Strategy Operations Assignment Sample

Table 1: Analysis of the implications of the vision of the Organisation

Vision The vision of the company is to endeavour as a business to win client loyalty as well as to keep expanding in size. Perform ongoing attempts to maintain each client delighted by providing affordable goods as well as solutions of outstanding quality in all areas of business, therefore benefiting to community. This will be done by developing and maintaining long-term relationships with the clients and interested parties.
4Vs and SQDF&C Evaluation Description and justification Implications
Volume High The volume of the company is high, it is because as it will provide benefits plans to US based businesses. With the benefits plan, the company defiantly attract US based businesses and this will help the company to increase its volume. The nature of the oration of the NIPPN CORPORATION is to provide insurance to the Japanese and Korean Affiliated US Businesses (Cappa et. al. 2021).
Variety Moderate There are several other competitors who served similar services as well as benefits. So herein, the variety dimension is moderate due to other competitors within the market (Leończuk, 2020). It will increase the mutual relationship with each other. Due to other rivalry firms within the business environment, the variety dimension is moderate. In this case, the company can implement new strategies and comes up with such plans and policies which successfully grab the attraction of the Japanese and Korean Affiliated US Businesses.
Variation low This dimension could be low it is because the same benefits could be delivered to any other company also. However, similar services will decrease the volume of the company and also cut off many clients. However, varied and flexible services and benefits will increase traffic and also helps in creating more strong relationships. Herein, the company has to create several plans and other policies and also has implication strategies. It must have strategies to attract its customers. It will create a further bond with exists clients as well as also increase the customer base. Flexibility and varied strategies are needed for upholding existing customers and grab more opportunities.
Visibility Moderate Herein, the visibility of the company is moderate. It is because the clients of the company cannot easily track their experience or order through the operation process (Samsudeen and Haleem, 2020). For increasing visibility, the company must provide training to the employees so that they can increase the customer base along with getting a highly skilled workforce within the premises.
Quality High The company has an incorporated quality assurance system as well as ERP implementation, allowing it to retain top product quality. The implication of maintaining high quality is leading the firm to accomplish its vision. In contrary, the corporation employs a quality manager to assure that standards are met.
Speed Moderate In terms of quality, the circulation pace is medium.

Ensuring good quality allows the company to stay ahead of the competition in comparison to other businesses.

The speed can be managed through integrating emerging technologies while maintaining quality.
Dependability Low Nippn has a low level of dependability since final items are delivered on schedule.

The low dependence is tied to the vision which allows the company to retain high quality.

The company’s processes allow it to offer smooth delivery in line with the projected costs as well as pricing.
Flexibility High Nippn employs flexibility by offering various quality items based on market conditions. Matching to the demand and supply in the Korean and US market.
Cost Moderate Nippn has a country-wide distribution and after-sales infrastructure, allowing the company to provide low-cost participation throughout the marketplace. Logistics management platforms provide quick, flexible, as well as cost-effective operations.


Get Assignment Help from Industry Expert Writers (1)

Cappa, F., Oriani, R., Peruffo, E. and McCarthy, I., (2021). Big data for creating and capturing value in the digitalized environment: unpacking the effects of volume, variety, and veracity on firm performance. Journal of Product Innovation Management38(1), pp.49-67.

Leończuk, D., (2020). Major Features Of Adaptive Supply Chains–Literature Review. Logistics and Transport45, pp.43-54.

Samsudeen, S.N. and Haleem, A., (2020). Impacts and challenges of big data: a review.



 Activity 2a.

Megatrend Key issues affecting the organisation (ZARA) Impact and implication
Sustainability The emerging trend of sustainability might affect the firm. The key issue associated with ZARA’s environmental policy is the lack of transparency. The firm failed to reveal the number or quantity of resources which go into their production (Lichtenthaler, 2021). This further makes it difficult or complex to determine or analyse how impactful the firm’s sustainability objectives can truly be. This is considered to be an opportunity for Zara if adopted and followed. The main impacts this trend will make are improving the brand image through creating fashion in sustainable manner and reduce wastage. (Galińska, 2018). Also, the government entities and legal institutions may demand ZARA to adhere to the policies of transparency of its operations and activities. The consumers are also looking forwards towards the brands that offer sustainable operations and this trend will increase the customer loyalty and base.
Industry 4.0 The “fast-fashion” model of ZARA enables it to deliver the latest apparel designs to mass markets at relatively low prices and with great speed. The use of Data Analytics and digital transformation managed to build an efficient and nimble supply chain which significantly cuts the production cycle. This resulted in significantly increasing ZARA’s turnover as well as operate with leaner working capital. ZARA streamlined its supply chain, thereby, continually enhancing its capabilities of ordering small batches of any specific SKU from its distributors (Malikand Janowska, 2018). Also, to track the success of its apparel designs and order additional inventory concerning a particular SKU as well as location size which demands it. This made ZARA “hyper-local” within its inventory planning.
Demographic change The growth of population, household structures, changing age demographics, pressure for migration, and population as well as occupational diversity affect the operations of ZARA. Such demographic changes and factors will highlight favourable impact on ZARA. It will result in increased demands for fashionable and trendy clothes as well as greater supply (Androsch and Redl, 2019). Moreover, if there is an equivalent proportion of supply and demand for ZARA, then it would imply that the firm would have to be indifferent about shrinking or growing.
Rise of technology Increasing technological regulations as well as increased pace of digital transformation and innovation may affect the operations and activities of ZARA (Uther, 2017). Implementation and integration of the latest technologies will result in leading ZARA towards cost-effectiveness and overall efficiencies, thereby, enhancing its profitability. There are several aspects that will help in responding to the recognised opportunity, such as highly qualified and trained personnel, rising consumer desire, and so on. Workforces’ resistance to change, from the other side, may impede responsiveness to the potential of digitization. It may also significantly contribute in building and sustaining strong competitive advantages in the industry. The major technologies include Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Computing, and Machine Learning. Automated order processes, as well as a logistics administration system, allow for a quick, flexible, yet cost-effective functioning.


Activity 2b.

Megatrend Adoption of Digitalization
Recommendation It is advised that ZARA implement digitalization as well as technological reform throughout their organisation. ZARA should integrate or pilot 3D Design and Manufacturing technology. It will enable the firm to handle the most complex tasks as well as to collaborate with its major clients (Friesendorfand Uedelhoven, 2021). The use and integration of 3D garment design and manufacturing is widely known and considered to be an alternative for reducing the environmental damage done by the fashion industry during the initial stage of product development.
Justification ZARA is criticised for producing significant waste levels and its concept of circular fashion. The integration of 3D Technology for Designing and Manufacturing will largely support ZARA to eliminate huge amounts of wastes. The principal aim or objective of 3D digital clothing within the fashion industry is to eliminate unnecessary or unwanted physical sampling. It will also be a significant contributor in controlling and minimising the levels of waste generated by pattern cuttings as well as fittings of apparel. Shortening of lead times as well as production cycle are some of the major benefits offered by virtual apparel or garments (Friesendorfand Uedelhoven, 2021). Moreover, it will enable the ZARA designers to quickly visualise how apparel or garments will eventually look, thereby, eliminating the wait to see a physical sample. The fact that internet shopping is quick and preserves the sanitation of clothing purchases is a big incentive to consider this megatrend.
Potential implications It will significantly contribute in consolidating the firm’s supply chain, reducing material and direct costs, and shrink lead times. It will also result in consolidating ZARA’s retail space needs, obsolescence costs, and inventory expenses. It will support ZARA to accomplish the highest levels of quality as well as precision within its apparel offerings and other products (Galińska, 2018). Therefore, it will result in cutting on energy being used for producing and shipping the garment, the quantity and number of materials to be used, chemicals and water used for preparing, dyeing, as well as treating the sample fabric. Lastly, it will significantly contribute in significantly reducing the brand’s carbon footprints by approximately 10%-30%.


Androsch, F.M. and Redl, U., (2019). How Megatrends Drive Innovation. BHM Berg-und HüttenmännischeMonatshefte164(11), pp.479-483.

Get Assignment Help from Industry Expert Writers (1)

Friesendorf, C. and Uedelhoven, L., (2021). Business Recommendations and Future Trends. In Mobility in Germany (pp. 69-72). Springer, Cham.

Galińska, B., (2018). Logistics megatrends and their influence on supply chains. Business Logistics in Modern Management.

Lichtenthaler, U., (2021). Digitainability: the combined effects of the megatrends digitalization and sustainability. Journal of Innovation Management9(2), pp.64-80.

Malik, R. and Janowska, A.A., (2018). Megatrends and their use in economic analyses of contemporary challenges in the world economy. PraceNaukoweUniwersytetuEkonomicznego we Wrocławiu, (523), pp.209-220.

Uther, B., (2017). Managing megatrends. Company Director33(10), pp.40-43.


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