Assignment Sample on Management and Practice Module


Managerial positions in any organisation are a crucial designation that holds immense importance in respect to the success of the organisation. These certain attributes and set of abilities ensures the success of the organisation. These skill sets are gained through a laborious process of continuous learning, and application of these skills in the practical situation. The three most important skills that have been personally practiced with consecutive success are, communication skill, decision making skill and time manager skill.

Definition and importance of the skill

Three of the skills that have been used effectively in the module along with their consecutive importance have been listed down below.

1.Communication skill: the set of skills that are used during the activity of giving and receiving information of any type is determined as communication skills (Yang, 2018, p.99). Through The adoption of communication skill feelings, ideas, information can be exchanged with ease. The execution of this skill involves the simultaneous activation of speaking, listening, observing and empathising (Doyle, 2017, p. 25). Adoption and application of good communication skills allows the smooth flow of essential transfer of information. The organisational goals can be conveyed with more ease. According to Rios (2020, p.80) usage if good communication within the organisation increases the cooperation, boosts morale and brings about organisational peace.

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2.Descision making skills : the skill to make a decision is very important for any workplace. In the process of taking an appropriate decision the manager needs to evaluate the situation, and develop an array of possible solutions before the decision can be adopted. According to Ceschi et al.  (2017, p.313) a single wrong decision can hinder the organisational growth with lasting effects on the business. This skill itself is a resultant of several other skills like critical thinking, active listening, application of logic, and collaboration skill. Decision making skills hold immense importance in the managerial activities as they determine the goals the business is going to follow, the resources that are going to be used along with the performance indicators that are going to be applied (Totterdill, 2020, p.26).

3.Time management skill: time management is the skill that is adopted as a method of planning and balancing personal time between the different activities (Gregg, 2018, p. 58). Efficiency in time management aids in the timely completion of tasks amidst several challenges and tight schedules. Time management skills have the potential to aid in the proper allocation of time for individual tasks according to their priority and specific needs. According to Ritter et al. (2018, p.80) organisation, planning, setting up of a goal, planning, delegation of task, stress management, is needed to execute time management properly.

Explanation of key terms and concepts

On the fundamental level, the discipline of management involves five major disciplines, which are, planning, organising, lading, controlling and staffing. These have been resonated in the managerial theory put forth by Henry Fayole. The managers are expected to use their rationale along with utilisation of the available resources to   make the task of management fruitful (Dayan et al. 2017, p. 5). Human capital is one of the key terms in management which signifies the experience possessed by an entire population or individual when it is viewed in terms of their value towards an organisation (Abdurakhmanova, 2020, p.8).

Practical usage of the skill

Communication skill being one of the indispensable soft skills which is required on a daily basis in almost every walk of life (Ünal, 2019, p. 47). Being personally engaged in an internship programme refinement and usage of the communication skill has been used in several instances.  In one instance there was a big purchase that needed to be executed. Selection of the supplier was a crucial step in the process. After going through the application process a decision had to be taken. The supplier chosen for the task was providing better quality of the product, but the price range was relatively higher than its counterparts. A meeting had to be arranged where the business managers along with the suppliers sat together for a negotiation meeting. The decision to select a supplier with a higher price range was a part of the good decision making skill that had been displayed. Moreover, effective communication was needed to be executed so that the price could be lowered to accommodate it in our specified budget. During the communication and negotiation a convincing tone and eye contact was needed to be maintained. Skill of time management was delivered during the task of making an urgent product delivery to one of a major client. The task needed to be prioritised as the client was important for the business. This required proper task dligation along with efficient management of time.

Future benefits of the skills

Possession of the three skills that has been discussed above are necessary in the future career of any managerial position in an organisation. Development of the skills further is going to pave the path of gaining employment in a managerial position in a business (Matsuo, 2019, p.303). Through proper channelising and usage of these skills for the benefit of the organisation, the business growth can be ensured. Upon gaining an appropriate amount of exposure in the related field and gaining knowledge and refinement all along the learning process a personal business can be set up. Benefits of having communication, time management and decision making skill also has the potential to get any individual placed in a high ranking position of senior managers of a business or amongst the board of company directors (Custódioet al. 2019. p.459).


In conclusion it can be said that management requires several skill sets which are to be used to work in progression towards the organisational goals. Engagement with several activities for an extended period of time assisted in understanding the specific set of skills that is needed. Personal flair in the decision making skill, communication skill, and time management skill has been observed. Possession of the communication skills plays an assistive role in establishing meaningful conversation and conveyance of instruction with ease. On the other hand, decision making skill is particularly beneficial in deciding the best route to adopt for organisational goals. Gaining mastery over these skills is going to have a positive effect on the career in the future.


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Abdurakhmanova, G., Shayusupova, N., Irmatova, A. and Rustamov, D., 2020. The role of the digital economy in the development of the human capital market. Архивнаучныхисследований, (25).

Ceschi, A., Demerouti, E., Sartori, R. and Weller, J., 2017. Decision-making processes in the workplace: how exhaustion, lack of resources and job demands impair them and affect performance. Frontiers in psychology, 8, p.313.

Custódio, C., Ferreira, M.A. and Matos, P., 2019. Do general managerial skills spur innovation?. Management Science, 65(2), pp.459-476.

Dayan, R., Heisig, P. and Matos, F., 2017. Knowledge management as a factor for the formulation and implementation of organization strategy. Journal of Knowledge Management.

Doyle, A., 2017. Communication Skills for workplace success. The Balance Careers.

Gregg, M., 2018. Counterproductive: Time management in the knowledge economy. Duke University Press.

Matsuo, M., 2019. The unlearning of managerial skills: a qualitative study of executive officers. European Management Review, 16(2), pp.303-315.

Rios, J.A., Ling, G., Pugh, R., Becker, D. and Bacall, A., 2020. Identifying critical 21st-century skills for workplace success: A content analysis of job advertisements. Educational Researcher, 49(2), pp.80-89.

Ritter, B.A., Small, E.E., Mortimer, J.W. and Doll, J.L., 2018. Designing management curriculum for workplace readiness: Developing students’ soft skills. Journal of Management Education, 42(1), pp.80-103.

Totterdill, P., 2020. Workplace innovation. Europe, pp.26-29.

Ünal, E., Urbinati, A. and Chiaroni, D., 2019. Managerial practices for designing circular economy business models. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management.

Yang, Y.K., 2018. Influences of communication skill and interpersonal ability on clinical competence of nursing students. Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing, 25(2), pp.99-108.

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