BMGT2221 Developing Employee Talent Assignment Sample

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Task 1: Learning and Development Program to meet the identified business need for the designated group of graduates

The given company has a two year fast track graduate program that has been designed in order to identify the managers and leaders of the future. Every ear 20 graduates undergo this program in which they work in four important business departments namely, sales and marketing, finance, research and development and Human Resources, each for six months in a rotational basis for a total duration of two years. At the end of the two year program the company plans to develop an intervention that can help the graduates to be better prepared for leadership and managerial roles. 

This task would focus on the development of a 45mins learning and development intervention that would include activities and tests aimed to the strengthening of managerial and leadership skills and help the graduate understand how to utilize skills and competencies in a better manner through simulations of real life scenarios.  This would therefore prepare the graduates for the next stage of their career and thus support professional development and growth (Wall 2018). For the purpose of this 45mins intervention the activities and tests that have been selected and designed are discussed as under:

  • Group discussion (10 mins): This will be a group based activity where all the 20 graduates will be involved in a discussion about two topics related to management and leaderships which are: a) cross-cultural communication and b) conflict management. The objective of this activity is to incorporate within the intervention wherein the entire group can be involved in brainstorming sessions (2) to identify different approaches in conflict resolution and cultural appropriateness. The importance of this activity can be understood by the influence of these two factors in the performance of a team and therefore their necessity for managers and leaders to develop and utilize these skills to maintain team work and a positive culture within the workplace (Joseph-Richard et al. 2019).
  • Presentation (5 mins): Each participant will be giving a presentation from a list of ten topics which can include brand management, business ethics, business communication, sales management, return on investment, financial analysis, employee induction, change management, customer satisfaction and risk management. The aim of this presentation is to assess the fluency of the participants in communication as well as the grasp on the subject and their clarity of thought. This can also help to understand the key skills and interest of the participant on the basis of the topic chosen and their fit within the specific domains of the organization (Napiersky and Woods 2018).
  • Role play (5 mins): Role play would involve an activity wherein each member has to assume the role of a manager or a leader in a specific department such as HR, RnD, Finance and sales and marketing. Each activity would be based on a specific real life scenario pertinent each department such as taking an interview, innovative product development, budget discussion and sales pitch. The objective of the role play would be to help the participants understand their own skillsets and help them implement those skills in real life situation. This would also act as a diagnostic activity that will help them understand areas for improvement and development (McElroy 2019).
  • Feedback (5 mins): this intervention session would involve the participants to give feedback to each other based on their observation of each other’s performance in the group Activity. The participants would be divided into ten pairs for this purpose to make the process quicker and each individual will have 2.5mins to give a feedback to the partners. The objective of this session would be to see how the participants give feedback keeping in mind the approaches to encourage the partners as well as maintain an objective viewpoint (Ruethaivanich and Scott 2017).  
  • Multiple intelligence test (5mins): each participant would complete a short test comprising of 25 multiple choice questions measured in a score of 0-5 that will measure various types of intelligence such as linguistics, logical/mathematical, bodily-Kinesthetic, spatial-visual, interpersonal and intrapersonal. This test would be based on the intelligence test developed by Gardner and would measure the individuals skill and competencies as well as their aptitudes in communication, problem solving, agility, emotional intelligence and self-reflection. This can allow the participants to not only understand their strengths but also identify their weaknesses and how to overcome them (Kamali 2018).
  • Using management tools (5mins): in this session the participants would have 5 minutes to show their skills in the usage of any one of the tools used in strategic management such as balance scorecard, bench marking, employment engagement survey, customer relationship management and strategic planning. The objective of this activity is to incorporate a process of consultation as well as diagnostic activity that can be utilized for different departments of an organization such as HR, RnD, finance, sales and marketing (Thomassen and Stegeager 2017).
  • Interview (10 mins): the final activity for the intervention would include a face-to-face and one on one interview with each of the individuals to further assess their sensitivity, interests and aptitudes in leadership and management. Discussion on the future goals and vision of the participant would be a key focus in the interview along with an honest and open discussion about their interests and influences. The interview can also be focus around feedback from the previous activities from the assessor (Goertzen 2019).BMGT2221 Developing Employee Talent Assignment

    Task 2: Assessment of how the Learning and Development program can raise the performance capabilities of the designated group of graduates

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    The Learning and Development intervention that has been outlined above would help in the improvement of the performance capabilities within the graduate group through the following aspects or skill sets that are important for a fitting position in either of the departments as manager in leadership role:

    • Communication skills: the activities such as group discussion, presentation and roles plays can develop the communication skills of the participants by understanding how they can present ideals and concepts with fluency and evaluating the clarity of thought. These activities would essentially improve how well each participant can communicate with the team of employees during briefing sessions or presentation. This is an important skill for a manager or a leader to ensure better understanding within the team about their roles and responsibilities and sharing team performance objectives (Wallo2017).
    • Problem solving skills: activities such as team work, management tools, role plays and group discussions can analyses the problem solving skills of the participants. This approach can be useful to understand how the participants respond to real-life scenarios and the efficiency with which they undertake analyses, evaluate and resolve those problems. This therefore forms an important basis to enhance their leadership and management skills to handle day to day challenges faced within the business effectively (Sørensen 2017).
    • Team building: team activities like group discussion, role plays and feedback as well as multiple intelligence tests would help to improve how each participant can function within a team, cooperate with other members as well as their efficiency and effectiveness in leading, managing and guiding the team towards better results and their inter-personal skills for better communication. The assessment can also help to develop how these individuals act as a bridge between the top management and the employees by working towards better team work and collaboration (Naim and Lenka 2018).
    • Critical thinking: activities like feedbacks, role playing, multiple intelligence test, presentations and interviews can help to assess the critical thinking ability of the participants and how they are able to objectively analyses different business scenarios and therefore identify their root causes and how to overcome them. This would therefore help to ignite the leadership and management skills of the participants to deal with and manage various business situations and guide the team towards common goal or objective (Gould 2016).
    • Conflict management: team-base activities like role playing and group discussion can be useful for the development of the conflict management skills of the participants in a real-time scenario. This approach will allow how the participants can use different approaches of conflict management to maintain team cohesiveness and coordination. Multiple intelligence test and interview would further help to develop the interpersonal skills of the participants and the communication fluency that can further enhance the conflict management approaches (Hopkins and Meyer 2019).
    • Performance management: activities like feedback and usage of management tools can help to grow performance management skills along with the ability to evaluate team performance among the participants. Their efficiency with performance management tools can build how fast and how well they can use the tools to evaluate employee performance and how well their feedback can enhance the performance of the team. Efficiency in this aspect can therefore be measured through improved performance output of individuals as well as the team (Allen and Shehane 2016).
    • Corporate meeting: the ability of the members to conduct corporate meetings for Board of Directors and presenting important performance reviews can be pushed through the activities like presentations and usage of management tools wherein the effectiveness of communicating vital information with clarity and giving better understanding of performance data through business analytics can be made. This would also be exhibited through the ability of the participant to maintain a professional tone and body language throughout the meeting which can be evaluated through the intervention (Sørensen 2017).
    • Strategic management: Strategic management approaches and skills of the members can be boosted through the group discussion, intelligence test and interview as well as the role play that will help to understand and evaluate how well the individuals manage specific situations with efficiency and the speed with which they comprehend and identify the problems related to the different situations. Speed of thinking and accuracy of judgment are therefore important parameters that will help to evaluate employee performance within this aspect. Moreover this would also develop ability of the participants to take strategic decisions based on the discussion in the interviews (Wallo 2017).
    • Business forecasting: the activities like presentation, role play and usage of management tools can help to develop and improve the competencies in business forecasting wherein the individuals would know the approaches to make forecasts and predictions on business performance based on the analysis of existing data. This would also the participants to develop their skills and competencies in data analytics and communicate them more effectively. The activities would further help the individuals to understand and identify patterns and trend in the data in order to make future predictions pertinent to different divisions in the company (Kamali 2018).BMGT2221 Developing Employee Talent Assignment Fig 2

      Task 3: Identification of practice implications from the design and preparation of the learning and development intervention in developing graduate talent for the future

      The learning and development intervention developed in the activity can have several practical implications that can help in the development of the talents of the graduates in their future. These implications are discussed as under:

      • Coaching, training and mentoring: the intervention can have an important implication for each participant by helping them understand how to best guide the team members through coaching, training and mentoring. The participants would be able to development programs for coaching, training and mentoring for the team members by analyzing their skillsets and identifying opportunities for skills development within these programs. This can therefore help in the improvement of their talent to better improve and develop the competencies of the workforce and achieve better team performance outcomes (McElroy 2019).
      • Change management: the learning and development intervention can also imply a better ability of the graduates to manage an organization-wide change and overcome change resistance among the employees through better understanding and openness towards change. This further implies the professional ability of the participants to bring about a change in an organization with efficiency and effectiveness by addressing the problems faced by the members and incorporating strategic approaches that can benefit both the organization and the people (Naim and Lenka 2018).
      • Strategic management: An important implication of the designed intervention is the ability of the participants to take strategic decisions and therefore implement strategic management approaches within the organization. This is an important talent that can develop for the graduates that will allow them to create better understanding on how to tackle business situations in a strategic manner through a better analysis using tools such as SWOT, PESTLE, VRIO, Cash flow analysis, Poters’ 5 Forces analysis, Conceptual framework analysis, 4 V analysis, Pareto analysis and decision matrices (Wallo 2017).  
      • Motivating: the intervention has specific implication regarding the development of the ability of the graduates to motivate team members towards a common goal. This further implies that the graduates would be able to share a common vision and develop a sense of purpose and urgency to reach a common goal that supports the vision. Motivation is an important aspect that promotes cohesiveness and performance within a team which the graduates can develop or improve through participation in the intervention program. This can therefore prepare the graduates in their future roles and managers and leaders by the ability to lead a motivate the team members towards desired outcomes by using the strategies implied within the intervention program (Wall 2018).
      • Work culture development: the work culture is one of the most significant aspects within a workforce as it influences not only the performance of the tea, but also affects how individuals within the team interact with each other and the team dynamics. The important implication of the invention program is for the graduates to understand the importance of work culture and how to develop them so as to maintain a positive relation and dynamics within the members and maintain an environment based on trust, respect, honesty, integrity and professionalism. This would moreover help to minimize inter personal conflicts and foster loyalty and retention of the employee within the workforce (Gould 2016).

      Task 4: Assessment of personal learning from designing and preparing the learning and development intervention and identification of areas of professional practice improvement for the future

      While developing the Learning and Development intervention for the graduates I was able to achieve a better understanding on how different aspects of learning and development program in terms of activities and tests can be useful for the development of skills and competencies useful in management and leadership. The experience has been pivotal in the development of my understanding and knowledge on the roles and responsibilities of a leader and manager within an organization and how they can function and support better performance within different divisions or domains within an organization such as Human Resources, Research and development, Finance and Sales and marketing  I could also understand how various leadership approaches are necessary to guide, motivate and help team members as well as teams to achieve a common set of goals or objectives and thereby achieve the vision and mission of the organization. I realized the value of choosing perfect candidates for the perfect job role so that the very vision and mission of the company can be achieved. This led me towards developing a structured and effective learning and intervention plan that would not only help me allocate the participants in their rightful place but also help them in their future as leaders and managers in various domains. This intervention plan involved multiple activities and tests that were focused on the assessment of the skills and competencies of the participants in order to help them understand their own strengths as well as their weaknesses thereby further aiding the understanding of how to overcome their weaknesses and utilize their strengths more efficiently within a leadership r managerial capacity (Ruethaivanich and Scott 2017).

      The activities within the intervention were primarily to help the graduates understand how to use and implement strategic decisions and actions to real life business situations ad scenarios. This in turn helped me sketch out many activities which ensured that an unbiased set of intervention program can be arranged by placing the graduates in practical and real-time cases.  These activities helped me to identify ad consider the potential challenges as well as scenarios in business thereby increasing my depth of knowledge in this field.  I was able to learn about different theories in management and leadership that are incorporated within the various activities in the form of skills development. For example, the theory of Trait Leadership became an important and relevant centerpiece around which the activities of team work and presentation were developed that allowed the graduates to exhibit their leadership traits to the groups and motivate them more effectively (Goertzen 2019).

      I also had to delve into the different domains of business by understanding the intricacies and peculiarities as well as the specific demands inherent in each domain in terms of the competencies and business needs which has been incorporated within the intervention by involving various types of scenarios and topic to be selected from.  This in my opinion helped me gain further knowledge about each domain and how to manage them in a better manner. I believe that these activities and the intervention will not only help the graduates in their future professional career but also would be useful for me for my own growth in my profession. It was a challenge to develop an intervention plan of such a short duration an incorporate all the activities that would help to position the graduates in the appropriate roles. Nevertheless, I understood that through the development of leadership skills I should be able to perform better in such activity in the future and further enhance my professional competencies for planning and development.

      Personal Development Plan

      Based on the knowledge and insights I developed by undertaking the four tasks above, I was able to understand my need to further enhance my leadership skills which is the primary focus of the Personal Development Plan. For the purpose of the plan I was able to identity five priority skills such as presentation skills, written skills, commercial awareness, team working skills and leadership skills. The development of the plan can be further followed up by outlining the current proficiency, the target proficiency, and the development opportunity, criteria for judging success, time scale and evidence.  Outlined below is the PDP

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      BMGT2221 Developing Employee Talent Assignment Fig 3


      Allen, S.J. and Shehane, M.R., 2016. Exploring the language of leadership learning and education. New directions for student leadership2016(151), pp.35-49.

      Goertzen, B.J., 2019. Action Learning in a Graduate Online Course. Journal of Leadership Education18(2).

      Gould, D.R., 2016. Leadership as a life skill in youth sports. In Positive youth development through sport (pp. 151-167). Routledge.

      Hopkins, K. and Meyer, M., 2019. Evaluating Behavioral and Organizational Outcomes of Leadership Development in Human Service Organizations. Human Service Organizations: Management, Leadership & Governance43(4), pp.290-298.

      Joseph-Richard, P., Ringrose, N. and Glover, G., 2019, May. Dream, Diagnose, Dialogue & Deliver: Lessons Learned from a ‘4D’Leadership Development Intervention in a High-performing Pharmaceutical Company. In British Academy of Management Conference 2019 (p. 890).

      Kamali, A.A., 2018. Leadership Development Programs (LDPs): Factors Impacting on Learning Transfer in Dubai Government Organisations.

      McElroy, S.J., 2019. Impact of a leadership development intervention on career decision-making self-efficacy of community college students: A quasi-experimental research design.

      Naim, M.F. and Lenka, U., 2018. Organizational learning and Gen Y employees’ affective commitment: The mediating role of competency development and moderating role of strategic leadership. Journal of Management & Organization, pp.1-17.

      Napiersky, U. and Woods, S.A., 2018. From the workplace to the classroom: Examining the impact of self-leadership learning strategies on higher educational attainment and success. Innovations in Education and Teaching International55(4), pp.441-449.

      Ruethaivanich, K. and Scott, A., 2017. The Impact of an Organization Development Intervention on the Strength-Based Leadership Behaviors of Team Leaders and Team Members: A case study in the Health Systems Division of Philips Thailand. ABAC ODI JOURNAL VISION. ACTION. OUTCOME.4(1).

      Sørensen, P., 2017. What research on learning transfer can teach about improving the impact of leadership-development initiatives. Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research69(1), p.47.

      Thomassen, A.O. and Stegeager, N.W., 2017. Leadership Development as Organizational Learning. In The 2017 Organizational learning, Knowledge and Capabilities Confenrece.

      Wall, T., 2018. 23 Infusing ethics in leadership learning and development. Leading Beyond the Ego: How to Become a Transpersonal Leader, p.139.

      Wallo, A., 2017. Learning-oriented leadership: managers as facilitators of human resource development in daily work. International Journal of HRD Practice Policy and Research2(1), pp.21-34.


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