BUS7B10 Resourcing and Talent Management Assignment Sample
Executive summary
In this research Resource and talent management of the Microsoft Company is discussed. The HRM theory of Microsoft has been discussed in this research. Talent Management theory has been discussed which helps to achieve the goals of the organisation. The impact of employee turnover has been discussed in this research. Impact of RTM theories in the strategic planning has also been discussed in the research. The ethical and lawful management of people in the Microsoft Company is also discussed in the research.
Resourcing and talent management is the procedure by which a large number of people are recognised and assigned to carry out obligatory work. Resourcing can be done through reducing employee costs and augment the employee worth in the organization; it can be also done through acquiring the correct gestural mix of point of view and dedication in the workforce. For every organization employees become a very important part. They are the backbone and foundation of any business and without the employee the operation of a business is not possible. Therefore, it is very important to retain, attract and select the employees properly.
HRM theory practiced in Microsoft
Microsoft, which is a multinational technological corporation, also focuses on the HRM theory to retain its employees. For every business it is very important to satisfy the needs and wants of the employee. Every organisation focuses on the HRM theory. In an organisation various types of programs and practices are carried out so as to increase and develop the efficiency of the employee. If the employees are efficient enough to deal with the overhanging working environment, then it becomes an asset for the organisation in its operation. Human Resource As per Nayak and Mohanty (2017), management is a long-term and integrated process. It is a very strategic process which needs to be carried out through job design, performance appraisal, follow up, proper remuneration, good working environment, satisfaction with the job and so on. Microsoft also focuses that all HRM functions must link to the organisational goals and strategies and it should also link with each other (Gigauri, 2020). If the employees are focused and stratified they will provide more output which is profitable for an organisation.
Talent management theory practiced in Microsoft
The Microsoft company tends to focus on talent management which is a very important role performed by the HRM. Talent management focuses on motivating the workforce. If the workforce of a company is motivated they will provide results which will be very helpful in the long run. The success of any company depends on its long run. There should be strategic planning to develop the Talent Management so that the goals of the organization can be achieved easily. Talent Management helps to develop and increase the worth of an employee working in the organisation (Garrad, 2018). As per the researchers, the Microsoft company hires mainly the employees who are very talented because these talented employees will be ready to face the risks in the organisation. On the other hand, hiring the talented employee makes the organization strong because the organisation can carry out tasks in the overcharging conditions too.
Impact of the theories on employee turnover
Employee turnover in an organisation is a very important cause to lose some self motivated employees from an organisation. Those employees who are provided with very little or no opportunity in the strategic input of the organisation tend to ;eave the job. Microsoft tends to retain this employee through various strategic planning and practices. According to Gigauri (2020), Microsoft motivates their employees and builds a link between their performance and the goals of the organisation. Microsoft tends to hold its employees through motivation as employee turnover is a very costly and expensive means for any company. If the employees are not retained then it can also be very devastating which can affect the productivity and the profitability of any organization.
Figure 1: Microsoft HRM
(Source: Nayak and Mohanty, 2017)
Since Microsoft is a global company it establishes some motivational models which helps to reduce the employee turnover and helps to engage and inspire the employee to work hard. As per the researchers Microsoft also creates an environment where the employee feels very motivated with the workforce. They listen to the grievances of the employee and try to settle out the problem (Kar et al. 2017). If the employee feels that they have been heard by the organisation they tend to work more effectively and efficiently.
Impact of RTM theories on organisation strategic goals
As Microsoft is a worldwide company, it deals with different workforce and different types of strategic planning are involved depending upon the strategic goals of the organisation. Resource and Talent Management helps to retain the valuable employee who will give more output thus, making the company more profitable. The study shows that hiring the talented employee helps to create a soothing workflow in the organisation. Talent Management is found to be very beneficial in the current times due to the competitive and overcharging work environment (Yearsley, 2017). The working environment has become very dynamic so Microsoft is also facing lots of challenges every day.
Figure 2: Talent management and organisation goal
(Source: Yearsley, 2017)
In order to attain the strategic goals of an organisation it is important to Hire and train the employees. In the modern working environment, it is very important for a company like Microsoft to do proper recruitment and selection of the staff. If employees are recruited properly which suits the job role then the employee will help to attain the organisational goals. The modern generation basically focuses on technical advancement. According to Rendo et al. (2021), it is the responsibility of the organisation to hire such employees who will benefit the organization in the long run. The strategic goals can also be achieved if the managerial training and high impact leadership development is provided to them.
Improvement in RTM approaches
- Since Microsoft is a global company and corresponds to different cultural demographics, it is recommended that the company should seek such employees who are unbiased towards culture. New talents having cultural awareness will aid the company to retain global expansion
- The company should shuffle the workforce after some weeks. In case a team is highly effective, skilled and satisfied, their members should be allowed to guide the newcomers and influence their work positively. It will help in brushing up the new talent even further
- Feedback from employees must be taken regarding autonomy and flexibility enjoyed by them as these two factors quite impact demonstration and revelation of talent.
Lawful and ethical management of people
- Microsoft must allot breaks to workers after an interval of minimum three hours as per the Washington Labour Rights (Industries, 2021)
- As Microsoft operates in multiple nations, it should adhere to the employment laws and rights mentioned in the country laws
- Employees should be informed a week before getting redundant and expelled
- They must ensure that the work schedule allows the employees to relax and have meals in between work
- Minimum wage mentioned in a country should be followed by Microsoft to prevent any litigation by the workers of that country working with Microsoft.
From the above research it was concluded from the Microsoft Company that it is a worldwide technological company that works in an overhanging working environment. Microsoft creates a huge pool of candidates who are absolutely suitable for the company’s requirements. These employees are selected after a panel of interviews. They are provided proper training so that they give their utmost result in accomplishment of the goals of the company. Microsoft also provides strategic planning and development to retain its employees in the long run. For this the company creates a suitable working environment and satisfies the customer needs.
Reference list
Garrad, L., 2018. Common Tensions in Talent Management. People & Strategy, 41(1), pp.14-15.
Gigauri, I., 2020. Organizational Support to HRM in Times of the COVID-19 Pandemic Crisis. European Journal of Marketing and Economics, 3(3), pp.36-48.
Industries, W., 2021. Workers’ Rights. [online] Lni.wa.gov. Available at: <https://lni.wa.gov/workers-rights/> [Accessed 13 September 2021].
Kar, D., Kumar, A. and Praharaj, L., 2017. Green HRM: An Innovative Practice for Organisational Sustainability. Indo-Iranian Journal of Scientific Research (IIJSR) Volume, 1, pp.46-56.\
Nayak, S. and Mohanty, V., 2017. Green HRM for business sustainability. Indian Journal of Scientific Research, pp.102-106.
Rendo, A., Au-Yong-Oliveira, M. and Dias, A., 2021. Democratic Talent Management in an Industry 4.0 Environment of Digital Revolution. In WorldCIST (2) (pp. 353-365).
Yearsley, A., 2017. HR, Talent Management, and Marketing as Force Multiplier. People & Strategy, 40(4), pp.10-12.
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