Individual Portfolio Sample


The study will develop an individual portfolio deriving evaluations from a critical reflection of self traits. Moreover, the MBA skills developed during the coursework will also be assessed.

PART 1: Reflection on MBA skill center

During the coursework undertaken at the MBA skill center, the subjects included marketing, communication, customer relations, human resource management, financial management, sales, and many more. Among all these subjects the most crucial and broad one can be considered communication. The need for communication lies in any job role that I take up in the future, therefore I paid great attention to this chapter and enlightened myself on various communication mechanisms, theories, and issues.

Through the course work from the skill centre, I have been able to develop my communication skills through the guidance received from my peers as well as the professor. I have observed that major organisational leaders have great communication skills which allow them to connect with their employees as well as the crowd. This becomes a critical prospect for success impacting their employment as well. In my opinion, coursework has helped me identify the issues that were present in my personality impacting my communication skill. Moreover, knowledge of the importance of communication approaches such as bottom-up approach and two-way interactive communication is now known to me which gives me the confidence of conducting my duties and responsibilities at my future place of work diligently (Esmaeelinezhad and Afrazeh, 2018).

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From my MBA learning the critical aspects that I have been able to derive include the importance of the pace at which communication takes place. I have recognised the fact that communication is optimal only when the receiver can code the message and respond with feedback (Ling et al. 2020). This aspect will allow me to appropriately communicate with my future client as well as an employer where I will be able to convey my idea or message effectively.

In the future, I am willing to expand my knowledge in this aspect in order to become a great orator. My zeal to become an organisational leader has a high requirement of being a good speaker or orator which can only be fulfilled through effective communication strategies.

PART 2: Reflections on personality traits

[Refer to Appendices]

Personality Trait 1: Extraversion

Based on the personality test the assessment of extroversion reflects that I am reserved, formal, serious, quiet, prefer working alone, and avoid direct leadership roles. Based on the personality test the range of extroversion I obtained was low, and I am in complete agreement with the result of the test.

I feel that I am likely to work better without any interruptions therefore I prefer working on my own. I like to take care of my work therefore I have been avoiding directly disturbing roles. However, this is not a good sign for my future dream of being an organisation leader (De Clercq et al. 2019). While working I prefer keeping a calm and composed demeanour for delivering my duty efficiently.

Based on the above evaluations I have been able to understand that I need to free myself in order to reduce the stress I take for ensuring work quality. This will improve my communication skills while interacting with others and will make me a team player which is highly essential for a good leader (Şahin et al. 2019). Moreover, I need to enhance my emotional intelligence for better communication and leadership qualities.

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Therefore, in the future, I am willing to conduct extensive research on the procurement of emotional intelligence and its implications. Hence, I will be able to apply this aspect in my personality there for improving my extraversion personality.

Personality Trait 2: Agreeableness

Upon undertaking the personality test I have found out that I have a low degree of agreeableness. This indicates that I am hard-headed sceptical, proud, competitive, and prefer competition over cooperation. However, I don’t agree with the result of the test.

In my opinion, I don’t think that I am a proud person. I do feel that I might be competitive at times however that is so only based on the purpose of improving myself. I don’t consider myself to be hard-headed even though I am sceptical about new things.

Based on the former evaluations I have been able to understand that my perception of myself has not completely been corrected. Even though there are aspects of the test result that I agree with, I have been finding it difficult to contemplate the fact that I am competitive and prefer it over the competition. Now that I think about it, in the past while working in groups or teams I have shown signs of being competitive and trying to beat my team members even though we were working towards the same goal and were supposed to be marked as a group. Thus, I need to work on the development of my cultural intelligence in order to develop my ability of working with people around me, while respecting them.

In the future, I am willing to work on my team performance skills which will enable me to be a better team member who emphasises team collaboration rather than competition. This is also a critical requirement of a good leader (Watjatrakul, 2020).

Personality Trait 3: Natural reactions

The test result reflected that I have scored high in terms of natural reactions. This indicates that I can easily be upset. I am prone to being anxious and worried and my negative experience results in an emotional reaction. I find it difficult to accept this result.

I feel that I do not have high instincts, however, they might be moderate as I tend to become anxious when I am unable to control my surroundings. In the past, I have been emotionally reactive to minor negative experiences that caused me inconvenience in terms of my work.

I have concluded that I need to be more controlling of my emotions and undertake a positive outlook. This will help me come in situations that are not under my control and additionally I will also not be causing any mental stress to those around me. Collectively I believe that I need to work on my mental wealth competencies.

Therefore, I will practise my communication abilities while studying mental wealth competencies (Woods et al. 2018). This is likely to help me mitigate my personality issues, therefore, bringing me one step closer to my dreams. I will ensure that I conduct extensive study on physical intelligence in order to master control over my natural instructs and reactions that may come out as inappropriate in certain situations. This will also make people around me more comfortable dealing with me which an essential requirement for being an effective leader.


The reflections on personality traits have been drawn from the self-evaluation test of the Big Five Personality Test. All the reflections have been developed by abiding by Kolb’s reflective model.

Reference list


De Clercq, D., Haq, I.U. and Azeem, M.U., 2019. Time-related work stress and counterproductive work behavior: Invigorating roles of deviant personality traits. Personnel Review, 48(7), pp. 1756-1781.

Esmaeelinezhad, O. and Afrazeh, A., 2018. Linking personality traits and individuals’ knowledge management behavior. Aslib Journal of Information Management, 70(3), pp. 234-251.

Ling, F.Y.Y., Zhang, Z. and Wong, W.T., 2020. How personality traits influence management styles of construction project managers. Built Environment Project and Asset Management, 10(3), pp. 453-468.

Şahin, F., Karadağ, H. and Tuncer, B., 2019. Big five personality traits, entrepreneurial self-efficacy and entrepreneurial intention: A configurational approach. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research, 25(6), pp. 1188-1211.

Watjatrakul, B., 2020. Intention to adopt online learning: The effects of perceived value and moderating roles of personality traits. The International Journal of Information and Learning Technology, 37(1-2), pp. 46-65.

Woods, S.A., Mustafa, M.J., Anderson, N. and Sayer, B., 2018. Innovative work behavior and personality traits: Examining the moderating effects of organizational tenure. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 33(1), pp. 29-42.

Website, 2022, Big Five personality test report, viewed on 19/04/2022 <>


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