Human Resource Management in Hospitality Assignment Sample 2024
Slide 1: Little staff recognition impacts the productivity
- An absence of staff recognition diminishes morale, hinders collaboration, and impedes internal communication.
- When employees are not recognised for their work, they lose motivation and put less effort into their tasks, which damages their performance and productivity (Phuong and Tran, 2020).
- A decline in employee morale results in feelings of being undervalued and demotivated; insufficient staff recognition exacerbates this effect on employees’ morale.
It is necessary to point out that neglecting workers’ efforts undermine them striving for high performance, which consequently can hinder them from working progressively and effectively to accomplish their set goals. If employees are not having the right amount of respect they deserve for their activities, they tend to focus less on the hotel brand. Work quality of their employees worsens and makes a negative effect for the brand like bad performance in sales and possibilities to earn more. Under-acknowledgment of the employees and their under-appreciation create unpleasant circumstances that subsequently make the employees to search for other job opportunities so that vacancies are filled by able staff members.
Slide 2: Little staff recognition impacts the productivity
- The workers who are not given an acknowledgment for their work also have less commitment to their jobs and this result in low productivity among workers (Koo et al., 2020).
- One factor that drives higher turnover is having employees who do not get recognised also feel like they are underrated which make them look for other jobs.
- As a result, the quality of work decreases, staff commitments to the tasks diminish and as well as the productivity.
TJ Group is facing the challenge of employees’ lack of understanding and acknowledgment, which in turn lowers the productivity and company profits. Lower morale among employees makes them think that they are being unappreciated, this brings down their devotion to their work which in turns affects the goal of being organised and responsible to get effective outcomes. Neglecting to acknowledge the staff’s work and dedication to the organisation also results in increasing disengagement among them, which in turn affects their willingness to actively contribute to the growth of the business. Furthermore, it also results in a decline in team cohesion, hence hindering collaboration and communication among team members.
Slide 3: A lack of individual development, and health and safety training
- Without getting enough training and feedback causes knowledge gaps that make it more likely to miss deadlines, make mistakes, and need to be redone (Otoo and Mishra, 2018).
- If employees lack clear feedback, it is hard for them to figure out what they do better which stops growth and lowers performance.
- Employees become disoriented and unsure of what to do because they received not enough training or feedback.
Poor training and feedback hurt TJ Group’s general growth and performance because it widened the knowledge gap. This makes people miss deadlines, make mistakes, and even have to redo work. Employees’ growth stagnation is also made worse by not having the right feedback systems in place, which lowers their total performance. Employees who receive inadequate training are also less able to manage their teams and handle problems. It has been seen that workers are confused and have misunderstandings because they fail to receive enough training and feedback.
Slide 4: A lack of individual development, and health and safety training
- When employees fail to receive enough training and feedback, it is hard for them to do their jobs well, which leads to skill gaps and poor performance.
- Poor training and feedback make employees doubt their skills and abilities, which affects the way they do their jobs and how satisfied they are with them (Xie et al., 2020).
- Low development because workers do not receive any advice on how to improve, which slows down their professional growth and development.
The employees who work for TJ Group encounter the issue of efficiently executing their responsibilities because they do not receive adequate supervision, which results in skill hap and underperformance. Their lack of training and feedback is another factor that contributes to this challenge. As a result of the lack of direction and training that is provided to all the employees, one of the most significant problems that they encounter is a lack of prospects for advancement. Employees who have not received any type of training linked to their profession also exhibit indicators of low confidence and intent, which ultimately leads to a drop in their performance and overall job satisfaction.
Slide 5: Constant issues around wages being paid on time
- Employees are constantly having problems with not getting paid on time and getting the incorrect amount of extra pay.
- Staff members are dissatisfied because there are not sufficient organised feedback and incentive systems in place.
- Uncertainty about wages is still a problem for employees, which lowers their morale and drive (Goh and Lee, 2018).
There are a number of employees who, among other things, never get their salary on time and there are also employees who end up not being paid properly for the overtime they worked. The most problematic absence of structured feedback and the incentive mechanism leads to the loss of satisfaction of the staff and additionally to the already established unsatisfactory level. Prolonged financial uncertainties that finally culminated in high staff turnover with increasing low morale and motivation.
Slide 6: Constant issues around wages being paid on time
- Employees’s lack of trust in management is caused by repeated complaints about wages (Baum, 2019).
- The lack of clear communication routes makes employees even more frustrated and dissatisfied.
- Having constant worries about wages is distracting and makes it harder to focus on job duties.
The long-standing inability of management to find positive solutions to wage-related problems results in worker’s mistrust and deteriorating relations. Communication disclosure difficulties among staff amplify disappointment and irritation at work. Financial worries become nothing else except a distraction, shifting attention from the job objectives.
Slide 7: Staff shortages
- Staff shortages lower the perception of employees, which leads to more employees leaving, which makes the guest experience even less satisfactory (Morosan and Bowen, 2022).
- When there are not enough employees, the ones who are left have to do more, which throws off their work-life balance and makes them tired and unable to concentrate.
- It is hard for staff to provide better service, and guests also notice delays, mistakes, and less attention.
There is a decline in morale among other employees as a result of a lack of staff, which ultimately leads to employee turnover. Shortages of workers in TJ Group further lead to an increased strain upon the remaining employees. As a consequence, these employees exhibit indicators of poor work-life balance, which leads to exhaustion and also increases fatigue. It is also difficult to provide high-quality service when there is a shortage of workers since they are forced to deal with delays and errors, which leads to a drop in their efficacy.
Slide 8: Staff shortages
- Since TJ Group is short-staffed, its current workers have to do more work, which causes burnout and stress and makes it harder for them to balance their work and personal lives.
- When employees are overworked, it is hard for them to keep up a high level of service, which hurts the overall guest experience (Johnson, 2020).
- As a result of not having enough staff, guests have to wait longer, which makes them more frustrated and dissatisfied.
As it results in a bad work-life balance and also has an effect on the overall guest experiences of the employees, the staff shortage that TJ Group is experiencing is a significant problem that the company is now dealing with. It has also been discovered that guests receive substandard services as a result of personnel shortages, which has a negative impact on their level of satisfaction and also contributes to a rise in the level of dissatisfaction. The hotel experiences a decline in the number of guests who arrive due to staff shortages.
Slide 9: Managers in the hotels are continually over-worked and rushed
- Managers are constantly busy and rushed, which makes them more stressed.
- It is hard to keep an eye on things when there are a lot of people working on a lot of responsibilities (De Silva and Perera, 2020).
- Reasonable mistakes happen because managers are under a lot of stress and need to focus.
Managers of TJ Group get exhausted and stressed out all the time and under pressure which results in high stress levels. Big teams and a wide variety of responsibilities lead to the fact that there is little control over the processes in place. Every working day brings pressure upon the managers as a consequence of overwork and fatigue.
Slide 10: Managers in the hotels are continually over-worked and rushed
- Since there were no top managers to act as a buffer in the TJ Group, front-line managers were directly exposed to what the CEO wanted and staff complaints.
- Too much work for managers to do has made them less efficient and effective at making decisions.
- A high risk of burnout among managers because they are under a lot of pressure and receive inadequate help (Bourke, 2020).
No senior managers that make the buffer would be face-to-face to front-line managers which would expose them to CEO demands and staff grievances. Overload of work leads to the inability to handle everything properly and to, inevitably, inaccuracies in decision-making done by management. Increased chance of experiential fatigue among people in managerial positions arising from the ineptness of the support and appreciated pressure.
Slide 11: Workload management and Allocation of TJ groups
- The hospitality industry of the UK analyses its current work efficiency and distribution among the team members.
- In the context of the TJ group, managers implemented or optimised their work schedule by using shifting strategies as well as ensuring fair distribution regarding the task.
- The main priority of the management and allocation group is to establish guidelines for prioritizing work and tasks (Moyeenudin and Anandan, 2020).
- The effectiveness of workload management helps the hospitality sector to streamline operations and reduce stress levels.
The workload management of the hospitality industry helps the firm enhance productivity, efficiency, and job satisfaction among employees. As opined by Teng and Cheng (2021), it prevents the staff from lower turnover and huge retention skills. The management of TJ group utilizes workload management to provide better customer services and predict loyalty or trust within the business. The workload management of business helps the teams by optimizing staffing charges and unnecessary costs associated with business performance.
The business leader of TJ groups contributes to a positive work culture, as a result, the employee feels well-valued and supported to lead more success in a cohesive work culture. Based on recommendations, the company might utilize technology such as a workforce and software to automate the tasks and optimize them (Spektor et al., 2023). In such a scenario, the team member of the hospitality business needs to offer development and training programs based on identifying employee efficiency to enable the business to be more efficient. Additionally, implementing recognition, and reward programs to acknowledge staff to contribute more efforts and contributions.
Slide 12: Recognitions and Appreciation of TJ Groups
- The hospitality brand TJ group provides a regular acknowledgement to their team members based on their efforts and recognition within the work.
- The recognition and appreciation programs consist of “reward programs” that help the business determine exceptional performance.
- It has been identified that many employees may prefer public opinion and recognition as compared to other private entities (Pramono et al., 2020).
- The hospitality business also establishes a feedback mechanism system for their team members to facilitate rewards and appreciation.
- The executive and chairperson of TJ group might provide or invest the maximum in their professional growth to operate the appreciation for the long term.
It generated a huge impact, as TJ group has been able to create a culture of recognition and appreciation based on fostering employee motivations, and loyalty programs. Additionally, the efforts of recognition help the business to encourage team members and their engagement based on commitment to the work can contribute to positive impacts (Younies and Na, 2020). Similarly, the appreciation results in improved performances and outcomes such as higher productivity and achievement to gain training objectives. Therefore, the business executive needs to regularly inspect work and organization culture through provided feedback. Hence, it might be done through incorporating peer recognition programs and meetings.
Slide 13: Employee morale and wellbeing in the TJ group
- Employee training and improving morale plays a fundamental role in the hospitality industry.
- The hospitality leader fosters an open communication environment where staff and workers feel comfortable regarding growing concerns (Bae, 2023).
- This has been done by encouraging the employee by facilitating a supportive work environment.
- Based on enhancing the skills of employees, TJ groups offer opportunities consisting of training programs and workshops that help the team members develop more cohesive skills.
- The well-being and morale of employees help the business to encourage collaboration and mutual support among the team members.
It has been identified through industrial reports, that morale and well-being can facilitate a higher level of commitment, and enthusiasm, as it leads to improved productivity within the work. As opined by Hua and Zhang (2023), the satisfaction of job and employee morale helps the industry to remain competitive and increase the revenue streamline. Therefore, the positive morale can have devastating effects, and employees may face fewer opportunities across the UK. Moreover, TJ groups need to focus on their employee well-being by positively fostering the organizational culture. Conversely, hospitality firms might offer flexible work environments where employees feel comfortable pursuing their daily work and tasks.
Slide 14: Training and onboarding for new employees of TJ Group
- The team leader of the hospitality business utilises social media tools to develop comprehensive training programs.
- The tools may consist of videos, presentations, and manuals to engage and effectiveness of employees.
- The training programs determine a specific role for new employees, and as a result, new recruiters may experience firsthand based on their responsibilities (Hsiao et al., 2023).
- The onboarding programs help the employees handle guest experiences and inquiries by creating a positive work culture.
- Evaluating continuous development and training programs supports the firm in enhancing opportunities for skills development.
It generates positive impacts on business, hotels can now be able to ensure that they are well-confident and equipped to deliver excellent services and business contributions within the hotels. As opined by Xu et al., (2023), the consumers are more likely to feel positive experiences and check by delivering positive reviews based on an increase in the hotel’s reputation. Therefore, the satisfied customers are more likely to visit and recommend the hotel’s benefits to others, as well as derive revenue benefits.
Slide 15: Performance evaluation and feedback system within Hospitality
- Sustainable performance and business assessment are significant to ensure opportunities worldwide. It involves a constructive feedback system and various improvement ways.
- The hospitality business combines performance indicators that help the business reach the relevance of employees’ performances.
- The senior executives of the TJ group use the 360-degree feedback mechanism for their subordinates.
- The feedback mechanism helps the business to provide a holistic review of employee performance and major areas of improvement (Abuelhassan and AlGassim, 2022).
- The performance evaluation and feedback procedure provide incentives for team meetings and encourages innovation to develop a team.
The above-mentioned evaluation and feedback mechanism helps the hospitality industry to create a transparent feedback system and performance evaluation that promotes accountability and reliability within the teamwork. Therefore, the business leader might invest hugely in their training programs to foster organizational culture and best practices.
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