HRM Decision making in an organisation Assignment Sample


HRM (Human resource management) is a process of developing organisational culture, management, improving outcomes with effective services, and the decision-making abilities of HRM. An organisation can be developed financially as well as economically by practicing HRM within the workforce. In addition, this study is mainly focused on the discussion and evaluation of the approach to HRM decision-making in Barclays of the UK. Thus, proper analysis and discussion are going to be expressed in this study in an adequate manner.

Main body

Concept and importance of HRM in an organisation with effective decision making

Decision-making is a major factor of importance that can generate an organisation in a proper way and manage the difficulties in critical situations. As opined by Abdullah et al. (2020), HRM process and techniques can help to evaluate the strategic implementation by serving excellent decision-making ability in internal as well as external progress to the organisation like Barclays. The business road map and its modelling and appropriate standard of servicing are decided by practicing HRM within the organisation. As depicted by Reddy and Lakshmikeerthi (2017), in the present business era over the world, various technologies and techniques are used to implement this process and this is really crucial for developing Barclay’s customer services and building their reputation on the international stage. Many problems and challenges occurred during the operation and as a banking sector; it must ensure HRM policies and techniques for upgrading business performances by HRM decision-making progress (Hosain, 2016).

Barclays can follow three major HRM practices and decision-making process and these are followed as:

  • Strategic decision making
  • Operational decision making
  • Tactical decision making

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These three processes are beneficial to accelerate the organisational work field process and culture within the banking service. Thus, Barclays can follow strategic HRM to evaluate the system and operational process for providing better appreciation to the customers. Most importantly, the five major morals of Barclays are service, stewardship, respect, excellence, and integrity (Mishra and Lama, 2016). For more implementation of these factors, Barclays can adopt strategic HRM within their work field and it can be helpful to manage the organisational operation and culture.

HRM Decision making in an organisation Assignment Sample-Employment rate of Barclays by practicing HRM

Figure 1: Employment rate of Barclays by practicing HRM

(Source: Statista, 2021)

From the above figure, it is seen that 47,198 employees are working in Barclays UK and the growth rate of their business is likely increasing compared to other sectors in Barclays (Statista, 2021). Furthermore, decision-making is an effective part of the modern management system and it is taken as the primary decision-making function. The way of operation, customer services, workforce management, developing organisational goals and achievements, Decision making in HRM play an available role in the business organisation (Hosain, 2016). Apart from that, a productive leader can be a part of HRM and its management system, and besides, Barclays can develop their performance by practicing strategic HRM in organisation system and business implementation.


From the above discussion of this study, it can be concluded that decision-making HRM and its techniques can help to identify different issues and opportunities to evaluate them properly. Practicing HRM in Barclays can be more adequate for building a proper structure within it and managing the crucial business services for the potential customers. In addition, effective organisational growth and its culture can attract customers and involve them in Barclays. Therefore, strategic HRM decision-making plays an essential role in developing Barclays’ work field process.

Reference list

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Abdullah, P.Y., Zeebaree, S.R., Shukur, H.M. and Jacksi, K., 2020. HRM system using cloud computing for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). Technology Reports of Kansai University, 62(04), p.04.

Hosain, M.S., 2016. Impact of best HRM practices on retaining the best employees: A study on selected Bangladeshi firms. Asian Journal of Social Sciences and Management Studies, 3(2), pp.108-114.

Mishra, S.N. and Lama, D.R., 2016. A decision making model for human resource management in organisations using data mining and predictive analytics. International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security, 14(5), p.217.

Reddy, P.R. and Lakshmikeerthi, P., 2017. HR analytics-An effective evidence based HRM tool. International Journal of Business and Management Invention, 6(7), pp.23-34.

Statista, 2021. Number of employees of Barclays group worldwide in 2020, by country. Available at [Accessed on 4 August 2021]


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