INDU1130 International Human Resource Management Assignment Sample
This essay is structured into a broad section where each section highlights important ideas in the study of international Human Resource Management. It also critic and outline theory is used by writers and scholars while adapting the approach and also examine empirical evidence supporting the overview. The challenges associated with theories are also evaluated in this section.
The second section of the essay is a critical discussion of the claim that globalisation means that eventually human resource practice and policy will convert into a single best practice everywhere in the world.
Three approaches to studying IHRM
International HRM refers to the management of human resources globally. It examines the ways in which international employers manage linguistic and Geographic or cultural differences among the workforce to attain highest engagement and productivity. Furthermore, the primary responsibility includes recruiting adequate and skilled employees and supporting regulatory compliance. Standardising the system and process are also significant responsibilities of Human Resource Management. Having International HRM policy in the workforce a company can have continuous professional development opportunities that provide the Employees with the opportunity to flourish their individual skill and knowledge (Beugelsdijk and Welzel, 2018). The HRM practice has an understanding of world-wide business and as a result A cultural Synergy is created in the workplace. Everyday cross cultural skill activities are conducted that provides with the opportunity of improving the cultural diversity norm. There are three significant approaches to study International HRM which are cultural institutional and global HRM. This essay will outline the cultural approach of studying International Human Resource Management.
In order to examine the cultural approach to study International HRM a significant theory is that Associates is the Hofstede cultural dimensions model (Khlif, 2016). The model of dimensional culture of the theory helps in understanding different cultures and Civilization or diversity. It also helps a business in expanding its international platform by not facing any cultural obstacles. For understanding the international HRM policy and implementing Theory on practical notion it can help human resource managers in encouraging globalisation and work together and stabilise the organisation (Beugelsdijk et al., 2017). However, a significant limitation of the theory is that despite being a successful model some researchers do not find the theory to be accurate and applicable as it is not a focus on community and ethnicity (Irfan, 2016). As the dimension of power distance index or individualism and muscular team do not provide sufficient knowledge on different social cultures and sub-sections, that theory sometimes can also be considered out-dated for applying in the HRM policy and practice. Different groups of cultural behaviour can be a loss to an organisation while applying the model and it can impact the decision making of the manager due to the social cultural conflict (Kristjánsdóttir et al., 2017). Another significant theory that is considered in the cultural approach is trompenaar cultural theory. The theory believes culture is the outcome of the ways in which people have come together to survive in the world (Pirlog, 2021). As a result it focuses on what people value or how they can behave in certain situations. There are 7 distinct dimensions of the culture according to the theory. For practical application the cultural dimension model can be effective as it acknowledges situations like Business relationship and negotiation. It provides a framework to understand other cultures. As a result, the international HRM while operating business between countries or in the Global Corporation can efficiently communicate by considering the application of the theory.
Organisations all over the world work with a wide variety of cultures and according to the cultural dimension theory, cultural differences create a better understanding of reality. In order to understand the biggest differences and the ways in which the organisation impacts the differences the cultural model was developed that distinguishes seven cultural dimensions (McSweeney, 2016). By understanding and studying 7 dimensions of culture there can be more empathy and respect for other cultures among individuals and that can be an effective way for the international HRM to induce the theory in the human resource policy and practice of the organisation. By considering habits or ritual and custom of individuals it can be easier for business to lead better agreement and ensure continuation of cooperation.
Nathan (2015) highlighted bias between the Hofstede cultural model and trompenaar cultural model theory. According to the author there is a lack of precision in the theories. The cultural literature has pointed and discussed core values of culture that can help in identifying differences between cultures. The most efficient method for modifying the process of thinking is changing individual behaviour. The research conducted by the author has illustrated and focused on the impact of leadership and human resource quality on various cultures and examined the attributes at industry level. The fit between cultural characteristics and management practices play a significant role to implement a successful management team (Stanciu and Stanciu, 2023). Cultural dimension also reflects on the level of visibility that is drawn from the cultural theory concentrating on the value of specialisation. Most of the cross cultural research focuses on national level illustrating differentiation in the cross culture in regards to the natural value. Stanciu and Stanciu (2023) proposed formation of a multinational and interdependent work team for minimising the complexity in the workplace and across borders. The interdependent team help businesses in mitigating the cultural gap and assure smooth coordination and communication. Nathan (2015) studied high and low context culture and from the study it is evaluated that environment is important for people belonging to high context culture and the significantly depend on interpretation which is making use of nonverbal signal while having communication while on the other hand in the low context culture the nonverbal signal are ignored and environment is also of less important. Linguistic training and cross cultural training introduce employees to the importance of culture and help in sensitising the differences in the culture. Cross cultural training and language training can help in building cultural competence skills and add on professional or Social Skill and knowledge among the employee that can help in creating an effective professional environment in the organisation. Training about the culture to the employee according to McSweeney (2016) consists of learning activities that are based on experience combining behavioural technique and mental process helps in reinforcing assimilation of information on occasions like simulating critical incidents or experimenting alternative response strategy. Cross cultural training helps in acquiring intercultural effectiveness skills that improve personal adjustment. This is the type of skill that includes effective cross-cultural communication and building relationship or transition stress management. With effective cultural management managers in international companies can incorporate cultural awareness among the employee that can further improve the managerial decision making and negotiation technique.
The convergence-divergence debate
The convergence theory in the HRM is laid on the belief that the best practice in the international Human Resource Management can result in excellent outcome if integrated across Organisation in various countries (Ayentimi et al., 2018). The concept of convergence in the international human resource management is developed with the approach being the universal application of effective practice in the management is a crucial factor to make society to be more alike across National boundary. Proponent on this concept enhanced it in relation to eminent growth in the globalisation where it is believed that individuals continue to interact with each one another frequently across cultural and national difference and there can be emergence of global culture based on particular best practice in the “international Human Resource Management” and business practice (Al Ariss and Sidani, 2016). The conceptual approach has been faulted to fail in recognising cultural difference and the proponents have identified application to the business practice while holding that managers across the world are likely to have a similar attitude and view. It justifies the convergence of Management approach. It is natural that the international human resource management practice can convert around the established efficient practices in the future.
According to Kaufman (2016) the growth of best practice in the international HRM is an evolution process under which different policies and practices are put into place and the results of each dimension are evaluated before implementing the highly effective one. “Free flow of information” beyond the national boundary is significant that leads to the generation of best practice in the organisation context across multiple countries as experiments with multiple systems are evaluated against the decisions and outcome made regarding the affectability. The convergence concept of international HRM has a similar approach as that of the best practice approach in the HRM that is contrast against the best fit approach (Farndale et al., 2017). The best fit approach advocates for applying the best practice that has been established to manage the human resource as an effective way to guarantee team effective outcome while the best practice focuses on developing approaches that suits to complement the strategy of the organisation and external circumstance.
The concept of divergence emphasizes on the need of adapting various management approach based on the objective and circumstance of the organisation. The institutional and cultural theory is effective theory is for explaining the divergence concept (Ahmad et al., 2019). These theories represent driving factor of the HRM practice for different circumstance and embrace agility for modifying systems to be suitable in different circumstance and yield desired outcome. It is also persistent with Management’s contingency theory. Proponent of the diversions concept hold that even the level of human interaction across culture has been increasing the cultural dimension continues to be significantly different (Budhwar et al., 2016). Cultures that are less dominating for example have radicalised to fight against what society is developing and eradicating the cultural value in favour of Western influence and international culture. It highlights the direct connection of HRM practice and cultural value and makes necessary evaluation about the national culture or the ways in which it can impact the organisation system. The choice of management style for example is greatly dependent on factors like the level of power distance in the society. The cultural dimension theory evaluated earlier influence on the HRM practice.
The need to respect culture authors and analysts like Brewster et al., (2016) Warren against over dependence on the traditional cultural element. According to Xing et al., (2016) culture is immensely dynamic and, in many circumstances, ideas should not be allowed with the emergence of urban culture. In the urban Centre the youthful population conform to certain trends across the world that makes revaluation of the cultural value necessary on an irregular basis. The study conducted by Zhu et al., (2019), Institutional structure is also a significant factor according to Kwon et al., (2016) that promotes the use of different divergent approaches in the HRM where multiple subsidiaries are autonomous as well as well as at liberty to develop their own systems.
Neither divergent nor complete convergent approach can be effective for any particular culture or organisation and therefore the implementation of cross-vergence can be applied that combines both divergent and convergent approach. In international human resource practice it is also one of the most common approaches. Convergent approach can be applicable in providing the indicator for dust practice but at times it can be counterproductive for a different culture. Suitability similarly in divergent approach is accommodated by different cultures but can be counterproductive when used in isolation (Ayentimi et al., 2018). As a result, using a cross-vergent approach can draw the foundation from exploiting the best practice while at the same time looking out for opportunities to achieve uniqueness by modifying the system and reflect on specific circumstances of the organisation. In the globalised market the approach can also be extremely effective where the level of competition is increasing and organisations are turning to the human resource for generating competitive advantage.
The first section identifies different approaches Academics can consider while examining the international Human Resource Management. This particular section of the essay provides an overview of the institutional and cultural as well as Global approach to study and evaluate International Human Resource Management. In order to critically examine the claim the debate of convergence and divergence in the international human resource management strategy is evaluated. By considering empirical literature this section of the report examines the statement.
Ahmad, M., Allen, M.M., Raziq, M.M. and ur Rehman, W., 2019. Converging HRM practices? A comparison of high performance work system practices in MNC subsidiaries and domestic firms in Pakistan. Employee Relations: The International Journal, 41(5), pp.931-948.
Al Ariss, A. and Sidani, Y., 2016. Divergence, convergence, or crossvergence in international human resource management. Human Resource Management Review, 26(4), pp.283-284.
Ayentimi, D.T., Burgess, J. and Brown, K., 2018. HRM practices of MNEs and domestic firms in Ghana: divergence or convergence?. Personnel Review, 47(1), pp.2-21.
Beugelsdijk, S. and Welzel, C., 2018. Dimensions and dynamics of national culture: Synthesizing Hofstede with Inglehart. Journal of cross-cultural psychology, 49(10), pp.1469-1505.
Beugelsdijk, S., Kostova, T. and Roth, K., 2017. An overview of Hofstede-inspired country-level culture research in international business since 2006. Journal of International business studies, 48, pp.30-47.
Brewster, C., Mayrhofer, W. and Cooke, F.L., 2015. 20. Convergence, divergence and diffusion of HRM in emerging markets. Handbook of human resource management in emerging markets, 451.
Budhwar, P.S., Varma, A. and Patel, C., 2016. Convergence-divergence of HRM in the Asia-Pacific: Context-specific analysis and future research agenda. Human Resource Management Review, 26(4), pp.311-326.
Farndale, E., Brewster, C., Ligthart, P. and Poutsma, E., 2017. The effects of market economy type and foreign MNE subsidiaries on the convergence and divergence of HRM. Journal of International Business Studies, 48, pp.1065-1086.
Irfan, M.I.M., 2016. Cultural dimensions of Hofstede and their impact on organizational performance in Sri Lanka. Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research, 2(10), pp.1160-1169.
Kaufman, B.E., 2016. Globalization and convergence–divergence of HRM across nations: New measures, explanatory theory, and non-standard predictions from bringing in economics. Human Resource Management Review, 26(4), pp.338-351.
Khlif, H., 2016. Hofstede’s cultural dimensions in accounting research: a review. Meditari Accountancy Research, 24(4), pp.545-573.
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Kwon, B., Farndale, E. and Park, J.G., 2016. Employee voice and work engagement: Macro, meso, and micro-level drivers of convergence?. Human Resource Management Review, 26(4), pp.327-337.
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Stanciu, L. and Stanciu, C.L., 2023. Specificities of the Culture and the Management of Economic Organizations in Romania in Approaching the Model Developed by Fons Trompenaars. In International conference KNOWLEDGE-BASED ORGANIZATION (Vol. 29, No. 2, pp. 133-137).
Xing, Y., Liu, Y., Tarba, S.Y. and Cooper, C.L., 2016. Intercultural influences on managing African employees of Chinese firms in Africa: Chinese managers’ HRM practices. International Business Review, 25(1), pp.28-41.
Zhu, C.J. and Warner, M., 2019. The emergence of human resource management in China: Convergence, divergence and contextualization. Human Resource Management Review, 29(1), pp.87-97.
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