The study introduces information about diversification due to cultural health in individual behavior. Cultural diversification brings one morality and performance of all individuals hence plays an effective role in building positive. These things help in improving the curriculum that includes nurses and social practitioners in health practices is a significant change.
Critical analysis of the breadth of the module
Cultural intelligence (CI) is one of the core requirements in mental health for mental health professionals working in diverse environments. Hence it plays an important role in improving the quality of health and services of patients. For an ethical group of patients mentioning health-related services is important as it has the possibility to make them mentally strong. Professional health sectors through the help of cultural health are able to solve problems being faced by them that including racial diversification. Professionals in health sectors are given training that helps them in gaining knowledge of cultural beliefs and valuation in health practices. Training-based curriculum that includes nurses and social practitioner’s plays an effective role in improving the performance of cultural-based health practices plays a significant role. Cultural competencies in health services need to emerge with racial and ethical mixes in workforces (Gebregergis et al. 2019). Cultural intelligencies are used in all sectors as in private and public occupations.
People in different offices accept CI to bring diversification of pieces of knowledge and knowing the different cultures in occupation improves skills and pieces of knowledge. Cultural diversification in mental health provides a different angle of thinking and helps in improving the thought process of every individual who plays a significant role. The possibility to boost the morale of individuals through the help of CI help in boosting the performance and ethnicity of every individual is an advantage of CI and hence plays a significant role (Hu et al. 2020). Cultural competencies in mental health help in describing different types of models and hence help in evaluating effectiveness in mental health. Hence evaluation of cultural intelligences brings behavioral changes and attitudes. The main feeling of CI in mental health is to create diversifications in the hospitality industry of patients (Li et al. 2022). Nationalities in individual behavior after bringing cultural diversification are going to be well-improved palsy an important role. Bringing cultural diversification help in boosting the morale of individual most of the time individual due to cultural diversification is able to move in possible directions (Awan et al. 2018). Racial-based discrimination is one of the important issues faced by mentioned organizations hence all need to be well solved by bringing cultural diversification. People who are mentally sick and need proper care all need to be solved by bringing CI. Professional brings CI in health care services to make individuals get easily received. Individuals by hello of CI are able to move in a positive direction and are in possession to make their career is right side hence plays a significant role. Religions and ethical behavior of individuals after applying CI in the workplace need to be well performed (Segev et al. 2022). Effective things can know easily through the use of cultural differences it has the potential to improve the mental condition of individuals and individuals with the help of CI are able to keep motivating themselves.
Gibbs support understanding an effective strength of personality that is necessary to present within social aspects. Furthermore, it supports focusing on a situation that happens among people. Along with this, reflection is leading a personality development that is considered an effective evaluation of sources that use to reduce the weakness of personality skills (Minshew et al. 2021). The descriptive reflective model support understanding a happening situation with people and it supports identifying an issue regarding the situation. Furthermore, it supports me to identify situations of cultural intelligence that support care mental wealth. Along with this, mental well-being is important for identifying the strengths and weaknesses of people. Therefore, this mentioned model support to contain positive strategies. Feelings models support expressing a thought of people that s necessary to care for a patient of mental (Morin et al. 2021). Along with this, evaluation supports understanding the feelings of people that are suffering from mental problems.
Strategic thinking
Proper knowledge related to work reduces mental pressure from employees in workplace and efficiency of employees is enhanced in workplace. A manager in workplace can provide right guidance to their employee that supports employees to focus on organizational goals therefore together employee and manager can easily achieve organization goals (McIver et al. 2018). Therefore, leaders can easily solve issues of employment and reduce mental stress of employees in workplace. Communion also supports employees to share their knowledge with their colleagues, which supports team to enhance their team efficiency. In case, team does not share their knowledge with team members then efficiency of a team can be affected and stress of team can be enhanced.
Management can give awards to their employee to reduce mental stress of employees on their efforts in project. In case, employees received awards for their good performance then it can encourage other employees in a workplace to enhance their efforts in projects that enhance productivity of organization (Karim et al. 2019). Leaders in workspace encourage their employees to reduce mental wealth of employees; therefore, employees can focus on their work. Active listing can be adopted in a workplace that supports understanding feelings of others; therefore, leaders can provide appropriate suggestions to their employees to reduce stress. On another side, active listening can also reduce conflicts in their working process and employees can build well relationships with their colleagues (Kluger, and Itzchakov, 2022). Well, relationships with their colleagues support team to make a positive environment in workplace, and efficiency of team is enhanced within workplace (Agarwal, 2020). Leaders can adopt ability of lifelong learning that supports managers to enhance their knowledge related to work and leaders can easily find an alternate method to solve issues in workplace. Lifelong learning also supports leaders to be creative in their tasks, which reduces mental stress of employees.
In-depth critical analysis based on a reflective model
The moral and ethical behavior of an individual is to be well analyzed hence is one of the effective feelings I think. I think after applying this thing to a mental health professional feeling of confidence is to be well improved is one of the advantages of using it. The performance of professionals I think is going to be well improved is one of the effective benefits of using mentioned intelligence plays significant changes.
I think mental health is the biggest issue all over the world this is because it has the capacity to bring terror or a negative environment needs to be created. I things the tolerance levels all over the world are being risen hence this thing needs to be solved by bringing cultural diversification. I can say that this bringing cultural diversification hence plays an effective for making moral of an individual hence things help in boosting social knowledge and skills are also being well improved.
In this regard, I am feeling bad for trauma patients that suffer from mental health. I am not able to express myself with people that are not effective for me and it is necessary to identify myself with appropriate strength. After, adopting this mentioned model I am able to express myself with confidence. Therefore, I have experienced positive situations by using this concern model. The analysis model is support understanding an effective experience of work that is to get an appropriate situation.
Along with this, I am able to identify my personality strength with help of these concern methods. In this regard, I am able to work with people that are contributing and may work effectively.
Action plan
Cultural intelligence | Action |
Knowledge | I can gather more knowledge towards work that supports me in providing appropriate guidance to employees in the workspace. |
Strategic thinking | I will use effective communication in a workspace that supports management and employees to share their thoughts with leaders. I gain knowledge of employee behavior in workplace. |
Motivation | Leaders in the workspace also motivate their employees to enhance their performance. Managers can give thanks to their employees for their efforts on task otherwise that can discourage employees in workplace and reduce performance of employees as well as mental stress of employee enhanced. |
Behaviors | Leaders in the workspace work according to behavior of employees and understand cultural surroundings. Managers to understand feelings of employees can use active listing. |
Table 1: Action Plan
Reflective model concludes that leaders use effective communication with their employees to understand issues faced by employees. In case, leaders or managers do not understand issues faced by employees then management cannot able to provide the right guidance to their employees. On another side, a manager also motivates their employee by giving awards to an employee for their efforts. However, it also enhances performance of other employees to put their best efforts into their tasks.
The above study concludes with information about the impact of cultural intelligences in boosting the morale of every individual hence helping boost professional writings all things need to be gained by bringing morality. The effective benefit of CI in mental health is well concluded in this report’s sections.
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