MAN130 Management Research Methods Assignment Sample 2023
1. Introduction
1.1 Background of the study
The term employee motivation mainly refers to as the creativity, commitment and also the energy that is mainly brought by the employees in the work culture. As mentioned by SHARMA and MEHTA, (2017), employees stand as the fundamental structure of the organisation. Therefore, the performance level of the organisation solely depends on the performance level of the employees. As argued by TSVANGIRAI and CHINYAMURINDI, (2019), this is the primary function of every organisation to motivate their employees for better performance level along with the proper marketing strategy.
There are various methods to motivate the employees and to draw their attraction towards the working environment. As mentioned by ROŽMAN et al, (2020), monetary rewards and non-monetary rewards both put a great impact over the employee’s performance level. However, this research would mainly shed light on non-monetary rewards to enhance the employee’s motivation. Non-monetary rewards include the proper recognition of the employees with praise, flexibility of working time, maintaining the equal opportunity for every employee and also growth opportunity based on the performance level. As argued by SUKMAYUDA et al, (2019), all these greatly influenced the employees to enjoy the whole working and thus it puts a positive impact over the organisation performance level.
1.2 Rationale
Huge work pressure or unequal behaviour within the work environment drastically lowers the motivation level of employees within the organisation. As argued by SETIYANI et al, (2019), the management of employees and the maintenance of proper work culture has been a difficult job since the past. Most of the organisation used to experience a high turnover rate or employee recognition that directly affects the productivity level of the organisation.
It can be observed from the above graph that the employee satisfaction level in Asda is at an average level. Thus as mentioned by SASS, (2017), it is important to motivate the employees in a proper way for retaining them into the organisation.
2. Aims and objectives
The main aim of this research work would be to evaluate the impact of non-financial rewards in order to enhance the employee motivation which would help to amplify the performance of Asda.
The objectives of this research work would be as follows-
- To evaluate the role of non-financial rewards in order to boost up employee’s motivation for Asda
- To analyse the role of non-monetary rewards in order to amplify the performance level of Asda
- To investigate the method to improve the non-financial reward system by overcoming all the challenges in order to establish an employee-focused work culture in Asda
3. Literature review
3.1 Concept of Non-financial incentive
In today’s competitive world, it is not enough to marketing the organisation only, but it is also important to motivate the employees. As mentioned by PANAIT and PANAIT, (2018), every employee within the organisation expect to get high-quality services that would push them to work in a better way. Incentives stand as the tools for motivation that helps to boost up the employees and also to provide them high-quality satisfaction level in their job performance. According to BHEBHE, (2019), non-financial incentives represent the special achievement that is baying of money but also motivates the employees to work in a better way. It includes the equality within the work culture, growth opportunity based on the performance level, work flexibility, benefits for them as well as for their families too and many more. As mentioned by SMITH et al, (2015), this non-financial incentive also includes protection after retirement and also the job guarantee during any crisis situation even.
3.2 Concept of employee motivation
Employee motivation mainly refers to as the commitment along with excitement provided by every single employee towards their working culture. As mentioned by MOODLEY et al, (2018), today in this competitive work culture, there are multiple options for working and thus it is important to retain the employees for every organisation. According to JALETA et al, (2019), every employee look for their individual improvement that would help to improve their career skills and also for other benefits that made an easy atmosphere to work on and also to enjoy. Thus as argued by STEFANOVSKA-PETKOVSKA and BOJADZIEV, (2017), employee motivation is very important because it helps to retain the employees and thus directly enhance the work performance of the organisation.
3.4 Herzberg’s motivation theory
Herzberg’s motivation theory, most famously known as two-factor theory, mainly illustrates that there are certain factors that enhance the job satisfaction level of employees and thus helps to motivate them. As mentioned by KEFAY and KERO, (2019), all these factors act independently, but all together they used to motivate the employees to work in a better aspect.
This theory illustrates that motivation is the willingness that provides extra energy to perform any job ion more creative manner. As argued by JALETA et al, (2019), this helps to include creativity within the work culture which helps to enhance the performance level of the organisation. As mentioned by MOODLEY et al, (2018), this motivation helps to understand the own role and responsibility which on the other hand, helps to gain the achievement, advancement, satisfaction and also growth.
3.5 Impact of non-financial incentive on employee motivation
Employee motivation, employee satisfaction and employee engagement- all these are the main buzz words that can be easily heard in the business world. As mentioned by SMITH et al, (2015), employees are the fundamental pillar of the organization and they posed an important role in order to manage most of the important activity of the organisation. Thus as per BHEBHE, (2019), it is important for the organisation to retain their employees in order to improve their performance level and to build a separate as well as unique position in the market. In such an aspect, incentives are the most promising method that can boost up the motivation level of employees and would also possess a significant impact on the organisations’ performance level.
There are various advantages of non- financial incentives on employee motivation as well as an organisation’s performance level.
- Motivates employee to work creatively: Most of the employees used to get demotivate as they do not get the chance to show their creativity and thus it directly affects their performance level. As mentioned by PANAIT and PANAIT, (2018), non- monetary rewards help to provide this chance where the employees get the opportunity to work in a flexible manner. This helps them to work freely and thus they enjoyed their job.
- Establish equality: The establishment of equality and balanced culture within the organisation helps to attract many employees. As mentioned by SASS, (2017), this creates a healthy work culture that motivates most of the employees to work in a better way. As argued by SETIYANI et al, (2019), the workplace bullying put negative impact over the employees which demotivate them to work. However, this establishment of better work culture reduces this mental pressure and thus motivates the employees.
- Provides career growth: Every employee would like to choose the work environment that promotes a growth opportunity for them to progress. As mentioned by SUKMAYUDA et al, (2019), promotion or the praising for any good performance, helps to strengthen the mental power of each employee which helps to motivate them to maintain their performance in future also.
- Enhance trust level: This kind of incentives helps to make a trust or a proper relationship among the lower employees with the hierarchies. Therefore, as mentioned by ROŽMAN et al, (2020), this helps to reduce the barriers and thus creates an open environment within the organisation which accepts every innovative thing in action. Along with this, as mentioned by SHARMA and MEHTA, (2017), is the organisation provides, job security, proper protection for family members and also best retirement plan, then it helps the employees to remain within the same place which is a positive action for the organisation.
3.6 Impact of non-financial incentives on organisations’ performance
- Helps to retain employee: the most effective benefits of non-financial incentive is that this process helps to retain employees within the organisation. As mentioned by SIHAG, (2016), in today’s competitive world, it is crucial to hold the employees, especially the talented employees to improve own performance level. The praising, as well as the job security, helps to make the employees satisfied and thus push them to engage within the work which ultimately reduces resignation rate.
- Helps to improve the organisation’s performance: Non- financial incentives help to motivate the employees to work in a better way. As mentioned by ROŽMAN et al, (2020), appraisal or the praising of employees helps to get better recognition that helps to maintain their productivity level. As argued by SHARMA and MEHTA, (2017), this helps the organisation to improve its performance level which provides a competitive advantage to the company. This helps the company to compete with other competitors and thus help to experience huge profit.
- Inexpensive in nature: Non-financial incentives represents as the inexpensive incentives system that also provides a positive aspect to the organisation for motivating the employees. As mentioned by SUKMAYUDA et al, (2019), financial incentive stands as the expensive one and thus it helps the organisation to motivate the employees with low-cost manner. As argued by SETIYANI et al, (2019), the appraising of new talents easily boosts up the power of employees that directly put a positive impact on their performance level.
- Helps to attract new talents: Proper recognition of talents and also praising of the talents generally falls under the non-monetary incentive schemes. As mentioned by SMITH et al, (2015), this strengthens the mental power of the new talents and thus attracts them easily.
4. Methodology
4.1 Research philosophy
Research philosophy is the brief details about the research phenomenon in which the work has been progressed to generate the required result. As mentioned by CUNNINGHAM et al, (2017), positivism, interpretive, pragmatism and realism are the most commonly used research philosophy that helps to get the required data easily.
In this research work, interpretive research philosophy would be used to get the best outcome. As mentioned by CAO et al, (2020), this philosophy involves both the observation method and interview pattern and thus it would provide major benefits for completion of the work.
4.2 Research approach
Research approaches are primarily two types; inductive and deductive. As mentioned by BRANDY et al, (2018), the research approach mainly includes all the details of the process of the research work in which the work would progress.
In this research work, inductive research approach would be selected for completion of the research work. According to GOYAL et al, (2019), inductive research approach would help to get multiple solutions for one issue and thus it has been provided major impact to get the accurate research result easily.
4.3 Research design
Research design mainly illustrates in which way the research would be organised to get the maximum benefits. As mentioned by RENNER, (2018), there are mainly two minds of research design; exploratory and explanatory.
In this research work, explanatory research design would be selected for conducting the research work. As commented by CHAKRAVARTHY et al, (2018), this would help to increase the understanding level of the researcher on the main issue and thus has provided maximum benefits for the research work.
4.4 Data collection method
Data collection method mainly denotes the process in which the required, as well as essential information of research work would be collected. As mentioned by WRIGHT et al, (2016), primary and secondary are the two major data collection method which is most commonly used in the research work.
In order to complete the research work, both primary and secondary data would be utilised in this research work. As argued by CUNNINGHAM et al, (2017), primary data would provide the practical and authentic information gathered from the employees to complete the research successfully. On the other hand, the secondary data would provide the knowledge of existing kinds of literature that comprises the details of the selected company that is Asda and also the other companies as well.
4.5 Data analysis method
Selection of accurate data analysis method is most important for making the research work successful and to generate the accurate result of the work. As mentioned by IVEY, (2017), the data analysis method helps to interpret the collected information in order to get the fundamental idea and also to generate an accurate outcome.
There are mainly two kinds of data analysis method; qualitative and quantitative data analysis and both these methods would be used in this research work to get accurate information. As argued by BRANDY et al, (2018), qualitative data analysis would help to know the deep understanding of the main issue and also the perspective of the different participants. Along with this, as per the view of CAO et al, (2020), quantitative data analysis method would help to get the information quickly and does help to complete the entire work scientifically.
4.6 Research tools
The research work would include both primary and secondary data collection method to gather all required information for the research work. Similarly, it would also include both qualitative analyses as well as a quantitative analysis method for conducting the research work. In the case of qualitative analysis, semi-structured interview program would be designed to gather the primary information. 3 managers of Asda would be selected in a random manner and they would ask with the 5 open-ended questions. On the other hand, for quantitative data analysis, a survey would be performed among 100 employees of Asda. A list of the close-ended questionnaire would be prepared with the options designed in a 5-Likert scale pattern. All the information’s would be noted down and would be thoroughly analysed to get the best interpretation result. The result of the survey program would be statistically analysed with the help of MS-Excel and the result would be graphically represented for better understanding.
[Refer to appendix 1, 2, 3 and 4]
In the case of secondary data collection, both the company’s information and several existing kinds of literature would be analysed. The current research paper on employee motivation would be selected and would be thoroughly analysed for a complete understanding of the impact of non-monetary rewards in employee motivation. The performance report of the last five years of Asda would be collected and the employee’s performance rate would be observed. Along with this, the impact of employee’s performance on the organisation’s performance would be also evaluated. Non-financial rewards schemes of Asda would be also analysed from the company’s report and the employee’s perspective would be also judged critically. From the annual report of Asda, the performance graph of the company would be analysed that has helped to understand the employee’s motivation level as well as interest within the organisation.
4.7 Sampling technique
In order to perform both qualitative and quantitative analysis, semi-structured interview and survey program would be organised respectively. For the interview purpose, 3 managers of Asda would be selected and they would provide with the interview questionnaire.
On the other hand, for the survey program, 100 employees of Asda would be selected. In order to select the samplers, random sampling method would be selected for this research work. As mentioned by GOYAL et al, (2019), random sampling method would help to select the variety of samples and thus would help to reduce the bias or errors in the data collection procedure.
4.8 Ethical consideration
The research would follow all the ethical consideration in order to maintain the confidentiality of the information. In this research work, different important information of the company would be used as the secondary sources and thus the research work would maintain the ethical regulation to maintain the privacy of the company’s information. Similarly, in the case of survey programs, the opinion of each employee would be kept confidential and would solely use for the research purpose. As per the view of RENNER, (2018), this would help to make the research work more authentic and trustworthy for the society as well as in future use also.
5. Conclusion
5.1 Conclusion
The entire research proposals have discussed the main concept of the research issue along with its background and significance. This proposal has successfully shown the importance of employee motivation in order to enhance the organisation performance level and also to get a maximum competitive advantage. Along with this, the proposal has discussed the main research aim and objectives, based on which the entire research program would be conducted. On the other hand, the proposal has also drafted the details of the research methodology that would help to conduct the research successfully and to generate an accurate research result.
5.2 Limitations
This research topic would leave a significant impact over the society and also on the performance level of the organisation. The major limitation of this research work would be the time constraint and financial issues. As mentioned by SIHAG, (2016), both this shortage of time and the financial balance affect the entire progression of the research work. It can be observed that the research would use the annual reports, performance reports of Asda as the secondary data, which would be enough costly. Thus it would be not possible to get the entire data which would directly put a negative impact on the performance rate of research work. Along with this, another negative aspect of the research world would be the scrutinizing if the primary data. It might be observed that all employees of the organisation would not participate in the survey program and thus it might affect the main aim of this research work.
Reference list
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Appendix 1: Semi-structured interview questionnaires
- What is your concept about non-financial incentives?
- Do you feel every organisation must incorporate this scheme in practice and why?
- Do you have incorporated this practice within your organisation and how?
- What changes have you noticed among employees due to these non-financial incentives?
- What changes have you noticed with respect to the organisation’s performance due to these non-financial incentives?
Appendix 2: Survey questionnaires
- What is your gender?
- Male
- Female
- Are you an employee of Asda?
- Yes
- No
- How long do you have worked in Asda?
- 0-5 years
- 5-10 years
- 10-15 years
- 15-20 years
- More than 20 years
- How far do you agree Asda have an employee-focused working environment?
- Strongly agree
- Agree
- Neutral
- Disagree
- Strongly disagree
- How far do you think that non-financial reward helps to motivate employees?
- Strongly agree
- Agree
- Neutral
- Disagree
- Strongly disagree
- Do you agree that non-financial incentives help to enhance organisation performance?
- Strongly agree
- Agree
- Neutral
- Disagree
- Strongly disagree
- How far do you think that non-financial incentive helps to attract incorporate creativity within work culture?\
- Strongly agree
- Agree
- Neutral
- Disagree
- Strongly disagree
- How strongly do you agree that non-financial rewards help to provide job security?
- Strongly agree
- Agree
- Neutral
- Disagree
- Strongly disagree
- Do you agree with the fact that non-financial rewards help in job engagement?
- Strongly agree
- Agree
- Neutral
- Disagree
- Strongly disagree
- How far do you agree that this practice would maintain equity within work culture?
- Strongly agree
- Agree
- Neutral
- Disagree
- Strongly disagreeKnow more about UniqueSubmission’s other writing services: