Case Analysis Organisational Behaviour
In current business environment Human power plays vital role in the upliftment of anybusiness. To run a successful enterprise in any business vertical triggering the manpower is very essential i.e. motivating the employee of the organisation in effective and efficient way to get mutual growth and benefit(Gennard, 2016).
This case analysis mainly deals with “The effect of motivation techniques used by the managers to increase the productivity of the workers and an application” in which many motivation theories, techniques and tools were used.
To find out the practical implication of the motivation technique this study is conducted in 3 weaving and fabric dying factories with total participation of 229; 183 workers and 46 managers in Çerkezköy Organized Industrial Site. Case is critically evaluated with software tool called SPSS (V.20) many variables have compared and outputs were given according to the different analysis.
Thesis statement
“Efficiency of Wage Earner in the Work Life is enhanced through Motivation techniques applied by the Managers forEnterprise Transformation”.
Spot light on the thesis statement
The case study( Salih Guney, 2017) was conducted on factories here the efficiency of labour is directly correlated with the enterprises. Efficiency is the ratio of the incomes which gained through service or production sector, to the costs which applied in the production or service sector Efficiency notations are directly measurable.
The two factors which affect the efficiency of the enterprise are Intra as well as Extra business factors. The important aspect is methodology by which the enterprise will take decision about enhancement; extension and diversification the performance management system have been used because these are directly proportional with the efficiency enterprise(BJ Osabiya, 2015).
According to (AbdulRaziq, 2011)Enterprise growth and development is not only about constructing larger buildings with high infrastructure in different geographic location. It is depends on employee growth and development
Many reasons have found out for low efficiency which directly affect the enterprises in this case analysis that includes Unhealthy and Unsafe WorkingEnvironment, Unfavourable Relations with the Managers, Negative Relations between the Colleagues, Low Motivation, Low Payment, Employee-Job Inconsistency.
In this analysis with reference( Salih Guney, 2017) medium scale firm have been selected from the Çerkezköy Organized Industrial Site which has more than 50 employees targeted area is huge so with sample size of 229 people using questionnaires with 5 point Likert scale.
To test the effect of motivation techniques used by the manager to increases the productivity of wage – earner effectively and efficiently with different analysis have done are show in the below table.In which data are analysed with the help of three tools Economic Tools, Psycho-social Tools, Organisation & ManagerialTools
S.No | Methods | Description |
1 | Cronbach’s Alpha | Scale and sub-dimensions were assessed by validity and safety analysis |
2 | Descriptive statistics | To calculate percentage and frequency range of demographic data obtained from the scale |
3 | Kolmogorov-Smirnov | To test the scores acquired from the scale and subscales scatter or not |
4 | Shapiro Wilk’s Significance level | To check no normal variance for any variable |
5 | Mann-Whitney u test | For two groups comparison |
6 | Kruskal Wallis test | For comparing more than two groups |
In which the variable they consider is Gender, Age, Education, Assignment, Income, Marital Status and Term of Office with 28 questions to check the motivation technique impacts on productivity.
Strengths and Weakness of the article based on the Thesis Statement with reference article
- Employee and enterprise are directly correlated in all the factor either may be Extra business or intra business with job enrichment, job simplification, work study etc. ultimately space for mutual benefit will gain the competitive advantage(Dymek, 2016).
- Main strength is it has fair validity and safety value to retain all employee with reference chart 1 and 2 interpretation form data clearly show that it has standardize Cronbach’s Alpha of 0.921 with N 28 of motivation effect scale and dependable with the 3 tools economic, psycho-social and organisational &managerial( Salih Guney, 2017).
- Specific analysis and recognition with different variables have been done its gives the strong direction future enhancement in the motivation techniques for the enterprise betterment and to attract, sustain, employees(BJ Osabiya, 2015).
- Even though is a specific analysis it might be the weakness of the enterprise in future. According to chart 4 motivation techniques regarding the age groups all 3 tools like economic, psycho-social and organisational &managerial where less than P value 0.05 of Mann-Whitney u test so all become invalid but in the current scenario every practice of management is moving along with trend and changing based on the age group to sustain in all business practice.
With the evidence of this article( Salih Guney, 2017) specifies about the factors which affects the Organization’s efficiency and the motivation among employees It also categorize the wage earners Gender, Age, Education, Income, Marital status and term of service in a way to validate that the difference is found in those factors at Economic, Psycho – Socio, Organization and managerial tool after the motivation technique.
It fails to include the methodologies & implementation techniques used for the motivation among the participants. According to the article “The effect of employees’ motivation on organizational performance” Vol. 7(4) pp. 62-75, May 2015 (BJ Osabiya, 2015)it is essential to include the implementation technique as that will decide the result.
This categorization is very much useful for the organization to form the team while provide the motivation techniques. In every organization, there is always a highly motivated and de-motivated person without any motivation technique hasbeen implemented.
They should be included in the analysis, to get the better result. It is good that so many factors are included in the analysis like age group and terms of service; but the important factor behaviour is not considered.
Do you agree with the thesis statement of the article or don’t agree
Yes, I strongly agree with the statement that the motivation will enhance wage Earner’s work life efficiency with reference of the article (AbdulRaziq, 2011).
Human resource is the heart of the organization as it ensures that the organization keeps on floating even during the difficult times. Motivation is the key for the human resource to enhance their ability when every other Organization efficiency tool fails. i.e., when a problem occurs in the intra or external factors of an organization, Motivation will enhance the human resource and compensate those effects.
For Example, when there is a problem with one of the factor such as Machine or Business practices; then the motivation of human resource will override the problem and started moving towards efficiency.
According to the chart based on education with motivation technique final values of kurskalwallis test X is less than P value so invalid with reference to ( Salih Guney, 2017) in all 3 tools no differentiation in sense of education status here problem can be solved to any level of employees irrespective to educational status it can be done with sound management and motivation technique.
State your key points why and why not
Motivation Techniques increases the efficiency of wage earners in work-life
- Motivation drives the person to do the task even if they are not interested.
- Motivation makes people to set goals which in-turn make the healthy environment.
- Turnover and working time has been considerably increased with reduced piece time.
- Intrinsic motivation is long lasting as it is developed within the individual and produce higher efficiency in their task (Robinson, 2015).
- Intrinsic motivation is self-sustaining element and thus the one will motivate the others in their working environment.
- Reward can boost the motivation to a higher edge with minimum effort of implementation.
- Motivation can be applicable to all individuals in the group with reference site(Cook, 2016).
Why not
- Extrinsic motivation is not sustainable because of rewards. At once the people taken away the result, then nothing can be accomplished by motivation.
- When Extrinsic motivation rewards are same, then returns diminishes which makes the employees to concentrate less on their work and also criticize the motivation techniques(Leggat, 2015)
- Financial motivation also affects the quality of their work at times because of the employees rush.
- Non-financial motivation such as job rotation also reduces the specialization and increases the piece time as the momentum of the work has been cut off.
- Intrinsic motivation is very slow as it needs time to change the one’s behaviour and it takes much preparation in planning and implementation.
- Rewards in the extrinsic motivation have to be steadily increased or changed to remain the employees in motivate state and it is difficult as expectation starts to rise.
- Each employee hasdifferent motivation drivers, values and biases. And providing the same motivation technique to implement will not provide the sufficient result.
This report is based on the effect and impact of motivation techniques and theories are used by the managers to increase the productivity of Wage- Earner for enhancement and to gain competitive advantage of the organisation in the business environment with various analysis using software tools.
Salih Guney. (2017). The Effect of the Motivation Techniques Used by Managers to Increase the Productivity of their Workers and an Application. Business Management Dynami, 6(7), 01-18.
AbdulRaziq. (2011). impact of Working Environment on Job Satisfaction. European Journal of Business and Management, 3(9), 1-8.
BJ Osabiya. (2015). The effect of employees’ motivation on organizational performance. Journal of Public Administration and Policy Research, 7(4), 62-75.
Cook, D. (2016, Sep 15). Wiley Online Library. Retrieved Sep 12, 2017, from
Cronin, A. (2015). Human Development and Performance Throughout the Lifespan (2nd ed.). Cengage Learning.
Dymek, M. (2016). The Business of Gamification: A Critical Analysis (7th ed.). Taylor & Francis.
Gennard, J. (2016). Managing Employment Relations (6th ed.). Kogan Page Publishers.
Leggat, S. G. (2015). Leading and Managing in Health Services (3rd ed.). Cambridge University Press.
Robinson, H. (2015). Design Economics for the Built Environment: Impact of Sustainability on Project Evaluation (5th ed.). John Wiley & Sons