BSBWOR501 Manage Personal Work Assignment Sample

Here’s the best sample of BSBWOR501 Manage Personal Work Assignment, written by the expert. 


The current business environment is very competitive due to this is essential for an employee or businessman to continuously develop new skills and improve their sills so that it can perform their task in the effective manner. It helps the employees, manager and businessman to achieve the higher growth in the life. In the same concern of this, this report discusses a plan to develop and maintain profession competence to achieve the career objective. Along with this, it also determines the process of planning the profession development. In this, I assessed my personal knowledge and skills against competency standard such as enterprise specific competencies or nationally endorsed unite of competency. In this my career objective is to become marketing manager where I can use my skills for the company growth. This professional competence plan will help me to develop new skills as well as sharp the existing skills to achieve the career objective.  

Develop and maintain Professional Competence

As the performing the role of the marking manager, a person has lots of responsibility and goals. In order to meet the organisational goal, it is essential for marketing manager to set its work goal and prioritise work goal. In this, the manager will have two work goal such brand development and public relation. For the both these goals, it will development two different work plan that will help to achieve these work goal in the effective manner.   

Process of planning professional development

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The role of marketing manager is significant in the business scenario because it is responsible for the increasing the sales of the company. In this, the main task of the marketing manager to conduct the marketing activities of the company in the effective manner that can increase the sale of the company. The objective of the marketing activities of the company is associated with the marketing. As my career objective to be a marketing manager I made a study on the marketing business plan of the company. It is also an essential task of a manager to analyze the organisational goal. In this, I will evaluate the organisational business plan, business goal, policies and procedures in the context of the short term and long term. I will help me to develop an effective and efficient marketing plan for my company.

In the context of brand development, it is found that the organisational plain is that it wants increase it brand value 10% per annual. For this, companies has significant policies that help the company to represent them self in the effective manner. At the same time, the company also follow a specific procedure in the brand development. In the context of the public relation, it is found that it helps the company retain the customer for the long period time. In the current environment, customer likes the try new. As concerning of this, the company has lots of strategy that helps the company to keep the good relationship with the customer. In this, company distributes the free samples and coupon to customer to maintain the public relation. 

Moreover, as concerning the job description and work goal, the marketing manager also has some other sub goals. These goals are related to personal and team that will improve the manager as well team competences in the business. The below are some goals and objectives:

  • To improve the communication skill
  • To increase the level of motivation among the team members
  • To improve the time management skill self as well as whole time
  • To develop the new team working skills

The above goals and objective will help to marketing manager to improve its professional skills in the organisation. It will also help the marketing team to development an effective correlation in the working environment. It keeps the significant value in the growth in the organisation. In order to communicate these objective and goals, the manager will arrange a meeting where all the team members will be invited. It will be helpful to discuss the goals and objective of the work plan. At the same time, it will also allow all the participants to ask the questions on the different task.

In order to achieve these goals and objective, an action plan is also prepared that will help achieve the organisational goals such as brand development and public relation. In this, three activities will be performed such as group meeting and discussion, motivation program and assign group task. In the group meeting and discussion, all employee of the marking team will discuss the aim and objective of the plan with ways and strategy to achieve them. It will increase the communication level of the employees. At the same time, its key performance indicators will be effective understanding and effective engagement in work. Its time frame will be 2 days in the week. In the next work activity such motivation program, various lectures related to the motivation will be given and some task will be performed for providing the monetary benefits. Its benefit can be seen as the improvement in the motivation level of the employees. It will also help to develop the brand value and improve public relation with the customers. This kind of activity will be run three times in the month. The third as the assign group task, the work or the task will be assigned by making a group of employees. It will be helpful to improve the management skills. This activity will be associated with the key performance indicator such as achieve the goals of firm and no conflict etc. It will be conducted according to the need of the work.

 Timeframe Description opportunity/ Training  Skills/ competency of develop
Two time in the week   Training on the different ways of communication in the marketing It will improve the communication skill and increase motivation
One in the week   Time management skills It improve time management skill that will help to achieve the competitive advantage

Networking Activities

Timeframe Description of networking activities Opportunities / professional advantage
Tow time in the week Meeting and Email It will improve team working, communication skill

 The net working activities show that the manager will plan on the meeting and also mail to inform the employees. It will be helpful in the profession career to increase team working skill and communication skill.


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On the basis of the above discussion, it can be concluded that in the current competitive business environment, it is quite essential to share their professional skill because it helps to achieve the career as well as organisational goal. In this report, it is found that communication, team working skills and time management skill are essential professional competence that helps person to grow in its professional career.   


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Appendix – Work Plan

Work Activity Description Goals KPIs Time Frame Person Responsible
Conduct group meeting and discussion In this, all employees of the firm will discusses on a topic To increase the communication level of the employees Effective understanding,  effectively engagement in work 2 days in a weak HR manager
Conducts some motivation programs In this, various lectures related to the  motivation will be given and some task will be performed for providing the monetary benefits  Increase the motivation level of the employees Increase sales, satisfied employees, etc Twice in a month HR manager
Assign group task In this, the work or the task will be assigned by making a group of employees Improve the management skill Achieve the goals of the firm, no conflict, etc According to the work need Marketing and the HR manager


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