Assignment Sample on Customer Experience Strategy

1. Introduction

This primary aim of this study is to provide an in-death overview of “Customer experience Strategy.” Based on the context, it can be said that customer experience is an essential factor for the company’s development and profit. A good customer service experience helps engage the customers. If the customer experience is good then a customer comes back again and wants to buy many products, which raises the property of the company. The company also wants to give the best product and try to understand what product has required the customers. Employees can try to give fast and instant responses to customers for satisfying customers to raise their popularity. It depends on a necessary and effective interaction with their customers. Apple company also offers the best product that is their MacBook at a fair price to their customers. Customer service always follows the customer-to-customer service. There are some important points for providing the best services – patience, attitude, and professionalism. The benefits are – customer recommendations, improvement of public image, increase profits, customer loyalty, increase conversion, and so on.

2. Importance of customer experience

Customer experience” is a process of analyzing, surviving, and enhancing customer interaction with a brand. It also refers to the holistic perception of the customer’s approval and interaction with a brand. Customer experience contains the result of each interaction between customer and business along with navigating the website to have a conversation to gain insight into their purchasing intention (Becker and Jaakkola, 2020). It is a high-standard perspective that maintains the engagement of the customers. Measuring the interaction procedure determines the efficiency and accuracy of a brand. In addition, it is essential for maintaining a positive brand image that helps in gaining a competitive advantage in a global business market.

Customer Experience Strategy Customer experience cycle

Figure 1: Customer experience cycle

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(Source: Self-created)

The customer experience (CX) can be described as the relationship between the customer and the product that is customer seeking for MacBook from Apple. The customer’s perceptivity affiliated feelings are caused by the one-off and accumulative communication on the supplier’s employees, channels, products, and management system (Keiningham et al. 2020). Customers’ services are as follows customer’s valuable time, providing skills and knowledge, a pleasant attitude, and resources. Naturally, it is a bonding between customers and the company’s sales manager or product sellers, where observed direct interactions with customers and the company’s sales manager. Every interaction with the customers makes the bond very strong to the company. The stronger the sales manager’s bonding with the customer, the better the company will thrive.

Customer experience explains to us how the business engages with its customers to sell the company’s product by convincing the power of employees. Customer experience circumscribes all the touchpoints the customers have with a company. As per the report of Kavitha and Haritha, (2019), touchpoints examples mean packaging of products, instruction manual reading, product repair, speaking for customer service, and product exchanging. Delivering fast and instant response make an excellent customer experience for the company’s impression.

3. Consumer persona creation

Creating a “Customer persona” is considered an essential approach needed to be taken by an organization. It is a significant approach to the “archetypal presentation” of a potential customer base. It is used in terms to analyze customer purchase intention and their motivation behind buying a significant product. In terms of Apple, the management uses a customer persona in order to evaluate the experience of potential customers (Hoyer et al. 2020). In addition, Apple currently implemented a “customer persona” to determine the demand for its products “MacBook.” The following table can be beneficial in understanding the experience of a significant customer of Apple.

4.  Mapping the customer journey

Mapping the customer journey

  1. a) Stages of the journey

Customer journey mapping is a significant process by which calculating the experience of customers’ needs. As per the opinion of Gao et al. (2021), this explains the satisfaction of the customers from buying products, this information is very important to know for the company. The company’s profit, development, and improvement depend on this customer mapping process. So, this process should be right and measurable properly.

  1. b) Activities

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Customers want to buy MacBook from Apple They search this product both online and offline. They were recommended this product by someone and were inspired to hear about these products. They also search for this product on social networking sides and view the rating for MacBook (Apple, 2023). The customers also search for advantages and disadvantages of this product, and identify the differences of Appel’s product from other organisations while buying MacBook.

  1. c) Feelings and needs

Sometimes selling products at overpriced rate affects the sale and reputation of the organisation like the sales of MacBook by Apple (Alshuridehet al.2020). The company should be more careful about the products than before as per customers’ needs. So that the bad aspects of the products are reduced, the company should take care.

  1. d) Potential opportunities for improvement

The opportunity for improvement in the purchasing experience of the customer is solely dependent on the quality of the services provided by the organization like Apple. It needs to mention that the use of technology and tools are effective in term of evaluating and addressing all possible opportunities for improvement.

5. Omni channel marketing

In the world of globalization, “Omni channel marketing” plays a key role in determining the customer experience of an organization. Omni channel is a “Customer-centric approach”, in which all specified channels are integrated. It is done in order to provide a smooth experience to customers. According to the views of Cui et al. (2021), the core focus of implementing Omni channel marketing is to provide customers with a consistent and unified experience. In simple words, Omni channel marketing contains multichannel that tends to revolve around services instead of “customers”. Omni channel is a procedure of seamless integration of messaging, branding, and offline along with online touch points that enable a smooth customer experience.

Omni channel marketing is providing an attribute of a “customer-centric approach” that is provided migrating needs of integrating channels system as well as customers. This process depends on the migrating of customers’ needs of professional approaches. It can include the demonstration and sales of marketing approach as well as customer service to give the best and high-quality product of the brand. As per the report of Bagheri et al. (2019), it can raise the business strategy for more opportunities. It can also be responsible for the key structure of the business strategy. Communication can develop the Omni channel marketing system. The analysis of strategic management of creating a higher standard conversation rate which has been attributed to the communication (Donnelly, 2021).

It leads to the production of qualified products and also increases the customers’ point of view. Apart from this, the standardizing measurable demonstrating fact is successful to create a communicative engagement standard. Omni channel marketing works for improving the quality of the product like MacBook by adding some significant features and software within mobiles. These sides can be improved for raising the potentiality of the company and the company get more development opportunities. In an Omni channel marketing, customers feel well about these products but they need better MacBook at lower price

6. CX performance metrics

The customer experience (CX) is an essential contributor to business performance and y has become one of the top priorities of business leaders worldwide. Effective customer satisfaction is interlinked with the effective customer experience and it is the essential determiner of successful regulation. Evaluation of the effective customer experience is one of the essential factors for business executives to measure the experience of the customers by evaluating their needs and demands (Godovykh and Tasci, 2020).  In this context, the measurement of CES and CE is one of the essential factors that help business leaders to erect the customer experience and customer effort while choosing a particular product. “Customer Effort Score” refers to the “customer experience survey metric” that allows business leaders to evaluate how much effort a customer is putting into interacting with the business. This interaction further refers to the effort, which is put in by the customers to solve a particular problem.

In other words, CES generally masseuses how easy or difficult it is to interact with a particular organization as it helps to evaluate the customer satisfaction rate.  It generally measures the “ease of interaction” rather than the satisfaction rate (Hoyer et al. 2020). On the other hand, Customer engagement (CE) refers to the emotional relationship that the customers have with the chosen brand or organization.  CE further encompasses the interaction customers have with the brand through different platforms such as websites, social media apps, and so on. Effective strategic approaches are needed for increasing customer engagement in the business (de Oliveira Santiniet al.2020). The business leader needs to evaluate the customer experience with the brand or organization. A more “strategic focus” has been detected in the customers in recent years. It is due to the increasing competition among global leaders and focuses more on customer engagement to sustain the existing customers with their product or service.

The justification for the importance of CES and CE metrics

Effective strategic approaches are needed to keep customers satisfied and engaged with the product and services of its organization; Apple should analyze its customer performance metrics by analyzing CES and CE factors (Lampinen, 2022). The “MacBook” product of the organization is a very famous product and the company should monitor the success of the product. The organization needs to evaluate the customer effort and engagement associated with this product. “CES” is defined as a “customer effort score” that is important in measuring the effort that customers give in order to interact with a brand.

In terms of Apple, evaluation of customer effort score can enable their services to account for the ease of customer resolution and customer interaction during a request (Lee and Lee, 2020). On the other hand, “CE” refers to customer engagement. In Apple, they can implement customer engagement in order to understand the reliability of customers. Along with that, customer engagement functions can be beneficial for the company to evaluate customer experience along with their satisfaction and involvement. Implementation of CE shall help them to retain more customers within the business.

7. CX processes in different industries

“Critical success factor” generally indicates the critical activities or factors needed for successful business regulation.  Furthermore, the effective evaluation of the customer success act is essential for the development of the overall experience of the customers. Some success factors for customer experience generally include customer requirements, price, accessibility, product and service quality, service, brand, and expertise (Ceesay, 2020).  Effective evaluation of the critical success factors is needed for fulfilling the needs and demands of the customers of the organization. In order to develop CSFs, the organization needs to follow some effective strategies which include the determination of mission, identification of the strategic objectives, prioritization of CCSFs, communication with key stakeholders, and observation of the progress.   Furthermore, the determination of the “structure, people, and measurement” is essential for the development of organizational performance.

Factors of comparison Facebook Apple
Structure Facebook follows a “matrix organizational structure”, and the organization further utilizes the “flat organizational structure” with product-based or function-based, or geographic divisions (Facebook, 2023). “Apple is able to maintain the customer-driven strategy” and thus they can be world’s most valuable brands.   “Unparalleled revenue growth” is the strength for the organisation


People Facebook generally possesses talented and skill full people who are well aware of the needs and demands of the target audience. The skillful dates generally apply effective strategies and develop effective customer satisfaction. High-skilled workers supports the management of Apple and for that they are able to achieve attractive and word wild growth by 394.33 billion  (, 2023).


Measurement Effective measurement of the customer experience in the overall activity of the organization is needed for the development of the organization. The organization measures the customer experience by providing them with a rating scale of 0-5. Furthermore, Facebook uses “customer satisfaction (CSAT) scores”, “Net Promoter Score (NPS)” and “Customer Churn Rate” to measure the customer experience (Facebook, 2023). Apple generally uses “Customer Effort Score (CES)”, “First Response Time” and “Average Resolution Time” to understand the customer experience rate (Apple, 2023). The organization also uses social media marketing for detecting the experience of the customer and how they feel about the product and services of the organization.
Operation The main operational objective of Facebook is to constantly seek innovation. Furthermore, the organization aims at designing the product in such a way that meets the business objectives and customer satisfaction. Apple generally empathizes with the cost-saving business activity to invest in technology, increasing innovation and customer satisfaction. In the case of “MacBook,” the organization has chosen a cost-effective service for attracting customers.
Marketing Effective goal setting, data tracking, detection of the target audience, creation of Facebook content strategy, and engaging customers are the main marketing objectives of the organization (Herme and Riedl, 2021). Apple generally focuses on “omnichannel marketing” in its multiple marketing outlets. The organization has successfully integrated multiple product lines ad offers customers a better shopping experience.

Table 2: CX process comparison between Facebook and Apple

The above table describes the essential factors that affect the overall customer experience of both Facebook and Apple. These factors affect the overall business activities satisfying the needs and demands of the customers.

8. Conclusion

Customers are the key assent to every organization. Thus, in this changing business environment knowing customers are essential for successful business regulation. The current study critically investigates the essentiality and relevance of customer experience and multiple associated factors of it. The study has considered Facebook and Apple as two selected organizations to discuss the customer engagement and customer effort scores of these organizations. The study further discusses the essentiality of customer experience and understanding of the customer journey, “CX performance metrics” to evaluate the buying behavior of the customer’s need to gain insight about the preferences of the customers to satisfy your needs. Further, it can be concluded that customer persona helps Apple to understand the experience of its potential customer base. Along with that, this paper has concluded that customer experience strategy is the primary factor of an organization that determines customer engagement. The critical success factor is the indicator of successful business regulation.


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