BU7043 Leadership, Development Assignment Sample

1.  Introduction

Leadership is an approach that helps in achieving organisational and industrial goals by working with a team (Dartey-Baah & Addo, 2018). In order to retain productivity and ensuring stable working of the organisation require adequate performance of leadership.

The study intends to analyse and evaluate leadership tools and its importance in accelerating organisational growth. In view of this analysis, to make the evaluation comprehensive, the study intends to use evaluation tools such as SWOT analysis; this also involves outlining and framing an action plan to display future goals.

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The study is based on functionalities of a leader in context of the “knowledge”, “skills” and “attitudes” within “health” and “social care” environment. Effective leadership in the health care comprises of the responsibilities to sustain a suitable work environment by leading teams and associates in a proper direction.

In this regard, the research is going to highlight some of important responsibilities of a leader like administrative and management responsibilities, understanding and team management, agility and sustainability parameters. The purpose in this regard is to clarify suitable standard of leaders and leadership required for the health and social care organisations for their betterment in the present context.

Consequently, the study also aims at developing a constructive resolution and solutions in respect of “sustainable leadership” within an organisation. Lastly, the study concludes with providing a brief reflection on understanding the perception of the service users.

2. A description of leadership knowledge, skills and attitudes by using self-assessment tools

2.1 A description Leadership attitudes, skills, and knowledge

Healthcare sector is considered as the most influential and important service sector.  In order to maintain the leadership quality within an organization, the management must follow certain principles of the leadership. The principles compose the core structure of the leadership model, which is, accentuated with the presentation of the skills of “empathy, communication, strategic decision-making, self-awareness, and customer-oriented and employee-oriented approach”.

The leadership attitudes in discussed are required to be elaborated in this study. “Empathy” is considered to be the first priority of leader because it deals with understanding the problems and challenges of a care receiver or associate, and address them with absolute care.

“Communication” is referred to share information and build up understanding within a team in a health care organisation to retain high standard of work quality. “strategic decision making” deals with understanding the interrelation of decisions to deal with organisational gain and advantages in health care.

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Self-awareness” refers to proper balance and knowledge of actions and emotional intelligence that can minimise risks in decision-making. “Customer oriented” and “employee oriented approaches” addresses the requirements of the organisations to sustain high volume of productivity and effective work structure by maintaining the interests of customers and employees in health care sector.

As per the view of Arifani & Susanti (2020), it dictates the importance of the leadership quality must present and hold an optimistic view that is beneficial in enabling the leader to counter challenges effectively.

The leaders must maintain and display analytical skill, problem-solving skills, conflict management etc. On the other hand, the qualities must include “flexibility, ability to motivation, tolerance, and displaying positivism”.

The leaders of the health and social care sector are called upon in case of maintain the strategies regarding the clinical aspects as well. The leadership qualities required to be sustained by the professionals in the health care organisations must include endurance, self-motivation, absolute knowledge, courage, learning abilities and others (Franken et al. 2020). http://BU7043 Leadership, Development Assignment SampleThere are other inclusions in this regard as discussed earlier though critical thinking ability, communication and team working are also given priorities.

2.2 Identification and evaluation of Self-assessment tools

The tools that help to self-assess at some particular point in life are required to evaluate the critical situation in life. “The self assessment tools” play a crucial role in the lives of a leader to evaluate” new aspirations”, achieve goals, and conduct responsibilities. It helps in taking the rational decisions and determining perquisite perceptions. In order to sustain high value of productivity and management responsibility in the health care sector it has its own values.

The elements focused by the self-awareness tools to build up leadership qualities among individuals are “values” to address the most important things, “interest” to accommodate the most preferred options to practice in the professional works. Along with that, “personality” to assess individual “traits”, “needs”, attitudes” and “motivation” and “aptitudes” to address the expertise are also give priorities.

Some of the self-assessment tools are taken into consideration in this study to perform the exigencies that are required in the organizational growth of the health and social care sector.  “Myers-Briggs” is considered an effective tool for the self-assessment in this regard to introspect the personality suitable for the health care practitioners.

As developed by CG Jung, the tool develops questionnaires depending on 16 “distinctive personalities” to assess four “psychological functions” essential for leadership. These are “sensation”, “intuition”, “feeling” and “thinking abilities” respectively.

In order to become the leader of the health and social care sector, the learner can go through certain tests in order to increase the facilities of the same (Del Prado & de Fátima, 2019). The tests include “emotional intelligence assessment”, “leadership blind spots” and others.

In order to improve the understanding capacity of a leader and address the interests of every member in a team, self-driven emotions and methods to control them for retaining professionalism, “emotional intelligence” is critically important. Determination of “inherent prejudices” and perspectives that restricts a leader to become agile to the situation can be harmful for the integrity of a team in health care system. “Blind spot assessment” can come in handy to sustain a productive outcome by retaining suitable qualities of leadership in a sustainable manner.

In view of Amirhosseini & Kazemian (2020), “Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator” (MBTI) is the other tool that helps the learner in order to increase the functional growth of the learner. As stated by Childs-Kean, Edwards & Smith (2020), a questionnaire is given to the learner in order to maintain the perspectives the same.

Therefore, it can be stated that the tools mentioned in the earlier sections are contributory in analysing the abilities of a leader to improve the productive outcome in the health care sector. The assessments mentioned above are conducted for the research purpose though the outcomes are not included in this research. The only factors included in this case are the challenges derived from the evaluation. With the help of SWOT analysis strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats related to the research parameters associated with leadership in health and social care environment are included.

“Meyers Briggs” has given out an elaboration on sensation of the leaders to the critical matters like internal disputes, communication challenges, client issues and retention and other matters. On the other side, intuition is another quality addressed by this model that illustrate the emotion, affectation, reformation, prejudice and mending issues of a leader. In this regard, “emotional intelligence assessment” plays also a crucial part for a leader to understand the people’s acceptance and expectations from that person.

Work stress, responsibilities and reliabilities are the core values of these tests assessed for this research purpose. “Blind Spot Assessment” can also be contributory in checking the flaws in leadership in a systematic manner and helpful for a leader to become agile to a particular situation.

2.3 SWOT Analysis


●      Innovative ideas

●      Team building skills

●      Cultural connections

●      Adaptability skills

●      Decision making skills



●      Communication challenges

●      Poor skills in identification of problems

●      Management problems

●      Lack of reflection

●      Lacking self-awareness


·       Innovation will lead to managing operations effectively

·       Formation of “interactive, supportive, and high-functioning teams”

·       Fostering improved connection

·       Enhancing learning and acquiring new skills

·       Contributing to company goals


·       Reduced motivation in the workplace

·       Rising issues regarding customer service

·       Loss of productivity and profitability

·       Reduces the potentiality in solving problems

·       Self-awareness can affect in the identification of challenges


Table 1: SWOT Analysis

(Source: Created by the learner)

2.4 Action Plan

Objectives Tasks Resources Time frame Success criteria
To enhance communication skills To work on communication techniques by joining a personality development program Practice of communication techniques 30 days Managing employees effectively by motivation
To enhance the skills of identifying challenges Practicing critical and analytical skills There are plenty of online resources that can be helpful in improving the skills 40 days Enhancing the decision making process further
To improve management skills Improving self reflection abilities to analyse and understand challenges Management problems can be solved by taking online support 20 days Uplifted approach to increase leadership quality

Table 2: Action Plan

(Source: Created by the Learner)

In order to address these skills, it is important to discuss these factors in regards to leadership literature. “Communication” is one of the most important abilities for the leaders to address. It comprises of the ability to express feelings and ideals with a team and set goals according to them.

In health care, it is related with understanding the goals, perspectives, emotions and requirements of the team members, patients and other associates of an organisation. Ability to identify the challenges is a major quality of a leader to understand the act of providences of every situation. Critical thinking ability, active listening and knowledge are the key variables to regulate it effectively.

Management skills are also important to manage the internal and external environment suitably in a health care organisation. Human resources, financial sustainability, equipments and incorporation of technology are addressed in the internal management. Stakeholder management, market research, addressing legal challenges and competitive advantages are the main parameters of external environment to be supervised by the leaders.

3. A critical reflection of limitations and strengths of leadership theories and models from literature perspective

3.1 Theoretical perspectives of leadership styles

The leadership styles are designed to integrate the best qualities suited for a person to become leader. Qualities like self-management, effective communication, team management abilities, sustaining business productivity and others critically linked with the effective leadership.

In the health care sector, it is important for a leader to have patience, courage and management abilities to mitigate the risks of treatments, team handling and communication issues (Laureani & Antony, 2018). In order to address these parameters, the section covers theoretical approaches to understand proper parameters of leadership to address development and changes in the health and social care sector.

As per the view of Fries, Kammerlander & Leitterstorf (2021), this style can only get fruitful results if the leader is a knowledgeable person and is aware of the thing the leader is doing.

Otherwise, it is possible for an organisation to fall into jeopardy for lack of communication, resource management, and degradation of market value for deteriorating work standard of the teams associated with it.

One example of such conflict can be visible in the Authoritarian leadership that comes into place when it is required in the manner to provide proper clear guidelines for the employees.  Cummings et al. (2018) demonstrate that all the leadership style and approaches varies greatly from the organisations to organisations.

It is also noticeable that the attributes and style also reflect the personality of the leaders. The contingencies that are followed in the proper way are to be mentioned in the qualities of the job done in the health and social care sectors. Most of the leaders who follow the authoritative leadership style are directed by the Contingency theory.

The theory is beneficial for the organisations as it fosters “learning from a specific situation” and utilising the learning to influence future management. Therefore, the study believes that this theory can be helpful in enhancing the management process within the organisations (Abba et al. 2018). It is to mention that the important part of the same is described in the theories and which explains the importance of the same.

These theories are helpful in conceptual development on the leadership. For example, the management qualities and leadership abilities comprising of empathy, active listing, time management and communication can be contributory for own development of the researcher.

3.2 Theoretical perspective based on team leadership approaches

The study aims at exploring the “contingency theory of leadership” and its impact on the leadership style. The major part of the style is believed to aim at aligning with this theory but it is to keep in mind that this theory and style can be exercised only when the leader is well experienced in the same field.

The reason for selection of this theory lies in the variation of approaches and leadership requirements in health care sector. It is not possible to find a definite approach for leadership that can meet all the criteria. It is addressed in by the theory that there is no best way to manage an organisation and decision-making. By addressing these remarks, the theory is best suited for the analysis and evaluation in this case.

The theory is helpful in constructing realistic view of the organisation which further enhances the decision making process and provides a comprehensive understanding of management issues.

However, there are certain strategies in the manner to developing the qualities of the employees and this may maintain to increase the potentiality of the leaders, as this is required to improve management skills. As per the view of Siangchokyoo, Klinger & Campion (2020), the learner is focused on the authoritarian style but it is difficult to maintain the same.

In view of the current leadership, challenges within the healthcare sector observe that the management procedure is inconsistent with each other. On the other hand, ineffective leadership style also under motivates the employees, which also reduces the quality of services (Reñosa et al. 2020). It causes the devaluation in the management of a health care organisation resulting in business loss and decreasing market value.

The theory states that there is always a better way for the leaders to influence their employees and count in good relationship among the team members (Gardner et al. 2021).

The importance to maintain the same is described in a way that calculates the percentage of the same. The maintenance part of the leadership quality in the participative style is maintained by the important part and this continues to have the theories aligned with this. This leadership style maintains the Situational theory aligned with the same and this continues to receive the perfect balance.

3.3 Importance of leadership styles based on the given perspective

The importance of the leadership style in the management of the organizations is necessary and this is known to all the sectors. The health and social care sector needs to modify its management approaches to ensure that it can improve the quality of service and challenges all the issues with constructive solutions.

As opined by Al-Malki & Juan (2018), the important part to maintain the quality of service in the power of the organization and the leaders must follow the same in order to improve the contingencies within the organization. However, it is to note that the important part is to maintain the leadership quality in the same place as described in the organizational strength or the leadership quality (Gilligan et al. 2019).

Thus, the theory illustrates three major aspects and they are acceptance of a person as leader, establishment of good relationship to sustain a proper work environment and optimisation of the works in a proper manner to regulate and address the organisation objectives.

There are some disadvantages to each of the leadership styles, which can potentially undermine the services in the healthcare sector.  The major advantage is the timesaving factor that is not maintained in the end and the way they react is very natural (Gilligan et al. 2019). http://BU7043 Leadership, Development Assignment SampleThe importance to maintain the same is to be performed in the way as it reduces the time taking approaches in the manner as it does not take much time in making crucial decisions (Al Khajeh, 2018).

The chain that is required to command is clearly defined in authoritative leadership are applicable.

3.4 Advantages and disadvantages regarding the above discussion of leadership

Participative leadership style as addressed by the contingency theory is the enhancement of the organizational growth, as well as the employees, getting satisfied in order to maintain a proper organisational culture. The advantages of the contingency theory in this regard associated with the realistic approach in management of the health care organisation.

As stated by Huertas-Valdivia, Gallego-Burín & Lloréns-Montes (2019), the prejudices can hinder the growth of an organisation and decrease the trust and dependencies on the leaders of the associates. On the other hand, there are some concerns regarding the viability of this leadership model as this can cause distortion in the management of teams. Furthermore, this can also increase the likelihood of conflicts. In addition, this can also diminish the quality of services.

Contingency and Situational theories are the part that describes the important part and this may be continued by improving the leadership styles. Contingency theory articulates feasibility in the management and leaders failing to do so are required to be replaced or change behavioural approaches.

However, it is not true for all the situation for example, it is not possible to communicate all the alternatives to the associates in a particular scenario and take their approval before imposing any action. The courses of actions can not be prescribed though this theory as well.

It is not possible for a leader to address all these factors and conduct their responsibility in a systematic manner. These are the backlogs of the theory encountered in this research. As per the view of Kiral (2020), the theories are therefore maintained in a way that improves the functions and this may be continued by the performance of the same. Therefore, the theories and the styles are important to mention in the part of the contingencies to manage the leadership styles in the health and social care sectors.

3.5 Strengths and limitations of leadership styles

The strength that the learner finds out in order to maintain the leadership style is enumerated as the authoritative style demands the best choices of decisions. After careful consideration on the research parameters on the own perspectives, it is possible to develop effective leadership qualities. With the emphasis on the demands of the associates, organisational requirement, appropriate communication and retaining transparency are the major qualities that can be addressed for the personal development of characteristics as a leader.

3.6 Retrospective evaluation

The long-term effect to implement the mentioned change in this sector is a reduced rate of waste products. It is going to act as a part of “corporate social responsibilities or CSR” and is going to put a good impression on the organisations.

Considerations on long term goals, sincerity, markets, responsibilities to care receivers and associates, ethics, sustainability and resource management are addressed through CSR parameters. It includes It is going to reduce the number of biochemical hazards, and drug-resistant microorganisms. The development of constructive CSR plan can help clearing the organisational vision and enabling the healthcare direct operations in a proper direction.

4. Evaluation of Challenges and solutions in relation to sustainable leadership based on an organizational scenario

4.1 Example of an organizational change

Considering an instance, as a part of the change, it is noticed that organisations in this sector are trying to reduce the number of waste products to eliminate the risk factors of environmental impact. Thus, in this case, the most accurately identified leadership style is sustainable leadership.

From the derived standpoints through literature, sustaining positive environment, intelligent and vertical accountability, commitment to the changes and deep learning are the critical parameters addressed in this research to give effective leadership in health care sector.

4.2 An evaluation of challenges based on the perception of sustainable leadership

Leaders working in the healthcare and social sectors face a wide range of challenges. Honing effectiveness seems to be a major challenge for leaders faced in the healthcare sector. This challenge of leadership is all about developing relevant skills for the staff working in this sector (Sousa & Rocha, 2019). This type of challenge helps in developing a context of time management, strategic thinking, decision-making, problem solving, prioritisation and others. It helps medical practitioners to work more effectively when it comes to providing quality services. Another challenge faced by the leaders of the social and healthcare sectors is ways to inspire. It is considered a challenge because it is not an easy task to motivate every member working in a team. Furthermore, change is considered inevitable; therefore, change in the healthcare sector must focus on improving management of employees and ensuring quality of services.

Lack of motivation can hamper the effectiveness of quality care services. The proper amount of motivation also enhances the concept of job satisfaction and employee retention. It is also a challenge to estimate the constant development of employees for leaders working in this sector (Pretorius et al. 2018). Lack of proper leadership approaches can stipple the context of creativity for others as well. Concepts such as collaboration and innovation get hindered due to a lack of proper leadership approaches. The relevant points from the research analysis derived on the leadership qualities can be considered for developing a proper working structure of a health care organisation.

4.3 Issues is leadership styles

Improper sustainable leadership may not be impactful on people who are not driven by the factors of extrinsic motivation. It is worth noting that it can cause dissatisfaction among the team members as well. As per the shared opinions of Al Khajeh (2018), this causes negative impacts on the sectors for employees. It may lead to a poor patient experience as well in this sector. In addition, it hinders both professional and personal development approaches for team members.

An inadequate chain of command is also counted as an issue in the context of sustainable leadership (Wen et al. 2019). It can be aligned with the motivation theories like “Maslow’s theory of Hierarchical Needs” because the leadership can only be practiced if the needs of the lower level employees are addressed. Starting from the base level by addressing “psychological needs”, “safety needs”, “social needs”, “ self-esteem needs” and “self actualisation needs”, a leader can accommodate security to the organisational objectives in an effective manner.

Freethinking ability gets stifled and is counted as an issue of sustainable leadership. From the literature discussed earlier it can be stated that freethinking deals with opting for the methods and approaches without being biased to any situation, person or prejudice. In order to maintain sustainability and effective work standard a leader must incorporate the ability to address it suitably.

The concept of developing relationships with others also is hindered after the improper implication of sustainable leadership (Fahlevi et al. 2019). As per the suggested view of critics, after implicating this leadership approach in the mentioned sector leaders can get too self-focused. It is important to think for the employees and the organisation first before considering the requirements of oneself. Otherwise, it is counted as a self-serving procedure and it is an issue. The feedback provided by this leadership approach can be disingenuous and shallow. It is not a good fit for some specific organisations working in this sector.

BU7043 Leadership, Development Assignment Sample

Figure 1: Challenges of sustainable leadership

(Source: Researchgate.net, 2022)

It causes feelings such as instability and inferiority among the team members. It causes too much pressure on the leaders as well. It is counted as an approach resource-intensive and can be time-consuming as well (Günzel-Jensen et al. 2018). It is also energy consuming because it does not provide efficient and fast outcomes.

That is why critics suggested that it might not be an ideal choice for strict and high-pressure workplaces undertaken by the social and healthcare sectors (Subramaniam, Ima-Nirwana & Chin, 2018). The minor opinion sometimes is overridden and causes issues for this leadership style (Miranda, 2019). The involvement of multiple people can cause issues such as confusion and communication gaps. It is noticed to be time-consuming when it comes to proposing any decisions as well.

Developing the context of ambiguity is counted as another issue of the mentioned leadership approach. It sometimes causes difficulties for training procedures and takes longer times to reach the targeted goals. Based on the shared views of Gandolfi & Stone (2018), this kind of leadership because of such reasons is counted as the weak one in this sector.

Therefore, it may reduce the amount of productivity and create common conflicts among the team members. This leadership is not going to be effective with an unskilled and unmotivated team and it is an issue. In order to address changes the first priority of a leader is to have clarified thoughts and potential actions for him. For example, incorporating equipment for medical treatment and its utility has to be clarified to the employees or change in salary structure or work allocation to the employees must accommodate proper reasoning. The leaders themselves address this and any ambiguity in this regard can sustain an imbalance to work structure.

4.4 A demonstration of solutions in relation to the concept of sustainable leadership

In the above section, an analysis is done based on the perception of issues or challenges in the perception of sustainable leadership. In order to remove such issues of sustainable leadership, leaders need to work efficiently to deliver a better patient care experience.

Teams need to act in both a consistent and cohesive manner to eliminate such issues (Rinfret et al. 2020). The solution process must focus quick response to impending challenges in the healthcare sector. This must be supported with adequate resources to enable the leaders to effective manage the prospect of issues.

Another solution regarding this is illustrating efficiency to reach short-term organisational goals in the beginning. In addition, providing better portraits of stability and structure of organisational hierarchy can remove those issues. The c context of job security needs to be illustrated in front of the staff to get better outcomes in this kind of leadership style.

The context of favouritism news must be removed to get better outcomes such as quality care service. It helps in developing a better impression of the sector in front of its stakeholders.

Clear descriptions of job roles, responsibilities, and expectations are counted as a solution in this case. A highly visible set of regulations and procedures acts as a solution in this regard of the mentioned sector (Chatterjee et al. 2018). This also involves providing training to the employees to imbibe the leadership qualities and enhancing the operations management further.

It is necessary for a leadership style to be inspirational and motivating for better development. Encouraging a sense regarding the contexts of camaraderie, collaboration, and union also works as a solution for a sustainable leadership style. Moreover, it is necessary to leverage the concept of positive changes to deliver better services and products to stakeholders (Clauson et al. 2018).

These solutions are based on the context of national policy in the healthcare sector. In order to address changes it is important for the leaders to retain proper management standard in the organisation. It is possible by identification of the goals, proper allocation of works, understanding the needs of employees and empathic to the situations faced by the team. All the parameters discussed earlier articulate the core values of effective leadership. Ability to interpret complexities and quick responses to the issues, a leader can regulate the management and productive parameters simultaneously.

BU7043 Leadership, Development Assignment Sample

Figure 2: A framework of solutions of sustainable leadership

(Source: Researchgate.net, 2022)

4.5 Evaluation of other solutions for further mitigation

Agility is one of the moist important qualities of a leader to address because it can sustain the variations of work standard and demands of the team under the supervision of a leader. Exhibiting empathy toward the team members is also counted as a solution regarding this.

The method known as two-way communication needs to be developed for better interpretation of sustainable leadership style in front of the team members. As per the shared opinions of Tewari et al. (2019), focusing on the ways to support the team members is also counted as a solution. Creating several paths for better opportunities seems an advantage of a sustainable leadership style. Including constructive feedback can help in the proper professional development of individuals working in the mentioned sector (Ahmed et al. 2018). Thus, learners need to portray group engagement and productivity to eliminate issues of sustainable leadership style.

4.6 Agendas of national policy directives and social inclusion

The social inclusion agenda depicts the necessity to incorporate sustainable leadership styles to create a better society. The social inclusion agenda aims to achieve a society that entails the contexts such as cultural diversity, and human rights and upholds the principles of quality and equity (Leadershipacademy.nhs.uk, 2022).

This agenda also aims to create a sense of democratic governance to develop an inclusive society. In addition, it is counted as a process that helps all citizens of a specific region to take part in the decision-making process. In case of health care organisations, leaders are needed to be free from all the critical complexities and retain the organisational productivity by accommodating diversity.

Standardisation of management by retaining a proper work environment in the health care has to be priority for the leaders (Samaden, 2021). There are differences in the cultural and social practices among the associates while the role of leader is to ensure organisational integrity by focusing on work objectives only.

5. Reflective statement based on the involvement of service users in the mentioned sector

As per my understanding, it is necessary to incorporate a leadership approach to make essential changes in this sector. A leader is a person who communicates with others based on the perceptions of policies and plans for the betterment of the sector.

In my opinion, the concept of development emerges from the concept of leadership approaches. It helps the sector to retain highly skilled people to deliver a better experience to the users (Bousquet et al. 2019). Both the mentioned aspects help in making necessary changes in the system of this sector. This helps in delivering a concept of responsibility so service users in this sector feel comfortable.

5.1 A reflective statement based on the perception of service users   

Communication is an important part when it comes to developing a sense of navigation for the mentioned sector (Cameron & Green, 2019). It is counted as a necessary matter because it helps in developing the context of collaboration and innovation. It helps in experiencing better services as well. Different types of service users are noticed such as patients, clients, and carers.

BU7043 Leadership, Development Assignment Sample

Figure 3: A framework of service users of the healthcare sector

(Source: Self-created)


The concept of the involvement of service users depicts that it helps in developing active participation of stakeholders related to the sector. It helps in shaping personal health plans for the patients and develops a sense of the context of leadership.

According to the shared opinions of Huertas-Valdivia (2019), it helps in the effective usage of leadership methods to get better outcomes. It is important to involve the concept of service users in this regard because it delivers a better clinical relevance.


The close interconnection between the working service users such as carers and patients is counted as an opportunity for this sector. It helps in depicting different stages based on the research process of leadership approaches (Mansaray, 2019). The involvement of service users is counted as a subjective psychological state that provides and depicts the importance of a user based on a specific perspective.


There requires a system which can address the issues of the clients effectively. It is performed by the developmental approach provided by the social and healthcare sector. The involvement of clients and employees can be increased with sustainable leadership parameters in the health care sector (Ratminingsih, Marhaeni & Vigayanti, 2018).

With emphasis on the needs on every individuals, close monitoring and empathy it is possible to address for a leader. In an organisation, it plays a crucial role because the valuation of the approaches of a health care is dependent on the humanitarian approaches of a leader towards the clients and employees simultaneously.

6. Conclusion

On a concluding note, it is to state that the leadership approaches have been discussed in this assignment. Based on different knowledge base regarding leadership styles self-assessment tools are used in this segment. In addition, based on different leadership styles required skills and attitudes are also discussed here.

Based on that, an action plan has been developed for better interpretation of the provided topic. The entire assignment is associated with the establishment of a leadership style to develop the effectiveness of the social and healthcare sectors. A critical reflection is done based on the perception of organisational change to develop a better impression.



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