C11BU Research Philosophy Assignment Sample

Here’s the best sample of C11BU Research Philosophy Assignment, written by the expert. 

Selecting a topic 

The research topic that I have learned about while examining the weeks explains about investigating study into the effects of price and non-price-oriented TV advertising on generation Z consumers purchase intention. The study of selected research topic helps me in knowing about identifying generation Z consumer’s attitudes towards TV advertising and measuring the degree to which price and non-price-oriented promotion can stimulus this demographic’s buying intents  (Johnston, 2017). The brief examination of the research topic has benefited me in understanding how TV advertising impacts the purchasing intentions of generation Z. The pieces of evidence that I have collected from the examination of the above research topic has assisted me in knowing that price is one of the main factors that influence the demographic’s purchase intentions. Based on the price of the products and services the generation Z makes up their mind to purchase the product, if the prices of the product and services escalate their purchasing parity then it turns out to be difficult for the generation Z in purchasing the product and services  (Knott & Scragg, 2016). I have also learnt that TV advertisement has also impacted the demographic’s purchase intentions that being including interactive ads that are being promoted by the organisation among its customers help them in attracting them towards the particular products. Moreover, I have come to know that TV ads are being designed in a way based on a certain geographical location that matches their specific requirements  (Horton-Deutsch & Sherwood, 2017). Both price and non-price-oriented TV advertising hold a significant impact on the purchase intentions of the generation Z. Examining the topic I have also learnt that chosen topic is important because it rightfully explains the significance of demographics purchasing along with price and non-price orientation advertising. 

Identifying relevant literature 

Keywords: Generation Z, TV advertising, Consumer purchase intention, price and non-price and consumer demographics. 

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A brief examination of the literature review help in knowing about the purpose and Influence of advertising. The pieces of evidence that I have gathered from the examination of the literature review section has helped me in knowing that advertising plays a vital part within the organisation as it aids in differentiating the brand from that of another organisation resulting in holding a competitive advantage  (Zwozdiak-Myers, 2018). Moreover, the examination of the literature review section also explains about quality to consumers that plays a vital part in attracting them towards the organisation contributing towards the overall growth and efficiency of the establishment. Moreover, the learnings that I have collected from the examination of the literature review explains about significance of advertising in terms of establishing a connection with the audience and knowing about their taste and preferences (Larson & Gray, 2018). Establishing connection also benefits the organisation in knowing about the changes in customers’ taste and preferences and offering them products and services accordingly that matches their expectations. The rationale of the choices also explains consumer demographics that need to be maintained by the organisations while targeting their customers. Consumer demographics becomes necessary because based on the age category of the customer organisations decides upon the products that are needed to be promoted within the organisation. 

(AO & NGUYEN, 2020)

The examination of the research paper explains the purchasing behaviour of generation Z that being including of providing them informativeness, credibility and entertainment. Generation Z needs more mobility to access and therefore organisations design their website and application as a one-tap option that makes it easier for generation Z in making up their purchasing intentions. The research aims to understand the cognitive variance between internet-based promotion and traditional advertising for both branding and directional resolutions. 

(Priporas, et al., 2017)

The demographic behaviour of generation Z also plays a vital part in their purchasing intentions that being including knowing about their likeliness towards the particular products that are being offered to them. Knowing about the demographic behaviour of the customers also benefits the organisation in performing the designing products and services that match the expectations of generation Z so that better facilities and opportunities can be offered to them. 

(Jaciow & Wolny, 2021)

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The growth of technology such as AI, Machine learning and chatbots has helped generation Z in developing their purchasing behaviour. Technological growth has enabled reach, access to information and making quick purchasing decisions that have influenced the decisions of generation Z. 

The evidence gathered from the research articles explains the importance of advertising to Generation Z, the behaviour of generation Z and the attitude of customers towards TV advertising. 

Writing a research question 

While I was examining the research topic, I came to know about the importance of the research question within the study. As I learnt more about the research question, I came to know that the research question is mainly referred to as the main research question around which the research study revolves around  (Kearney, 2019). Research questions are being put in the introductory chapter of the research that helps the investigator in providing enough understanding about its purpose without needing any additional explanation. Based on my learnings that I have gathered from different sources I came to know that a good research question helps me in keeping the interest of the researcher towards the topic along with gathering evidence making it easier for them in completing the study  (Bradley & Rustin, 2018). Moreover, I have also learned that examining a particular research question also benefits me in keeping the focus towards a particular research topic helping me in gathering information that contributes towards making the study successful. 

Research question: What is the generation Z consumers’ attitudes towards TV advertising and measure the extent to which price and non-price-oriented advertising can influence this demographic’s purchase intentions?

The research question drew out help in explaining the role of generation Z attitudes towards TV advertising and how it influences their purchasing decisions. Price and non-price-oriented advertising hold significance in influencing the demographics purchasing intentions. The research question developed also help me in knowing about how to price and non-price-oriented advertising influences the demographics purchase intentions enabling the organisation in designing their products and services accordingly that match their expectations. 

Identifying a philosophical position and methodological orientation 

Based on the research question I would be undertaking a positivism research philosophy that will be helping me in addressing the research questions and drawing out information to make the study successful. Positivism philosophy is being chosen by the researcher to carry out the research question is justified because it aids them in dealing with the knowledge that is true to nature and is mainly gained from observations  (Mann & Walsh, 2017). Besides, in positivism philosophy, the role of the investigator is restricted to the gathering of data and drawing out an clarification in an objective way. Positivism philosophy is also justified within the research because it includes quantitative data that provides objective information that is being used by the researcher to make scientific assumptions. The pieces of evidence that I gathered helped me in knowing about the benefit of undertaking positivism philosophy within the study that being including providing a well-defined structure during studies and discussions  (Farrell, 2017). Positivism philosophy also aids the researcher in following specific rules using the objective mathematical and scientific tool that increases the chances of making the study comprehensive. Choosing out positivism philosophy is a justified option for the researcher because it provides reliability to the researcher to test the validity of the research outcome in terms of keeping the anonymity of the information  (Redmond, 2017). Moreover, I have also learnt that positivism philosophy is free from human interests within the study making it easier for the researcher is dealing with concrete facts as a result of which gathering information becomes easier for the organisation. In positivism philosophy, the researcher holds the control that provides flexibility to them in taking up decisions that turns out to be beneficial for the research. 

The chosen paradigm is different from other paradigms in that it explains the study in a statistical manner presenting an opportunity to the researcher in comparing data and drawing out information to make the study subjective in nature s (Sicora, 2017). Moreover, the chosen positivism philosophy also provides flexibility to the researcher hence it becomes easier for them in taking the approach that best suits the research context. Interpretivism philosophy is not justified because it examines the qualitative data hence it provides theoretical information. Moreover, interpretivism philosophy is that it presents biased on behalf of the researcher. 


AO, H. & NGUYEN, C., 2020. The reaction of Vietnam’s generation Z to online TV advertising. The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 7(5), pp. 177-184.

Bradley, J. & Rustin, M., 2018. Work discussion: Learning from reflective practise in work with children and families. London: Routledge.

Farrell, T., 2017. Research on reflective practice in TESOL. London: Routledge.

Horton-Deutsch, S. & Sherwood, G., 2017. Reflective practice: Transforming education and improving outcomes. London: Sigma Theta Tau.

Jaciow, M. & Wolny, R., 2021. Procedia Computer Science. New Technologies in the Ecological Behavior of Generation Z, 192(1), pp. 4780-4789.

Johnston, C., 2017. Teaching Business & Economics. Reflective practice, 21(1), pp. 19-21.

Kearney, C., 2019. Modern English Teacher. Reflective practice: A process of discovery, 28(3), pp. 9-10.

Knott, C. & Scragg, T. e., 2016. Reflective practice in social work. London: Learning Matters.

Larson, E. & Gray, C., 2018. Project management: The managerial process. London: McGraw-Hill Education.

Mann, S. & Walsh, S., 2017. Reflective practice in English language teaching: Research-based principles and practices. London: Taylor & Francis.

Priporas, C., Stylos, N. & Fotiadis, A., 2017. Computers in Human Behavior. Generation Z consumers’ expectations of interactions in smart retailing: A future agenda, 77(1), pp. 374-381.

Redmond, B., 2017. Reflection in action: Developing reflective practise in health and social services. London: Routledge.

Sicora, A., 2017. Reflective practice, risk and mistakes in social work. Journal of Social Work Practice, 31(4), pp. 491-502.

Zwozdiak-Myers, P., 2018. The teacher’s reflective practice handbook: Becoming an extended professional through capturing evidence-informed practice. London: Routledge.


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