Best HR Specifications Assignment Sample


The purpose of reflection is to critically analysis, interpret and present the experiences which gained in the development of module HR7004. Under this module, four topics from each week will be discussed by presenting the impact of module topics on my employability skills. The professional experiences will also be shared through use of Gibb’s reflective model (Adeani et al., 2020).


There are lot of learnings gained during the HR7004 module development. As a student I got an opportunity to learn, analyse or interpret different topics in given module (Muller, 2019). This reflection outlines about learning or impact of each week topic over my employability.

Week-1: In this week, I learned about the importance of having emotional intelligence (EI) skills. I found that strong emotional intelligence helps to manage other emotions or support in building strong networks. I experience great things about this topic like how I can control my emotions or able to understand other. I surprised to be heard that one can improve emotional intelligence through making more interactions with people as it supports to overcome fear or anxiety and allows us to understand other emotions as well. This emotional intelligence will support to control my emotions related to fear or anxiety when I interact with new people. I get little nervous when I need to do new things as a sense of fear of failure is always exist in me. But this topic allows me to learn different ways to overcome the low EI. These are self-awareness, more socialising or practice my actions. These tips I followed with my teammates through take initiative in conversation or help them at the time of need. It will help to strengthen my EI level in employability skills (Mayer et al., 2016). The first week topic helped me to build up confidences on myself through able to somewhere manage my stress or fear to some extent.

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Week-2: In this week, I learned about cultural intelligence which is equally important to EI skills. I found that the ability to adapt new culture settings are important in today’s time especially the time of digitalisation where diversified people work together. During this week, I got learnings about the tips to get aware about culture in a way of travel to different countries, working with people from different backgrounds and reading newspaper or global sources which helped to get engaged with the cross-culture knowledge (Ott and Michailova, 2018). I was surprised to know that diverse-cultural awareness can also strengthen through use of some online application which supports to learn other culture language or behaviours. During this module, I used to get interactions with many diverse culture people majorly belonging to French, German or Chinese background. The interactions with them helped me to understand their cultural values or opinions. This also improved my socialising with people. This practice will impact positively for me in future when I get opportunity to work in MNCs where different culture background people exist. At that time, I able to manage to make them comfortable with me if I improve my diverse culture-based knowledge.

Week-3: In this week, I learned about the concept of digital proficiency which is an important skill for gaining expertise in HR role. I found that digital proficiency concept outlines the ability of an individual to use digital media or technologies. I got surprised to know that today’s recruiters are extensively looking for those people who have skill to deal with technologies like Database management through use of MIS, Excel, or different firm systems (Saubern et al., 2020). This skill will influence my employability skills if I won’t improve my knowledge about the handling of technology. During this week, I was engaged with Ms-Excel workshops as I got to know that firms are more using this software to record or analyse the people data. This workshop gave me rightful experiences about how to enter the people information or use it for analysis. It also helped me to learn about the decision-making process based on data analysis. I learned that performances analysis become easier with the use of technology. Today’s business is also looking for those people who are equipped with technical skills as use of technology reduce the work burden or provide fast outcome. Thus, the technology-based learning will add value for me to manage multiple workforce’s performances in big organisation.

Week-4: In this topic, I learned about the identification of Leadership approaches in respect to influences the people on proper manner. I found that leadership approach is selected based on individual capability, their subordinates, or the area where they are working. In respect to this topic, I identify right approach for leader where I got to know about the situational based leadership where actions need to be design as per the specific task. I really got surprised about this approach is that some leaders are born or many of them develops timely. To understand my leading style, I got engaged with SWOT analysis to understand my strength and weakness (Wang, 2019). I realised that need to work on the time management and continue to expertise the communication skills. At that time, I was start making notes to complete my work on time. This process slowly makes them punctual about my work. I realised that if I able to manage the things timely then able to influences other to work effectively. This action plan will help me to inspire other to do work on time by becoming their role-model.

In-depth using reflective model

The use of Gibbs reflective model will help to present professional experiences of mine. Basically, Gibbs reflective cycle encourages the people to systematically think about the experiences that they have during the specific situation, event, or activity. Basically, Gibbs reflective cycle developed by Professor Graham Gibbs in 1988 to present people achieved their goal via “learning by doing” (Adeani et al., 2020). Its purpose is to help people learn from their experiences or develop right improvement based on experiences. Through this model, I reflect my professional experiences of internship which I did as a part of module work. The Gibbs reflective cycle supports to share my past real experiences or reflect my mental wealth competencies to manage the situation.

Description: – During internship training, I have a great learning experience as there I got opportunity to work on task. As an intern, I was asked to role-play as a HR personnel where I was asked to prepare report on employee review on organisation work culture. For this, I collected data from employees through prepare some questions for their response. I also must use firm database software to record the people data, analysis it with graph presentation. At last, I also presented to my seniors (Markkanen et al., 2020). In my task, I also need to dictate the final verdict of report where I revealed to management that staff found autocratic work culture where they don’t have power to speak or put their ideas. Long-working hours are another problem due to which people feel stresses or a sense of fear, anxiety to not suspend from job. Based on such review, management asked me to give necessary implementation of right development of workplace culture. I used my mental wealth competencies to handle such situation through tried to execute the work-life balances for staff through provide more resting time or develop recreational activities for employees to reduce their stress. This role-play helped me to understand the employee views or even identify the right procedure to collect data or present it to seniors.

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Feelings: – During the task, I feel little under-confident due to lack of work experiences in collecting, reporting work or even execution of work-life balance also demands for the right execution of policies. These all activities demand for more planning, deep study which I did. This task has helped me to become more confident in speaking or putting my ideas forward to seniors. It also realised me to work on my knowledge part as I need to work more on gaining knowledge about current affairs. Overall, this task gives me learning experiences.

Evaluation: – In respect to work task, the things went well are able to collect information from employees on time and this allows me to present the seniors and able to make right decisions over situation. But the things that didn’t go well are my poor implementation of senior stated policies regards to work-life balance as I didn’t meet up the expectations of my seniors as my recreational activities are not that much entertaining. It also not took employee attentions properly.

Analysis: – I could be able to make changes in my recreational activity task through add some fun games. It would help to appeal more people.

Conclusion: – The learning experiences from internship will help me to pursue my career as a professional HR in some reputed MNCs (Tanaka et al., 2018).

Action Plan: – For personal development, I need to work on my research work to improve my knowledge about different subject-matter.


The study clearly reflected learnings or experiences in development of module. I outlined different topics of module such as EI, cultural Intelligences, Digital proficiency, and Leadership approaches to get employability skills. Through Gibbs model, I analysed professional skills and able to identify the improvement areas for personal development.


Adeani, I.S., Febriani, R.B. and Syafryadin, S., 2020. USING GIBBS’REFLECTIVE CYCLE IN MAKING REFLECTIONS OF LITERARY ANALYSIS. Indonesian EFL Journal, 6(2), pp.139-148.

Markkanen, P., Välimäki, M., Anttila, M. and Kuuskorpi, M., 2020. A reflective cycle: Understanding challenging situations in a school setting. Educational Research62(1), pp.46-62.

Mayer, J.D., Caruso, D.R. and Salovey, P., 2016. The ability model of emotional intelligence: Principles and updates. Emotion review8(4), pp.290-300.

MindTools, 2021. Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle. [Online] Available at:

Muller, T., 2019. Meet the HR Professional of the future. HR Future, 2019(9), pp.32-33.

Ott, D.L. and Michailova, S., 2018. Cultural intelligence: A review and new research avenues. International Journal of Management Reviews20(1), pp.99-119.

Saubern, R., Urbach, D., Koehler, M. and Phillips, M., 2020. Describing increasing proficiency in teachers’ knowledge of the effective use of digital technology. Computers & Education147, p.103784.

Tanaka, M., Okamoto, R. and Koide, K., 2018. Relationship between Reflective Practice Skills and Volume of Writing in a Reflective Journal. Health10(3), pp.283-288.

Wang, Y., 2019. Pulling at your heartstrings: Examining four leadership approaches from the neuroscience perspective. Educational Administration Quarterly55(2), pp.328-359.


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