Assignment Sample on Downregulation of CD40L–CD40


Inflammatory and immunological responses have been linked to CD40L–CD40 interactions12–14. Neurite assembly in the developing brain is facilitated by CD40L (a TNF superfamily member) and its receptor, CD40. Tissue injury or deregulation of the innate and adaptive immune systems can lead to inflammation. In Alzheimer’s disease, CD40L–CD40 mediates the formation of dystrophic neurites16–19 and neuronal damage20–22 following a stroke or status epilepticus (Pototskiy et al., 2021). Researchers found an increase in CD40L–CD40 brain expression following a seizure. CD40 deficiency or the intranasal delivery of anti-CD40L antibody reduced the incidence of produced acute seizures, according to the researchers.

Data Analysis

Human epilepsy has never been studied with CD40L–CD40 before this manuscript was submitted. Cryosections from individuals who have had neurosurgical therapy for Temporal Lobe Epilepsy (n=4) using an immunohistological approach showed high levels of CD40 positivity. Astrocytes and neurons can be seen in CD40 IR-labeled cells. No additional research was conducted on the few known TLE patients who have CD40–CD40L expression, as this protein is not found in normal human brain tissue. CD40–CD40L levels rose as a result of seizures. Adult mice have CD40 in their neocortex and hippocampus. CD40, on the other hand, has a lower molecular expression in the hippocampus than CD40L15. Our findings show that CD40 immunoreactivity is more concentrated in the post-synaptic terminals of adult mice than the pre-naive terminals, based on immunohistological methods. Systemic injection of PTZ led to tonic-clonic convulsions, which resulted in increased CD40 IR expression largely within the sensorimotor cortex and the hippocampal neurons. It was also found that after the seizures, CD40 IR was significantly enhanced predominantly in CA3 hippocampal subregions and the cortex. When cortical and hippocampal tissue from mice suffering from tonic-clonic convulsions was combined, the quantity of CD40 in synaptosome fractions was noticeably higher.

Presentation Analysis

In the hippocampus of a patient with TLE, researchers found that CD40 expression was increased and CD40L expression was also increased. CD40L/CD40 levels in the brain and hippocampus of mice increase 24 hours after syringe exchange therapy (SE) in mice. It is possible to lessen the severity of PTZ-induced seizures by decreasing CD40, either in animals lacking CD40 or by administering an anti-CD40L antibody in vivo. 50 per cent of TLE patients have CD40 in their bloodstream. CD40 is a well-known biomarker for inflammation following an injury. Neuronal terminals in the hippocampus and the cortex were shown to have higher levels of CD40 following the development of seizures (Casault et al., 2019). There was also a 24-hour increase in CD40L in the hippocampus and cortex, suggesting that the response may have been long-lasting. CD40–CD40L may play a role in ictogenesis or the propagation of seizures in CD40KO mice, based on their lower susceptibility to epilepsy. There was a significant reduction in seizure severity and no mortality in CD40 knockout mice that experienced seizures, indicating that CD40 is involved in neuronal hyper-excitability. CD40 neurotransmission disorders play a role in epilepsy, although additional research is needed. Researchers have discovered that postnatal CD40-deficient mice had fewer excitatory hippocampal pyramidal neurons than their wild-type littermates.

Suggestions for Further Work

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CD40–CD40L interaction has been implicated in the activation of endothelial adhesion molecules and leukocyte transmigration, which may have an impact on BBB integrity. Additional BBB integrity and PTZ pharmacodynamics investigations could help us better comprehend this situation.  Patients with cancer are currently being treated with anti-CD40L antibodies, which have the potential to modify immunological responses. CD40 activation and the subsequent labelling of malignant cells for death are the primary functions of anti-CD40L antibodies in the treatment of cancer. Anti-CD40 has been studied as a receptor antagonist/blocker with few results. To investigate a GBM-induced seizure, their method could be useful. Data from their animal models with epilepsy shows that p38 is phosphorylated more than normal. This is consistent with earlier research suggesting that p38MAPK phosphorylation may directly or indirectly contribute to epileptogenesis.


Casault, C., Al Sultan, A.S., Banoei, M., Couillard, P., Kramer, A. and Winston, B.W., 2019. Cytokine responses in severe traumatic brain injury: where there is smoke, is their fire?. Neurocritical care30(1), pp.22-32.

Pototskiy, E., Vinokuroff, K., Ojeda, A., Major, C.K., Sharma, D., Anderson, T., Howard, K. and Musto, A.E., 2021. Downregulation of CD40L–CD40 attenuates seizure susceptibility and severity of seizures. Scientific reports11(1), pp.1-11.

Rana, A. and Musto, A.E., 2018. The role of inflammation in the development of epilepsy. Journal of neuroinflammation15(1), pp.1-12.

Sarecka-Hujar, B. and Kopyta, I., 2019. Poststroke epilepsy: current perspectives on diagnosis and treatment. Neuropsychiatric disease and treatment15, p.95.

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