LMOR Mind Map  Assignment Sample


Reflection Report based on Mind Map


The mind map was conceptualized based on the aspects of leadership and regenerative leadership requirements in the 21st century along with the consideration of leading with technology within the organizations. This reflective report has been constructed based on the Gibbs Reflective Cycle model for reflecting the learning from the experience of constructing the mind map (Potter, 2015).

Main Body

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The experience of constructing the mind map included analyzing the attributes of regenerative leadership and the overall importance of delivering leadership that remains consistent with the external business environment. During the preparation of the mind map, I had classified the characteristics of regenerative leaders for identifying the various aspects including problem-solving and self-organizing along with openness and creativity. I had prepared the mind map by considering the case study of Tesco for understanding how the organizational workforce is managed including the total reward system (Employee benefits, 2020). This indicated the acknowledgement of creativity and communication within the organization along with the regenerating aspects of employee growth and learning opportunities. The self-checkout facilities at the Tesco stores also indicated leading with technology as the company had been the pioneer in the retail sector to establish this feature for reducing the crowding at the counters.


Following the Gibbs Reflective Cycle model, I was feeling highly excited during the preparation of the mind as I was learning about a new category of leadership. I was thinking about the importance of regenerative leadership in our society for success in the 21st century with equal focus on workforce, ecosystems and economy (Hardman, 2009). In this aspect the application of the constructivist self-development theory would have been very much appropriate as it blends efficiently the social cognition theory with the individual object relation and self-psychology. The self-development of theory is focused on a constructivist view of individual learning through unique experience that defines the adaptation of particular changes in the individual. As per this theory the self of an individual is a part of the personality that consists of self-image and awareness which is developed through social experience. The social experience which I generated in terms of workplace ecosystem and regenerative leadership helped me to get shaped and develop self-awareness, centering the personal development and individual growth. During the preparation of the mind map, I was a little nervous as a did not know how to correlate the components of regenerative leadership. However, I was able to place the components based on their functions and I felt satisfied after the completion of the mind map. During the process, I was thinking about how Tesco integrated the components of regenerative leadership and I based my thoughts on the sustainability report of the company.


Following the Gibbs Reflective Cycle model, the process of classifying the attributes of regenerative leadership went well including the cynical and seasonal and affirming aspects (Hardman, 2015). However, I faced some issues while understanding the relationship with organizational mission and clarity with the regenerative leadership. I had faced some difficulties while analyzing the areas of application of regenerative leadership in Tesco apart from workforce management including zero hour contracts and total rewards strategy along with sustainability in the operations. I realized that the company made efforts to promote creativity within the organization despite the limited scope in the retail operations. The traditional leadership styles are good for workforce management with the use of rewards and recognition along with punishment for motivating and influencing the employees.

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Based on the overall experience of preparing the mind map, I was able to learn the importance of changing the leadership strategy and style of organizations based on external circumstances and other internal factors. The assessment of region regenerative leadership remained in alignment with a holistic framework practice within the organizations for ensuring prosperity and redesigning (Sturnick, 2004). Tesco as an organization has identified the need to regenerate for creating a closed-loop system within the organization for ensuring long term competitive advantage and sustainability (Employee benefits, 2020). Regenerative leadership enables innovative problem solving within the organizations with the integration of the latest digital technologies leading to the fulfilment of the mission and vision of the organization along with better clarity for the individual roles. On the contrary, contemporary leadership in the technology sector like transactional leadership does not focus on the integration of innovation but continues to use the existing knowledge and expertise. However, the transformational leadership style shares some similarities with regenerative leadership as it focuses on the innovative aspects within the organization for the fulfilment of the organizational vision and mission.


Based on the experience of formulating the mind map, I can conclude that I learnt about the concept and was able to successfully associate the application of regenerative leadership with the business strategies of Tesco.

Action Plan

My action plan is to enhance the learning space and conceptions of regenerative leadership and understand how technology can influence organizational leadership and long-term competitive advantage.


The report has presented the experience of preparing the mind map regarding regenerative leadership. The experiences and feelings of preparing the mind map have been included in the report.


In this study I have conceptualized the aspect of regenerative leadership which are required in the current century along with the consideration of leading technology within the organization operation. By using the Gibbs reflective cycle the mind mate has been framed to analyze different attributes of the regenerative leadership. Apart from that the application of self-development theory as an automatic processing has been dealt with. By the application of the self-development theory I will be able to improve my self-image through interaction with other people that will ultimately influence the characteristics of regenerative leadership in my trait.


Employee benefits, 2020. Tesco in total rewards statement of intent. [Online]
Available at: https://employeebenefits.co.uk/issues/november-2006/tesco-in-total-rewards-statement-of-intent/
[Accessed 18 Feb 2022].

Hardman, G., 2009. Regenerative leadership: An integral theory for transforming people and organizations for sustainability in business, education, and community. s.l.:Florida Atlantic University.

Hardman, J., 2015. REGENERATIVE LEADERSHIP: A Model for Transforming People and Organizations for Sustainability in Business, Education, and Community. Integral Leadership Review, 10(56), p. 20.

Potter, C., 2015. Leadership development: an applied comparison of Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle and Scharmer’s Theory U. Industrial and Commercial Training, 47(6), pp. 336-342.

Sturnick, J., 2004. The Art of Regenerative Leadership: Language, Spirit, and Principles. Education and Culture, 20(1), pp. 42-47.


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