young et al., 2011).


Berer, M. (2013). Termination of pregnancy as emergency obstetric care: the interpretation of Catholic health policy and the consequences for pregnant women: An analysis of the death of Savita Halappanavar in Ireland and similar cases. Reproductive Health Matters21(41), 9-17.

Borras Jr, S., & Franco, J. (2010). From threat to opportunity-problems with the idea of a code of conduct for land-grabbing. Yale Hum. Rts. & Dev. LJ13, 507.

Cruces, G., Galiani, S., & Kidyba, S. (2010). Payroll taxes, wages and employment: Identification through policy changes. Labour Economics17(4), 743-749.

Erwin, P. M. (2011). Corporate codes of conduct: The effects of code content and quality on ethical performance. Journal of Business Ethics99(4), 535-548.

Gibson, F., Anderson, L., Babnigg, G., Baker, M., Berth, M., Binz, P. A., … & Garland, D. (2008). Guidelines for reporting the use of gel electrophoresis in proteomics. Nature biotechnology, 26(8), 863.

Glancy, F. H., & Yadav, S. B. (2011). A computational model for financial reporting fraud detection. Decision Support Systems50(3), 595-601.

Jian, L. I. N. (2011). On the Professional Training Program of” A Plan for Educating and Training Outstanding Engineers”[J]. Tsinghua Journal of Education2, 008.

Lang, T. A., & Altman, D. G. (2013). Basic statistical reporting for articles published in biomedical journals: the “Statistical Analyses and Methods in the Published Literature” or the SAMPL Guidelines”. Handbook, European Association of Science Editors, 256, 256.

Sacchi, S., & Vesan, P. (2015). Employment policy: segmentation, deregulation and reforms in the Italian labour market. The Italian welfare state in a European perspective: A comparative analysis, 71-100.

Smart, J. (2015). Policy power: Taking a strong line on misuse of social media. Nursing and Residential Care17(7), 411-412.

Winston, L., Wagner, S., & Chan, S. (2014). Healthcare workers under a mandated H1N1 vaccination policy with employment termination penalty: a survey to assess employee perception. Vaccine32(37), 4786-4790.

Young-Xu, Y., Neily, J., Mills, P. D., Carney, B. T., West, P., Berger, D. H., … & Bagian, J. P. (2011). Association between implementation of a medical team training program and surgical morbidity. Archives of surgery146(12), 1368-1373.


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