Innovation Report ORGM5000 Assignment Sample

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Background and discussion on organisational challenge and value proposition

Background of the Company 

The business of Udrew is involved in providing infrastructure planning for their clients. It offers the building planning and endorsement projects on the different construction. Udrew also helps home owner to construct smart and attractive building. It also helps the owners to approve the building or project from the government by charging the some fees. However, the main service of Udrew is to help the clients in developing best plan for their construction. The main business unit of the company is in Subiaco, Western Australia that can be also called its headquarter.

Development of the new organisational challenge

As the issue and challenges are the part of the business environment, Udrew is also facing the organisational challenges in the different manners. In this, it is identified that first challenge is development of the trust of the client on the service. A client has always issue in the different aspects such reliable service, quality of service and payment method. At the same time, another issue can be identified as the use of the inadequate tool in the business operation. Sometime, it can be seen that organisation use the some tools and method but they are not adequate according the business operation. In additionally, it also faces the issue in managing the employees because it is difficult to find skilled employees and retain them for long time.

Discussion of design thinking techniques

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In the context of the design thinking techniques, it is found that Udrew has all the latest technology and techniques to solve the business problem. It helps the company to solve the organisational challenges in the effective manner. It allows the company to identify the business opportunity and use the appropriate the framework and techniques. It enables the organisation to evaluates the challenges and develop the business strategy according to them. The concept of the design thinking focuses on the organisational needs. The process of the design thinking contains the some essential element such as empathy, defining, ideates prototype and test.

Value Proposition of Udrew

The value proposition of the Udrew shows that why its service is best and it attracts to customer in the market. It enables the company to win the trust of the news customer as well as the existing customer. The company uses different technology for targeting the customer in the market. The value proposition statement of the company shows that the main value of Udrew is as the helping in the planning in the building. At the same time, it also assist as the approving the building plan as soon as possible. The company has the strong knowledge on the design thinking process that helps the company to evaluate the needs of the clients and provide them accurate assistance. The company has strong value proposition that helps to communicate in the market on the different aspect such as marketing, pricing and supplying. The market value of Udrew is working as the indirect marketing strategy. The each service of Udrew has the clear value proposition that provides benefit to the company.   

Business Model

Affinity Diagram method

The affinity diagram method is the best method to provide an innovative and effective technique for the existing business modal. It is because it makes valid all the business information that is provided on the existing business such as customer opinion, needs, insights and issues. In the words of De Mast and Joran (2012), the affinity diagram is the important method that is useful to manage the organizational data, ideas, and findings in the systematic group. In this method, each item is written on the sticky note like Post-its and these notes are differentiated on the basis of the categories. The existing business model provides the clear understanding about the business challenges, customer problems and issues in solutions of the problem. At the same time, Hughes et al., (2012), indentified that the affinity diagram method is the new business model that is useful to provide the sense of the large amount of the data and information. It also encourages the new patterns of the thinking by breaking the traditional and entrenched thinking of the existing business model.

On the other hand, Williams et al., (2012), stated that the affinity diagram method is a useful tool of planning and management that helps the organization to gather and organize the output of data in a systematic way. The affinity process is helpful to develop the thinking of the Udrew designers in order to encourage thing about the new patterns. The affinity diagram process is useful as a business model by development of the group ideas with the use of Brainstorming. In this model, the researcher and designers of the model includes the five steps to develop the business such as generate ideas, display the ideas, sort ideas into a group, add header cards, and draw the affinity diagram.

The Udrew designers can easily minimize the business issues by the use of affinity diagram. In this process, the designer generates the ideas that are helpful to understand the requirement of the stakeholders. In support to this, Olsson et al., (2013), described that all the people have different thought and ideas which are considerable by the company to develop a plan for business. In other words, it can be said that the affinity diagram method is helpful to collect and sort the data into a specific group and for understanding the needs and ideas of the stockholders. It helps to met the requirement for customer efficiency and eventually reduce the issues and challenges that are facing by the existing organization.

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Additionally, the affinity diagram would also helpful to arrange the complex problem of the business by the use of effective view and opinions and understanding the needs of the people. Moreover, the trustful relationship between stockholders would also be developed by the use of this diagram. It is because it modifies the organizational culture as well as managing financial challenges and provides the new technology to the business. The affinity diagram model provides the preconceived categories that are helpful to access the more understandings about the business model.

Alternative business model

The design thinking technique is also a useful and innovative technique in order to existing business model. In the views of Lucero (2015), design thinking is a business model that is helpful to solve the complex problem and provides the expectable solutions to the clients. This technique is widely used by the designers to mitigate the business challenges and increase the organizational trust between the stockholders. In support to this, Seidel and Sebastian (2013) stated that the design thinking technique is supportive to develop a plan and finds out the new opportunity by the use of logical thinking. It helps to develop a structural framework in order to understand the requirements of the customers and provides the benefits. 

On the other hand, prototype technique can also used by the business that is an iterative development technique to build a quick design. This technique also involves the stockholders and customer to provide the effectiveness in the design and solution of the business problem (Olsson et al., 2013). The prototype technique can only be used in the organization as a business model and it also helps to develop a scaled-down technique to develop a building plan for the business.

SWOT Analysis

Strength Weakness
High growth in the capital

Developed infrastructure 

Government support



Low price of commercial properties

High labour cost

Low market demand and customer base

Opportunity Threats
Developer technology

Skilled workforce

New project


High completion


PEST Analysis

Political factor analysis ·       Supportive government policies

·       Low government foundation

·       Low corruption

·       Stable political environment

·       Supportive Efficient and transparent legal framework


Economic factor ·       High property price

·       Effective growth in the capital

·       Low cost of commercial property

·       Favourable currency exchange 

Social factor ·       Increasing the pollution

·       Rapid changes in living standard

·       High literacy rate

Technologic factor ·       Good spending on R&D

·       Advance technology

·       Good government initiative


The research study conducted by Dorst (2011) determined that design thinking is a significant process in which a company evaluated the ways to identify the ways that can be helpful in the problem solving. In this process, the company measure the problem and identify the strategy to get the expected result. But, the views of Lucy (2011) states that design thinking is a kind of the methodology that can also known as the problem solving activity that regularly repeat in the business scenario. The main features of the design thinking contains define the problem, create and consider many options and refine selected directions etc. In the same context of this, the research study of (Johansson‐Sköldberg, et. al. 2013) defined that design thinking is a vital part of the strategic management of the company that enables the company solve and develop the strategy to mitigate the issues. It also enables the company use the effectively utilise organisational resource with the objective of the maximising the profitability.   

Furthermore, Lindberg et. al. (2011) posited that the process of design thinking is very significant it contains the some significant method such as empathized, define, ideate prototype and test etc. It is helpful for any company to get the right solution of any problem in the relevance of the business scenario. But, the views of Razzouk et. al. (2012) presented different arguments where it is determined that design thinking process represents the solution of the problem on the basis of the logic, imaginations, intuitions and systematic reasoning etc. It helps the management and firm to achieve the expected results. Typically, the success of the design thinking depends on the ability of the designer. In this, it is important how designer gets and understands the nature of the problem and how thinks on the problem.  In support of this, Reimann et. al. (2011) explored that the ability of designer thinking depends on the element that are presented surrounding. That is why, there is great influence of the situation on the designing thinking.

Beside of this, the research study conducted by Tonkinwise, et. al. (2011) design thinking can be defines as an art and science that it is able to provide the solution of the all kind of the complex situation. Therefore, on the basis of the above literatures, it can be said that design thinking is an important task that allows the organisation and user to mitigate the issues and challenges to improve the organisational results.

Beside of this, Müller, et. al. (2012) stated that in order to collect and manage the data and information in the effective manner, an organisation uses the affinity diagram. It enables the organisation to collect large amount of data in the different language. In the reference of value proposition, the research of Scheer et. al. (2012) concluded that value proposition an business statement that represent the organisation in the market and determines that why, customer should purchase its product. In the similar manner, the research study of Leifer et. al. (2011) explains that value proposition is a kind the promise statement by the companies. By the help of this, a company develop its business strategy and get benefit of customer value in the market.       

Conclusion and Recommendation

From the above discussion, it can be concluded that issue is a part of the business environment.  It is certain that a company face issue in its business operation. In regard of Udrew, it is evaluated that the company also face the issue in the various aspect such as client trust, managing the workforce and pricing in the market. These issues negatively affect the performance of the company in the market. In this reference, design thinking is a significant process that helps the organisation to design the effective strategy to solve the problem. In this process, the features of design thinking are empathized, define, ideate, prototype and test etc. At the same time, it can be recommended to Udrew that it should develop and implement effective strategy to perform better in the market. Additionaly, it should also provide training to employees to effectively deal with organisational issues.  


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