A business report aims to provide critical analysis of the business progress and the problems, and in this respect the business report is going to shed light on the HRM issue in Weber Food Company. It can also be helpful for taking better decisions and identifying as well as solving the underlying issues. This business report is on Weber Foods, which is a food delivery company of the FMCG sector. The HRM issues in Weber foods will be critically identified in this report. The proposal for improving the delivery of HR processes at Weber Foods will be also identified in this report. The implementation plan including outline costs and responsibilities will be described along with the risk registers to identify the main risks.
2. HRM issues in Webber foods
As per the case study, Weber Foods has a good HR team and more than 9000+ employees, though it has been identified that the company is facing some HRM issues which is halting the progress of the company. Some primary HRM issues has been identified in Weber Foods, from the case study is going to be analysed in the below section,
Figure 1: HRM issues percentage
(Source: Influenced by Hauff et al. 2021)
Poor Employee review
The employee reviews play a significant role in identifying the problems the employees are facing inside the organization (Liu et al. 2019). It has been identified from the case study that the employee reviews of Weber Food are getting worse day by day which is indicating a clearer gap in HRM management of the company. One of the major reasons the employees are giving bad reviews is the working hours of the company are long and the priorities of the manager’s change often, which eventually lead to more long working hours. Apart from these, there is less time to think and most of the things are to be done very quickly which means restarting a project in tighter deadlines. On the other hand, Kumah et al. (2018), providing etiquette time with popper execution is needed for boosting the efficiency of the company. Based on this perspective, it has been seen that the HRM process at Weber foods is not sustainable enough.
Culture issue
The culture of Weber foods is not diverse which a big problem is also for the employees. As per the case study, it is a very stressful place to work for the employees due to the unsustainable working ambiance. Another allegation the employees made is that the team leaders and the managers of the company do not pay attention to the well-being and health of the staff. It has also been identified that the agency staff of Weber foods are being treated appallingly which is totally unacceptable for the employees. The organizational politics at Weber Foods is high and the employees are only being motivated by money. Apart from these, high levels of staff turnover, lack of communication between managers and employees are also one of the main HRM issues inside the organization for which the employees gave bad reviews.
IT issues due to lack of proper training
IT issues are the systems issues which can halt the progress of an organization if not checked properly (Peltonen and Vaara, 2018). As per the case study, Mark, in spite of not getting any kind of management training, has become the IT specialist inside Weber foods. As a consequence, Mark does not have any kind of leadership style which can motivate the employees. Apart from these, Mark has a team who cannot be trusted as Mark has not met them personally. This is also one of the main issues the HR managers should look out for. Based on these identifications of issues, it has been observed the company is getting affected, which needs to be resolved. However, some sustainable improving solution is going to be proposed in the below section,
3. Propo
sal for improving the delivery of HR processes at Weber Foods
The issues which have been identified from the case study of Weber Foods, illustrates that the company needs a strategic solution to manage these issues. As opined by Keegan et al. (2018), the delivery process of HR management can also influence organizational growth in a negative manner if not properly done. It has been identified that Weber Foods is facing various issues regarding the delivery of HR processes. The process for improving the issues is described below:
Improving employee well-being
The management team of Weber Foods need to maintain the working consistency while changing the work processes very often as it becomes difficult for the employees to work in a changing environment. As per the view of Harney and Alkhalaf (2021), the management team should also implement strategies in order to promote attention to the well-being of the employees. Maslow’s motivational theory can be helpful for the managers of Weber foods to improve the well-being of the employees, as it will aid in sustaining the apprehension of HR managers about the employee perspective, and their needs (Cooke et al. 2017).
Figure 2: Maslow’s motivational theory
(Source: Influenced by Kowalski and Loretto, 2017)
This need theory will help the HR department of the company to meet the Physiological needs of employees. Weber foods would be able to provide salaries and compensation to the employees which can be helpful for meeting the psychological needs of the employees. It can be helpful for increasing employee engagement which can lead to organizational growth (Reiche et al. 2019). Safety need and belonging need also will be sustained by the implementation of this theory which will help to promote the sustainability of employee engagement. Self-actualization needs are helpful for the growth and realization of the potential of a particular person (Cook et al. 2020). It is the duty of the manager to motivate the employees to realize the potential of the employees.
Providing training
The management team should provide training to the leaders to improve their leadership skills. It can be helpful for the HR to motivate the employees by boosting their proficiency which can improve their productivity. Different training goals can be settled and training should be given by maintaining proper diversity in the workforce which can be helpful for organizational growth. It is suggested to the HR manager of the company to use social cognitive theory.
Pay and compensation
Pay and compensation policy is beneficial for rewarding the employees for their good work. As per the view of Reiche et al. (2019), pay and compensation is an effective way for motivating the employees. The company should provide financial security, emotional security, and social stability to the employees which are the safety needs for the employees (Fryer, 2018). It can be helpful for increasing organizational growth.
Providing feedback
Feedback is an important tool to understand the strengths as well as weaknesses of the employees. As per the view of Cooke et al. (2017), feedback can also be a motivating factor to influence the employees to work towards the growth of the organization. Feedback is also helpful for the employees to understand the problems and work accordingly to solve the problems. The managers of Weber foods should also provide feedback to the employees which can be beneficial for organizational growth.
4. Implementation plan including outline costs and responsibilities
Particulars (resources)
Responsible person
Human Resource managers
1,348 US dollars
Pay and compensation
Human Resource managers and training manager
2,784 US dollars
Providing feedback
Human Resource managers and leaders
2,432 US dollars
Table 1: Outline for costing and responsibilities
(Source: Self created)
5. Risk register
Potential impact
Mitigation strategy
Cost Risk
Cutting the production costs and lowering financial expenditure can be helpful for mitigating costs. However, a budgetary plan also will be helpful as it will indicate where exactly the company needs to invest and how far the amount should be invested. However, potential outcomes also will be identified by using the budgetary plan.
Employee cooperation
Giving feedback, open communication and season attendance will be helpful for the company to manage such risk. Providing training and feedback along with pay and compensation strategy can be helpful for increasing employee performance.
Schedule risk
Scheduling the training session once a week for about half an hour and finishing the training session in time can be helpful. Using popper scheduling processes by using the PM tool will be helpful for the company to accomplish the proposed solution within time.
Table 2: Risk register template
(Source: Self created)
6. Conclusion
Finally, it can be concluded that this report has critically examined the delivery of HR processes at Weber Foods. The HRM issues such as employee reviews, cultural and IT issues have been described in this report. The proposal for improving the delivery of HR processes at Weber Foods has been described in this report with the help of Maslow’s motivational theory and leadership training tools. The implementation plan including outline costs and responsibilities and risk register to identify main risks has been described in this report.
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