02 Human Resource Management Assignment Sample
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Executive summary
In modern times, the HRM of various businesses is very much eager to implement the ICT tools in the recruitment and development of employees. Therefore, in this report, the advantages and the disadvantages of ICT in HR practices are discussed. Further, based on the existing scenario of the various job sites like Indeed the future opportunity of ICT in HR practices is also provided in this study. Further, in order to better implementation of the ICT tools in HR practices both at the domestic and international levels, the necessary recommendations are provided.
HRM or “Human resource management” generally indicates the management of such activities as the recruitment of candidates, development of the skill of the recruited candidates and finally motivating the employee of the company through rewards. Therefore, it is clearly witnessed that HRM in the business plays a crucial role in the development of the business by selecting the appropriate person for the business. The IHRM generally indicates the managing of similar activities with a greater application in the international business context. “Information and Communication Technology” or ICT generally indicates the use of a wide range of technological services that are associated with computing, telecommunication and data management. In modern times, it is witnessed that the tendency of the various IHRM and HRM to implement the ICT in their businesses are increasing. Therefore, in this report, the advantages and disadvantages of ICT in HR practices are discussed. Further, based on the opportunity of the ICT in HR practices the recommendations are also provided in this report.
It is seen that the HR personnel of many companies are very eager to implement the ICT in the companies. It is therefore very crucial for HR practitioners to know about the advantages and disadvantages of ICT in domestic and global business.
Strengthen the relationship between the line managers and the HR
It can be seen that in the case of business success both the line manager and the HR practitioners have the primary role. It is seen that the main function of both the HRM and IHRM is to support the business by addressing the organizational needs therefore a clear strategic plan is required (Malik et al. 2021). The strategic planning in addressing all the needs is generally formulated by both the line manager and the HR practitioners. However, in order to formulate the strategy, it is essential for both of these parties to review the future projection of the business based on the current database of the company. ICT enables both parties to analyze the necessary data like knowledge of the employee’s current training plan of the organization and the need for modification of some of the training practices. Therefore, the cooperation of the line manager and HR strengthens the relationship between them while preparing the leadership tasks for the employees.
Improve the level of management
It can be seen that the various ICT tools can help in increasing the efficiency of the organization through the HRM. One can witness the fact that the solutions provided by the HRM in the management of talents can not only increase the operational capacity of the business at the domestic level but also at the international level (Ali et al. 2021). It is only because the ICT tools help the managers to measure the performance of the organization through various benchmarks. The benchmark like the creativity involved in that job and the feedback given by the customers for the specific job of the employee is used in this case. The outcomes of these measures aid the managers in easily finding out the necessary areas, which need to control to improve the organizational performance. It is seen that every business engages its employees in a focused organized goals. In this case, the management through the help of ICT tools can create targets for various departments of the organization, which can improve the organization’s performance, as well as productivity of that organization.
Make the recruitment process more effective
It is seen in the traditional recruiting process the recruitment process is limited to the number of candidates. The various IT tools help the organization to post job advertisements on various platforms (Samson and Agrawal, 2020). It is therefore the HR personnel of an organization are getting the opportunity to choose the candidates among the huge number of candidates.
The above graphical presentation clearly shows that the use of ICT in HR practices has increased the number of applications of the candidates in Indeed Company. The huge number of candidates helps the HR personals to implement the talent management process more appropriately (Barišić et al. 2019). It is from the increase in the online job platforms like Indeed one can say that it is the better tool to promote the organization. It can also see that the various IT tools that are used in the recruitment process not only aid to make the recruitment effectively but also help in retaining those employees of the company.
Data management
It is seen that the management of the important data of the employee in the traditional process is more complex in nature. It is the ignorance of the various company data that prevents the company to reach its timely goal (Sun, 2019). It can also be seen that it is because of the same reason there is also a chance of rising the unsatisfaction of the employee in the company. The implementation of the IT tools helps to simplify the data management process and make it more time saving (Rathi, 2022). It can also be witnessed that with the use of advanced It tools makes the whole documentation process to be paperless which is also good for the sustainable goal of the organization. Therefore, the job portals like indeed become people among the job seekers.
Lack of Skilled workers
It is seen that however the use of ICT in the IHRM and HRM able the participation of the number of candidates but it faces the lack of skilled employees. It is seen that the job site also faces the same issues while helping the various HRM of the various multinational companies. It is witnessed in many cases that the company selects its candidates based on the theoretical knowledge of the candidate therefore it increases the chance of a lack of practical skills among the employees (Abbas et al. 2021). Therefore, many companies still depend on the traditional recruitment process.
Security risks
It can be seen that the use of ICT is subject to many security risks. It is seen that the candidates for a specific job post submit their necessary sensitive information to the company. It is seen that however, in the present times the companies are giving the utmost importance to the privacy of the candidates but still the increasing level of cyber attackers poses a major threat for both the company and the candidates (Faulconbridge et al. 2020). The cyber attackers can use another person’s identity to get a specific job of the company as the whole process is done in the online mode. It can also be that many cyber attackers create a fake job portal to misuse the data of the various candidates. Therefore, it also poses a reputational loss for the various companies.
The requirement of the additional cost of the company
It is seen that the use of the ICT in the HRM often needs the additional costs for the management of the various technological software. It can also see that the technology is continuously updating from time to time. Therefore, it is costly for small business companies to manage this technological requirement.
Poor ICT infrastructure
It is seen that it is with the help of ICT that Indeed like various job portals are easily able to apply for a specific job role. However, the differences among the countries regarding the infrastructure of ICT are lessened the impact of ICT is proper implementation.
Reduce the barriers to location
It is seen that in the traditional management HR practices the candidates that are native to a specific location find jobs only for that location. The ICT with its various technological tools helps to reduce the barrier of the location in getting the job. It is through the ICT the candidate for a job post can easily connect with the HR of the various companies. It is because of this quality the job requirement for a specific job is able to be maintained (Tayali and Sakyi, 2020). Further, it is also helpful for both the candidate and the company because of its fewer requirements the costs.
Creation of the skilled worker
The ICT can help the various company to prepare skilled workers for their company by providing them with adequate knowledge of the specific job roles. It is through the ICT the HR personnel of a company can easily connect with both the new and old employees of the company. Therefore it is based on the gap in the knowledge witnessed among th new employees they can support them with the experienced old employee of the company. Further, the HR practitioners can also create various business discussion programmes with the help of the various business leaders. It is also helpful for the employee to know the existing and future challenges of the business. The HR professional can also give the necessary feedback to the employee based on the performance in the company. It will help the employee to understand the lack of individual qualities and work on them.
Management of employee data
The proper implementation of the ICT can help the HR department of the various companies to monitor the qualities of the employee. It is helpful for the company to promote the employee to the appropriate job role based on the performance. Further, It is with the help of data management the HRM of various companies is able to check the necessary areas that are required for the proper development of an employee in its job roles. Further, it can witness that in the traditional HRM process the HR personnel need to address the employee grievances manually (Abbas et al. 2021). It can also be seen that it is because of the complexity of the HR system the employee of the company often unable to address their problems to the specific departments. However, with the help of ICT, the employee of the company is able to communicate directly with the specific HR department and the HR personnel in the department are also able to address the issues faced by the employee based on the employee data.
It is after analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of the ICT in the HR practices it is clear that the advantages are more in number than the drawbacks. It is the reason that the implantation of the ICT becomes a business trend. In modern times it is important for any business to go through the options that are less costly and less time consuming to reach the desired goals of the organization. The ICT in this case is presenting both the benefits to the company. Further, it is also seen that not only from the recruiter’s point of view it is helpful for the candidate of the recruitment also. It is only because it helps the job seekers to choose among the many job opportunities of the specific role which suits most. Further, the easily connect with the experienced people of the specific job role can helps the candidate to work on their own areas of improvement.
It is after analyzing the all the aspects of ICT in HR practices it is recommended that :
- The safety of the shared documents by the candidates in the various job portals needs to ensure of the company to be safe. It can help to create trustable relationships between the company and its candidates.
- It is seen that in the ICT there is a lack of measurement of the performance of the newly appointed employees. Therefore, the company’s attempt to develop such software continuously measures the efficiency of the employees can help in this case. It is also helpful for the employee to work with a targeted goal.
- It is seen that in many cases the poor technological infrascture of the country prevents the successful implementation of ICT. Therefore, in this case, the companies can work with the government for the betterment of the technological fracture.
- The HR personnel of the company need to formulate such a strategy through which they can check the practical knowledge of the work of the employee before the appointment. It will help the company to reduce the scarcity of skilled workers.
- It is seen that through the ICT the whole recruitment process can be done the online process. Therefore, based on them the HR department of the various companies can create permanent structure work in online mode which will be beneficial for the management cist of the company.
Reference List
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