Assignment Sample on Leading and Creating Organisational Health and Wellbeing


NPP Occupational Therapy Limited is associated with providing transformational leadership to its employees and helping in improving the service provided to its consumers. Therefore, the transformational style of leadership followed by the company facilitates the inclusion of diversity in its organisational culture and thereby enhances the effectiveness and innovative approach of the firm holistically.

a) Leadership 

The closing down of or financial struggle being faced by any business may be due to the processes of recession, downturn and depression, whereas, on the other hand, these processes may also be responsible for the creation of innovative start-ups and also visionary entrepreneurs (, 2023). Furthermore, in any organisation, success depends on the effectiveness with which the leader is capable of leading the company to achieve all its set objectives and goals. The use of the term good while referring to good leadership may be referred to as the person having the capability of being morally as well as technically good or reflective (Ciulla & Ciulla, 2020). Therefore, for the present organisation of NPP Occupational Therapy Limited, the leadership style that is being followed in the organisation is of utmost importance and is associated with the implementation of a transformational style of leadership. The following transformational leadership style helps in the transformation of societies as well as industries, in addition to motivating followers by the process of raising consciousness and providing inspiration for the persuasion of a higher cause (O’Reilly & Chatman, 2020). In the present case scenario of the NPP Occupational Therapy Limited, the leader is associated with providing the employees of the organisation with proper motivation and assurance of job security, thereby helping in increasing the level of satisfaction and the performance level of the personnel.

The transformational style of leadership is referred to as the predominant approach of leadership that has a significant effect on how modern-day leaders behave (, 2023). In order to describe the style of transformational leadership, a theoretical framework of 4 Is may be discussed consisting of, idealised influence, intellectual stimulation, individualised consideration and also inspirational motivation. The element in the model considered with providing support to others is referred to as the individualised consideration, in addition to inspirational motivation having the characteristic of encouraging, accepting and seeing changes. Furthermore, the component of intellectual stimulation in the 4 I model involves provision for fostering and offering innovative thinking and the essential link between values, actions and thinking is referred to in the component of idealised influence (, 2023).

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Leading and Creating Organisational Health and Wellbeing Transformational Leadership

Figure 1: Transformational Leadership

(, 2023)

The transformational style of leadership being followed in the present organisation helps in enhancing the firm’s effectiveness, while on the contrary, the leader faces the difficulty of undertaking decisions in a swift manner that may be harmful to the organisation. In addition to this, the ability of the leader to implement proper strategies during the pandemic that has enabled the leader to be able to keep their team intact and maintain a happy and satisfied workforce may be referred to as the effectiveness of following an efficient style of leadership. For any organisation, the implication of proper styles for managing knowledge in addition to styles for making decisions is extremely important (Abubakar et al., 2019).

According to the case study, transformational leadership is another source of employee satisfaction in the form of health and well-being as through maintaining an effective work culture, the therapists are more productive towards their work. Fast track occupational therapy programme has been arranged under the leadership of the consultant occupational therapists within the NPP Occupational Therapy Limited to coaching the staff in this company to motivate them. This programme supports the employee’s empowerment under positive leadership that offers job satisfaction, 84% of the staff support this type of empowerment strategy for improving culture by reducing work stress levels at work (, 2023).

b) Diversity 

The enhancement of the efficiency and effectiveness of any organisation is possible with the implementation of strategies in the work culture of the firm that promotes diversity among its employees. The inclusion of diversity in a workplace is associated with the enhancement of critical thinking, skills concerning problem-solving, as well as the development of professional skills among employees (Cletus et al., 2018). The use of diversity in the work environment may be facilitated by the use of proper leadership style and helps in making the organisation more innovative and unique in its operational activities. An organisation following a transformational style of leadership helps in maintaining continuity and sustainability in the innovation within an organisation (Asbari, Santoso & Prasetya, 2020).

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In the present time, there is an occurrence of the merging together of the worlds of management and therapy, whereby the primary focus of both disciplines is the maximisation of human potential, and additionally providing encouragement for personal and professional development (, 2023). Therefore, the use of proper management style in the diversification of the organisation, in the concerned company being discussed, in addition to the maintenance of the proper health and wellbeing of the employees is essential for any company to be able to strive towards the path of being a successful business. The implementation of practices promoting diversity in an organisation may help in establishing a relationship that is positive among the happiness experienced in the workplace by the personnel and the behaviours of organisational citizenship (Mousa, Massoud & Ayoubi, 2020).

Concerning the present organisation, the leader is associated with the process of making decisions based on the availability of evidence, which further helps in the process of effective decision-making. Additionally, the requirement for a good team may be achieved by the process of the implication of diversity, which helps organisations to formulate groups that are driven and passionate about achieving the targets set by the firm. Moreover, the organisation is associated with the implementation of strategies that help in the development of the workers, incorporating and formulating a proper business model, to deliver a better and more efficient business structure. Contrary to popular belief, there exists a negative relationship between the job satisfaction level of the employees and the diversity applied based on nationality (Hauret & Williams, 2020). Furthermore, the involvement of a diverse culture helps in the maintenance of freedom and flexibility in the structure of the work being conducted. The arrangement concerning flexibility in the workplace is associated with the implication of important organisational strategies helping in the facilitation of maintaining a balance between work and life (Smith, Gilmer & Stockdale, 2019). The use of a structure that incorporates diversity and inclusion in all its operations and management among the employees working has helped in improving the effectiveness and efficiency of the business as a whole and thereby facilitated the formation of a successful business firm.

c) Organisational well-being and health 

The effectiveness of the organisational health and well-being that the case study company, NPP Occupational Therapy has understood at the time of the Covid-19 scenario as a stressful time for the management. The reason for the challenges is that most of the staff of this company wanted to be self-isolated which impacted the function of the firm in a way of continuous deterioration not to meet the client’s requirements or the therapy service. In order to overcome this challenge, this company currently follows the organisational health and wellbeing strategy through the development of the holistic and strategic approach which focuses on the wellbeing and health safety of the staff (, 2023). According to this graph, the firm has focused on the standalone well-being strategy in 2021 from 2018 to support staff health safety which indicates that the firm takes this strategy to overcome the pandemic issue. It shows that 67% of employees are engaged in following this well-being initiative, although 27% suggested that the organisation focuses on the reactive approach (initiative when the staff are sick) rather than proactive (promoting the good well-being strategy) (, 2023).

Apart from that, another way to create a positive culture for staff good well-being is by following the procedures that the National Health Services follows, for example, in-house training has been started as the current approach that offers job satisfaction. Clear communication is extremely essential even if the team is virtually connected with a higher management level twice a week through Skype and discussing the facing issues and solving them within time to create a better work culture. The reason for following the clear communication is that effective team dynamics between the team members have been disrupted by a lack of clarity about the duty of care between the therapist (San Juan et al., 2021). Considering the CMI report, 62% of managers supported that the mental health well-being of the entire team has been impacted by a return to the firm as well as 72% of employees agreed that health is their top priority (, 2023). If the firm does not follow this initiative then work-related stress, anxiety and depression of the employees gradually increases which has been delivered from the statistics of cost of mental health issues around £45bn a year. Therefore, all the mentioned approaches are the current approach to mental health and well-being supported by the NPP Occupational Therapy to reduce the work demotivational, stress and depression.


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