Assignment Sample on Supplychain Management


Supply chain management is very much important for the organisation as it helps the company in boosting the customer service. This management helps the organisation to know more about the assortment of the product which is required to be delivered to the customers. Further it can be said that this is the management of the supply chain that reduces the operating costs. It can be said that the financial position of the company can be increased  by increasing the profit leverage. It can surely increase the cash flow as it is followed by the chain managers after they speed up the flows of the product to all the customers.

Defining the term Supply chain management (SCM)

This term can be easily described as the way through which the supply chain of the company can be easily managed. It is helpful in managing the flow of the services ior the goods which generally includes all the basic processes that can easily transform the raw materials into the final stage of the product. It can surely include all the active streamlining if the supply side of the organisation (Ivanov et al. 2019, p.830). It can definitely maximize the value of the customers and helps in gaining the advantage over competitors in the industry. This can surely help the company in analyzing more bout the market condition and also to know more about the supply and the demand side of the other competitors of the organization.

Fundamental one: setting of the objective related with the SCM

The SCM of the company Unilever has its main objectives of reducing the cost of the product and the services, the customer’s satisfaction as well as improve the performance of the entity.

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To maximize the overall value this is generated

It can be helpful for looking into the supply chain profitability

It can help in look into the sources of the revenue as well as the cost

It can surely optimize the delivery of the product and the services

Strategic dimension of the supply chain management

Supply chain of the Unilever company is mainly three dimensions which are vertical, horizontal as well as the horizontal position of the whole structure.

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First dimension- horizontal structure

It refers to the numbers or the varieties of the tiers across the chain if supply, it can include varieties of the tiers of the Unilever company. The tiers can be short, or sometimes long in their specification (Francisco and Swanson, 2018, p.2).

Second dimension- vertical structure

This is the dimension which can clearly state about the organisation’s number of the suppliers and the customers which are associated with it. It might so happen that the companies are having very limited structure or narrow structure but booking into the varieties of the product that the Unilever company is having the are having very broad structure of the SCM.

Third dimension- horizontal position

This is the part of all three dimensions which can clearly state about the initial source of the supply associated with the organisation, this can clearly state about the other dimension if the organisation like it can be easily said that the company belonging to this part is having smooth functioning in their cultural activities.

Some of the basic steps for building the objectives as well as the management

Steps required for the management of the supply chain are being mentioned below:

Plan: this is the step where all the strategic managers will plan out the way through which they will find out the best possible way to fulfil the requirements of the SCM process. The managers of Unilever are expected on their part to identify the complete list of the components like the location, size as well as the designing of the delivery models.

Source: this is the stage of the planning of the objective where the managers of the respective company are required to find out all the suppliers who will be able to provide the services required in this task (Tiwari et al. 2018, p.329). This is the process which can eventually help the company in no disturbance of the process of the production.

Execute: this is mainly referred as the step where all the execution is done of the planned steps in the process. the managers are hereby asked to apply all tye theories which they have developed over the period. ‘

Deliver: this is the stage where the organization will reach a position so as to hand over the task or the services in the right quantity to the potential customers of the company.

Return: this is the last step in the building of the objective where only the reviewing is done of the returned products but also the quality and the deviation is measured for the planned product.

Fundamental two: philosophy of SCM: integration

This is the phase where the philosophy of the SCM process is being mentioned. it can be said that all the products are eventually delivered to its ultimate customers. The only source of the consideration is the real money for the product and the services which are sold by the company (Ivanov et al.  2017, p.6173). It can be said that if the chain is efficient at any point it can lead in achieving the objectives of the potential against the competitors. In other words it can be also referred that the supply chain is mainly following the very traditional way of having the advantage over the competitors. In this phase the company can easily get to know about the weakest link about the Unilever process.

The below figure is helpful in the pepper showing the flow of the source of raw material through various stages. Each of the links which is being represented is adding some or the other value to the raw material in that process. This is representing the external factors of the supply chain.

There are various businesses like Unilever who are describing the steps by applying the functions like store, buy, make, sell and move. This is representing the internal or the micro stage of the supply chain as shown inthe below represented figure (Guan et al. 2020, p.10).

All of the functions which are mentioned are mainly focusing on the traditional approach of making as well as distributing the product. This is the process which has integrated all the processes which are there between the procurement as well as the production of the firm.

Fundamental three: managing the flows of the supply chain

This is the fundamental which is helping the supply chain of the company to achieve the maximum level of the effectiveness and also the efficiency of the management process. In this variety of material, information as well as the money flows are being taken into consideration. All the flows are generally being managed in the most integrated as well as holistic manner. The macro chain of the company which is required to be integrated for the better flows of the elements  is mentioned in the above figure 2. The view which is being presented in the respective figure is mainly indicating the way in which the money, materials and the information is being mentioned between Unilever and the other companies. It can easily be argued that the management of the information in the company is mostly treated as a critical process and also the activities associated with it.

Fundamental four: relationships of the supply chain

Finally this can be represented as the fundamental which is talking about the holistic approach. This approach requires the phase in this the reprisal is done of the external as well as the internal supplier or customers. The relationship between the elements involved are being created and also managed in this section. The management of the supply chain is never referred to as the game of the ‘zero-sum’ based on the game, but it requires that the needs where there is a win-win game is made on the approaches of the partnership. This is the point which is very relevant as it involves the interaction which is there between the key internal function of the supply chain (Büyüközkan and Göçer, 2018, p.158). These functions involve the midpoint of but, store, make and so on. It can be said that one of the main manifestations  of the varieties of the applications of the relationship in the company.

All of the fundamentals which are being presented is mainly talking about the four fundamentals of the supply chain which can surely enhance and provide them with virtues of the advantage.


In this assignment which is being presented above is helpful in the depiction of the varieties of the facts related with the four fundamentals of the process of the supply chain. The process or the fundamentals of the SCM is being described in the form of critical evaluation so as to clearly understand the need and the required associated with the process. The flows in the management as well as the relationship in the SCM can be said are interlinked throughout the process.


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