Research Proposal Business Management Assignment Sample 


Companies should always prefer and develop innovation in their products so that it can differentiate an organization from others and which will give a competitive edge over others, which will be beneficial for making a huge run in the upcoming future. This innovation or strategy brings a potential change in the products, internal process and quality.  Through this innovation an organization is able to make a proper emphasis on the development of the production process and business model. Good innovation can bring values to the stakeholders as well as customers in delivering the knowledge, which is being required in the establishment of an organization. Therefore, an organization should always develop an innovation strategy, which is required in resolving the problems, which are faced by the customers, as well as developing new concepts, designs and ideas into the business strategy to get more productivity and profitability. The research paper, which is being published by the author, explains the methods and factors, which the organization has taken to improve as well as expand into other countries, which have brought a significant change in the manufacturing sector among worldwide.

1.0 Introduction

1.1 Introduction

Business means work where people earn money from the market. For this the people should sale and purchase products, which they need. The value proposition of the company lies within the strategic approach of the company. The management of an organization needs to monitor the constant changes in the demographic nature of consumer choice. This element of marketing is an important thing for a company’s management to be considered. The value proposition of an organization has its direct influence over the marketing strategy. The upper hand in the market and advantage over every other company in the same industrial market.

1.2 Background

Business management is a process where a person should maintain the business in a proper manner. For this, the organization should gain profit and do their work in a proper way. For this, the organization should expand their business. Also, produce some good products to attract the customers.It helps the management to doing plan and strategy for the better future of the organization. The management of an organization needs to monitor the constant changes in the demographic nature of consumer choice. This element of marketing is an important thing for a company’s management to be considered.

1.3 Research Question

  • What problem can arise when starting a business?
  • What are the policies that management should follow?
  • How can the business earn money?

1.4 Research Objective

  • To find the exact usage of the products which are stored in the business.
  • To find the earning process of the organization.
  • To help the organization to create some good strategy for the business. For this, the organization should earn some good profit.
  • To find the best way to train the staff in the organization.

2.0 Literature Review

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According to Christian business is a process where the people earn money from the sale of some product. For this, the people should give service to their customer and it helps to develop the society.  Business can provide some service in the society, for this, many people should be thankful for the service. In addition, it helps the manufacturer to produce some good and make money from that thing.

According to Dr Gareth, the social culture has a concerning effect on the business procedure of the company. The culture of the working palace for the companies’ separate sectors has an influence on the culture and social activity of the country. The attribute of the population and the different beliefs in culture has a greater role in the company’s internal environment. The company and its marketing plan can take shape along with the relevant cultural information from the country’s different market segments.

According to Jan Thus, companies should always prefer and develop innovation in their products so that it can differentiate an organization from others and which will give a competitive edge over others, which will be beneficial for making a huge run in the upcoming future. This innovation or strategy brings a potential change in the products, internal process and quality.  Through this innovation an organization is able to make a proper emphasis on the development of the production process and business model. Good innovation can bring values to the stakeholders as well as customers in delivering the knowledge, which is being required in the establishment of an organization. Therefore, an organization should always develop an innovation strategy, which is required in resolving the problems, which are faced by the customers, as well as developing new concepts, designs and ideas into the business strategy to get more productivity and profitability. The research paper, which is being published by the author, explains the methods and factors, which the organization has taken to improve as well as expand into other countries, which have brought a significant change in the manufacturing sector among worldwide.

According to Bart, the research paper that is being published by the author mainly discusses the importance of strategies as well as innovation, which has uplifted companies in making a renowned name and face worldwide. This paper consists of the connection of strategies, competitiveness and innovation, which helped any organization in reinforcing policies within the organization in achieving an edge over its competitors. Mainly there are some specific strategies, which are directly involved in innovation; these are “Leading innovator, Imitator, Follower, Technology importer and Defender”, which should be discussed in the research paper. Complementary products and services leads to retain as well as attract new customers as they deliver their loyalty towards the company which is required by the organization in achieving marketing strategy through its potential customers.

According to Brenstein, this researcher also discussed the blue ocean strategy, which helped in finding the demands of the customers where the companies have little or no competition in the market. In fact, this is not a technological innovation; it is actually a process where the demands of the customers are carried forward by the company’s production on the service.

According to Ammon, business management is the process where a business should calculate some decisions to make some progress. . The management of an organization needs to monitor the constant changes in the demographic nature of consumer choice. This element of marketing is an important thing for a company’s management to be considered. The value proposition of an organization has its direct influence over the marketing strategy.

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According to Okana, management is a process where the people should create some strategy and it helps to achieve the goal. Also, help in the progress of the organization. For this, the organization should generate some revenue from this process. For this, the organization should gain profit and do their work in a proper way. For this, the organization should expand their business. Also, produce some good products to attract the customers.It helps the management to doing plan and strategy for the better future of the organization. The management of an organization needs to monitor the constant changes in the demographic nature of consumer choice.

According to Jim, corporate strategy of an organization can defined as a long-term vision, which is set by the management team in obtaining the targets and customer satisfaction for the betterment of the organization in making a good reputation in the market as well as to get a competitive edge over its competitors. There are mainly four pillars on which these corporate strategies depend and which are discussed. Therefore, these strategies are very essential for the upliftment of an organization in these current situations where each organization faces issues in dealing with their daily tasks, as they are not organized in a specialized manner. Organizations also develop strategies, which make them take their potential business into heights by selling their products to international markets, which requires proper strategies in doing all the tasks as assigned in an appropriate manner. Thus implementing corporate strategies in an organization can help in obtaining the targets, goals and solutions for future endeavors.

According to Andrew the fast changes and the rapid evaluation of technology has an effect on almost any type of business around the world. The fast development in every sector has also increased the competition for the Cactus Consultants within the country’s industry. However, the downside of the rapid growth in technology is causing disruption in the business. For this the business should spread in various countries. Which is a good sign for the organization if the organization should not earn some profit so the company should shut.

According to Ryan The term conversion means the traffic of the client and the related information of it converting into the database information of marketing of the organization. The company can use this strategy to obtain important information related to the client information as a step of marketing metrics.  The management of the company needs to work on this before finalizing the marketing strategy. The metrics of the market can be beneficial for the company if they consider the conversion numbers.

According to Deen The management of the company also needs to measure the social media activity of the potential clients to recommend their services to them.  Many organizations can use the digital platform to enhance their strategic approach on every segment of the market in the United Kingdom. Social media is important to consider by the management of the company to correctly determine the marketing metrics. The correlation of the engagement and reach could be beneficial for the company and its management to utilize it properly. This study platform of social media can provide a strong business ground for the company to use to think about an expansion of the company in another country.

According to Venom, business is a process where the people earn money from the sale of some product. For this, the people should give service to their customer and it helps to develop the society.  Business can provide some service in the society, for this, many people should be thankful for the service. In addition, it helps the manufacturer to produce some good and make money from that thing. The social culture has a concerning effect on the business procedure of the company. The culture of the working palace for the companies’ separate sectors has an influence on the culture and social activity of the country. The attribute of the population and the different beliefs in culture has a greater role in the company’s internal environment. The company and its marketing plan can take shape along with the relevant cultural information from the country’s different market

3.0 Methodology  

3.1 Introduction

This research should help the reader to understand the business and the other things. For this, the organization should make some profit, which helps in the progress of the organization. For this, the organization should maintain the proper steps to implement the whole process. If the person need to start the business, so they need to know about the business market where the person starts the business. In addition, the person needs to know about the motive of the business. It helps the person to do the business. The next thing is to find a good employee. It is a very important thing for the business. For this, the company should run or stop, if there are not efficient staff in the business so the person cannot demonstrate some project and cannot sell the product in the market. Also, need good -behaving staff for the job. If the person delivers good behavior so any one can’t give attention to the person. For this, the business should face some losses from the market.

3.2 Research approach

This company introduced the concept of New Market, which helped local market owners to establish their markets, which also enhanced the company’s growth as well as the economy of China. In the research paper which is being published by the author states that the “innovation is the key to success” when it is implemented in a systematic and planned manner. Thus, companies should always prefer and develop innovation in their products so that it can differentiate an organization from others and which will give a competitive edge over others, which will be beneficial for making a huge run in the upcoming future. This innovation or strategy brings a potential change in the products, internal process and quality.  Through this innovation an organization is able to make a proper emphasis on the development of the production process and business model. Good innovation can bring values to the stakeholders as well as customers in delivering the knowledge, which is being required in the establishment of an organization. So an organization should always develop an innovation strategy which is required in resolving the problems which are faced by the customers as well as developing new concepts, designs and ideas into the business strategy so as to get more productivity and profitability. The research paper, which published by the author, explains the methods and factors, which the company has taken to improve as well as expand into other countries, which have brought a significant change in the manufacturing sector worldwide.

3.3 Data Collection  

For this research, the researcher should take some steps to reach the goal. For this, the researcher should read many journals and articles of the other authors. Which helps them to generate some knowledge from the articles. For this, the research should be done in a proper way. It also helps to know about the topic. For this, the researcher should give some better knowledge on the topic. For this helps the reader to know about the topic very easily. Management is a very important part of every business. It refers to the business growth. For this, the organization should maintain the proper steps to implement the whole process. If the person needs to start the business, so they need to know about the business market where the person starts the business. In addition, the person needs to know about the motive of the business. It helps the person to do the business.

3.4 Time scale

The calculation should show the estimated time of the research. Which get the clear view to the research. For this the reader should understand the time of the research.

Time scale Framework-Research Proposal Business Management Assignment Sample

Figure 1: Time scale Framework

(Source: Project Libra)

4.0 Conclusion

A corporate strategy of an organization can defined as a long-term vision, which is set by the management team in obtaining the targets and customer satisfaction for the betterment of the organization in making a good reputation in the market as well as to get a competitive edge over its competitors. There are mainly four pillars on which these corporate strategies depend and which is discussed below. Therefore, these strategies are very essential for the upliftment of an organization in these current situations where each organization faces issues in dealing with their daily tasks, as they are not organized in a specialized manner. Organizations also develop strategies, which make them take their potential business into heights by selling their products to international markets, which requires proper strategies in doing all the tasks as assigned in an appropriate manner. Thus implementing corporate strategies in an organization can help in obtaining the targets, goals and solutions for future endeavors. Companies should always prefer and develop innovation in their products so that it can differentiate an organization from others and which will give a competitive edge over others, which will be beneficial for making a huge run in the upcoming future. This innovation or strategy brings a potential change in the products, internal process and quality.  Through this innovation an organization is able to make a proper emphasis on the development of the production process and business model. Good innovation can bring values to the stakeholders as well as customers in delivering the knowledge, which is being required in the establishment of an organization. Therefore, an organization should always develop an innovation strategy that is required in resolving the problems that faced by the customers as well as developing new concepts, designs and ideas into the business strategy to get more productivity and profitability. The research paper that is being published by the author explains the methods and factors which the organization has taken to improve as well as expand into other countries, which have brought a significant change in the manufacturing sector among worldwide.

5.0 Reference list

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