
Assignment: 3 Managing Organization


This assignment gives the detailed understanding of the concept of leading and managing change. In addition to this, organization change becomes a key component in today’s era due to increasing competition and frequently updating technology. The change is driven by numerous factors such as customer demand, rapid advancement of technology, tough competitive market etc. In order to implement such change, leaders are responsible for performing several tasks from initiation to managing change. In this, leaders support the people to learn, adapt and deal with the change and accept such revolution. However, the effort of bringing the change becomes fail due to leader proves to be unsuccessful to recognize that change management demands more patience, sufficient skill, large time & cost of the organization. When it comes to a leader, it is required that to give enough flexibility to people so that they could efficiently accept the change (Fullan, 2014). In regards to this, the best way to lead the people is to conduct the training program and session so that human resources can learn the technique and accordingly ready to accept the change.

Moreover, it is fact that skilled change leader would bring several benefits to the organization. These advantages are the creation of innovation, embraces various cultures, retain talent and qualified human resources. That’s why organization wants to achieve the change. Change management not only support the company to explore the innovation but it also allows the business to sustain at longer duration in the competitive market.

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Furthermore, this paper discusses the different concept of leading and managing change in the workplace. Likewise, the first concept indicates that why people resistances to change, secondly defines various models of change management in order to understand the different perspective of authors & researchers. Lastly, concept involve relates to how to reduce the change resistances by using the selected model (Jing and Van de Ven, 2017). Thus, with the help of this concept, the study provides detailed knowledge about the leading and managing change in the workplace.

Concept A

There are various causes for the resistance to accepting change in the organization. However, loss of status or job security in the firm is the main reason within which company feels resistant to accept the changes. Loss of status means that employees feel hesitant to understand the technology changes that result in poor performances and less productivity. It directly affects the employee job security (Hornstein, 2015). Other than that, lack of competence is also considered as a reason of resistance of change. Likewise, change in organization demands skilled people and some people feel they don’t have such skills to recognize the skill. So, the proper training could be the solution for reducing the fewer competencies among the people. Moreover, poor and inefficient communication is one of the reasons for resistance to change. In the case of change management, proper communication is the requirement in regards to conduct the smooth flow of information among different stakeholders. However, efficient communication tends to help the individual to implement the change as per the organization objective. At the same time, less rewards and benefits would be the basis for resisting the people to acknowledge the change. It is because reward system is the essential sources of motivating the people (Raineri, 2011). It is fact that company focuses on the monetary or non-monetary reward to motivate the people for working the task effectively. In concern to this, if people do not find out any reward then they also not take too much interest in the organization change. Such practice does not contribute productivity or add value to the business operation. So, it is important to manage and lead the change. Thus, these are the areas which restrict the change to accept in the workplace.

Concept B

The aim of change management is to lead the people to achieve the business outcome in the form of developing innovation and create new practices in the organization. In regards to achieve the change management successfully, there is need to study various models and theories of different authors and researcher with the aim to understand the concept of change management clearly. Lewin’s change management model is commonly used by the organization because it helps the leader to systematically implement the change management into the business operations. It includes three stages such as Unfreeze, change, and Freeze etc.

(Sources: Shirey, 2013)

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According to Lewin’s in the unfreezing stage, the leader should analyze the organization structure and then decide whether the company present state is appropriate to accept the change. If yes then the leader should show the people about the significances of change. At the change stage, employees are ready to adopt the change then leader requires to addressing their problem which restricts them to fully execute the change. Lastly, at freeze stage, leader freeze the change and provide new ways to people in regards to perform the duty (Ronnenberg et al., 2011). Thus, Lewin’s believes that through this manner, change needs to be implemented.

But in accordance with ADKAR model, there are five phases that support the change for employees.

(Source: Worley and Mohrman, 2014)

Leader through awareness identifies the need for change and accordingly estimate the desire of employees to accept the change. Similarly, the organization also determines the skills and behavior that is required to accept the change. Moreover, leader implements the change and tries to reinforce it for a longer time. It can be stated that ADKAR model of change management would support the leader to lead and manage change (Hornstein, 2015).

In a similar manner, Kotter’s eight-step of change management proves to be successful for the organization. It involves the following steps that are as follows:-

  • Identify the opportunity to bring the change
  • Create the internal team to manage the change (Calvo‐Manzano et al., 2012)
  • Form strategic vision to implement the change
  • Inspire the people to support the changes
  • Provide strategy to remove barriers
  • Generate long-term change goal in order t achieve the business goal and objective
  • Manage the change through making planning, budgeting, and organizing.
  • Communicate the change management strategy to the employee with the help of conduct the training (Auguste, 2013).

A Kubler-Ross five-stage model is another change management model which could support the leader to successfully execute the change management.

The change management curve is represented the five steps such as denial, anger, depression, and bargaining etc.

(Sources: Leybourne, 2016)

The downfall curve of this model presents that people will not accept the change and restrict them to adopt the innovation. But the upward of curve shows that employee would accept the change if they get proper training and rewards system as it encourages them to perform better and generate productivity. Thus, this change management graph shows that how people could behave at the time of bringing change. The behavior could be denial, anger, depression, and bargaining etc.

Concept C

On the basis of above models, the best one is Kurt Lewin’s change management model and it would help to reduce the change resistance at the workplace (Zott et al., 2011). However, the leader in organization focuses more on the stages of Lewin’s change management model for making people accept the change. In addition to this, the cause could be that it is quite a simple stage which guides the leader properly to reduce the resistant of human resources (Lozano, 2013). Through this theory, leader accesses the goals, culture, and values in order to take the decision of bringing change. Afterwards, the leader tends to organize the business team to inform the people about the changes. Such practice helps to perceive the right attitude of leader and manager towards the employees (Smith, 2011). Other than that, the leader needs to organize the session or coaching for strengthen the skill of employees. This helps them to freeze the change over the longer duration. Thus, the application of mode would help the leader to reduce the resistance of change in the workplace.


From the above discussion, it is concluded that leading and managing change is the important concept in the workplace. It is a current requirement of business in order to stay in this competitive market. In regards to the change management, sometimes people won’t ready to accept change in the business operation. The reason could be less competition and experiences level and fewer rewards system with poor combination network is also making the employee hesitate to achieve the change. Other than that, there are different authors that give the solution to reduce the resistance of people and implement the change strategy effectively. Likewise, Lewin’s change management theory stated that there is need to create the positive environment by unfreezing the negative vibes then tries to bring improvement in the form of change. Lastly, the leader needs to freeze the change for the longer time. While ADKAR model gives six steps to resolve the issue of resistant. It includes the awareness, desire, knowledge, ability and reinforcement etc. This model emphasizes on the communicating the change to the employees through conduct meeting. While Kotter’s eight change model is quite complex and it includes eight detailed steps and it helps the leader to systematically organize the activity to execute the change management. Lastly, Kubler-Ross offers the five-stage model which is present in graph curve form. In this, the downward curve shows people do not show the right attitude towards the change. On the other hand, upward curve indicates that people tend to ready to accept the change. Thus, the different model shows their unique perspective to solve the problem.

However, the most effective model which supports the leader to face the challenge of resistances is the Lewin’s change management. In addition to this, this model is quite simpler as it involves the three stages. Furthermore, this model also assists to make an alignment between organizational objectives with the change management. When it comes to change management, the company could adopt new technology and bring innovation to product & service. Thus, these are the benefits that company would achieve with the effective implementation of managing and leading change.


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