Fundamentals of Project Management Assignment Sample



Project management is accounted as the prominent process of leading the work of a team so as to ensure achievement of project objectives within the offered constraints. These key details are being demonstrated through the help of project documentation which have been designed at the starting of the process of development. In this, it has been found that the primary constraints are accounted to be scope, time along with budget. The purpose of this study is to ensure analysis and evaluation of the contribution towards the group project. It would also focus upon the key challenges faced during the group project.

Analysis of own contribution

The success of any group is found to be extremely dependent upon the effectiveness as well as efficiency of the communication between various team members. Throughout this particular group project, I had a key opportunity to observe as well as reflect upon my personality traits which have been contributed to as well as hindered the success of the team. However, I felt that my team members lacked an adequate amount of transparency skills. This led to extreme levels of misconception and misunderstanding. Through this, I have the ability of playing with key ideas and was also open to various types of new ideas from my group mates at the time of the brainstorming session (Barnaby et al. 2021). It also helped me to ensure prominent establishment for the purpose of seeking balance between being overly imaginative as well as conservativeness especially when I tried to narrow down as well as finalizing key ideas as I tend to emphasize upon the key discussions. However, I ensured proper utilization of the key strength in terms of the management of weakness for emerging as a better member during the future group assignments. This was the first time I worked with this group of peer members and we decided to focus upon the key strengths.

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During the group meetings we made sure to address the requirements of the project and what is required to be done step by step. However, working in a proper group can be challenging at times. Various individuals with different views might not always agree with one another. The topic chosen has been appropriate in terms of the current job role along with the topic I have been interested in (Mestre-Segarra and Ruiz Garrido, 2022). I further felt motivated at the start of evaluation and this motivation carried me to ensure the process of data collection. In the initial stage of the study, I was having a preconceived notion where the services are needed in seeking improvement and have prominent certain outcomes which aids in the demonstration of group projects. I have also identified that it is very significant for the peer members to embrace precise communication skills. I have also understood that I would be able to seek development of time management skills which would help me in delivering my work in an effective manner regardless of the limited resources. Initially, I was very critical towards the group projects because of my prior experiences with bad groupmates. I always had the perception that the group members would fail to get along (Hodges, 2021). Other than this, through the help of modules, I have gained great insight about myself thereby demonstrating my key strengths and weaknesses when working within a team as a member as well as leaders. Other than this, I have identified that this group has further allowed me to have a different perspective towards group work and in this case, I genuinely look forward to more group work in the future. Building a good team rapport is accounted as a significant aspect and in this I believe that it is considered as an important aspect at the time of accomplishing a particular group project. In this regard, I have been able to learn that it is very integral to know each other on a level more than just being a group mate.

Challenges faced during the group project

In general terms, workplace transparency is considered as a prominent philosophy which helps in sharing key information freely in an effort so as to benefit the firm as well as the business firm. This can mean that executives sharing business information with the whole team as well as individual teammates are found to share feedback with each other. It can even seek involvement of key aspects of business firms to communicate to the candidates, customers as well as the public (Cicmil and Gaggiotti, 2018). There are key policies within the business firm, there are still many ways in the promotion of transparency in the workplace and also at the same time foster significant amounts of transparency in the process.

Here, I have also understood that transparency acts as a collective effort in fostering as well as maintaining transparent culture thereby establishing key boundaries and seeking management of prominent expectation in a prominent as well as significant manner. I have understood that lack of transparency might impact prominent team motivation which might lead to bad decision making as the crucial project details are not available to the stakeholders (Havermans et al. 2019). Furthermore, I have also found that lack of transparency tends to have a devastating impact which aids in leaving a permanent stain on the image of a particular project. Other than this, it has been identified that employees do not intend to trust their leaders as it aids in creating a significant feeling of unsafety and as an outcome, they ensure in offering a key mirror to the behavior’s of leadership thereby withholding what they think and feel. The reason for transparency turns out to be significant as I feel that it goes hand in hand with trust. In addition to this, I have found that when trust is created, it results in a prominent as well as heightened sense in terms of security and better employee performance. I have also found that my group members failed in free sharing of information as well as establishing get candid at the time of prominent confrontation (Verhoef et al. 2021). In this regard, an increase in proper engagement with the group members would help in the growth of proper confidence and at the same time make proper changes in the workplace culture along with business. This would also help in the establishment of proper work transparency and enhance strong leadership as well as massive cultural changes.

Intervention of theories and frameworks

Transparency skills are accounted as one of the significant abilities with respect to conveying along with sharing key ideas as well as feelings effectively. I have also learned that prominent transparent skills are essential which allows several individuals in analysing key information in a proper manner. On the other hand, lack of transparency skills might lead to prominent misunderstanding thereby enhancing frustration. Kolb’s model of reflection is accounted to potential methods in terms of experiential learning which provides insights into own experiences which are required to be reviewed, assessed and evaluated in a significant manner (Alvarenga et al. 2019). I have learnt that being able to ensure transparency in an effective manner is regarded as one of the prominent life skills which needs to be learned. Transparency is regarded as transferring of key information  for the purpose of production of greater understanding.

Figure 2: Kolb’s model of reflection

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(Source: As Inspired by Zhang et al. 2018)

Having strong transparency skills initiates in all aspects of life from the professional life as well as the key transactions which is an outcome of transparency. Proper transparency skills turns out to be an essential aspect thereby allowing other individuals to understand key details in an accurate manner. Transparency aims at expressing key ideas thereby identifying key insights in a prominent way. This also helps in signifying development of a prominent strong working relationship and secure establishment of a positive working atmosphere. It further aims at discovering new opportunities through the help of key skills, the businesses are needed to analyse the viewpoints of workers and customers (Zhang et al. 2018). This can be affirmed as a key step in terms of solving key challenges thereby initiating a prominent working atmosphere along with desirable goods and services. Workers having proper communication skills can ensure determination of key messages that are being communicated in an accurate manner. Proper transparency skills determine key ideas thereby analysing the importance of listening. Application of “Kolb’s Learning styles and Experiential Learning Cycle” would help in signifying the internal cognitive processes of the learners. Learning aims in the proper involvement of “acquisition of abstract concepts” which can be incorporated for the purpose of determining key flexibilities in key range of situations. In accordance to the Kolb’s theory, it can be recognised that it acts as an impetus for determination of key development of emerging concepts which are offered by new experience with respect to the transparency skills. Through this I would be able to determine the encounter of a concurrent experience for the purpose of signifying significant interpretation in terms of existing experience to the light of new concepts in a prominent manner.  This would help to encompass key forms of communication with respect to the professional relationship as well as transparency. It would also seek contribution of the team members ensuring development of strategies that helps in achievement of the desired results.


Project management focuses upon key details which are being demonstrated through the assistance of project documentation which have been designed at the starting of the process of development. Through this, I have the ability of playing with key ideas and was also open to various types of new ideas from my group mates at the time of the brainstorming session. I have also identified that it is very significant for the peer members to embrace precise communication skills. Proper transparency skills turn out to be an essential aspect thereby allowing other individuals to understand key details in an accurate manner. Transparency aims at expressing key ideas thereby identifying key insights in a prominent way.

Reference List

Alvarenga, J.C., Branco, R.R., Guedes, A.L.A., Soares, C.A.P. and e Silva, W.D.S., (2019). The project manager core competencies to project success. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business.

Barnaby, J., Devins, D. and Beech, N., (2021). Using simulation to develop business strategy skills of entrepreneurs-Some reflections on a pilot. Industry and Higher Education, 35(3), pp.270-275.

Cicmil, S. and Gaggiotti, H., (2018). Responsible forms of project management education: Theoretical plurality and reflective pedagogies. International Journal of Project Management, 36(1), pp.208-218.

Havermans, L., Van der Heijden, B.I., Savelsbergh, C. and Storm, P., (2019). Rolling into the profession: Exploring the motivation and experience of becoming a project manager. Project management journal, 50(3), pp.346-360.

Hodges, D.Z., (2021). Keep a journal for reflection and responsibility. Recruiting & Retaining Adult Learners, 23(6), pp.7-9.

Mestre-Segarra, M.Á. and Ruiz-Garrido, M.F., 2022. Examining students’ reflections on a collaborative online international learning project in an ICLHE context. System, p.102714.

Verhoef, P.C., Broekhuizen, T., Bart, Y., Bhattacharya, A., Dong, J.Q., Fabian, N. and Haenlein, M., (2021). Digital transformation: A multidisciplinary reflection and research agenda. Journal of Business Research, 122, pp.889-901.

Zhang, Y., Liu, S., Tan, J., Jiang, G. and Zhu, Q., (2018). Effects of risks on the performance of business process outsourcing projects: The moderating roles of knowledge management capabilities. International journal of project management, 36(4), pp.627-639.


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