BUS7B28 Creative Change and Innovation Assignment Sample
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Analysis of appropriate change management process
Change Management is a process that follows five steps. Firstly, the atmosphere which accepts the change is to be created. Employees working under the organization have to feel free to adopt new things, even change. Secondly, make an effective plan for the changes otherwise the change will not be a swift procedure. Thirdly, implementation will be done by maintaining the time. Leonardi, and Contractor, (2018) mentioned that it is important to include certain changes in all the departments at one time. As a result, the implementation turns out all the uncertainty and damages. Fourthly, the calculation of the similarity and dissimilarity of organizations’ culture and practice has been done. Lastly, a review of the progress and also results from the analysis has been done.
Justification of the change management process
The five-step change management process is quite justified because it not only makes the change but also makes scope for judging the effectiveness side by side. Hence, a change cannot happen easily or with one revolution. Burnes, (2020) suggested that any kind of change, improvement, effectiveness has to happen step by step because it only makes sure that the change will happen if every step is properly observed at the time of performing. For that reason, it can be said that the five-step process is good for this case over anything. Henceforth it can be said that in the case of food manufacturing this will be an unbeatable process.
Process of tackle innovation and technological threats
Food manufacturing and bakery have the middle pillar in the form of innovation and technology. For that reason, several companies take it as a threat and some are accepted it as a strength. The way of tackling such threats is by implementing new technology in food manufacturing. According to Ozili, (2020) economical strength is an important factor that also helps to tackle the tough situation. The way of growth and make a competition with the rivalries is to become exceptional and more powerful from the other then the problems can be mitigated.
Learned initiatives from Greggs and in-house backer
Greggs has worked exceptionally with the corporation of executive directors and non-executive directors who work independently for gaining diverse experience. It is a great thing that can n be learn from Greggs. On the other hand, in-house backers work by following an ordinary management process which is very advantageous for them. The things which can be learned from these two analyses is that a particular Management process cannot be applied in all kinds of organizations. An individual company can be benefited with the different management processes. For that reason, for the purpose of making growth in the organization, it is important to know about the company then take any decision further.
Reference list
Ozili, P.K., 2020. Covid-19 pandemic and economic crisis: The Nigerian experience and structural causes. Journal of Economic and Administrative Sciences.
Leonardi, P. and Contractor, N., 2018. Better people analytics. Harvard Business Review, 96(6), pp.70-81.
Burnes, B., 2020. The origins of Lewin’s three-step model of change. The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 56(1), pp.32-59.