Indigenous Health

Current Indigenous Health and Wellbeing

1. Introduction

For conducting this study, obesity issue is taken by the researcher to get deep understanding regarding the current indigenous health and wellbeing through different media items. This paper will support towards giving deep understanding regarding the research topic while giving concern towards critical analysis. Researcher has theoretically analyzed the research topic while discussing the key points in the media item. Furthermore, this paper also discusses regarding a particular media fits into unit overall and topics as well as the contribution of particular media in the context of current indigenous health and wellbeing.  Researcher has focused towards referencing the studies of various past studies to understand the research topic from the past findings which has taken place regarding the research topic.

Chuen, Michael, & Teck (2016) identified that obesity is increasing at a global platform at a high rates and has become a significant issue amongst the population. In this context, media framing remains highly assistive to take corrective action to control this issue in the context of shaping public opinion and government policy. Due to this reason, in this study, a broad range of media analysis has conducted while focusing towards various aspects of obesity. This study remained quite assistive to understand the importance of media in the context of obesity and current indigenous health and well-being.

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2. Analysis of Media Items

In the current business environment, advertising play an important role to identify the consumer buying behaviour and perceptions. In this report, the analysis of media items in concerned with the Current Indigenous Health and Wellbeing is done with the help of television advertising, radio advertising, print advertising (newspaper) and social media.


Television deals in broadcasting media and it is a media which is supportive to communicate with mass population at a single point of time. Due to this reason, television is highly used by the government of the country for communicating the social welfare messages. The attractive television campaigns are communicated at a large scale with the target audience through television advertising. It is because television advertising plays an active role in persuading and informing the customers for arriving at a final purchase decision. Television shows news related to obesity and its impact on health. There are various expert advice can be seen over the television to decrease the obesity especially in the context of youth and kids. Wolfson, et al. (2015) stated that television enables the people to know the reason behind obesity and explains the causes of obesity. This media enables the users to offer the detailed understanding regarding the diseases which takes place due to obesity. Through various social advertisements, government tries to aware the citizens regarding the obesity and its impact on health (Chou, Prestin, & Kunath, 2014). Television supports the brands that are focused towards offering healthy food which enables towards get awareness about the meals which are developed while focusing towards health parameters. Moreover, it also enables towards representing the advertisement of the medicines or exercise tool which remains assistive to decrease the obesity. However in the contrary Rosen, et al. (2014) depicted that there are various firms which misguide the customers by doing fake promises. So, it is essential for the consumers to give consideration towards the ingredients before purchasing them.

According to my view point, it is a good source of making the people aware about the indigenous health and wellbeing regarding obesity to make the people healthy. Health related social advertisement makes the people aware about the importance of healthy living. Moreover, audio-video exercises, diet, etc. supports to adhere a healthy living easily. In like manner, it also supports to get the acknowledgement of doctors whose service can be avail by the people to decrease the obesity and to get healthy physique. Thus, the television advertising has both positive and negative impact on the customers. Television advertising is convenient and flexible for the customers to develop in-depth information about the obesity. It also has strong impact on the customers through audio, visual, colors, sound, sight, demonstration etc. that is used by the marketer for conveying the message in association with the obesity.

It is because television advertising confuses the end users by manipulating the relevant information for increasing the profit margin. In addition, companies for spreading awareness among the customers have to incur huge cost as compared with radio, newspaper and social advertising. However, increase in the demand of social advertising is eliminating the usage of television because of technological development.

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Radio is one of the oldest broadcasting media however, at present its usability has decreased due to advanced media sources but still it is used by lots of population and supports towards creating awareness. This is an audio medium of media which enables to take the public opinion in the context of obesity which supports to make healthier and effective communication with the public. It supports to increase the interest of the people while involving them in the conversation so that they can share their views, opinions, perceptions, ideas and views regarding the reasons of obesity, its causes and the ways to control it. Moreover, Rokkum (2014) stated that radio also supports to take the expert advice regarding the obesity issues and to control it in effective manner. It also takes public suggestions regarding government policy while asking them to recommend the ways to make the government policy more effective.

At the same time, Hinkley, et al. (2014) depicted that in the context of obesity, radio media gives excessive focus on individual responsibility to get identify the causes and solutions which can reinforce the weight stigma while distracting the attention away from the structural determinants such as governmental responsibility or societal responsibility. Holland, et al. (2015) stated that obesity has become the serious issue of various countries which is impacting the health of the people adversely. Hagen, & Nayar (2014) stated that that in a large-scale study in the UK, it is observed that increasing obesity is becoming epidemic and it is shifting from individualistic frames to more structural frames. It is indicating public discourse regarding the health perspective. In this context, radio media supports to make the people aware about the negative impact of obesity in the life cycle by involving them in the conversation while also offering expert advice to them.

From this, it can be reflected that radio is playing vital role towards increasing the awareness towards become healthy as healthy people remains more active which enables towards happy life. Moreover, it remains affective to eliminate the chances of various diseases. In this context, radio supports to aware the people while involving them in the communication as well as by offering them expert advice. In like manner, it also uses various slogans and text to promote the social aspects related to health and wellbeing. Thus, radio advertising covers small scale such as locally or regionally by the marketer for generating awareness among the customers about the obesity. Moreover, it does not create strong impact on the customers due to absence of visual and animated characters so there is high switch rate for avoiding listening commercials.


Newspaper is the example of print media which deals in serial publication which contains news about current events and informative articles related to politics, sports, health, social issues, arts, etc. It supports to show the current news related to healthcare while offering the discussions and views which are given by the experts. At present, obesity issues have become a serious as most of the youth and children are suffering from it due to increase in the concept of eating fast food as well as the utilization of healthy food in meal is decreasing. Moreover, due to technological advancement physical activities are decreasing. So consuming high amounts of energy, fat and sugars, but not burning off the energy through exercise and physical activity creates surplus in the body as a fat (Halvari, et al.,2013) . Due to this reason, it is essential to give concern towards this health issue. So, newspaper enables towards developing social awareness regarding this context as obesity is the reason behind lots of health issues. Moreover, it makes the individual lethargic and less active which decreases the chances of country economic growth. Newspaper supports to see various perspectives regarding the influence of indigenous obesity due to range of external factors such as colonization, low SES, difficulties in accessing healthy food, use of chemicals in food material, ingredients use in fast food, etc. Newspaper enables towards research the unique reasons of obesity for the population of a particular region (Latzer, Spivak-Lavi, & Katz, 2015). In like manner, Roberto, et al. (2015) determined that newspaper also supports to communicate the greater burden of diseases which can be experienced by the population exists throughout the lifecycle due to obesity. Change in colonization is also a determinant of health which uniquely faced by indigenous populations at a global platform. For instance, Australians are experiencing a dramatic change in their lifestyle after European settlement. It is adversely impacting the health and wellbeing (Logel, Stinson, & Brochu, 2015). So, newspaper supports to get deeper understanding regarding the health concern while reflecting the steps taken by the government and it also advice the steps which citizens can take to minimize the situation of obesity. In like manner, newspaper also discusses the challenges country is facing for accessing nutritious foods for the low income groups, especially for the individuals who are living in rural and remote locations and the locations where government access is limited. Newsprint media has shown a good initiative towards offering the coverage in the context of obesity to represent its negative impact over the population. Nowadays, obesity is a major issue which affects the human life to a large extent. Nowadays, newspaper or other advertising companies are also obliged to follow some rules and regulation which are related to spreading the awareness related to the health problem and raining standard of living. In newspaper, advertisements which are published are related to many health diseases which spread awareness among the public about developing their knowledge towards raising health problems. In every country, be it developed or developing countries, obesity issue is increasing rapidly as mostly children and youth are growing having fast food and unhealthy food on a daily basis which is increasing health issues for them. In order to overcome or mitigate from obesity issue, there is high requirement to aware public with that source of medium i.e., newspaper which reaches to every corner of country.

Jagielski, et al. (2014) stated that there are lots of firms which are advertise themselves on the basis of healthy practices they are taking to make the food healthier while eliminating the ingredients which can increase the obesity. Increase concern of media towards obesity has supported the firms to create new opportunity towards developing the food products which are health conscious and are made by utilizing fresh and healthy ingredients. There are various brands which are promoting themselves through these strategies in the newspaper which is supporting the brand to make good and deep relationships with kids as well as youth than ever before.

Newspaper also discusses regarding the disadvantages of socioeconomic status (SES) which are creating obesity due to lack of post-school qualifications, geographic location, ethnicity, etc. which are structural determinants of obesity. Not only this, but it also discusses the structural determinants such as social, political, economic, environmental and technological factors that influence an individual’s likelihood in the context of becoming obese. News media coverage gives huge concern towards obesity and lifestyle issues.

Social Media

Böckerman, et al. (2014) stated that at present social media has become one of the most popular media as people spend their most of the hours on it. Mobile internet has supported towards increasing the use of social media. Almost every people have at least one mobile. Moreover, social media and digital technologies are growing at a fast pace at a global platform due to which it highly influences the young. Social media has supported towards making the communication easy through digital media and enables the users to provide information while creating and responding to social change. The social media is playing crucial and important role in targeting to the large number if youth and children directly through social media websites like facebook, twitter, blogs, etc. It is a media on which the users can show their response through like, share and comment (Li, et al., 2014). So, it gives the power of exploring the message while giving concern towards showing own point of view regarding a specific topic. Social media has a great power which enables an individual to share his or her views publically. So, if a person found an individual towards doing wrong practices then he can share it publically to make the other people aware about it. Moreover there are various firms which do fake promises or their products inversely impacts the consumers. In this context, Pacanowski, Linde, & Neumark-Sztainer (2015) stated that social media is a stronger tool due to which consumers can do their complaints on a social media which remains supportive to make the other people aware about the issues and fake promises.

Social media is only platform from where children and youth can be aware about the increase in health issue through different ads, videos or pictures. However, obesity issue is an issue which cannot easily get mitigated or eliminated but social media is an effective way to overcome form children’s or youth obesity problem efficiently. The role and network of social media is wider as it uses different innovative and creative way to make aware about the health issues easily.

From this, it can be analyzed that in the contemporary situation, this is one of the most powerful media through which users get easily influence and it supports towards delivering a message to the mass population at a single point of time. This is less expensive method and it supports to develop creativity in the advertisement by utilizing different affects, colors, designs, etc. in the advertisement (Sahoo, et al., 2015). Various diet charts, dos and don’ts, healthy meals, etc. details can be easily identified on the social media. Additionally, exercises to lose the weight can also be communicate by the experts on social media which can be easily share for the purpose of increasing the approach of the message. Social media increases the interest of the public as they share their views, perceptions, ideas and views. It uses effective pictures, info-graphics, etc. If any food product or brand found involving any ingredient which is harmful for health or increases the obesity that can also be shared by the users over social media site to make the people aware about it (Meitz, et al., 2016). In support of this, Böckerman, et al. (2014) depicted that social media offers the base to the companies who are focused towards healthy meal to represent themselves to the public in an effective manner for their ethical practices regarding the utilization of healthy materials which enables towards decreasing the weight. In this context, Hagen, & Nayar (2014) identified that at present huge number of households are spending their food budget on junk foods and drinks, rather than dietary meals. Moreover, the demand of sugar-sweetened beverages is also increasing. In this context, Chuen, Michael, & Teck (2016) stated that social media supports towards increasing the public awareness regarding the disadvantage of these king of meals which create pressure over brands to create health conscious meals rather than unhealthy and obese meal.

From this, it can be reflected that social media supports the users to discuss the indigenous health and wellbeing in the context of obesity while giving concern towards various parameters, views, suggestions, ideas, etc. Moreover, it supports to increase the interest of the public as they can share their experience and views. Moreover, audio-video advertisement becomes able to give more impact rather than print or audio media. In like manner, it gives the freedom of sharing the advertisement which increases the word of mouth while give freedom to share the views.


From the above study, it can be concluded that media plays vital role towards the indigenous health and wellbeing as it enables to communicate with the people, which supports to create social awareness at a wider extent. It enables the government as well as social welfare firm to make the people life healthier through using different media items. At present, obesity has become a great concern and this concern is growing day by day. So, it is essential to take corrective action in this context media remains highly assistive as it attracts and influences the people. However, it is identified that the popularity of social media is increasing due to digitalization. Moreover, it offers the freedom to design the advertisement in an effective manner.


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