Assignment Sample on BMG744 Authentic Leadership and Ethical Leadership


In order to successfully achieve the organizational goals on time, an effective leadership style is needed through which the employees are motivated to complete the organizational success. In this essay, the strengths and weaknesses of Authentic and Ethical leadership will be discussed briefly with the help of examples.

Strength and weakness of Authentic and Ethical leadership styles

Authentic leadership

Authentic leadership refers to a modern approach through which a leader may demonstrate their abilities to show the right behaviours if necessary. More specifically, authentic leadership may be considered as a management style through which leaders may practice genuine behaviour to establish professional relationships in the workplace. In addition to that, authentic leadership style may generate psychological meaningfulness which enhances creativity and work engagement (Chaudhary and Panda, 2018). Leaders may definitely determine which type of management style the leaders may be used for motivating their employees in an organization which may be dependent on the needs of the employees and their performances. Bill Gates, the billionaire American businessman has implemented authentic leadership styles in their work setting which involve team-building, level of vision and decision making which may help to create a healthy environment in work culture to complete the organizational goals on time ( 2021). On the other hand, it may be argued that authentic leadership style may promote a healthy work setting which improves the organizational productivity and staff performances (Alilyyani et al., 2018).


Authentic leadership may relate to their teams and implementation of effective actions may be considered as an important for organizational success. On a contradictory note, it may be mentioned that employees’ perception for Authentic leadership styles is that this leadership style may provide job satisfaction and have a positive impact on the work related happiness and attitudes. According to the employees, the authenticity of authentic leadership in the workplace may build a good professional relationship with the colleagues as well as the leaders may gain a higher level of trust. In addition to that, the creative mind of the employees may improve the organizational productivity which may increase the better growth of the company (Rashid et al., 2019). The strengths of the Authentic leadership style are to be described below:-


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The authentic leaders frequently access and reassess their strength and weakness through which the leaders may develop their skills for managing the organizational activities towards a definite goal. Knowing the weakness and trying to mitigate these weaknesses is the best way to improve the professional skills which may definitely help the leaders to be more authentic towards their leadership quality. Moreover, the leadership education program may be arranged through the leaders which may effectively improve the professional skills to motivate their employees in the right direction (Kotzé and Nel, 2017).

Balance processing

Authentic leaders may take both the opposing and supporting opinions which may definitely help in decision making procedures for fulfilling the company’s success. On the contrary, it may be argued that searching the opposing ideas may help the leaders to detect the flaws and try to solve these flaws in order to meet the company’s needs on time. Additionally, balanced processing may encourage people to be honest and share their thoughts in relation to workplace decisions.

Relational transparency

Authentic leaders may be willing to be transparent in their professional relationship in the suitable workplace, more specifically, the leaders may share their feelings and thoughts which may definitely help the leaders to provide positive motivation to the employees in the right direction. On the contrary, it may be mentioned that the leader may be honest to all the employees and the leaders may provide constructive feedback to the entire team when necessary.

In addition to that, the authentic leaders may be able to provide long term goals of individual and organizational goals which may encourage their entire team to remain concentrated towards a definite goal. The leaders may not change their way of leadership techniques though the leaders may motivate their employees though the different situations are going on. The leaders may provide comfortable communication and encourage their team members towards specific goals for completing the company’s needs.


The authentic leadership may not change whatever the situations are going on, therefore, it has an adverse effect on the organizational success. It is necessary to adapt new changes and the implementation of new ideas according to the situations which may help the leaders for understanding the critical situations. Though the employees may effectively prefer the authentic leadership styles due to its honesty and transparent professional leadership then the employees often not satisfied with this type of leadership style the leaders may not change its way if necessary. The authentic leadership may increase the authenticity of the leaders which may definitely help to successfully reach the Company’s needs in order to achieve the organizational goals (Mohammadpour et al., 2017). However, the concept of authentic leadership style in organizational success has a lack of theories against the questions which is unknown for all the leaders and employees.

Processing negative feedback may be considered as a negative impact on the organizational success with the help of motivating employees because in several times, the employees are not satisfied and demotivated by these processes. Lack of development due to the infancy is the other reason which may affect the dedication and motivation towards the organizational goals. In addition to that if the trust level is not effective for all the situations, more specifically, frauds may remove the trust factors which may have a negative impact on the organization demands as well as the employees will feel demotivated while not cooperating with the leaders further.

Ethical leadership

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Ethical leadership refers to the leadership which is directed by respect for ethical values and beliefs as well as the dignity and rights for others which may have a great impact on the employees’ motivation in order to achieve the Company’s needs. Additionally, a strategic pathway is needed through which the leaders with ethical leadership styles may manage all the operational activities as well as the managerial activities through a positive motivation. On the other hand, it may be stated that the ethical leadership is basically a leadership which is involved in leading in a manner which respects dignity and rights. Ethical leaders may promote the employees and organizational outcomes which may improve the organizational and individual skills (Haar et al., 2019). On the other hand, it may be mentioned ethical leadership may concentrate upon the moral principle regarding ethical leadership and also be aware of the complexity of ethical issues.

On a contradictory note, it may be mentioned that the ethical leaders may manage the conflicts among the employees in healthy work circumstances which may definitely improve productivity. Corporate social responsibility practices by the ethical leaders may influence the employees’ performances which may significantly help the organizational success (Sarfraz et al., 2018). The employees’ performances and outcomes depend on the healthy work culture, more specifically, if the employees are motivated and satisfied with the work environment then the employees’ productivity may be high in achieving organizational success. Additionally, a positive relationship between work engagement and ethical leadership may have a positive impact on the organizational goals which may improve the professional development skills (Mostafa and Abed, 2020). Sundar Pichai, Chief Executive Officer of Google, has implemented the ethical leadership style through which the organization may provide a healthy and comfortable environment provided by the ethical leaders which may be an effective for the organizational success ( 2021).


Ethical leadership styles may create a set of positive standards that may lead towards an honest and supportive work environment which may increase the organizational productivity. More specifically, ethical leadership styles may build a good environment without any social conflicts among the employees and seniors which may help to build a good relationship among the employees. In addition to that, for developing the ethical leadership within the leaders, the organization may provide training regarding the leadership training to theory leaders though which the leaders become well trained the way the leaders may effectively manage the team for fulfilling the company’s needs (Freire and Bettencourt, 2020). On the other hand, it may be mentioned that ethical leaders may ensure that the employees in a particular organization may follow the rules or not. Sexual harassment policy has to be implimented in an organization which is managed by the ethical leaders and that is effect at work setting for development the Company productivity.

Apart from this, ethical leaders may lead the ethical behaviours which may create a better result for company’s success as well as the entire team member (AlShehhi et al., 2020). Additionally, ethical leadership may create a healthier workplace culture through which a positive environment throughout the organization may perform for increasing productivity. On the contrary, it may be mentioned that the effective ethical leadership style may moderate the positive relationship between top management teams (TMT) and Human Resource Management (HRM) which may produce better results for the succes (Ren et al., 2020). The ethical leaders take their positions with dedication, on the other hand, it may be argued that it also focuses on empowerment which may ensure that the employees or the organizations are able to grow. Ethical leadership plays an important role for developing the positive outcomes similar to organizational identification and commitments as well as trust in leadership may moderate the professional relationship (Sharma et al., 2019).


Although it is undoubtedly to consider the effectiveness of ethical leadership regarding the management of the organizations, still it is impossible to ethical leaders when the team is a diverse team including the individuals with different difficulties and mitigating processes regarding the different issues. However, the effectiveness of the ethical leadership styles may have a significant effect on the organizational needs which may improve productivity as well as it may develop the personal leadership skills of the leaders (Ouma, 2017). If the ethical leaders with ethical leadership quality may not successfully mitigate the problems or difficulties then the employees may not feel satisfied or the effect of the leadership may not have a good impact on the employee’s performance positively.

Moreover, the ethical leadership may not easily control or maintain all rules and regulations by the leaders which may not better result for the Company productivity. In a large organization, it is quite impossible for the leaders to solve all the problems, therefore, in those cases leaders may want the suggestion regarding the problems with the higher authorities in a Company. However, the leaders with ethical leadership may not provide organizational success, apart from this leaders may maintain all the leadership qualities which may provide a clear vision to the leaders.


From the above discussion, it may be concluded that both the leadership quality is important for organizational success or its better performances as both the leadership may improve the employees’ performances in order to achieve the Company’s success and improve the personal development skills.


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