MAR013-1 Analysis Of Co-Cultural Frameworks Assignment Sample

Here’s the best sample of MAR013-1 Analysis Of Co-Cultural Frameworks Assignment, written by the expert. 

George’s wrong deeds

According to the given conditions, George Burges is the chief engineer of the machine manufacturing organization in St. Louis his company signed up with the largest customer in Japan to upgrade the technology, make it more efficient and effective at the same time. Therefore, the Japanese company sent there 10 men to George for the 3 months training purposes. At the starting of the training, everything is going very well. Japanese workers are very good and very hard working. The best thing is that they are very fluent in speaking English which also helps them and hence, they can have a better language platform for communication purposes (Ting-Toomey and Dorjee, 2018). As time passes and their training is going on very smoothly and they are working well. But after sometimes George is annoyed with them very much and this has happened because the demands of the Japanese workers are increasing even in the personal time of George. The Japanese trainer used to go to him for extra information even after the scheduled time is over. They even asked him what to do in their free or rest periods. Sometimes they even take their disputes to him for the settlement, these things annoyed him very much and George becomes very annoyed due to their behavior, therefore he said to them that it is not good to mix the business with pleasure. These things offend the trannie and they asked for the new instructor. In the whole of this incident, it is pretty clear that nobody is doing anything wrong but why things go in this way.

MAR013-1 Analysis Of Co-Cultural Frameworks Assignment

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This thing happened because of the contrast in the different cultural frameworks. The trainee belongs to Japanese culture and belief. They used to be very hardworking and they even try to get more and more information after the specific time over. They need to learn more and more things and this is happening due to their different cultural background and framework. They are always doing this type of study and learning even they need to help their boss in some personal issues for guidance.  Opposite to them, George is belonging to the different cultural background and contrast. He used to be a hardworking man and the instructor but he is a time-specific person. He thinks that if the specific time of the instructions is over and if there is his time so no one can disturb him in there and due to that he is too annoyed. This is the place George goes wrong because as an instructor he has the duty to understand the cultural background of the trainee and their thinking (Troth et al.¸2018).  But he did not do these things at all and this causes the problems between them and things to go that bad.

Better understanding factors for George

Firstly, George has to talk to the trainees and has to give some of the time of his own in order to make a bond. This bond helps both of them as the trainee will able to understand what George is trying to say and George understands what they are trying to say. This is not about the language because the trainee even came from Japan, they are able to speak fluent English. There is the question of the understanding of each other’s’ feelings and emotions. To understand that George has to step up and try to make the bond. Even that bond is only a teacher-student but when George is talking to them about themselves and what are their beliefs and all. Then he used to know really about the reasons why they are doing this. In this meantime, George is also able to tell them what he thinks about that particular thing. When these types of exchange of words and talking are done then the bond between both of them becomes good which helps them in order to know each other. As George learns about the contrast between the cultural framework of the trainees then it is possible that he can understand his very well and maybe he did not become that annoyed like previously (Sukhera and Watling, 2018). When he is giving that much effort on them, then, definitely, they are also able to or try to understand the cultural framework and the thinking of him. When these types of things going on and both of them are understanding them then George does not become annoyed even if the trainee came to him for the little things. At the same time, the trainees also understand that it is not good to go to him every time for small things. This is how both of them understand each other cultural framework and thinking. After understanding this George is able to teach them in a more effective way without being annoyed or pissed and the trainees also try not to annoy him (Smircich, 2017). This is how he can understand the cross-cultural easily and his problems become solved.

Use of intercultural theories

In this given condition of George the instructor and the trainees who came from Japan who are not able to understand each other in a good possible way because of the different cultural frameworks and the background which they have. In this type of condition, the use of the co cultural theory is very helpful as both of them are different or contrast cultural framework (Graham et al., 2018). According to this theory, the basic concept is to communicate with the person who is from different thinking age, sex, place, cultural framework and many more. In this theory, people from different cultural backgrounds and the belief come together and try to talk to each other. While talking to each other they are able to understand really about their cultural background and the framework that what they are thinking really about the things (Inglehart, 2018). It means that even there is not a language barrier there may be a barrier to the cultural beliefs and the framework. If the person belongs to some culturally different to others he always used to do the work according to the things he learned in his culture. So, this makes the difference between the people therefore it is very important to reduce this difference and clear out this barrier. This barrier is only removed when we are ready to share and talk to the person of different cultural beliefs, backgrounds, and frameworks. When we talk to them, then, only we can understand them and maybe that thing clear out all of the previous assumptions which we have made about them without talking to them (Ivanova-Gongne and Törnroos, 2017). This process of the co cultural helps the different people of different places and different backgrounds to understand each other and able to help others. This theory of the eco-cultural can be used by George in order to understand the Japanese trainees in the proper way and if he understands him properly then, he did not become angry with their doings and nothing wrong can happen.

Advice for George

The advice to George is very simple and clear. When we are doing business or talking and many more things with the people of the different cultural backgrounds, frameworks it is very important to give time to them. This time is not the time which is given by him as the instructor this time is personal time. When someone is giving the person time to anyone the first thing came to their mind that the person is giving an effort towards them and this makes things very easy for both sides. As time passes it is important that there has to be some talk is done other than the business and the work. When this type of talk has happened between the two different types of parties that belong to the totally different palace and the cultural things, they are able to know each other (Adler and Aycan, 2018). They are able to understand each other. As in the given incident the George become annoyed due to the behavior which is done by the Japanese trainees as they are disturbing him in his personal time which, he did not want to share at all. This type of things makes the difference between them and when George told them to do not disturb in his personal time the trainees become angry and they demand for the instructor change. In this incident things goes wrong because no one tried to understand each other and which creates more distance between them (Sheikh et al., 2017). So as the instructor the George has to learn that before teaching anyone or the person who is from totally different cultural background and framework it is very important to make a good bond with them and this bond is not like relation, the bond is also professional. Here the bond means that both of the parties understand each other and try to do the work in some limitations, so that no one is offended.


Adler, N.J. and Aycan, Z., 2018. Cross-cultural interaction: what we know and what we need to know. Adler, 5.

Graham, K.A., Dust, S.B. and Ziegert, J.C., 2018. Supervisor-employee power distance incompatibility, gender similarity, and relationship conflict: A test of interpersonal interaction theory. Journal of Applied Psychology, 103(3), p.334.

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Inglehart, R., 2018. Culture shift in advanced industrial society. Princeton University Press.

Ivanova-Gongne, M. and Törnroos, J.Å., 2017. Understanding cultural sensemaking of business interaction: A research model. Scandinavian Journal of Management, 33(2), pp.102-112.

Sheikh, Z., Islam, T., Rana, S., Hameed, Z. and Saeed, U., 2017. Acceptance of social commerce framework in Saudi Arabia. Telematics and Informatics, 34(8), pp.1693-1708.

Smircich, L., 2017. Concepts of culture and organizational analysis. In The Anthropology of Organisations (pp. 255-274). Routledge.

Sukhera, J. and Watling, C., 2018. A framework for integrating implicit bias recognition into health professions education. Academic Medicine, 93(1), pp.35-40.

Ting-Toomey, S. and Dorjee, T., 2018. Communicating across cultures. Guilford Publications.

Troth, A.C., Lawrence, S.A., Jordan, P.J. and Ashkanasy, N.M., 2018. Interpersonal emotion regulation in the workplace: a conceptual and operational review and future research agenda. International Journal of Management Reviews, 20(2), pp.523-543.


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