ABJ 4115 Management Research Assignment
1. Introduction
As companies strive to make their workplaces more welcoming and equal for all employees, diversity in the workplace has emerged as an issue of crucial importance in today’s competitive business environment. The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact that diversity has on the functioning of organisations as well as the experiences that employees have while working. Specifically, the purpose of the study is to investigate the impact that diversity plays in fostering innovation, creativity, and productivity, as well as the difficulties and obstacles that must be overcome in order to establish varied and inclusive working environments. The findings of this study will be helpful for organisations that want to increase their performance while also promoting diversity and inclusion in their places of employment.
2. Process of searching, filtering, comparing
2.1 Research strategy
Existing qualitative studies on a given topic might be analysed and synthesised through a secondary qualitative research technique. An example of secondary qualitative research methodology for the study of workplace diversity is a systematic literature review (Ruggiano and Perry, 2019). Academic journals, conference proceedings, and publications are all fair game for this type of literature review, with the primary goal being to distil the most salient points and trends about the influence of diversity on organisational performance and employee experiences into actionable policy and practise. One of the advantages of a secondary qualitative research technique is that it allows researchers to draw from a wide corpus of prior study. It can also be used to find where the research is lacking and where more study is required (Ruggiano and Perry, 2019). By carefully selecting and analysing the literature that already exists, secondary qualitative research can provide a holistic and in-depth comprehension of diversity’s effects in the workplace.
2.2 Research Design
When conducting research on a topic that is either poorly understood or is still in its infancy, researchers often employ exploratory research designs which have also been adopted for this study (Hallingberg et al., 2018). Exploratory research designs entail preliminary exploration with the goal of discovering major themes and areas of interest; this is what would be done in the context of examining diversity in the workplace. This method would entail surveying or interviewing a representative cross-section of the workforce to learn about their perspectives on diversity at work. Insights from these initial investigations could be used to guide the design of subsequent, more comprehensive studies (Hallingberg et al., 2018). When studying a topic that is unfamiliar or difficult to grasp, the exploratory research design might help researchers get their feet wet before committing to a more extended study. Exploratory research designs, in general, can lay the groundwork for further, more in-depth studies on workplace diversity.
2.3. Sampling of the research
The literature on the topic would be combed through to determine a sample approach for a secondary qualitative study on diversity in the workplace. The search would employ inclusion and exclusion criteria to sift through a variety of sources, such as academic journals, conference proceedings, and reports, to find relevant studies (Tate and Happ, 2018). Studies relevant to the effect of diversity on organisational performance and employee experiences in the workplace that use a range of qualitative methodologies, including documentation evaluation, article analysis, and case studies, would be included in the sample. Papers would be chosen based on their high quality, their ability to shed light on the questions at hand, and the range of viewpoints and experiences they included (Tate and Happ, 2018). A thorough search strategy and careful selection procedure would yield a sample that is representative of the existing literature on workplace diversity and would serve as a solid basis for identifying and synthesising important themes and patterns.
2.4 Data Collection
Author | Followed Methodology | Contribution | Keywords |
(Patrick and Kumar, 2012) | Using the investigation’s goals as a guide, the team of investigators created a survey to be completed. Through the utilisation of quotes from the books, reliability was guaranteed.”Cronbach’s alpha” has been employed to assess the levels’ validity, as well as the results are presented throughout the tool explanation. A team consisting of 10 human resources managers representing Technology organisations, 5 diversity instruction specialists, as well as 7 organisational behaviour academics conducted a rigorous evaluation to determine the comments’ substance validity. The correct statistics were used to analyse the information gathered from those who participated. ” Descriptive statistics” have been employed to analyse the evaluation components.”The Friedman test”, a statistical measurement of variance in positions, was used to analyse the order of issues. ” Independent-samples t tests” as well as “a one-way ANOVA” have been employed to analyse variation among groups, while they have been backed by the “Mann-Whitney U test” as well as “Kruskal-Wallis assessments”. | The current investigation looks at possible obstacles towards “workplace diversity” while offering suggestions for how to improve professional inclusion as well as diversity. According to the research’s findings, successfully handling diversity may result in more devoted, contented, productive staff as well as possibly greater economic success overall an organisation. It was created around a poll involving 300 employees in information technology. | “Workplace diversity”, prejudice, preconceived notions, and inclusivity, handling diversity |
(Chaudhry et al., 2021) | Approaches for sampling in multiple phases were used to perform a questionnaire. Stratified selection was employed for including individuals representing various kinds of enterprises from a number of businesses. Snowball technique convenient sampling methods were utilised to get answers representing individuals functioning with various sorts of organisations throughout various sectors in the United Arab Emirates . The intent of the research was explained to the prospective individuals, among the web address containing the questionnaire that could be completed online was conveyed via “emails”, “WhatsApp”, “Facebook”, “LinkedIn”, as well as collaboration apps for teams including “Microsoft Teams, Google Hangouts, as well as Zoom”. Data were gathered through the research’s population over the course approximately a two-week period utilising a survey that participants completed themselves in this longitudinal investigation.
Additionally, it looked at how organisational traits like magnitude, category, and field influence or restrain creativity in workplace environments. The goal of the present investigation was to ascertain whether or not organisational climate innovation is influenced by workforce diversity, whether it can be innate or obtained, as well as its incorporation into practices incorporating justice, belonging to distinctiveness, as well as variety. | Connection,
variety fairness, inclusive strategies, Business inventiveness, company size, company type, and originality
(O’Donovan, 2017) | The questionnaire research policy has been used in this journal to get data. This research has been fulfilled by a survey of employees . Asking individuals information they’re looking for and, if feasible, meeting their requirements is the easiest approach to handling the data presented . As was previously said, there are many various ways inclusion may occur in the working environment. Whenever accommodations are not achievable, the staff member deserves to be told why. Workers perceptions of inclusivity will improve if employers give them the freedom to express their unique requirements without presuming to comprehend everyone of a worker’s diverse coworkers’ demands. The staff members individually are in the greatest position to judge whether different backgrounds may affect efficiency. | Additionally, the following section intends to help people consider whether the organisation might benefit from and take into account individual distinctions and parallels. In order to help the audience, comprehend more about “diversity and inclusion” inside work environments and what these concepts might entail for organisations, the following section will give a thorough examination of these ideas. | Workforce Diversity, inclusion, Employee productivity, Areas of diversity, Diversity training, Diversity management, Diversity challenges |
(Saxena, 2014) | Information from different media sources, particularly pieces that the author thought was related to the issue, were primarily examined in the assessment of the themes under discussion. The end result shows that “thematic analysis” was done, especially in respect to “secondary qualitative data.” Once the necessary data has been collected, researchers ought to focus on finishing the assessment procedure. Researchers emphasise the development of ideas when conducting “thematic analysis.” It intends to undertake rigorous educational research and collect information that might be utilised to characterise both educational institutions and local events. The “descriptive research design” approach has been used in this case. It is feasible to deal with problems and understand gaps in an efficient manner. Consequently, it was considered beneficial to specify the purpose of the research site and comprehend its legal ramifications. Additionally, it emphasises the salient features of developments, categorizations, traits, and happenings. | This research offers an in-depth evaluation of diversity in the workforce as well as how it affects the efficiency of an organisation. However, individuals continue to hold onto their beliefs regarding social class, faith, and many others which, as a result, perceive variation to be an issue. The investigator arrived at a finding that diversity among employees constitutes a power to feed any organisation after reviewing the source material as well as multiple studies. However, when handled correctly, variety may actually improve efficiency. This section’s next addition is its advice on how to oversee a diverse workforce so that individuals may collaborate effortlessly and produce high-quality products as a whole.
Workforce, Productivity, Diversity |
(Garg and Sangwan, 2020) | Among the overall 254,617 publications throughout the information system, publications pertinent to the study’s focus on inclusiveness and diversity throughout the leadership sector were chosen. A combination of data gathered from multiple databases, including “The Social Sciences Citation Index”, “Emerging Sources Citation Index”, as well as SCImago (2010-2017)”, the paper uses an empirical analysis approach to examine the citation indexes of publications as well as writers. | A comprehensive study with a particular emphasis on “workplace inclusion and diversity” as well as associated study developments between “2010 to 2017” had been requested. According to the summary of the study, there has been a substantial corpus of literature on diversification, particularly the consequences it has on performance. The research around diversity as well as on inclusivity should be examined in order to provide a more profound and sophisticated knowledge regarding the connotations and concepts of these concepts due to their various interpretations as well as applications. More investigation is needed on inclusivity including the consequences it produces because it is still a relatively new topic of study. | Diversity, Literature Review, Inclusion, Disabilities, , Women |
(Yadav and Lenka, 2020) | Using a thorough analysis of previous empirical as well as conceptual research on workforce diversity, this study takes a secondary qualitative method of study. In order to evaluate various forms of diversity, including function as well as occupational diversification, gender, age, race, training, and gender identity, a systematic evaluation of the relevant research was carried out. It was printed in well-known periodicals. From 1990 to 2019, its findings were published in 13 of the top management journals that were peer-reviewed. For this analysis, the top 13 journals in organisational behaviour and human resource management were chosen. | This study’s objectives were to summarize the body of knowledge on diverse workforce and to illuminate potential future pathways for workforce diversity management research. It’s believed that having a diverse staff enhances an organization’s expertise and attitudes. The outcomes of this study reveal an additional factor contributing to the current conflicts and recommend a course of further investigation. However, the majority of research has not specifically addressed problems with diverse features. Mixed and inconsistent outcomes were found in a study of the diversity literature, which are serious barriers to managing diversity. This study investigated several characteristics of diversity, such as age, gender, ethnicity, education, functional history, and seniority, and their effects, backed by numerous theories, in hopes of understanding the problems. | “Literature review”, “Diversity management”, “Workforce diversity”, “Diversity dimension” |
(Li et al., 2021) | The cross-sectional methodology was used to conduct this study. All information is treated with confidentiality and meets academic ethical standards. The information was gathered from the Chinese province of Jiangsu’s telecom industry. For the purpose of gathering data, this study focused on telecom workers. 600 voluntarily participating individuals in total were gathered. Prior to the COVID-19 outbreak, data collecting started. If respondents really filled out the survey, they were urged to return the sealed envelopes with the completed questionnaires to the researchers. Through an online survey, participants electronically entered their answers. The participants were advised by the skilled research team that their engagement was optional and confidential. | This study’s objective was to examine the effects of workforce diversity leadership on staff performance in the context of an organisational setting while taking into consideration the mediating role that job fit plays in the relationship between employee engagement and people-work and the regulated effects of organizational support. Moreover, employee job performance is directly impacted by structural empowerment, and the link among workforce diversity administration and worker productivity is also influenced by regulations. Moreover, the findings indicate that work fit & employee engagement play a role in the link across workforce diversity leadership and worker performance. Discussion of the implications and constraints follows. | “Workforce diversity management”, “employee job performance”, “person-job match”, “employee commitment”, “structural empowerment”, “telecommunication sector” |
(Chapman et al., 2022) | The majority of our data originates from the Personnel Record dataset that is kept by Higher Education Statistics Department, which is the recognised government body in charge of gathering, analysing, and disseminating information about higher education in the UK. They used data form UK higher education institutes for the empirical investigation. In order to learn more about university students, they additionally employ the HESA Profile dataset. It offers thorough details on the personal traits of staff members hired by the institution and their employment agreements. The primary goal is advocating for equality of race and gender in higher education throughout the UK. The identifier “university name” is used to link all of the data sources together. | The demographic makeup of the business world is changing. In this research, they examine the mechanisms through which gender and racial diversity among staff members influences collective departure at the organisational level, as well as whether involvement in and experience with diversity policies might filter this connection. So far, more research is still needed to properly understand whether workforce diversity affects organisational results. | “Workforce diversity” |
(Nweiser and Dajnoki, 2022) | For the purpose of evaluating various forms of variety, a systematic evaluation of the pertinent literature was carried out. In this study, they discovered several diversity-related activities and the most prevalent diversity metrics used in the research in various nations throughout the globe, grouped by continents. After discovering several articles regarding workplace diversity, we thus collected articles explicitly relevant to workplace diversity in various nations throughout the world. However, they only chose 18 articles for this study that correspond to the topic at hand. For the essential searches for this paper, search engines on the internet employed the following resources: “Web of Science”, “Springer”, and “Google Scholar”. | A great deal of focus is paid to the subject of diversity in many different industries, and inclusion and diversity are increasingly recognised as important business themes on a worldwide scale. Globally, both industrialised and emerging nations experience a diverse workforce. It describes the intricate physical, social, and psychological traits that distinguish a person from another, such as sexuality, race, sexual preference, and political or religious convictions. The term “workplace diversity” refers to the variety of personnel in a corporation. This study seeks to comprehend the notion of diversity and its significance, particularly as it relates to workplace diversity across international borders. The study also looks at various research methodologies used to analyse workforce diversity. The importance of workforce diversity is growing among managers as well as academics. | “Diversity”, “Inclusion”, “Workforce”, “WPD content analysis”
(O’Brien et al., 2015) | When candidate pool diversity is larger than workforce diversity, the model forecasts whether appointment or termination bias will alter worker demographics over time. Based on the ratio of newly hired versus recently let go employees in a firm, they have created a dynamic model for workforce composition. As a result, they don’t need to compute the high diversity based on cluster composition; instead, can utilise a simpler diversity metric, the group’s organisation ratio, which is not dominating. For the purpose of simplicity, they only take into account one clearly quantifiable component of diversity, such as gender or ethnicity. Moreover, there are only two conceivable groups of employees: one dominant group that the majority of staff members belong to, and one non-dominant grouping that includes all other employees. | Increased workplace diversity is said to be motivated by concerns about social fairness as much as economic gain. Nonetheless, in many instances, dominance by racial or ethnic group, gender, or other diversity-related factors has resisted change. They suggest that an identity feedback loop between a lack of group variety and inclusivity is the source of many resistances to change. The different causes of the decline in diversity are frequently contentious and challenging to determine. The findings also show that if attrition is minimal, it will require some time for staff diversity to improve, even in the absence of discrimination. An exposure to new methodology for identifying obstacles and opportunities to improve workforce diversity is built on the measurement of these three indicators of inclusion. | “Workforce diversity”, “employee commitment” |
2.5 Data Analysis methods
Thematic analysis is a type of data analysis frequently employed in qualitative research that involves the distillation of collected information into overarching themes and categories. This analysing has been adopted in this study (Nowell et al., 2017). The purpose of thematic analysis in the context of a secondary qualitative study on diversity in the workplace is to identify key themes and patterns related to the impact of diversity on organisational performance and employee experiences. The information gathered from the literature review would be classified and organised to reveal trends and themes present in the various research. Findings would be presented in narrative form, with emphasis on major findings and their consequences, once the themes have been analysed and interpreted in light of the study objectives (Nowell et al., 2017). Thematic analysis is a method of data analysis that is both adaptable and iterative, making it ideal for analysing qualitative data gleaned from a wide range of sources and methods. This allows researchers to obtain a deeper understanding of complicated phenomena.
3. Conclusion
In conclusion, a secondary qualitative study on diversity in the workplace that employs a systematic assessment of the literature and the thematic analysis approach can provide a full knowledge of the impact of diversity on organisational performance and employee experiences. Based on a thorough selection process and review of previous research, the study can isolate important themes and patterns relating to diversity in the workplace. Qualitative data acquired from a wide range of sources lends itself well to the iterative and adaptable data analysis approach known as thematic analysis, which helps researchers obtain insights into complicated phenomena. Organisational policies and practices that foster diversity and inclusion in the workplace can be strengthened as a result of the study’s findings, which in turn can boost productivity and morale.
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