International Supply Chain Management Assignment Sample


Assignment for International supply chain management


Impact of automobile / car manufacture on climate change

  • Automobile industry is putting adverse effects on the global climate
  • Around 78 million vehicles have been manufactured in the year 2020
  • Manufacture of the vehicles have increased global carbon footprint extensively
  • Automobile industry degrades the air quality by emitting carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and other toxins

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Automobile industry is putting adverse effects on the global climate remarkably. According to some reports, around 78 millions vehicles have been manufactured in the year 2020 alone as a result of increasing global population and demand for vehicles (Statista., 2021). This manufacture of the vehicles have increased global carbon footprint extensively which in turn has increased global warming to a large extent. Apart from that, the automobile industry has always been reported to contribute to greenhouse gas emission largely. Automobile industry degrades the air quality immensely by emitting carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and other toxins directly in the air.

Necessary actions to be taken 

  • Automobile manufacturers can focus on manufacturing electric based or biofuel based high-use vehicles
  • Renewable and sustainable materials like stainless steel should be used in the manufacture of automobiles
  • Renewable source of energy can be used for the manufacture of vehicles

Harmful impact of the automobile industry on the climate can be reduced by taking necessary actions. The automobile manufacturers can focus on manufacturing electric based or biofuel based high-use vehicles like taxi, mail trucks, delivery vehicles and others. This can help in reduction of greenhouse gas emission caused by them (Tran et al. 2021). In addition to that, renewable and sustainable materials like stainless steel should be used in the manufacture of automobiles. Automobile manufacturers also need to make sure that the source of energy they are using in the manufacturing unit is renewable to ensure least impact on the climate.


Statista., 2021. Worldwide motor vehicle production 2000-2020. [Online]. Available at: <> [Accessed on 6 March 2022]

Tran, M.K., Bhatti, A., Vrolyk, R., Wong, D., Panchal, S., Fowler, M. and Fraser, R., 2021. A review of range extenders in battery electric vehicles: current progress and future perspectives. World Electric Vehicle Journal, 12(2), p.54.


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