Secure Banking System Individual Report
Class and Methods Design
Class design is the main designing method that is used to indicate the developer for providing the coding support for the computation process. This designing system is based on the object-oriented programming process which is essential to get a clear knowledge about the coding part of the project. Security is the essential component of every process. The security methods are focusing to maintain data privacy from the attackers. The account details and the amount transformation details must be maintained securely. The class design for the secure banking system provides more classes that are involved in the banking process. This class design method highlighted the attributes and the operation in the class. They also explained the attribute relationship among them. The method design explains the technologies, tools, services, bigbluebutton server for the proposed work.
With this method design, the developer can understand what kind of method is selected for further implementation. The method design explains five major elements: the aim of the work, details of the designed project, the design rationale, implementation plan and the usage of the product. This method design is used to understand the process execution and the related result for the taken problem. The secure banking system focuses on the security method implementation for the services in banking sectors. All the selected technology and the implementation plan for this security method is clearly given by this method design. So the developer can understand the related process and the importance of the technology. These class designs and method designs of the secure banking system will be useful to get the detailed plan for the implementation of the work. The implementation idea of this project is clearly explained with this design. The attributes for this class and the related details are also given in this class and method design.
Data Management Layer design
The data management layer is used to explain the four important components. Those are a selection of data storage format, identifying the problem of selected storage format with domain classes, increasing the storage performance and designing the access and manipulation process of data. The storing data is analyzed and the relationship is also identified to make the data access process. The secure banking system focuses the strong technology which helps to maintain the data in a confidential manner. The data access authorization is also expected to make the privacy of the data. The data access limit and the modification restriction is also more important for maintaining security in the banking sector. The data management layer is the essential layer and this helps to ensure object persistence. Different database facilities are available. Those are object-oriented databases, Object-Relational databases, Relational databases and NoSQL data stores. Selecting the appropriate database is the main task in this data management layer. The file type of the data which is going to store in the database is also decided in this layer. The unsupported data files are not stored in the databases. The data updating process is also more important in this banking sector. The updating permission limit is also focused on in this layer. The network support for accessing the database is also analyzed. The security techniques and the expected risk factors in this data access are also identified and the risk prevention mechanisms are used. The main aim of the data management layer is to provide data storage support with selecting the right database type. The security standards for maintaining confidentiality is analyzed and implemented. The centralized access permission and the permission limit for data manipulation are also more important to design in this data management layer.
Human-Computer Interaction Design
The Human-Computer interaction design explains the communication process between the user and the computer. This makes the understanding of the communication process of the system based on the user commands. This will help the user to understand the reply based on other requests. The customer of the bank or the employee of the bank can utilize this system for making the process. Based on their needs and access the system will provide a reply. The login id will be given to the user for making transactions using online. But the main consideration is security. The human-computer interface design is more important to the user for understanding the system process. This will also help them to make the correct process in a certain way. The security system focuses to stop unauthorized access of the user account. So the security pin will be given to the user or they may generate their own pin numbers for making transactions. The transaction process will need the user interaction to precede the process. The banking system also provides the facility to the user to check their balance status. A proper login id is needed to check the user account. The password entry is used for ensuring the appropriate customer of the account. The banking system also analyzed the network availability for making secure transactions. The user process for utilizing the banking system will be noticed and provide the needed service is dedicate server more important to the banking system. The Human-computer interface design helps the developed to make the quick development for making the effective process. This design explains the ways to access the system to make the appropriate process for the user. This design system provides functional efficiency in a safe manner. This also provides flexibility to the developer to make an implementation of a secure banking system.
Physical Architecture Layer design
The physical architecture layer design explains the support of hardware, software and the network facility of the desired system. This layer focuses on the non-functional features to develop the system. The main objective of this layer is to provide the physical component support for making the computation process. The physical architecture layer is more important to make the development system works. There are three different physical architectures available such as server-based architecture, client-based architecture and client-server based architecture. The suitable hardware and software must be decided to make the system process. The hardware configuration explains the RAM and ROM memory capacity, the processor details, and the hard disk capacity etc. All the essential hardware details and its specification must be analyzed in this layer. The software configuration explains the front end language of the secure banking system and the back end language for providing data storage support. This also provides the supported operating system details for the developed project. The network configuration explains the network type and the supported protocols for this process. The network standard and the security are also considered in this physical architecture layer design. This also provides the system interconnection details for making the centralized process. Various software supports are identified to make the banking process effectively. The security methods for the banking system will be analyzed and the physical component supports are identified. The physical components for this system will be analyzed with three major aspects such as client support hardware, server support hardware and network support hardware. The computers and the mobiles are client-based hardware. The mainframes and rack-mounted are server-based hardware. The dial-up, high speed and always-on are the network-based hardware. This Physical architecture layer design provides clear details about the hardware support for the secure banking system.
Reflection on System Analysis and Design
The System Analysis and design is used to explain the implementation methodology for the appropriate system. This is also used to produce the information system which combines users, technology and requirements. The system analysis focuses on the requirements of the user and the implementation methods, the related issues and the problem-solving methods for the secure banking system. This analysis will help to identify the main objective of the implementation process. this kind of analysis will help to improve the efficiency of the computation process of the desired work. The risk analysis is the main process for the project implementation. This will help to analyze the possibilities of the risk and its type. The risk management methods are adapted to handle and solve a certain types of risks. This system analysis is also helpful to the developer to avoid the risk factors in the project. The System design explains three main components as System, Processes and Technology. This system design provides the development life cycle of the project. This analysis and design of the system include various components like software application, network selection, database process and the user interaction method for the project. The SRS document is more essential for all the developed project works. This documentation includes the system specification like development model, the hardware and software requirements, the logical design models and the physical implementation report etc. various development models are available. For this secure banking system, the Waterfall model is a suitable software development model. This document also provides the implemented testing details for ensuring the quality of the implemented work. The Secure Banking system is also analyzed and implemented with appropriate methodologies. The main consideration of this project is security implementation for the data process. The verification and validation processes are also helpful to make the trusted process. The Team project gives a different experience for every team member. To get a successful implementation, team coordination is essential. The different analysis reports provided a better understanding of the implementation process.
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