BSB 501

BSB 501 Assignment Sample 

Assessment 1

Appendix 1 – Work plan 1

Personal goals for Adam-

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The personal goals set for Adam is to enhance its networking relations with its key clients, the various suppliers, enhance the time management skills, the problem solving and the managerial skills, to upgrade and adopting the latest technical knowledge as well as skills.

Team goals for Adam-

The various team goals for Adam are to provide training and development, to handle the performance of the workers, to recruit the most competent and deserving employees in the company and also to develop the team skills.

Work activity Description Goal/s KPIs Timeframe Person responsible
Training and development This activity deals with identifying as well as looking out for the required effective training and development needs for every member in the production team. The goal is to establish or implement of an effective training and development program for the members. Capable employee 2 months time is required The HR manager is been responsible for providing the training and development program
Increasing the productivity 1 month time is required Production manager is responsible
Motivating the employees to perform better and effectively 25 days are required HR manager is responsible

Appendix 1 – Work plan no. 2

Work activity Description Goal/s KPIs Timeframe Person responsible
Time management Developing work priorities Organize and schedule work


The goal is to manage the time as per the activities of the production


No delay in the level of production 1 month of time period is required The person responsible is the Production Manager
Scheduling and Organizing the work tasks As per the set schedule plan trying to attain the level of production High productivity 15 days require
Taking time for evaluating or analyzing the progress of the work performed and trying to resolve the problems

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Less number of the absentees 10 days are required

Assessment 2- Written Report

Appendix 2 – Professional development plan

Name Ms. XYZ
Date of development 10th January Date to be reviewed 14th February
o Discussed with mentor/colleague

Name: Mr. STP                                           

o Discussed with manager

Name: Mr. ABC                                       

Professional development opportunities/ training

Timeframe Description of opportunity/training Skills/ competency to develop
5 months- 2 hours daily Giving effective mentoring, guidance and coaching to the co-workers from the senior technical staff, participating in the various technical workshops, developing small online courses that provide technical courses.

Providing helpful material such as technical videos and audios as well as some effective books containing material related to training.

The skills needed to develop are the technical skills
19 months Looking out for the courses that help to provide training related to how to implement a product

To go through thoroughly on the latest and advanced technology updates regarding the fuel cells as well as automated vehicles and the industrial developments.

Providing training programs in the area of automotive technology.

Hiring the expert from different fields to provide weekly sessions.

The skills required to be developed are the advanced level of technical skills
3 months – One ½   hour daily Trying to obtain true and honest feedback from the various co-workers that will help to identify where improvement is required.

Involving in the group discussion as well as in the seminars and presentations.

Trying to focus on the communication skills
Involving the habit of improving the writing skills in the context of writing letters, forums, business emails, etc.

Trying to read out good books related to effective training strategies and business communication.

The skill required is the business writing skills
Playing an active role at the time of role play activities and trying to engage more effectively with the customers. The skills needed to be developed is the negotiation skills


Networking activities

Timeframe Description of networking activities Opportunity/professional advantage
1 month – spend 30 minutes daily Become a member of professionals group such as Young Auto Care Network Group (YANG) To exchange the information and knowledge for developing broader vision in the context of finding practical solutions for daily issues.
2 month – spend 15 – 20 minutes daily Create an active profile on LinkedIn to connect with various experts or  auto care professionals For grabbing or acquiring better career opportunities
Once in three months for 2 years Attend various interesting social or  professional events Improve business collaboration
5 months Email networking To develop business leads works as an opportunity

Written feedback:

The feedback obtained is from two co-workers in a way to analyze the characteristic of professional competency. The first feedback is in the concern of enhancing my communication skills which are required to be improved while engaging with the customers in handling the issues as well as at the time of bargaining process.

The second feedback highlights on the technical literacy that require improvisation in the area of fuel cells, technical skills, a feature of the product, and light weighting.


To evaluate the professional competency, there is a need to analyze the job so that it will help in determining the in-depth as well as essential knowledge, the skills, the capabilities, feature, qualification and the attributes for the job.

The feedback is also been acquired from the customers, co-workers and the other colleagues so that it can be identified that where improvement is needed in the context of communication as well as technical know-how.

I have selected the 360-degree method to acquire the feedback from both external as well as the internal customers and social network. It has also identified the gap in attaining the competency standard that is been identified from job description as well as the professional networks.

I ensure that the feedbacks been obtained are not having any kind of biases and are been reviewed and are been also matched with the feedbacks obtained from others. The learning methods I have acquired or used are mentoring, coaching, and effective training programs in my development plan.

In order to find out the development needs in order to develop a plan for professional development I have listed the competency and ranked them accordingly.

Assessment 3

Question 1. Explain principles and techniques involved in the management and organization of:

  • Performance measurement– The principles and techniques of performance measurement include exposing the weakness, providing collaboration, providing high visibility and performance measure must matter in the management and organization.
  • Personal behavior, self-awareness and personality traits identification- It can be identified by personality, value, habits, needs, body language and emotions of people in the organization (Taticchi et al., 2015).
  • A personal development plan– It can be implemented in an organization by providing training and improvement programs to the organizational employee to achieve goals and objectives.
  • Personal goals setting– It can be established by the use of different principles such as setting the clear & specific goal, setting challenging goals, building emotional & rational commitment, scheduling regular feedback, and manage task complexity.
  • Time– The principles and techniques of time management are analysis time value, planning according to the time, scheduling, fixing the deadline, focus on overworking, grouping the tasks, divide the work according to time, etc.

Question 2. Outline organization’s policies, plans, and procedures related to prioritization and professional development.

The policies of the organization are based on the maximization of the profit and develop the value by providing high customer satisfaction. The organizational plans are developed by prioritizing the work with the help of setting different criteria like it should impact on the growth of business, liability, resolving the complex tasks, and approving time to resolve complex tasks.

In order to prioritization and professional development, the organization can use the effective procedure like Pareto principle and action priority matrix, where prioritize worklist can be prepared and can provide value to the efforts needed on each complex task (Beausaert et al., 2013).

In addition to this, the important/urgent matrix can also be used in order to categorize the different urgent tasks. So, it can be said that the policies, plans, and procedures of organization for prioritization and professional development contain process of monitoring, setting the goals, provide self-improvement training to personal development, etc.

Question 3. Explain types of learning style/s and how they relate to the individual?

There seven types of learning styles such as Visual, Aural, Verbal, Physical, Logical, Social and Solitary. All the learning styles are directly related to an individual to develop internal and external ideas in the mind (Barrick et al., 2013). Additionally, each learning style is helpful for an individual to communicate with other people.

  • Visual- In this learning style, an individual can develop the understanding by the use of pictures, images, and spatial things.
  • Aural- This learning style is helpful for an individual to use the sound and music to increase the consideration of a particular topic.
  • Verbal- An individual uses this learning style to develop the understanding by the use of words, both using of speeches and written documents.
  • Physical- In order to develop the understanding through the body, an individual can use hand and sense of touch.
  • Logical- In this, an individual can use logic, reasoning, and system to learn something special.
  • Social- The social learning style provides something new to an individual to learn in groups or with people in the society.
  • Solitary- In this learning style, the learner wishes self-study, work alone and without others.

Question 4. Define 80:20 Rules.

The 80:20 rules define that the cause of 80% outcomes or results is credited to the 20% reasons in a particular event. This rule is also known as the Pareto principle, Pareto law, the law of vital few and principle of factor Sparsity.

The 80:20 rules also define that 80% of the quality issues occur due to 20% products in an organization (Matei and Bruno, 2015). This rule is essential for managing to prioritize the work by analyzing ‘To Do’ list. This list will be helpful to provide different issues related to the work and the organization can resolve it by providing different solutions.

The 80:20 rules are also helpful for an organization’s productivity because it creates ‘To Do’ list were each risk can be measured and solved. With the use of this principle, the organization focuses on the goals or activities that are most critical in the way of the success of the organization.

The firm also points outs the 20% of the customer who should be satisfied with the quality because it will also provide 100% satisfaction to the customer.

Question 5. Describe some practices that can improve personal performance?

There are some practices that can be helpful to improve personal performance:

The preparation of the targets that are to achieve on the basis of monthly or weekly by setting key milestones in the planning (Marr, 2015). The personal performance can also be improved by learning different techniques to manage the priorities. The management of the priories is helpful for an individual to effectively and timely complete the tasks.

Additionally, the personal performance of the individual in an organization can also be improved by developing a positive mantel attitude. The improvement in skills and knowledge is also helpful to increase the personal performance.

The importance of personality should also understand by an individual in the organization because it is helpful to improve the personal performance (Kahneman and Tversky, 2013). The personality motivates the person to increase the quality of working and complete the task according to the need.


Barrick, M.R., Mount, M.K. and Li, N., 2013. The theory of purposeful work behavior: The role of personality, higher-order goals, and job characteristics. Academy of management review38(1), pp.132-153.

Beausaert, S., Segers, M., Fouarge, D. and Gijselaers, W., 2013. Effect of using a personal development plan on learning and development. Journal of Workplace Learning25(3), pp.145-158.

Kahneman, D. and Tversky, A., 2013. Prospect theory: An analysis of decision under risk. In Handbook of the fundamentals of financial decision making: Part I (pp. 99-127).

Marr, B., 2015. Big Data: Using SMART big data, analytics and metrics to make better decisions and improve performance. UK: John Wiley & Sons.

Matei, S.A. and Bruno, R.J., 2015. Pareto’s 80/20 law and social differentiation: A social entropy perspective. Public Relations Review41(2), pp.178-186.

Taticchi, P., Garengo, P., Nudurupati, S.S., Tonelli, F. and Pasqualino, R., 2015. A review of decision-support tools and performance measurement and sustainable supply chain management. International Journal of Production Research53(21), pp.6473-6494.

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