KF7023 Computer Networks & Operating Systems Assignment Sample
Module code and Title: KF7023 Computer Networks & Operating Systems Assignment Sample
In this report, the main focus was on the networks of computers. Several aspects of computer networks were discussed here. It is known that “computer networks” plays an important role in the success of an organization. Especially, at the present time, it can be seen that the proper use of these networks is very much important for the development of organizations. The main focus in the computer networks is given on “cloud computing”.
It can be seen that there exist different kinds of platforms where “cloud computing” is done. The reports also present the architectures of the cloud, the services of the cloud, and the different types of clouds present. The critical knowledge of the operation is present in this report. Moreover, the different areas in which these are applied have been described in this report.
In addition to this, the different problems that are present in computer networking are elaborated on here. It can be seen that there are different issues that exist in the professional applications of the “operating systems”. These are of different types. The different aspects of this are present here. Moreover, the best practices for its application of it were also elucidated here.
In this section, several aspects of the operating systems & their applications are present. It is known that these systems play very key roles in the success of organizations. The details of the “operating systems” are as follows.
It can be seen that with the advancement in technologies, the systems of computers have become more complex in nature and also in terms of applications. The reason behind this is that nowadays systems have to deal with different complex data. So, the systems have to run & compile complex software (Alaa & Schaar, 2018).
This makes the entire process more complex than ever before. With the application of this, it is possible to operate different applications maintaining the same environment. There can be seen different types of networks in real-life applications. Some of these are “local networks”, “wireless networks”, and others (Huh, 2018). In order to make sure that the networks are working correctly, it is needed that the architecture of the operating system is operational perfectly.
In this case, the job that was undertaken to be analyzed was the preparation of a “Citizen Advice Bureau”. It is known that the work of these kinds of bureaus has huge importance. So, the system, if it is needed to be developed in such a way that has fewer drawbacks.
Also, it should be capable of satisfying the need of the customers. This system basically used for solving the problems of the citizens (Alaa & Van, 2019). It can be seen that there may be a lot of problems for the citizens that are not always possible to reach the concerned authority. So, many times it is seen that the problems of the citizens get unsolved. For this reason, a single window where people can place their problems is created.
Figure 2: Home page (“Source: self-created in vs-code”)
The figure gives the description of the home page of the website that was created in this project. It is known that this website was created for the purpose of accepting the problems of the people. Hence care was taken for making it in such a way that is easy to use for people.
The home page consists of four sections. Each of the sections was created for serving different purposes. The website was created in the platform of “VS code” (Alshurideh et al. 2020). Here, the user can register himself for using this website. With the provision of registering, it is ensured that each of the users can be identified individually.
Figure 3: Footer page (“Source: self-created in vs-code”)
The picture placed above describes the footer section of the home page. This is the view obtained when users logs in to their respective accounts on the website (Hassan et al. 2020). Every user can see this same on their home page after logging in. Their are contact details given in the picture above. It describes the details of making contact in case of any problem faced at the time of using the website.
Figure 4: Contact form page (“Source: self-created in vs-code”)
The picture shown above does the work of describing the details of contacts to the people that are there for listening to the problems of the people. It can be seen that there are different categories available in this contact form. All of these categories help in identifying the problem of the users with respect to the specific person who is posting it (Bica et al. 2021). It takes the details of the problem as well as the details of the person from the person who is registering his problems and intends to make contact with the concerned authority.
Figure 5: About us page (“Source: self-created in vs-code”)
The picture shown above gives a description of the details of the organization. In this section of the website, the different details of the organization are present. It is known that in many instances it can be seen that people find it difficult to figure out what an organization is all about. It is prominent in the case of new users. For informing the first-time visitors of the website the facility of knowing the details of the organization is given in this section (Chen et al. 2022). Moreover, it also describes the different types of work in which the organization is involved. From this section, brief but correct details about the organization can be obtained.
Figure 6: Campaign page (“Source: self-created in vs-code”)
The picture placed above, shows the details of the events that are going to take place within the organization. It can be seen that from the point of view of the organization there are different types of events are there in this organization. It can be seen that there are mainly three types of events are there here. These are “seminars”, “rallies”, and “online campaigns”. It is known that this organization is related to solving the issues of the common people (Froemelt et al. 2020). Hence, it is obvious that this will consist of these types of events in its schedule. In the seminar events, the common issues of people & their solutions are addressed.
Figure 7: Policy page (“Source: self-created in vs-code”)
The picture placed above describes the different policies that the organization maintains. It is evident that each organization is bounded by a set of policies that helps it in maintaining its affairs. From this page, people can find out the policies and the principles of work for solving the issues of the people.
Figure 8: Sign in page (“Source: self-created in vs-code”)
The picture placed above, gives the description of the pages that are shown at the time of signing in. This page is provided in order to ensure that only the correct people can use the website (Kańtoch, 2018). It is ensured in such a way that if incorrect credentials are entered then the person does not get entry into the website. Hence, security considerations are maintained.
In this project, the various aspects of the “computer system” were highlighted. It was found here that the proper functioning of an organization’s system is essential for its success. Moreover, it was also found that there are different areas within an organization where the “operating system” is used. So, it can be said that there is s huge importance of the “operating system” for different organizations. In this project, the main approach was to build a “Citizen Advice Bureau” to help people to register their needs.
For this, a website for the mentioned bureau was prepared. It was done with the use of “VS Code”. It was seen that with the help of this platform, the project was able to deliver its objectives with it was started. In addition to these different aspects of this website were also studied in this project. The different aspects of “cloud computing” were studied here from the point of view of “operating systems”. Furthermore, the different security considerations of “cloud computing” & its services were elaborated here.
Cloud Computing
The basic idea behind “cloud computing” is that it gives the description of the delivery of “computing services”. These include servers, different storage systems, databases present in the system, networks, software for different applications, and many more.
Advantages of cloud computing
One of its main advantages is that it has an interface that is very simple in nature to use. Moreover, maintaining the security of data becomes very easy with the help of this. It can also be seen that it also provides a good capacity for storage in the system. It can be seen that it is more efficient than the different methods for securing the data.
Disadvantages of cloud computing
It can be seen that along with many advantages there can also be seen some disadvantages of it also. One of the major drawbacks that it has is the chance of the data getting lost. In many cases, it can be seen that the system becomes prone to hacking with the use of this.
In addition to the different disadvantages, there can also be seen some issues that come in at the time of implementing this in the organization. The issues are mainly related to the legal considerations and the ethics of work regarding organizational matters.
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Froemelt, A., Buffat, R. and Hellweg, S., 2020. Machine learning based modeling of households: A regionalized bottom‐up approach to investigate consumption‐induced environmental impacts. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 24(3), pp.639-652.
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Kańtoch, E., 2018. Recognition of sedentary behavior by machine learning analysis of wearable sensors during activities of daily living for telemedical assessment of cardiovascular risk. Sensors, 18(10), p.3219.
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