BUS7B31 HRM In Context Assignment Sample
Slide 1: Introduction
- In modern times effective human resource management becomes a very important part of any company.
- It is seen that in small companies based on the management of human resources the overall performance of the company is dependent.
- It can easily understand the role of human resource management in multinational companies like Tesco.
In this study, Tesco’s decision-making process about human resource management is discussed. The important models related to the company’s human resource management, approach is also discussed. Further, it is also discussed that these decisions and the models support or do not support the company’s long term goals.
Slide 2: Company making its HRM decisions
- It is seen that in the Tesco Company the most important asset is the employees of the company.
- Therefore, it can be assumed the complication is based on Tesco’s Human resource management decision.
- It is seen that that however the modern time is equipped with technological advancement, the machines can not able to replace humans to manage the human resources effectively.
- Therefore, the HR department of the company works hard to manage effectively the company resources that are linked with the company’s goals (Rosnizam et al.2020).
- In order to make each human resource decision, the company goes through a systematic approach.
Figure 1: Tesco’s employee management system
(Source: Tesco.com)
First, the company analyses the behaviour, skills and knowledge that is necessary for human resource management. Second, the company analyses the factors that the company needs to focus on while implementing the decision (Awadari and Kanwal,2019). The HR professionals are well trained about the objectives of Tesco company.
Slide 3: CONTD…
- The company also examines the planning, directing and managing activities of the company.
- It is because Tesco wants that its professional performs better at their individual level to make better decisions for the company.
- Based on the individual skill the company also provided the professionals with the extra skill, knowledge and behaviour.
- It is required for the enhancement of the decision making power.
In the Tesco company, it is seen that the company requires a lot of decisions every day that why the extra knowledge is provided to the HR professionals (Kaufman,2020). Each professional listen carefully then based on the issues uses the negotiation and the liaison functions to make a better decision. It is also helpful in keeping the level high in case of professional behaviours of the company.
Slide 4: Critical evaluation of the particular model
- It is seen that for any company the employees of the company are the top priority of the company while managing the resources.
- The retail company Tesco in order to manage its human resources follows the two types of models in its businesses.
- They are the famous Harvard and the Michigan model.
Harvard Model
- In the year 1984, the Harvard model was developed by a group of scholars (Sato et al.2020).
- This model indicates the ‘soft’ Human resource management that is focused more on the human side.
- The model express that humans are not only the resources of any company they are a human being.
- In the Harvard model, four HR policies are followed (Michael, 2019).
These four policies are very much important to deal with the various types of people. The first policy discusses the influence of the employee based on the responsible management and power of Tesco. The second policy shows the elements that are required for the flow of human resources (Fadeyi, 2020). The resources are promotion, job security, selection, recruitment and so on. The third policy shows Tesco’s rewarding system which includes flexible working hours, insurance, bonuses as a motivation to work. The working system in the Harvard model is also linked with the technology and information, the arrangement of the people. It helps Tesco to include the right employee in their right job role in the company based on the skills.
Slide 5: CONTD…
Michigan Model
- In order to increase efficiency in accordance with the Harvard, model, the Michigan model was also developed with the help of Devanna Tichy and Fomburn.
- This model is opposite to the Harvard model as it followed the ‘Hard’ human resource management.
- This model indicates that human resources need to exploit fully in order to achieve the company goals.
- This model is based on Tesco’s business strategy where the humans are used as an instrument to gain more profit for the organization (Boon et al.2019).
In this model, human resource management is dependent on Tesco’s internal and external factors. This model is based on the principle of influencing the people and with the influence use the people to achieve the company’s aspired goal. However, this model is based on hard human resources the model also has a rewarding system like the Harvard model.
Slide 6: Approach supporting the organisation’s long term goals
- The steps that Tesco follows in its human resource management have a positive impact on the company’s businesses ((Gallardo-Gallardo et al.2020)).
- The company through the years proved that it has enough capacity to manage the human resources.
- The result of the company’s proper handling of human resources is clearly reflected in the company’s growth and company revenue (Greer, 2021).
Figure 2: Tesco’s increasing growth and profitability before taxation since 1998
(Source: Tesco.com)
The graph clearly shows that the best handling of the company increases the company’s overall profitability since 1998. The company even in the present time working hard to best management of human resources as it makes a positive result on the company.
Slide 7: Conclusion
- On the concluding note, it can be said that the retail company Tesco has the greater ability in human resource management.
- The use of both soft and hard human resource management helps the company to company to the mixed environment in the business that is generally required for the best management.
- Further, the step by step process of the decision making in human resource management makes the HR professionals of the company efficient in all the company issues.
The extra knowledge and the skills provided by the company also help the employee to maintain a high level of company behaviour while handling the company’s issues. It is seen that through the years the company proved the best management of the human resources. It is also expected that based on the management the company will gain more profit in the coming years.
Reference List
Awadari, A.C. and Kanwal, S., 2019. Employee participation in organizational change: A case of Tesco PLC. International Journal of Financial, Accounting, and Management, 1(2), pp.91-99.
Boon, C., Den Hartog, D.N. and Lepak, D.P., 2019. A systematic review of human resource management systems and their measurement. Journal of management, 45(6), pp.2498-2537.
Fadeyi, A.P., 2020. An Analysis on the Application of Motivational Theories at Workplace and the Impact on Employee Engagement: A Study of Tesco Ireland (Doctoral dissertation, Dublin, National College of Ireland).
Gallardo-Gallardo, E., Thunnissen, M. and Scullion, H., 2020. Talent management: context matters. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 31(4), pp.457-473.
Kaufman, B.E., 2020. The real problem: The deadly combination of psychologisation, scientism, and normative promotionalism takes strategic human resource management down a 30‐year dead end. Human Resource Management Journal, 30(1), pp.49-72.
Rosnizam, M.R.A.B., Kee, D.M.H., Akhir, M.E.H.B.M., Shahqira, M., Yusoff, M.A.H.B.M., Budiman, R.S. and Alajmi, A.M., 2020. Market opportunities and challenges: A case study of Tesco. Journal of the Community Development in Asia (JCDA), 3(2), pp.18-27.
Sato, Y., Kobayashi, N. and Shirasaka, S., 2020. Evaluation of HR System’s Worksheet Visualization based on Harvard Model, Life Cycle, and Organization Strategy and Management Type. Information Engineering Express, 6(2), pp.53-65.
Greer, C.R., 2021. Strategic human resource management. Pearson Custom Publishing.
Michael, A., 2019. A handbook of human resource management practice. bookboon. Com.
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