Great MITS5001 IT Project Management Sample

Great MITS5001 IT Project Management Sample

1. Introduction  

The article which has been chosen for the analysis is “Challenges of Developing UAV Applications: A Project Management View”. The article is related to the risk and challenges associated with the application of UAV system.

The main focus of the article is to find out the main purpose of the research article which is the challenges regarding the development of UAV application in t5he perspective of information and technology.

On behalf of the critical analysis and review of the article, the main findings have to be extracted. Besides these, intentions and contents have to be analyzed with the used methodology.

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Moreover, a discussion has to be done on the basis of the recommendations and implementation of the project. Later on, a conclusion has to be drawn out regarding the research work on project management.

2. Discussion on the findings of the project article

2.1 Intentions and content of the project

The main intentions of the project are to find out the main challenges regarding the application of UAV system from the viewpoint of project management on information and technology.

The application of UAV systems is associated with many complex stages regarding its complexity in the development stages of the application [1].http://Great MITS5001 IT Project Management Sample

The UAV application can play an important role in the forecasting of any disaster, monitoring of the environment and surveillance of the perimeters.

Moreover, the application of the UAV system is associated with many difficulties regarding the integration of the different components of the system.

Several technical and non-technical challenges have been found out in the project that has helped to find out the most effective and efficient solution regarding the respective challenges [2].http://Great MITS5001 IT Project Management Sample

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On the basis of the study of the UAV application and the discussion on the project management industry, the article has been created.

Some possible technologies have been found through the project regarding the relaxation of the reduction of risk and challenges regarding the application of UAV system.

2.2 Overview of the IT project

The development of UAV applications is regarded as one of the complex projects due to the complexity of the system and the sensitivity in its application.

Since, due to the complexity of the project, finding various stages in its development of the applications is the main intention of the project.

Project management in the development of the UAV application system consists of many difficulties in the way of its processes [3].http://Great MITS5001 IT Project Management Sample

Besides these, a study is associated regarding different components like system dynamics, payload, engineers, and the development and testing of software development to understand the basis of the system.

In the industries of the aircraft, the different types of challenges which are faced during the development of the different products are resources, cost controlling and practices in project management [4].http://Great MITS5001 IT Project Management Sample

The lack of stimulation environment is one of the main problems in the application development stages of the UAV system. Besides these, the application of UAV system is mainly based on the computational process beside the allocation of resource management models and allocation of resources in its development of the different stages.

2.3 Findings and managing of the project 

The main finding and management of the project are associated with the application of the UAV system in the project.

The main challenges found out are in the technological system, challenges regarding the human resource, challenges and factors in the institution, skills in information and technology and organizational challenges [5].http://Great MITS5001 IT Project Management Sample

The Harding testing system is associated with the FALTER which is equipped with many devices in the UAV application system.

The moving of the propellers in a considering speed can be associated with physical risk regarding the testing process of the UAV system in aircraft technology.

Besides these, the consideration of many risk factors like financial rewards, timing, and proper allocation of resources is associated with the application of UAV system.

The planning has been done regarding the cost of the project and the allocation of the resources at its first stage.

The challenges regarding the management of the project that are found out are resource management regarding the provision, mapping and allocation of the resources. Technical challenges regarding the security and privacy, integration of the system within the UAV system application are found out in the project [6].http://Great MITS5001 IT Project Management Sample

Such a project needs configuration management that is associated with the application of the administrative and technical direction to develop, produce and support the life cycle of the configuration item.

Some challenges are associated with the change management in this type of project regarding the project development which may involve the operation of the development of the project.

2.4 Methodology 

Methodology plays an important role in the research paper in order to find out the various key factors related to the project. The methodology which is used in the respective project is observation in the secondary data.

Different risks and challenges have been observed in the project to find out the main complexity in the development of the application of the UAV system in aircraft.

UAV systems are associated with many complexities regarding its process of the application and integration of the different parts in the UAV application system [7].

The observation has helped in the project regarding the finding out of the risk regarding the project management system. Besides these, different challenges have been found out through the study of the UAV application system and the integration process regarding the parts of the system in aircraft.

Besides these, several risk factors associated with the project management system has been detailed regarding the technological, financial and human resource management required in the application of the UAV system.

Therefore, the observation method in this article in the project management project

2.5 Recommendations for the project  

Risk assessment method can be used in order to assess the risk to reduce or mitigate the risk in the application of the system.

The delivering of the project as per the need of the customer can be attained by the proper configuration management regarding the cost and the quality of the product. The change management and configuration management is needed to configure the different parts of the system [8].http://Great MITS5001 IT Project Management Sample

Moreover, changes in the integration system and the management system have to be made, if any risks found on a later stage in the application of the system.

High standard of authentication and encryption is highly needed in the application of the UAV system since it is associated with different communication tools, sensors and the hacking system.

Different types of consequences, incidents, and possibilities are expected in UAV application. Therefore, different types of techniques are used in the protection of the UAV system such as redundant detection systems, using state variables in the system.

Along with these, alarm systems which are connected to the UAV ground control station and other techniques needed to be discussed in a technical way.

The risk mitigation method by Department of Defense can be applied in order to reduce the risk of hijacking.

An accurate detection system can be followed in order to find out the, more appropriate system in the detection of the high jacking of the aircraft.

2.6 Implementation of the project  

The implementation of the project is associated with many risks regarding its effective and efficient application in the aircraft, the implementation of the UAV system is highly associated with the risk no of insecurity regarding the hacking of the data.

The system is associated with sensors and communication tools, so high security is needed in order to save the information of the system from the hijackers [4].

A proper configuration and change management has been applied in a better way in the project as it is associated with many complexities in the integration process of its different parts.

During the implementation of the project, few areas are to be highly considered regarding the fuel efficiency of the system, costing in building and planning of the system, less mobility of the human element and occupying of the spaces [1].http://Great MITS5001 IT Project Management Sample

With the help of proper risk assessment in the project, the challenges have been found out. Several mitigation and risk reduction methods have been identified through proper analysis of the risk associated with the system.

2.7 Lessons learnt 

The lessons learnt with the respective article is the challenges regarding the application of the UAV system in aircraft.

The challenges that are learnt are associated with the development stages of the UAV systems regarding the complexity of its developmental processes bad the integration system of the different parts [1].http://Great MITS5001 IT Project Management Sample

Besides these, the article is associated with the knowledge of the benefits of the application of UAV system in aircraft that are monitoring the environment, search and rescue procedures and the forecasting of the natural disaster.

The different stages of the development process in the application of the UAV system have been learnt with the integration of hardware and software parts and the communication parts applied within the system.

3. Conclusion

In the highlight of the above study, it can be concluded that the article is very helpful for the project management system regarding the application of the UAV system in the aircraft.

Since UAV application is associated with many complexities in the development process, it will be helpful to identify the different risk and challenges regarding the development of the application of UAV system.

Besides these, this paper will be very helpful in the management of the business system and to find out the challenges regarding the technology used in the application of the system in aircraft.

Moreover, this article will be helpful in the project management system regarding the cost and the duration of the system as per the need of the clients.

Reference list

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