7026MHR Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship Assignment Sample

7026MHR Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship Assignment Sample

Part A: Reflective Blog

Introduction to the module

This assignment is based on the analysis of different perspectives regarding the management of innovation in entrepreneurship. In the contemporary scenario, emerging innovative models can be helpful towards the growth of organisational capabilities. Modernised techniques have been beneficial in initiating the development of the capabilities regarding entrepreneurship. The changing scenario has been impactful in the development of the lifestyle of human beings in the contemporary scenario.

This reflective account of the assignment uses Gibbs’s reflective cycle to reveal the learning journey. This analysis was helpful in tracing the stages of the journey in exploring the various parts of strategy and decision-making.

Applying Gibbs Reflective cycle to evaluate personal engagement

Description of the experience

In view of the learning experience that I have gained from my overall learning journey related to my module, I can say that I have acquired a detailed understanding and learning experiences related to the central spectra and elements connected with the concept of “Innovation Management” and the ways it teens to impact the progression of “Entrepreneurship”.

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During the module, I have been taught about the different subjects and topics related to the assessment connect, where I have learned about the significance and usage of managing innovation to enhance entrepreneurship activities. In addition, from these learning’s, I have made a good attempt to decipher every possible point relating to the module context in a comprehensive manner.

I have begun my learning journey at my University where I got to know about the different topics and themes of innovation management and I identified that managing innovation in an effective manner can help an entrepreneurship program to be successful (Leonidou et al. 2020).

In addition, initially, I have grasped the fact that “Innovation Management” mainly affects the different factors of entrepreneurship in a positive manner. In the beginning phase of the module, I was present at the University with my batch mates, team members, our professors, teachers of the module were also there during the module, and the course was advancing further.

They were present to help us with the study regarding the core concepts related to the topics in the module. Furthermore, for the formation of a deep comprehension I along with my classmates have attempted to pen down every element from the module topics that connects with the basic idea about “Innovation Management” and its usefulness towards entrepreneurship management (Endres et al. 2021).

The intention of this work was to attempt critical research later and discover our own observations. The important notes that have been provided by our teachers were noted down for undertaking critical research later. In order to complete the research in a specific time, each of the students from my team took hold of one key area so that full concentration in that area can be given and which resulted in positive outcomes. The result of the research has helped me with the basic comprehension of the topic and increased my interest in the subject

Feelings and thoughts about the experience

In light of the learning outcomes that I have inherited from the previously done evaluation of me and my teammates regarding the research topic of “Innovation Management”, an urgency to learn more has come to my mind. When I was occupied with the study in the module coursework, these thoughts of urgency have driven me to develop a concretised insight and understanding regarding the subject of “Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship” (Shams et al. 2020).

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In addition, while the learning event was taking place, I was not so keen on the topic, because I knew that innovation is not a very new idea and nearly every field has applied innovation by now to improve their efficiency. Despite the innovation and its management being a matter of good interest, I found it to be a common area of study. Hence, I believe that it is very common to have a positive influence in the domain of entrepreneurship.

After my learning journey started to move forwards, my professors helped me to learn about the wide range of inventions and technology-based equipment that are results of innovation and prior to this module I did not have any specific idea about these. These new learning’s not only enthralled me but also grew my interest level to learn more about their uses to make an entrepreneurship program better. I was amazed to see so many uses of “Innovation Management” that I can apply to my professional domain (Ciampi et al. 2021).

Although I was happy with the way our teachers have helped us in learning these great innovations, at times it was quite frustrating while understand the technological interpretations of these innovations, as it seemed quite difficult. However, with the intervention of the professors in the meantime and suggesting the approach of brainstorming and external environmental analysis for assessing the proper niche market and innovation that can benefit different entrepreneurship programs, we got rid of confusion.

Evaluation of the experience

In view of critically evaluating my overall learning outcomes which I have gained from my module, I grasped many important learning insights about “Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship”. For example, while critically assessing my innermost experience I have observed that there are mainly positive and good experiences, as far as I am concerned.

In addition, I have felt that the professors’ participation in helping us out in improving our knowledge regarding the significance of “Innovation Management” in the sphere of “Entrepreneurship” was a positive experience (Elia et al. 2020). In fact, the level of enthusiasm shown by the end professors has helped us a lot in the removal of our confusion and it was reduced by providing valuable insights regarding the possible ways through which innovation can be applied in bringing revolutionary changes to the area of entrepreneurship.

On the other hand, the professor being swift in capturing my areas of improvement and the lack that I have regarding a brief understanding of the topic, seem to be quite helpful; to me. It is because, once the teachers have identified my weak areas in learning, they have helped me out by offering vital information from different books or journals and I have deeply appreciated their help. In my journey, there are certain negative experiences as well that I have encountered (Chen & Kizilcec, 2020).

For instance, while the teachers gave the study materials and notes to me, the contents in them were very complex to understand. Moreover, after the completion of every session, I used to discuss everyday learning with my team members for having a void comprehension regarding the module subject. However, the excessive amount of difference in the viewpoints has created many doubts.


After my coursework and modules were finished, I deeply felt that my learning journey was good most of the time and I was feeling that way because our professors have enabled us with immense suggestions and support that assisted me in knowing how innovation can be used for making an entrepreneurship plan successful. In addition, I have also observed that the planning of studying together in a group with other students for having a good viewpoint about the research topic was highly successful.

I was thinking that way because I have seen that in the initial phase, much confusion was arising due to the difference in opinions but soon we identified our areas of weakness and we tried to provide our full potential to remove those weaknesses. On the other hand, different outlooks gained from my batch mates have helped us to observe “Innovation Management” from different perspectives (Nodira & Rashid, 2022).

In fact, my main confusion was to identify the appropriate innovation technique that can benefit a start-up or entrepreneurship program that did not go well. Later, with the professor, interference helped me by offering some critical means to recognise the useful innovation approaches that were quite helpful.


In light of the complete learning situation, I have gained a clear insight into a variety of ideologies regarding innovation, its different types and possible ways to utilize them for business benefits. Furthermore, I have accumulated an in-depth and centralized comprehension concerning the main role played by innovation in making any business venture successful, by helping it to fulfil its business objective and improve its operations.

Later, I felt that these learning experiences that we were provided could have been easier to understand if real-life case scenarios were demonstrated as an example. On the other hand, I have also noticed that the learning journey could be made more positive and promising if the real-life applications of different innovation types in business were reflected in the module journey (Al-Shammari et al. 2019).

However, the overall course of experiences has made me feel the urgency to develop some key skills that I lack and the skills that can help me in my future endeavours as well. I have found that developing critical skills, like analytical thinking, effective communication as well as decision-making skills can assist me in handling some of the complex scenarios that I have confronted

Action plan

Finally, based on the overall insights that I have obtained, I believe that, if any similar scenario or situation occurs in the upcoming future where I would be needing to undergo similar research like this coursework, I will do some things differently. Firstly, I will undertake my own homework before I engage with the module to understand the topics to a basic level.

I will also do basic research with the keywords of the subject and later extensive research will be carried out in order to acquire a deep comprehension concerning the main elements of the study topic (Yuldashevna, 2022). In the previous phase of the module, before it starts, I will try to communicate and discuss the subject with other students, which can help me in being prepared for the module in an effective manner.


This learning module section is based on the evaluative part of the self-journey towards learning and experimenting. The stages of the journey have been analysed in a detailed manner in the section. All the stages were helpful in realising the situational experiences towards a better learning process. The reflective part can be of immense importance regarding the challenges in the recent scenario for exploring the strengths and weaknesses of the learner.

The predominant learning style can be effective for the learner to initiate growth within himself. Different factors are necessary to negotiate within the journey towards self-development as a successful entrepreneur. Personal engagement has been beneficial for me in realising the core concepts of the learning process as well.

About me

As a student of Business Management, skill development and self-learning are necessary approaches towards the self development process. Developing these skills was beneficial for me in performing activities on business management activities. Professional development is closely linked with the personal growth of an individual. This portfolio helps in recognising the core concepts of learning development.

The learning journey was an important one in tracing the steps within my professional skill development process. Engagement with the studies was necessary for me in formulating a central discussion and opinions regarding innovative entrepreneurship. Self-development as a professional individual was necessary to reflect on my existing skills to improve those further.


Al-Shammari, Z., Faulkner, P. E., & Forlin, C. (2019). Theories-based inclusive education practices. Education Quarterly Reviews2(2). DOI: 10.31014/aior.1993.02.02.73

Chen, Y., & Kizilcec, R. F. (2020, August). Examining sources of variation in student confusion in college classes. In Proceedings of the Seventh ACM Conference on Learning@ Scale (pp. 241-244). http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/3386527.3405939

Ciampi, F., Demi, S., Magrini, A., Marzi, G., & Papa, A. (2021). Exploring the impact of big data analytics capabilities on business model innovation: The mediating role of entrepreneurial orientation. Journal of Business Research123, 1-13. https://doi.org/10.%E2%80%8B1016/%E2%80%8Bj.%E2%80%8Bjbusres.%E2%80%8B2020.%E2%80%8B09.%E2%80%8B023

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Endres, H., Huesig, S., & Pesch, R. (2021). Digital innovation management for entrepreneurial ecosystems: services and functionalities as drivers of innovation management software adoption. Review of Managerial Science, 1-22. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11846-021-00441-4

Leonidou, E., Christofi, M., Vrontis, D., & Thrassou, A. (2020). An integrative framework of stakeholder engagement for innovation management and entrepreneurship development. Journal of Business Research119, 245-258. doi:10.1016/j.jbusres.2018.11.054

Nodira, T., & Rashid, X. (2022). PROBLEMS OF INNOVATION MANAGEMENT IN THE HIGHER EDUCATION SYSTEM. Web of Scientist: International Scientific Research Journal3(11), 155-164. https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/4RXJ9

Shams, S.R., Vrontis, D., Chaudhuri, R., Chavan, G. & Czinkota, M.R., (2020). Stakeholder engagement for innovation management and entrepreneurial development: A meta-analysis. Journal of Business Research119, pp.67-86. doi: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2020.08.036

Yuldashevna, S. K. (2022). Conversation As A Way To Develop Communication Skills. Web of Scientist: International Scientific Research Journal3(02), 380-384. ISSN: 2776-0979

Appendix 1: evidences

7026MHR Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship Assignment Sample

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