01 Consultancy Proposal Advice Assignment Sample

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Introduction: Client Needs / Realization of Identified Issues / Initial Diagnosis

The task has been assigned to make a consultancy report on behalf of Dexiotis Security Solutions. This report helps to analyze, review, and research for delivering feasible recommendations for expanding the company’s operations in a different country. With the help of effective HRM strategies, the core purpose of business expansion of this company will become successful. Successful HRM strategy must deliver the right framework for linking people in core management and development practices into long-term business goals and outcomes (Kanaan, 2018). These principles and strategies have also focused upon ensuring long-term resources by fulfilling organizational goals with an evolved nature of work. 

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Issues faced by Dexiotis have included limited marketing capability, lack of cross-cultural management aspects in the workplace, and others. As stated by Guo, (2018), by impending these issues, Dexiotis can extend its core business operations across new market segments across the globe. 

On the other hand, against these kinds of challenges raised in Dexiotis, some key and valued aspects should be adopted. This is because; it must help to improve the level of effectiveness and efficiency of the company at the same time (Kanaan, 2018). As per case study information, Dexiotis might plan to expand business in Malaysia under South East Asia Category and United Arab Emirates (UAE) in Middle East continents’ category with plausible business insights and values. In detail, those valued aspects have consisted of high-security solutions given to valued customers, tailor-made solutions against potential security problems, interdisciplinary and cross-functional approaches in business, high levels of creativity and innovation, and others. 

Aims and Objectives / Deliverables


This project has aimed to expand key business functions of Dexiotis Security Solutions across new market segments in UAE and Malaysia with high levels of productivity and profitability. Additionally, there must also be a need for ensuring the right HRM strategies and principles to follow for ensuring desired outcomes and benefits. 

Objective 1: To implement Interdisciplinary and Cross-functional approaches for ensuring high customer satisfaction with loyalty 

Table 1: SMART Objective 1

Specific (S)  It is important to boost the workplace culture with a range of benefits and outcomes 
Measurable (M)  It can be measured through the rates of employee satisfaction and collaboration at work 
Attainable (A)  It must be achieved with feasible solutions and strategic priorities among customers 
Realistic (R)  It must help a lot to boost the level of organizational recognition and reputation in market 
Timely (T)  4 months 

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Objective 2: To increase the rates of creativity and innovation in business with right solutions and services for increasing revenue potential 

Table 2: SMART Objective 2

Specific (S)  It is essential for maintaining a consistent level of productivity and profitability 
Measurable (M)  It can be measured through proper implementation of technological advancements 
Attainable (A)  It can be achieved with the help of skilled and knowledgeable workers in the force 
Realistic (R)  It must help to increase the number of revenue earnings and net income of the company 
Timely (T)  6 months 


Assessment of Objectives 

Those above-mentioned objectives for Dexiotis have been set, as those have helped a lot to reduce the company’s performance management issues and challenges at the earliest (Kesselmayeret. al. 2022). Strategic priorities and solutions have also been highly assessed to implement corrective actions with benefits. 

Parameters and Outcomes

Project Scope and Final Output 

This project has acquired the key scope of ensuring the right infrastructure for the international business environment in Dexiotis. Some key scopes include import and export activities, leveraged influence and relationships in the market, proper business capital assessment, and others. As mentioned by Williams, (2019), all of these valued aspects have been highly supported in terms of ensuring success in the field of security solution development in business with desired outcomes. 

In the outcomes of successful business expansion of Dexiotis, it has been identified that Dexiotis has been able to access new market segments with high levels of diversification in core business operations. Apart from that; by accessing the right talent and skills of workers, Dexiotis has also been able to gain sustainable competitive advantage (SCA) in the market. 

Business Ability 

After successful project completion, Dexiotis has become able to deliver the best and tailor-made solutions to any kind of security challenges of customers. It helps the company to increase customer reach and loyalty at the same time. 


In this case, as a prominent consultant, the issue should be defined first, which also helps to locate potential reasons behind the issue with feasible mitigation solutions. Based on the case scenario, it has been seen that Dexiotis has been facing some performance issues and cross-cultural problems at the workplace. As reported by Khan, (2018), as an ideal consultation, the first task is to identify and mitigate these challenges before starting the plan of expansion of business across multiple countries. 

Now, it has also been found that there must also be a need for implementing the right HRM strategies and tools to deploy the right principles in the core business expansion process of Dexiotis. As in foreign countries, cultural differences and management have played major roles for ensuring future business success, growth, and development; it has been suggested to deploy the right strategies of Hofstede’s Cultural Dimension model (Zulfadli, 2020). Through successful application this model, it has been able to represent cultural differences indices among national cultures. This model has also helped Dexiotis to expand their core business functions seamlessly by understanding the core business culture lying within UAE and Malaysia with effectiveness. 

From another viewpoint, the consultant should have to look after how to deliver quality-standard security solutions for customers, which helps to attract target customers in Dexiotis. In this way, it becomes also possible to overcome other market challenges by increasing its revenue or growth. It is also important for a consultant to have experience and success against companies like Dexiotis. According to Zulfadli, (2020), this productive approach of consultancy must help to expand business across preferred countries including UAE and Malaysia thereafter. 

Time Plan / Action Plan

Table 3: Action / Time Plan

Activities  Required resources  Responsible person  Time 
Market Selection and Research  Usability Tools, Survey engines, persona, analytics, and others.  Market Research Executives  5 weeks 
Competitor Analysis  Competitor features, market share, pricing information, marketing techniques  Consultant and Line managers  3 weeks 
Sales and Marketing planning with diversification aspects  Monetary funds, time, expertise, energy, skills, knowledge, and others  Salespersons and  Marketers 4 weeks 
Product Differentiation  Quality and quantity, functional features or design, creativity, and others.  Product Development Manager  3 weeks 
Network Management with Communication  Effective communication, relationship development persona, and others  Network Managers and Communication Partners  2 weeks 
Partnerships and Relationship building with Suppliers  Effective communication, active listening, positive attitude, and others.  Consultants, Administrators, and others  6 weeks 

Resources required / Key Personnel

Firstly, in the sense of promoting the consultant, there must be a need for some added valued aspects, which have also helped a lot to nurture existing knowledge and skills of a person. As indicated by Gbadamosiet. al. (2018), at the time of preparing the business expansion plan on behalf of Dexiotis, some values including high skills, expertise, knowledge in numerous areas have been highly accepted. Besides, with the help of extensive communication, advanced innovation and technology, design and creativity, and the most important one, prior experience in the field of business management has been highly prioritized. 

On the other hand, for becoming a prominent consultant, some key skills, qualifications, and experience have also been required. In detail, some valued aspects like creative thinking, better thoughts, problem-solving and decision-making choices, communication, participation, curiosity, credibility, and others have been highlighted the most (Jooshakiet. al. 2019). Apart from that; some key roles and responsibilities should have also been needed to accept in this field. That is why proper conduction of research and analysis, recommended actions with benefits, better project management concepts and guidelines, and others should have also been needed in the same context to deliver the best performance at work as consultant (Koltsaklis and Dagoumas, 2018). 

Furthermore, to increase effectiveness and successful expansion of business across multiple countries, some resources including financial, HR, educational, as well as physical resources should be utilized as per right sequence (Urbańskiet. al. 2019). 

Risk Assessment

Table 4: Risk Management

Risks  Likelihood  Impact  Mitigation  Contingency measures 
Financial Risk  Medium High A solid plan should be developed with performance quality control and limitations  Consistent cash flow must be maintained to stay in positive revenue earnings and net income with benefits. 
Increased Capital demand  Low Medium Faster collection of receivables must be triggered. It has also been needed to minimize inventory levels with extended payment terms.  Both tangibles, as well as intangible business assets, should be handled properly. It also helps to fulfill on-time business requirements with the greatest level of effort and satisfaction (Alotaibi and Salama 2018). 
Poor control  Medium High Good time management skills should be incorporated with efficiency. Continuous improvement with network management has been needed.  Effective and efficient supervision and controlling mechanisms should be imposed with a diverse range of positive outcomes and benefits at the same place. 
Lack of Productivity  High High Real-time tracking and limitation must be induced. Commuted advantages and self-imposed deadlines must be followed.  Required raw materials should be procured with the help of right outsourcing techniques and measures. It helps to maintain profitability in business. 
Performance risks  Medium High A risk response should be accepted immediately by aligning functions with proper execution and benefits.  Finally, in this case, it has been needed to avoid any further chance related to business instability, ineffective management, as well as financial loss. It must also help to retain recognition and reputation in the market with numerous benefits and advantages altogether (Samimi, 2020). 


Table 5: Cost / Budget Estimation of Project

Items  Unit  Rate  Amount  Time required 
Consultant Fees  2 £394.80 £789.06 6 months 
Hardware and Software requirements  £671.17 2 months 
Legal Fees and Expenditures  £779.24 6 months 
Design and Creativity Cost  £473.76 3 months 
Website and Application development fees  £572.46 1 month(s) 
Transportation and Logistics  £382.47 6 months 
New and Improvised Product and Market metrics  £868.57 4 months 
Managers’ Fees  5 £276.36 £1,381.80 6 months 
TOTAL  £5,918.53


It can be concluded that in this modern era of globalization, the need of expanding business along with its core operations has become essential. Therefore, in the field of international business environment, successful business expansion must help Dexiotis in terms of boosting the levels of overall business profitability and productivity. It also helps it to deliver quality-standard services in the field of security solutions to its valued customers with a diverse range of positive outcomes and benefits at the same place. Besides, sufficient monetary resources, feasible risk management plan, expertise, skills, knowledge, and other valued aspects have been highlighted the most.


Alotaibi, M.A. and Salama, M.M., (2018). An incentive-based multistage expansion planning model for smart distribution systems. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 33(5), pp.5469-5485. 

Gbadamosi, S.L., Nwulu, N.I. and Sun, Y., (2018). Multi-objective optimisation for composite generation and transmission expansion planning considering offshore wind power and feed-in tariffs. IET Renewable Power Generation, 12(14), pp.1687-1697. 

Guo, S., (2018). The Design and Development of a Design Consultancy for Product Design. 

Jooshaki, M., Abbaspour, A., Fotuhi-Firuzabad, M., Farzin, H., Moeini-Aghtaie, M. and Lehtonen, M., (2019). A MILP model for incorporating reliability indices in distribution system expansion planning. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 34(3), pp.2453-2456. 

Kanaan, E.E., (2018). A crisis communication plan for Kaddis sweets: consultancy project. 

Kesselmayer, R.F., Ochrach, C.M., Phillips, B.N., Mpofu, N., Lee, B., Chen, X., Geslak, D. and Tansey, T.N., (2022). Autism Employment Initiative in a Global Business Management Consultancy Firm: A Case Study. Rehabilitation Counselors and Educators Journal, p.32416. 

Khan, Z., (2018). What Makes A Good Resturant? A Consultancy Service using Online Consumer Reviews. Sage. 

Koltsaklis, N.E. and Dagoumas, A.S., (2018). State-of-the-art generation expansion planning: A review. Applied energy, 230, pp.563-589. 

Samimi, A., (2020). Risk Management in Information Technology. Progress in Chemical and Biochemical Research, 3(2), pp.130-134. 

Urbański, M., Haque, A.U. and Oino, I., (2019). The moderating role of risk management in project planning and project success: Evidence from construction businesses of Pakistan and the UK. Engineering Management in Production and Services, 11(1), pp.23-35. 

Williams, C., (2019). Management consultancy for innovation. Routledge. 

Zulfadli, S., (2020). Tax Planning for Shipping Company Business Expansion. Sage. 


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