BSS060 Project Management


In this research work, the overall discussion about the research approaches will be elaborated in order to present all the aspects of the research work. On the other hand, a lot of descriptive research work will also be done in this particular research work in order to elaborate all the key management of the company.  Moreover, all the managerial activities have also been presented for the overall discussion about the two present methodologies. More significantly, a lot of research work will be developed in this research in order to enhance the study. Morte specifically, a lot of managerial advancement has also been presented in a more structural form in order to elaborate all the aspects.

Project management and justification

All the managerial aspects can also be elaborated as a whole in order to finish all the tasks at the same time period. Thus, the management of the project needs to implement all the aspects of the research work in order to enhance the structural advancements of the project. Moreover, the managerial personnel also need to include different staff in different segmentations of the research work in order to decrease the time period. Moreover, a lot of presentations of the rest retch work also need to be focused on in order to divide all the tasks into different parts. Moreover, the communication gap can also be decreased automatically as all the tasks in different parts of the project also be commencing at the same time period. Thus, the researcher should identify the issues in the research work and then need to present an alternative plan for the research methodology. Besides, all the research methodology also be managed by the conditions of the research work as chosen. More effectively all the industrial evaluation also needs to be done accordingly.

Difference between Waterfall and Agile approaches

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Factors Waterfall Agile
Scope The scope of research results or learning outcomes from a selected project in the Waterfall are fixed The scope of gathering the targeted outcome from the research in the Agile is flexible.
Cost The cost of operation g as well as presenting a particular research work in this particular method is less. The number of staff included in this kind of research work is lower than the others, thus the costs of paying the remuneration to the included workforce can also be eliminated. The cost of appointing a huge number of researchers cannot be eliminated in this research work. Thus, this kind of research methodology needs an increased cost for operation.
Risk The risks in order to have any wrongness in the project work can be managed in this research methodology thus, the risks are negligible in this research approach. The risks are high as any kind of correction is not present in this particular research work (Widadi et al. 2021).
Time Time required for the waterfall method of research work is lower as it operated in a cyclical manner. On the other hand, a particular stage of operating the research has to wait for the results from its previous stage as the research method totally relied on the basis of the results of the previous stage (Pura, 2021). The time period taken by any research that are facilitated with the Agile method needs less time period, as a lot of tasks operated in different segmentation of the research work.
Quality The quality of the research work can be managed as well as increased by managing all the tasks in this method. This specified method presented a lot of safety majors and a huge cross-examination can also be done in this research approach. The quality of a specific research work can also be managed by the presentation as well as the elaboration of the research approach in the findings of Agile but not as per the waterfall method. More effectively, all the aspects of the research work cannot be managed as well as evaluated in this particular research work. Thus, the chances of a decrease in the quality of the study are very high in this kind of methodology.


Table 1: Difference between both approaches

(Source: Self-made)

Analysis of methodologies applied to airport planning

Airport planning has been made in order to maintain all the aspects of the research as per the method of the Waterfall research approach. Moreover, all the divisions as well as all the allocation of the work also been managed sequentially in order to operate all the positioning of the research work. Thus, the researcher or the project planner also divided the whole of the research work into different parts as per the requirements. More effectively, the approach of waterfall research approach enhances all the parts of the research work in order to evaluate all the changes in the managerial decision making (Inactionet al. 2021). On the other hand, all the research work also be designed in order to the methodology specified in this approach. A stage of the research work can start operating only after the completion of all the processes of operation of its previous stages.

The output of the first stage also is used as the input of the second stage. More significantly, all the research approaches are structured as well as linked along with the other segments of the research thus; the communication gap of the process may sometimes arise. On the other hand, all the man forces can be implemented in a particular segment of the research at a particular time period. Thus, the time management of the projects also is managed by allowing a specific deadline after evaluating all the aspects of the research work. More specifically, a lot of managerial decision making can also be made elaborating all the aspects of the research work.

Upfront planning

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The success of a business varies on effective planning, in this situation it is quite necessary for the company to be more focused on the effective planning of the company.  The utilisation of resources and the competition of market asses in the market through which the performance of the company can be increased. As per the view of Thesing et al.  (2020, p.746), The current market is quite dynamic in nature, in this situation is quite necessary for the company to evaluate a different aspect of the company through which the overall success rate of the project can be increased.  Under this situation, the different states of the waterfall model assist the company to make effective upfront planning. This leads to enhancing the business’s performance in terms of effective decision-making.

The stages of the waterfall method such as requirements highlight the essential ingredient through which effective planning can be possible. The different resources which are required for the company are being evaluated at this stage which leads to assisting the company in making effective planning (Khoza and Marnewick, 2020, p.73). Other than this, economic utilisation of resources can be possible through the help of stages such as designing stages. Moreover, the verification and testing stage assists the company to evaluate whether further requirements in the project are required or not. This stage plays a crucial role in enhancement of the performance of the company as the potential threat of the project can be minimised. These stages also assist in adding value to the project which leads to having a positive impact on the overall planning of the company.  Under this situation, it has been observed that the implication of the waterfall method assists the company to make an effective plan deployed

Defined and responsibility

Role Responsibility
Project manager The role of a project manager is to make an effective plan through which the ultimate target of the project and its goal can be achieved. On the other hand, the role of the project manager focuses on the alignment of the gaol with business activity through which the overall performance of the company and its project can be increased.
Supervisor The primary role of the supervisor is to ensure the economic utilisation of the business resources. The assessment of the work done and ensuring a sense of collaboration is also the responsibility of the supervisor.
Financial manager


To measure the funds required for the project. This led to providing scope for the company to ensure effective funds management. The role of a financial manager is to increase the effectiveness of the business in terms of the utilisation of   funds (Wu et al. 2019, p.2394)
Quality manager The quality manager always focuses on the way through which the quality of a product or service can be increased. The quality manager continuously assesses the quality of the product and recommended ways to improve its performance.
Employer and worker The quality and business operational efficiency vary among employees and workers. Thus, the role of employees and workers is to improve the business production and quality of products.


Table 2: Defined and responsibility of the researcher

(Source: Self-made)

Risk management

Risk management is the most effective aspect that has to be presented as well as elaborated in order to enhance the overall research work. Thus, the risk management factor of the research work also has to be presented in order to present all the research approaches as per the methodological advancements of the research work. Moreover, the risk management procedure in the waterfall approach is essay work to be done. More effectively a lot of managerial decision making can also be elaborated in this concept of risk management. Morte specifically, all the research approaches also need to be focused as well as presented thoroughly in order to enhance any kind of risk. On the other hand, the waterfall research approach also facilitates advanced risk management criteria in order to elaborate all the segmentations made by the researchers. The risk of the previous segment can be managed by the next segment as all the research work has been elaborated as well as presented in several time periods (Farhatullah, 2021). On the other hand, the identification of the risks included in the research work can also be managed by enhancing all the research work.

Divide the project into manageable and controllable stages

The division of such a large number of projects also needs to be divided into different parts in order to operate all the aspects of the management accordingly. Moreover, all the aspects of the research work can also be divided into 9 different parts as per the quality of work to be done. On the other hand, all the segments also are managed as well as presented in a cyclical manner. On the other hand, all the research methods identified for this particular project plan also be elaborated by this specific research work. Moreover, the first division has been made in order to research the targeted market channels. The operations of the next division thus started after the completion of the previous step. In other words, all the planning for the airport and the policy of execution of such a plan has also been managed by the next segment of the research work. Moreover, a lot of promotional investments have to be collected in the next step of the work in order to enhance all the aspects of the planning accordingly (Amalia et al. 2022). On the other hand, the managers then have to plan for cooperative planning.

Approaches issues and alternative approaches methodologies

The chosen approach for the airport planning project also has several disadvantages as specified in the time of managing the project work. On the other hand, a lot of managerial approaches also be included in order to mitigate these obstacles faced in the process of gathering all the issues. Moreover, the waterfall method needs a lot of timed periods as it is mostly divided into different parts and also requires a lot of time periods. Moreover, the communication gap is also present in the operations as there are a lot of groups that are also divided for elaborating all the aspects of the work (Pawan et al. 2021). On the other hand, the complications of managing the communication along with different groups also increase the complications of presenting all the research work.

Moreover, the lack of time periods also creates pressure to operate all the research work for the researcher to operate less effectively in the specified time period. On the other hand, the selected project is distributed in a wide range thus a lot of segmentations also have to be done. Moreover, every part also faces huge complications in the process of operating such a lot of segmentations in an enhanced manner (Haryanto and Ishak, 2020). Moreover, all the business management also decreased the speedy manner of the research work. Thus, the Agile method of operating the research work needs to be implemented. This process of research approach enhances the speediness of the research work by managing as well as operating all the segments of the research h work in a particular time period.


After the all-over discussion of this research work, it can be said that the research work elaborated as well as presented the ideal method of particular research work. Moreover, the selection between two methodologies has also been presented in this specific research work. Thus, all the aspects of both the research work also are presented in this research work, more significantly, all the highs, as well as lows of the selected methods, have also been discussed in the study. More specifically, all the operational dealings of the research work also are managed by the researcher in a perfectly elaborate way in this particular research work.


After the elaboration as well as discussion about different aspects of the two selected research methods, a strong recommendation can be suggested. On the other hand, both the research aspects also are presented in a perfectly critical way thus, the process of recommending the project can be managed in a proper way. Moreover, after elaborating on all the aspects of the research work, it can be recommended that the entire research work should be managed by the waterfall method. More significantly, a lot of managerial advancements also have to be managed by the researcher to enhance all the procedures of the research work as per the chosen methodology. Besides, the method Waterfall allows and sequential approach to enhance the process of research work. On the other hand, a lot of managerial advancements can be made by choosing Waterfall methods as it allows a cyclical presentation of all the factors of the research. More significantly, a lot of managerial issues can also be managed by this research methodology in order to operate the whole of the research within the selected deadline. Moreover, all the aspects of the chosen topic for the research work can also be presented in order to enhance the results of the research. Thus, the Waterfall method of research work should be chosen for this specific research work. The Agile method has thus been eliminated over the waterfall method.

Reference list

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