Managing Service Experiences Assignment Sample



Managers or leaders play an important role within the organization to manage different business activities. The development pace of the travel industry principally depends on the elements that impact individuals to partake in their travel industry. Based on this situation, it is critical to say that the decision of the travel industry is the fundamental element that impacts the pace of the travel industry in a roundabout way. In order to manage different events, tourism or management events the manager needs to hold their position effectively. In addition, different theories have also been included in this report to support the statements of different authors regarding the role of managers. Moreover, some legal understanding has also been discussed in this report that a manager needs to have.

Purpose of Organization

Different organizations hire managers to manage their business activities systematically with the help of different stakeholders. As stated by Armstrong and Taylor (2020), the resources made available will be used from time to time to assess the outcomes from performing the business. The process consulting will be performed with the help of the marketing department as an integral part of the business planning phases. The competencies of the company will be our source of information for evaluating proper tools in management planning. This will ensure that the company enjoys long-term benefits from these proposed changes in the system.

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Moreover, the values of the organization and the objectives in conducting the business will help employees to determine the factors that are hindering the growth process. In the project management field project, chiefs are known as the fundamental mainstay of that undertaking though they are likewise considered as experts in this field. Project supervisors assume a fundamental part in the area of venture the board which incorporates readiness of the business project, activity plan, execution, support and an effective conclusion. As per Atrill and McLaney (2018), a task director ought to have decent and compelling authority expertise which assists them with remaining associated with different representatives inside an association. Simultaneously, a viable venture administrator ought to spur their representative to turn out adequately for the organization.

Measuring Performance

A compelling pioneer needs to foster his correspondence and elocution abilities so he could undoubtedly speak with his colleagues. As expressed by Walklate et al. (2018), being a pioneer or undertaking director, one wants to foster appropriate correspondence with different representatives. Cultivation theory of correspondence showed powerful correspondence along these lines assists the organization with acquiring benefit from its items in this current serious market. It is critical to keep the labour force generally inspired and see exclusively at the splendid side (Hudson and Hudson, 2017). Besides, a powerful correspondence ability is needed to elevate the eventual outcome to the clients expounding its uniqueness and persuading them to at long last buy it.

Figure 1: Concept of cultivation theory

An effective management procedure is fundamental for an association to forestall any future issues and catastrophes. As thought by Wolniak (2019), recognizable proof and avoidance of dangers are significant for flexible investments. Viable initiative techniques help to achieve momentary benefits from organization-level occasions and have short situations in stock, choices, or obligations. As indicated by the Contingency theory of authority, each pioneer needs to work for their representatives first while he wants to offer help to their colleagues or representatives (Borowiecki et al. 2019). In order to foster a smart project administrator, they need to foster their authority technique so every worker could without much of a stretch speak with their manager. Aside from that, a successful initiative methodology assists with lessening miscommunication with two representatives inside an organization.

Structure and Culture

Scientific capacities concerning independent direction can be acquired through contributing quantitative strategies inactivity to the board. Individuals occupied with this movement are a rich blend of corporate experience and scholastics who give comprehensive schooling in the administration of the business. As expressed by Mullins and McLean (2019), in operations and store networks the executives are worried about legitimate execution, helpful production network and opposite strategies. As indicated by the current contextual investigation being an undertaking administrator, he should know how to execute an arrangement appropriately. In order to finish smart business projects appropriately and successfully, project administrators should be aware of legitimate execution and task arranging as well.

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Moreover, carrying out all critical thinking and dynamic methodology each task director could investigate and figure the association’s escape clauses and hindrances coming in the method of the business concern. Through intensive examination, they showed up with helpful answers to beat the issues of helpless activity on the board. As expressed by George (2020), project managers or leaders ought to be considered by counselling the individuals who deal with comparable issues in a similar industry. Partners are a significant component of the business. It adequately deals with the various properties of dealing with an association including individuals, and components of the creative interaction. It guarantees to keep up with the nature of items produced, getting a charge out of upper hands according to consumer loyalty and up development of incomes.


Each activity inside an association is interlinked and impacted 100% of the time by any issues emerging in an associated area. As stated by Indrajaya et al. (2021), focusing on and settling such issues helps to keep the work process in the whole association smooth and proficient. In addition, partner examination guides will assist with recognizing individuals that are straightforwardly or in a roundabout way connected with a specific business project.

Being an administrator of an It industry, it is vital to comprehend the connection between the workers and colleagues. In addition, a manager needs to structure out what are the primary drivers for the absence of correspondence between representatives. As indicated by Messner (2017), Stakeholder analysis map assists with further developing significant ideas in regards to traditional models with the assistance of conduct and sociologies. This hypothesis of organizational behaviour characterizes an association’s need to change its functioning framework both inner and outer with the progressions of the current climate. Powerful correspondence between representatives is becoming essential for each association to remain serious and flourish.

Financial Management

Key elements that evaluate the appeal of an organization in the market include new contestants and existing organizations. A few procedures, for example, rebate estimating techniques, advancement and promoting methodologies can assist with conquering the present circumstance quickly. Target business market and cutthroat market accomplishment is another significant component that an organization ought to continue to remain steadfast in a serious market. As indicated by Hudson and Hudson (2017), each organization ought to rival their rivals which assists the organization with getting more data about the current business market and contender organization’s business procedures also. Lewin’s Change Management Model functions as an appropriate change approach for adjusting changes inside an association. As per the view of George (2020), change approaches ought to be effectively satisfactory for the clients and workers. Before happening, any change organization chiefs ought to propel their client and should give short information about its benefit to the organization. Network protection elements, for example, distributed computing help to foster safer administrations for their clients and partners.

In addition, passwords ought to be solid and diverse utilizing images and utilizing blending characters. Rapid trial and error on developing propensities and self-association inside a piece of the information-driven dynamic system helps to run counter organizations who’s worth, construction and administration rules are intended to fabricate a Digital-Ready Culture (Wolniak, 2019). Aside from this, a computerized prepared culture needs to foster an Autocratic Style initiative methodology to assemble a solid advanced firm in an objective market. This kind of administration assists with persuading their representatives to work for a specific organization.

Legal Understanding

In case of legal understanding, it showed a manager’s need to have proper knowledge about the company policy. As stated by Riches and Allen (2013), different organizations hold different policies that help the organization to motivate its employees. As compared to different financial and legal prospectus the manager of the company needs to maintain its business activities. According to Realist Law theory, it showed legal information needs to be stored by company managers to keep that information hidden. Such changes have looked to guarantee that the general set of laws is better ready to take into account the manners by which ladies experience and react to men’s brutality. The proof proposes that there is still a lot of opportunities to get better in the execution and utilization of these laws. A similar perception may be made of the arraignment cycle and any related court procedures.


It could be concluded that managers play an essential role to manage any particular event of business projects effectively. At the same time, it showed there are different factors that influence energy individual managers to manage their roles within any organization. Different theories and hypotheses used in the report have helped to understand in which situation a leader or manager went through while managing their roles. However, it has fostered their initiative procedure with the goal that they could deal with a struggle among representatives and different contenders. Struggle to deal with is a significant part that needs legitimate correspondence among leaders and different partners.

Reference list:


Armstrong, M., & Taylor, S. (2020). Armstrong’s handbook of human resource management practiceb(15th ed.). Kogan Page.

Atrill, P., & McLaney, E. J. (2018). Accounting and finance for non-specialists (11th ed.). Pearson Education.

Hudson, S., & Hudson, L. (2017). Customer service for hospitality and tourism. (2nd ed.). Goodfellows.

Mullins, L. J., & McLean, J. E. (2019). Organisational behaviour in the workplace (12th ed.). Pearson.

Riches, S., & Allen, V. (2013). Keenan and Riches’ business law (11th ed.). Pearson.


Borowiecki, R., Kusio, T. and Siuta-Tokarska, B., 2019. The role of a manager in managing intellectual capital in the context of innovative projects in an enterprise. Organization and Management, (1 (184)), pp.59-71.

George, C., 2020. Unravelling the critical role of project manager in project management success. Article in International Journal of Science and Research, 9(3), pp.189-194.

Indrajaya, T., Idrus, S., Suflani, S. and Natan, N., 2021. THE ROLE OF PERSONNEL MANAGER TO INCREASE EMPLOYEE MOTIVATION. International Journal of Economy, Education and Entrepreneurship, 1(3), pp.286-296.

Walklate, S., Fitz-Gibbon, K. and McCulloch, J., 2018. Is more law the answer? Seeking justice for victims of intimate partner violence through the reform of legal categories. Criminology & Criminal Justice, 18(1), pp.115-131.

Wolniak, R., 2019. Operation manager and its role in the enterprise. Production Engineering Archives, 24.


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