Business Research Methods Assignment Sample
Section 1: Comparing two research methodologies
1.1 Research Problem
Motivated employees working in an organization tend to think positively about the company and as a result, they stay in the organization longer. For employee satisfaction and motivation extrinsic and intrinsic rewards are extremely crucial (Alshenqeeti, 2014). However, employee motivation practices and retention strategies are mostly confined to human resource practices.
It has resulted in a lack of satisfaction of the employees with the respective jobs that also have only greater variations in the lack of commitment and loyalty of the employee to the organization (Rombaut and Guerry, 2020). Motivation plays a significant role in employee satisfaction and the long run will also impact employee retention.
Due to a lack of appropriate strategies and a lack of alignment between the strength and weaknesses of the employee with the purpose or vision of the organization motivation is not able to act as a catalyst within such an organizational frame due to which the employees are unable to observe individual success (Musselwhite et al., 2007). Due to the lack of employee retention and excessive turnover rate the 5 major aspects of it are compromised in the organization such as working environment relationship support compensation and growth.

1.2 Literature review
As opinionated by Singh (2019), effective employee retention programs are capable of saving a firm from the loss of productivity. Higher levels of retention in the corporate workplaces focus on employing more committed workers in terms of getting more work done. Engaged employees are mainly associated with improving customer relations, and coordination between team members in establishing a more effective as well as productive structure within the workplace.
Employee retention programs are concentrated on implying cost-effective measures, improvement of employee morale, establishing training and development operations, generating employee experiences, accurate selection and recruitment procedures, enhanced levels of productivity, and so on. It also involves the provision of better customer perceptions based on employee engagement and enhanced productive aspects of the firm.
As said by Rombaut and Guerry (2020), emphasising employee retention tactics pay dividends across the firms. An effective employee retention strategy can be considered a crucial element for planning and scheduling a comprehensive workforce. In terms of establishing employee retention strategies, the software of human capital management can be implied as a critical component.
It supports measuring the rate of employee turnovers, and the efforts for developing attrition rates considering the tracking of financial influences from the concerned incentives. Additionally, it entails improving the firm’s productive characteristics as well as providing better client views based on employee involvement. The creation of successful employee engagement and talent management strategies, processes, and tactics are considered with important efforts, extensive oversight, targeted investments, and so on for improving the overall organisational performance.
These strategies of employee retention tend to impact the engagement of the personnel in terms of enhancing the levels of productivity.
As per the views of Kamalaveni et al. (2019), a company can avoid losing productivity by implementing efficient employee retention initiatives. Employing workers that are more devoted to their jobs will result in higher retention rates in business environments. In order to create a more efficient and successful workplace structure, engaged employees are primarily linked to bettering customer relations and team coordination.
Programs for keeping employees are mostly focused on indicating cost-effective measures, raising employee morale, establishing training and development operations, fostering employee experiences, accurately selecting and hiring candidates, increasing productivity levels, and so on. It focuses on establishing an improved culture within the organisational framework along with increased revenues for the firms and job satisfaction of the associated personnel. The gains in revenue tend to stem from the decreased rate of hiring costs and enhancement in productive aspects of the firms.
According to Aguenza and Som (2018), along with enhanced profits for the businesses and increased job satisfaction for the concerned staff, effective employee retention programs focuses on developing a better atmosphere within the organisational framework.
The drop in hiring costs and the improvement of the firms’ productive characteristics are usually the sources of revenue growth. Emphasizing employee retention strategies benefits businesses nationwide. Managing and planning a large workforce requires careful consideration of effective employee retention strategies. The application for employee engagement can be regarded as a crucial element in terms of developing staff retention tactics.
1.3 A comparison between three appropriate methods of research
First article
The appropriate research method used in the first article is secondary research. In this study, data has been collected from secondary sources of information like scholarly references involving peer-reviewed articles, journals, and other publications (Jehanzeb and Mohanty, 2018). The article uses a questionnaire survey method. It focuses on implying a systematic evaluation of the acquired data and information considering a thematic analysis. It involves the development and generation of codes and themes related to the subject matter, in terms of implying validity and reliability.
It involves a systematic assessment in terms of compiling existing information, sourced from relevant, valid, and reliable publications and research. It involves internal as well as external sources based on the research study. It is mainly associated with establishing a qualitative analysis for executing the study and developing generic notions.
Secondary data implies the notion that the data is already available somewhere and has been analysed by the researcher in terms of developing generic notions. Secondary data is information that the researcher has collected independently of the actual user. It suggests that the data is already out there and has been examined by the researcher in order to form generalisations.
Newspapers, magazines, journals, books, and other sources of secondary material are used in this study. It involves both previously published and newly published material. Administrative journals, public documents, demographic and political documents, corporate documents, industry publications, technical archives, and more are some of the available sources of information used in this study. On the other hand, published profiles, emails, and notebooks make up the study’s unreleased sources of information.
The secondary data in this study involves newspapers, magazines, journals, books, and so on. It involves published as well as republished information. The published sources of information in this study are governmental periodicals, public records, statistical and historical documents, business documents, trade journals and technical records, and so on.
On the other hand, the unpublished information sources in this study involve letters, diaries, and unpublished biographies. The qualitative research procedure has been used in this study, implying a non-numeric analysis of the acquired data and information. It involves analysis and evaluation of non-numeric or non-statistical information in terms of reflecting upon an understanding of experiences, concepts, perspectives, and opinions.
It is mainly associated with deploying an extensive development of in-depth evaluations considering a basic acquisition of knowledge from past experiences. It offers an in-depth analysis as well as a critical evaluation considering the generation of innovative solutions to address the research problem.
To put it in other words, in this study, the qualitative research method was applied, indicating a non-numeric analysis of the collected data and information. In order to reflect on the comprehension of events, conceptions, viewpoints, and beliefs, it entails the study and assessment of non-numeric or non-statistical information.
It is primarily connected to the use of broad expansion of in-depth evaluations taking into account fundamental learning from prior experiences. It provides a thorough examination as well as a critical examination taking into account the development of new solutions to the research topic.
In this study, common procedures associated with qualitative research methodologies include active learning based on precise readings of the data and rich and meaningful insights.
Second article
The appropriate research method implied in the second article is primary research. In this study, data has been collected from interviewing a relevant sample population in terms of analysing the talent management, the performance of the employees, and work engagement (SOPIAH et al., 2020).
The study interprets that the development of effective employee engagement and talent management strategies, processes, and tactics are thought to require significant efforts, thorough oversight, targeted investments, and other factors to enhance the performance of the organisation as a whole. These measures for employee retention often have an effect on staff engagement in terms of raising productivity levels.
In this research, the primary research method has been used in terms of acquiring first-hand information to conduct the research study. It implies the notion that the researcher focuses on conducting the study themselves or by channelling questionnaires, observations, or interviews from a relevant sample size.
It is mainly associated with the direct introduction of the sources used in the research processes. It does not rely upon pre-existing research materials and deploys a completely new perspective regarding the research statement and purpose. Primary research procedures are considered to be specifically relevant where the collected information requires a particular match to the concerned subject matter of the study.
In order to gather first-hand knowledge for the research study, the primary research method has been adopted in this study. It suggests that the researcher concentrates on carrying out the research themselves or by using surveys, examinations, or interviews from a sufficient sample size.
A straightforward introduction of the sources employed in the research procedures is mostly related to it. It does not rely on previously published research materials and outlined the research premise and objective from an entirely fresh angle. When the material gathered must specifically suit the study’s research topic, primary research methods are thought to be particularly pertinent.
In this study, particular sample size has been chosen for channelling interview sessions on them for conducting a survey to analyse the findings. It supports the research study processes in positioning a valid source based on real-time observations and examinations.
It is mainly associated with first-hand observations considering the subject matter of the study. It is concentrated on conducting the study considering a field assessment. It involves sampling, interviews, analysis of the acquired responses, and the development of generic notions based on the acquired findings. It involves a mathematical representation in terms of tallying the responses of the sample size considering the development of a quantitative or numeric research initiative.
In this study, a specific sample size has been selected to focus the structured interview on them in order to perform a survey and analyse the results. It aids the research study procedures in locating a reliable source based on in-the-moment observations and checks.
In light of the study’s topic, it is primarily based on personal observations. It focuses on carrying out the study while taking a practical evaluation into account. It involves sampling, interviewing, analysing the replies obtained, and creating generalisations derived from the findings. In order to calculate the sample size’s responses and describe them mathematically, a quantitative statistical research project must be developed.
Third article
The appropriate research method developed in the third article is a mixed research method involving both primary and secondary research methods (Shahi et al., 2020). Talent management is the major agenda in organisations and this study focuses on obtaining relevant information by developing a conceptual framework. It involves a meta-synthesising technique by screening the validity for choosing several articles along with the use of coding tools and MAXQDA 10 software for analysing the findings.
Mixed methods of research used in this study tend to combine both components and characteristics of the primary and secondary research, implying qualitative as well as quantitative study. The implications of mixed methods of research, as used in this study, involve a comprehensive gaining of knowledge assuring a wider picture of the research problem.
It integrates the advantages of both the research methods in terms of developing a comprehensive outlook on the findings. This study’s use of mixed techniques of research implies both a qualitative and a quantitative study because it tends to integrate the elements and traits of surveys and questionnaires.
The utilisation of mixed methodologies of research in this study has ramifications that ensure a more complete understanding of the research problem. In order to create a thorough understanding of the findings, it combines the benefits of both research methodologies.
In this study, the mixed method of research is mainly associated with sufficiently providing answers to the research questions. It is mainly concentrated on developing generalisations, contextual frameworks, and credibility.
It involves a convergent parallel design considering the collection of qualitative as well as quantitative data simultaneously along with establishing separate analyses of the two.
It implies an effective solution to limited time periods for conducting the study. It involves an explanatory sequel considering the evaluation and analysis of the acquired information and data. It is mainly associated with an exploratory approach considering the data collection, and data analysis methods.
The mixed technique of research is mostly related in this study to adequately answer the research questions. The emphasis is mostly on trustworthiness, situational perspectives, and assumptions.
It involves a convergent parallel structure that takes into account concurrently gathering primary and secondary data as well as creating distinct analyses on the two. It alludes to a practical remedy for the study’s timing constraints. It includes a follow-up explanation that takes into account the assessment and analysis of the knowledge and data obtained. In terms of data gathering and analysis techniques, it is mostly related to an interpretive framework.
Section 2: Instrument and Conclusions
2.1 Instrument
The primary purpose for selecting the interview as a tool for data collection is that I will be able to generate the data both intensively and extensively (Griffee, 2005). The objective of conducting the interview data collection method helps in exchanging experience and ideas and exploring the information pertaining to a very wide range of information in which the interviewee wishes to participate and define the present scenario (Lipman, 2021).
Therefore I have chosen this data collection method to exchange experience and ideas as well as to elicit the information. The chosen research instrument for the selected topic is best suited for assessing personal experience and view. Conducting the interview compared to the survey questionnaire will help me to define the value of analyzing the impact of employee motivation practices on the retention of the employee associated with human resource management and practices (von Soest, 2022).
Conducting the interview also provides a supplement for other methods to collect the data and information (Hensen et al., 2021). In addition to that, the framed into you questions can also be used for observation and verifying information by comparing and contrasting the generated data through the correspondence method. In the data collection method, there are different types of interviews. It is either unstructured or structured depending on whether a formal questionnaire is formulated or not (Jain, 2021).
The interviewer or the researcher to a certain extent is also either direct or indirect as a result of whether the purpose of the questions asked to the participant is cleanly stated or disguised intentionally (Turner and Hagstrom-Schmidt, 2022). Classifying the characteristics provide different types of interview such as unstructured and direct structured and direct structured and indirect and unstructured and indirect.
In this aspect, the structure and direct and unstructured and direct are objective types while the questions which are structured and indirect and unstructured and indirect are subjective types.
In the current study, I have chosen to conduct an induct interview as in this form of the interview the substantial use of informal and unstructured questions are considered for exploring underlying desires, needs, emotions, and feelings of the participants towards a particular given scenario or aspect (Johnson et al., 2021). The method of interviewing in human resource management is to understand the views and opinions of the participants. The direct method of questioning will help in generating free answers that might be followed by personal experience or indirect questions (Oliffe et al., 2021).
2.2 Conclusion
The perspective of managers or consumer data places a significant role in how the business or companies are able to engage with the prospecting. The data collection methods are used by the organization to critically operate or internal workplace culture and deliver the important information to the employees providing them with a better experience and hence long-term retention.
Gathering the information and data from the manager associated with the human resource management department will be necessarily helpful for the currently chosen research topic. That information and data collected from the human resource managers will be utilized critically to provide a direction to the businesses rather than considering a set of random facts.
The information along with the proper content will help the organization to make data back decisions that are real and drive the company towards success. In knowing the current strategies of the human resource managers to motivate the employee and result in long-term retention the current study will play a significant role to generate a comparative strategy for the business organization.
Since the data collection method is being considered through primary sources of information the first-hand research will be generated through interviews with the managers. Considering the open-ended question and conducting the interview the researcher will be benefited to receive a descriptive answer from the participant. However, it will not have a statistical and numerical valuation, and therefore to a certain extent, the implemented strategies might be difficult to showcase and reflect on the revenue generation.
Conducting one and one interviews can be an effective way of collecting the information from the human resource management team in an organization and conducting qualitative research. The researcher in this study will collect information and data from the managers and this approach is, therefore, much more personalized and to a certain extent can result in generating a better collection of the data information.
Often the data and information collected in interviews are personalized and provide a unique insight which otherwise might not have been accessed through secondary data collection methods or traditional surveys.
2.3 References
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