The art through which a person can motivate a group of people in order to act towards accomplishing a common objective or a goal is known as leadership. Leadership is considered to be a crucial part in a growth of an organization and at the same time provides a vision as well as mission to an organization. The study will focus on the critical evaluation of personal development through the given and discussed theories.
Along with that, the point of convergence will also be on the skills and behaviours required to be effective professionally. The leadership of Sundar Pichai has been considered in the current research.
The three theories that will be discussed in this assessment are Affiliative Leadership Theory, Transformational Leadership Theory and Leadership Competency Framework. In the end, the whole assessment will be summarized in the form of a paragraph.
Affiliative leadership theory
One of the styles of emotional leadership stated by Daniel Goleman is Affiliative Leadership Theory (Wachira et al. 2018). This theory helps in promoting positivity, harmony in a workplace and helps in creating an effective team. The type of leadership style chosen by Sundar Pichai plays a vital role in the emotional, mental as well as physical health of his team.
Affiliative leadership positively collides with employees of his organization which is very necessary to become a great leader.
Evaluation for professional development
Creates harmony
The conflict resolutions in the workplace or between the teams is the main point of convergence of this leadership style (Thoha and Avandana, 2020). It also helps Sundar Pichai to promote meaningful connections and the emotional requirements of his team members.
Sundar Pichai has been able to prevent the capable adverse effect of the negative appraisal and successfully maintained and managed a peaceful, compassionate work environment for his team members.
Understand others’ needs and requirements
With the help of Affiliative Leadership style, Sundar Pichai has been able to be sympathetic towards the needs and preferences of his team members as well as the management. This leadership style has helped him to build connections with his team members. Along with that it has also helped him to ensure the well-being of his team by reading and understanding their emotions.
Offers praise
The main professional development in Sundar Pichai after using the affiliative leadership style is that he has been motivating and boosting the confidence of his employees by giving them appropriate rewards (NawoseIng’ollan and Roussel, 2017).
Sundar Pichai has been able to be a great part of the growth of his team as he mainly focuses on offering relevant praise and encouragement to his employees.
Key skills and behaviours
Allows Flexibility
One of the key skills and behaviours adapted using affiliative leadership style is allowing flexibility in all departments of an organization. Sundar Pichai has been able to provide flexible work conditions to his employees. Along with it, he has provided the most laid-back and comfortable work environment which helped him in building trust with his employees and at the same time helped to reduce stress.
Encourages creativity
Creativity is another key skill and behaviour gained by Sundar Pichai using affiliative leadership theory. The flow of creativity and innovative thinking has been encouraged (Dagondon, 2021). Along with it, Sundar Pichai has successfully accomplished his goals and solved potential problems by allowing his employees to use their inventiveness to discover new ideas and techniques.
Builds resilience
Sundar Pichai has developed the skill and behaviour of resilience by effectively using affiliative leadership theory. The whole team of Sundar Pichai has overcome the major impact events in their organizations as he effectively builds resilience in his organization. During the periods of transition, Sundar Pichai has encouraged flexibility and helped to mollify probable emotional hindrances during a change in his organization.

Transformational Leadership Theory
Another leadership style that is adopted by Sundar Pichai is transformational leadership style. The leadership approach which helps in creating change in the individual and social system is known as transformational leadership (Al Qatawneh, 2018).
This type of leadership helps in creating a valuable as well as positive adjustment in the employees which help them to develop in order to transform into a leader.
Evaluation for professional development
Sundar Pichai possesses a great vision for future development of his organization. However, transformational leadership style has helped him to enhance this quality in him. Sundar Pichai has been able to look towards a better future and see the small hindrances hindering smooth execution using his keen perception.
He has improved his sense of vision so much that he intuitively senses where his organization needs to grow so that they could successfully compete in his sector.
Sundar Pichai articulates his vision to his organization by speaking clearly and communicating precisely (Anderson, 2017). The team of his organization are intensely focused on the task given so that they could achieve seemingly impassable objectives. Through the help of his simplicity, Sundar Pichai has been able to provide structure and enable his team to assassinate without confusion.
One of the main professional developments that developed in Sundar Pichai is improvement in his charisma. Through the help of transformational leadership style, Sundar Pichai has become a better listener and a better presenter. He has also been able to provide a productive criticism to his team members for their professional growth.
Key skills and behaviours
Focal point of convergence is positiveness
Affiliative leadership style helped Sundar Pichai to focus on positive aspects and helped him to eliminate the negative aspects (Niessen et al. 2017). Positive interactions, encouragement for productive response and compassionate communication are some of the aspects which were improved by Sundar Pichai using this theory.
Tolerance of risk
Sundar Pichai is very well versed with the fact that innovation does not have an ordinary path. Transformational leadership style helped him to apprehend that calculated risk taking is vital and an important part of his job. Sundar Pichai leaned on his innate interest to seek out new approaches for his organization where he relied on research and pursued counsel from experts.
Sundar Pichai has successfully improved his leadership style using both affiliative and transformational leadership styles. He has a clear vision of empowering his team members and organization for achieving great success. He mainly focuses on the growth and success of his team members and his organization as he is a result-oriented leader.
Reference list
Al Qatawneh, A.S., (2018). Transformational leadership style and its relationship with change management. Verslas: teorijairpraktika, 19(1), pp.17-24.
Anderson, M., (2017). Transformational leadership in education: A review of existing literature. International Social Science Review, 93(1), p.4.
DAGONDON, D., (2021). The Leadership Styles of the College Deans. Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government, 27(3), pp.978-982.
NawoseIng’ollan, D. and Roussel, J., (2017). Influence of leadership styles on employees’ performance: A study of Turkana County, Kenya. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 8(7), pp.82-98.
Niessen, C., Mäder, I., Stride, C. and Jimmieson, N.L., (2017). Thriving when exhausted: The role of perceived transformational leadership. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 103, pp.41-51.
Thoha, N. and Avandana, I., (2020). Project Managers’ Leadership Styles and Their Effects on Project Management Performance. Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities, 28(2).
Wachira, J.G., Karanja, K. and Iravo, M., (2018). Influence of Affiliative Leadership Style on Organizational Performance of Commercial State Corporations in Kenya. European Journal of Business and Strategic Management, 3(3), pp.17-28.
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